Fireworks CS4 betaを使ってみた

Fireworks CS4 betaを使ってみた。一言でいうと、私が改善して欲しかった部分は何も変わっていない。表面のみペンキを塗り替えたと言う印象である。アップグレードを見送ろうかと言う気もしてくる。環境 はIntel iMac, OSX 10.5.4
私はFireworks CS3を持っているが、殆ど使っていないので、指摘には間違いがあるかも知れない点はお許し下さい。またFireworks CS4は深く使い込んだ結果の意見でも無い点もご了承下さい。
私は今までウェブ制作はCSS対応のサイトを主にレイヤーを使って実現してきたが、最近はどうしても必要な部分のみに位置指定機能を使用するようになった。しかし画像書き出しにはレイヤー単位 で書き出す方法が色々な点で理にかなっていると思っている。
しかし私の方法でFireworks CS4を使おうとすると、レイヤー機能が使いづらい事に気づく。まず、イラストレーターのように、コンテンツを複数のレイヤーに一発で分配する機能を付けるべきである。また、ショーカットコ マンドでひとつのレイヤー以外のレイヤーの選択の機能も是非とも必要である。
もう一つ例を挙げると、ある図形のアウトラインの設定を変えたいと思う時、前の設定にすぐに戻れず、「基本」メニューの中の入れ子のメニューを探して、設定し直すなどと言う事になり、面倒であ る。問題にしているのは、こういった部分の基本的なインターフェースの使いにくさである。なにも見た目の事を言っているのではない。
もう一つ、最も重要な事は、未だに各アドビ社製のソフト間での、互換性が取れていない事である。今回ようやくイラストレーターのファイルを開く事ができた。しかし、位置がズレたり、一部の文字 はアウトライン化されていたり、マスクなどが不本意に変換されていたりと満足の行くものではない。イラストレーター画像のペーストもうまく行かない。恐らく本バージョンでもあまり期待できない であろう。
最初のソフトである、イラストレーターが登場するまで、円形を書く場合でも、わざわざスクリプトを書く必要があった。しかしイラストレーターの登場で革命が起こった。そのインターフェースの理 念に驚き、また深く賛同した経験がある。今でもイラストレーターのインターフェースは一般向けソフトウェアの理想であると思う。しかしウェブの状況はその前の段階である気もする。
マクロメディア社をアドビ社が合併吸収した事は、ユーザーにとってメリットがあったかと言えば、私にとっては殆ど無かったと言って良い。メリットと言えば、各ソフト間の互換性が取れる事、ソフ トが安く買える事等が考えられるが、どの程度実現しているだろうか。別々に購入して使っている状況と殆ど変わっていない。
各ソフト間の完全な互換性こそ、必死で目指すべきなのだ。イラストレーターは印刷用のソフトではない。CMYKの色に関する機能以外は、全てウェブに使う事ができる。フォトショップも同様だ。 つまり、完全に、Fireworksとこれらのソフトは重複しているのだ。Fireworksを使い込めば、これらのソフトを使う頻度は減って行く気がする。
私の様な独習派は、使ってみないと中々気がつかないが、Fireworksで制作すると、非常に緻密なグラフィックが作れる事に気がついた。恐らくファンの多くは、この点に魅了されているに違 いない。そうなると何とか使ってみようかと言う気も出てくるが、Fireworksを使うかイラストレーターを使うかの二者択一を迫られそうで中々踏み切れない。
Fireworksと機能の重複するこれらのソフトとの関係を整理する必要がアドビ社に突きつけられていると思う。それの一番の近道は、Fireworksを根本から書き直し、旧アドビ社ユー ザーと旧マクロメディア社ユーザーの双方を満足させるようなソフトを早急に実現する事だとおもう。
ウェブにおいては、旧来のアドビ社ユーザーを無視し、多数派であるマクロメディア派を重視した結果となっている。双方を満足させるのが筋であろう。その実現に必死になって努める必要がある。原 因は市場独占状態にあぐらをかいた怠慢だとしたら言い過ぎだろうか。強制的にGoLiveも製造打ちきりとなった。本来の市場の競争関係が維持されていたなら、GoLiveのユーザーの様な顧 客層を満足させるような製品を必死になって用意する筈である。

よく見てみると、あちこちにイラストレーター的なコマンドも散らばっている。ショートカット(マックではキーの組み合わせでメニューコマンドを実現する機能の事)もイラストレーターのようにカ スタマイズすればかなり使い易くなる。
私にとって一番頭が痛いのは、このソフトを使う事は、(イラストレーターとの完全な互換性がないので、)長年使い込んできたイラストレーターを封印せざるを得なくなる点だ。現状のアドビ社の政 策ではそうなっている。
難しいのなら、イラレファイルを読み込む際、フラッシュの様に、ダイヤログで設定を選ばせたらどうか。Fireworks CS3では、警告も一切出ず、強制終了する羽目になる。
最も基本的な操作においてもイラストレーターとはかなり違いがある点が違和感を感じさせる。要素の選択一つにとってもそうだ。例えば、マックでは(または殆どのアプリケーション上で)オプショ ンキーを押しながらドラッグするとコピーが生成される。所がここではグループ画像はそうならない。
また、ベータ版だからという訳ではないと思うが、反応が遅いのだ。前のバージョンもそうだ。この反応の遅さが、より使いにくいと言う印象を倍増させている。(DREAMWEAVERもややそう いう感じがある。2GHzのiMac上。)選択したいものがなかなか選択できないのだ。レイヤーでの選択もなかなか素早く反応してくれない。
レイヤーと言えば、なぜ未だにスライスなのか。テーブルレイアウトが推奨されていない現状において、スライスはテーブルレイアウトをベースにしている。逆にレイヤーごとの書き出しには全くと言 っていいほど対応していない。
フォトショップでレイヤー分けしたファイルを取り込んだら、全部を選択し、矩形スライスをマルチで生成させる事で、スライスごとの色彩最適化機能が働く事に気づいた。勿論、空白スライスは無視 して、選択スライスのみの画像書き出しをすればよい。
思うに、今のアドビ社のウェブにおけるマーケット戦略は私のような一部ユーザーには強いストレスを強いていて、ついて来れるものはついて来いと言っているように見える。そのかわり、高い料金を 取る。諦める者も多いかも知れない。私の周りでは、グラフィックデザインからウェブに転身したものはいない。
ある意味、使えこなせるものにとっては存在価値が上がるので、むしろありがたいのだ。特にウェブ関連やフラッシュにおいて。それを肯定するものが多いのだろう。私のようなものは迷いながら進ん で行くしかないようである。

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    Uninstall the trial.
    Then dl/run the clean up script here
    Install trial again.

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    Fireworks is a graphics editor that can export code; it is not an HTML/code editor.
    If you have exported HTML from Fireworks, you ought to be able to re-import that, but I would think most people who use Fireworks exported code would just modify their Fireworks document and re-export. (Fireworks' code is not robust and it is only intended for mockups and prototypes. Fireworks is not intended for developing and maintaining live Web sites; Dreamweaver is.)
    If your developer used Dreamweaver, then I really don't expect that Fireworks would be able to import that, nor any code that isn't in exactly the format that it can export. If you know your developer used Fireworks, then you need to look for .png files. Fireworks uses an enhanced version of the PNG format for its native document format.
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    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks Neil and Buko for your input. Here's where things stand now:
    1) I uninstalled FW CS4
    2) I uninstalled CS3
    3) I ran Cleanup Script
    4) I repaired permissions using Disk First Aid
    5) I reinstalled CS3
    The problems with Bridge remained (sluggish, won't display icons properly, won't show a preview image, won't operate the folder list, etc.).
    So I called Adobe support. Unfortunately, because I am having problems installing CS3 and NOT CS4, support is NOT FREE. The rep was helpful though -- she pointed me to document number 331594 (Diagnosing Bridge problems) and told me to start there. I followed EVERY step . . . disable start-up scripts, reverted to original preferences, cleaned up the cache, disabled the folder windows, and the problems remain.
    Guess I'll have to pay . . .
    Lesson learned: don't trial Adobe software. That's when my problems began.

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    For example hair of a man...
    Do you know a trick or a tecnique? wrote:
    > Ok this is an example... I need a trick or tecnique to
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    > creating a long animation) fill areas with strokes
    placed in different layers...
    > I need to fill all hairs (front and back) in one time,
    clothes in one time and
    > so on...
    Is there a reason each path is it's own object? Do they have
    to remain
    this way?
    If they don't, you can select the paths that make up the
    different areas
    and try using Modify > Alter Path > Join or Modify
    > Alter Path >
    Union. You will probably need to remove some anchor points if
    you choose
    one of these options.
    Are you aware of the Vector path tool which let's you draw a
    freehand? That might be a better option than the Pen tool.
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    Adobe Community Expert
    .:Author:. -
    Peachpit Press -
    Layers Magazine -

  • Fireworks CS4 Internal error when starting

    Have upgraded to CS4 Web Premium yesterday. Everything seems
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    When trying to load it says 'Fireworks can not be started,
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    I have tried re-installing, I have tried removed Application
    Data and renaming the Control Panels folder (read this somewhere as
    something to try) but nothing resolves the problem.
    At the moment I have to revert to using Fireworks CS3 which
    continues to work without any problems.

    Originally posted by:
    Very Invisible
    Originally posted by:
    I had this same issue. When I loaded Fireworks CS4, it would
    get past the splash screen but then come up with an error "An
    internal error occurred. An internal error occurred" (yes the
    message appeared twice in the same message box).
    I resolved this issue by deleting my Fireworks CS4
    "configuration" folder.
    For Vista users you can find this folder under
    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\. Sorry XP users
    but I don't know the exact path for you but will assume that it is
    something like C:\Documents and
    Settings\<username>\Application Data\Adobe\.
    I renamed the "Fireworks CS4" folder to "Fireworks CS4 OLD"
    (just so I could access it again if need be). When I relaunched
    Firefox CS4, the "configuration" folder was recreated and my
    problem disappeared (along with any preferences and workspaces that
    I had created - but hey that is better than NOT being able to
    access the application fullstop).
    I hope this can help you all.
    I did that. I even deleted the whole Adobe folder and still
    having no luck.
    I can only try and reinstall Windows Vista :(
    When you say that you deleted the whole Adobe folder do you
    mean the one I described
    (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\)? The only reason
    I ask is that you say in your earlier post that you were playing
    around with "Program Files/Adobe/Fireworks CS4".

  • Fireworks CS4 hangs on install

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    a "prepaing to install" message. The process will go no farther
    than that. I even left it in that state overnight with no progress
    this morning.
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    install log file and reboot. Did that. Same hanging result. I've
    seen other problems ahead dealing with fonts and loading, but I'm
    certainly not even that far in the process. I can't even get the
    program installed. Guess I'll have that to battle later (hope not
    Any solutions to resolve this problem would be appreciated.
    (running on XP by the way)

    Ok, I got this working, FINALLY!
    Out of desparation, I uninstalled just about all of my Adobe
    software. Then I cleaned the Adobe entries in the Registry and
    removed the excess Application Data from my c:\Documents and
    Settings folder. Then I rebooted my computer and disabled my
    Antivirus software. I was able to install the entire Master
    Collection without any errors.
    This was a waste of a perfectly good week. It would have been
    helpful if the install program did this for me. My company paid
    good money for this software, not to mention my time to
    troubleshoot the installation. I have no beta software on this
    computer so I'm not sure how I got into this state.
    Good luck, all ye followers!

  • Is it possible to install Fireworks CS4 without other "hang-on" programs?

    Hello gentlemen,
    The question at hand is simple indeed;
    Is it possible to install Fireworks CS4 without other "hang-on" programs? Especially Bridge CS4?
    See the problem is were running version cue cs3, and we simply cannot shift to cs4, cause VC CS4 is not recognised by bridge cs3. Hairy yes.
    Some of us need ONLY fireworks cs4, cause its miles better than cs3, but it automatically installs bridge cs4. And this kind of sucks, cause
    we cant use the cs3 version cue server after that.
    Big thanks for your answers!

    leetspeek wrote:
    really noone doesn't have a clue?
    I don't remember my installer program that well, no. I don't remember if it was possible to de-select Bridge. Did you try custom install to see? What have you tried?
    It's possible to remove Bridge....
    This search oq=&aqi=
    Brings up this Adobe TechNote article as the first item:
    Manually remove Adobe Bridge (Windows)
    Have you tried removing the unwanted version and then, possibly, installing/repairing to the old?
    If you're uncomfortable editing your registry, then WinASO has a good registry cleaner: (That's for Windows. Don't know how Macs do things.)
    Other than that, I suggest you contact Adobe Support.

  • Fireworks CS4 Mac OS X Version 10.0.4 update

    This update won't install on my MacBook 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/4 GB RAM -- running OS 10.6.3. After several attempts, now (using the "dmg" file)  it says: "Cannot Install Please click the Quit button • Adobe Fireworks CS4 - Already Installed" but it isn't as far as I can tell.
    I have CS3 on my computer as well. I have had a love/hate relationship with Firewire and Dreamweaver going back for many years. I was hoping they would get better when Adobe bought them out, but I guess not.
    They are both practically unusable on my old PowerPC, but acceptable on my Intel MacBook. Not great -- just acceptable.
    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
    Brad Dye, Editor
    AAPC Wireless Messaging News

    This update won't install on my MacBook 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/4 GB RAM -- running OS 10.6.3. After several attempts, now (using the "dmg" file)  it says: "Cannot Install Please click the Quit button • Adobe Fireworks CS4 - Already Installed" but it isn't as far as I can tell.
    I have CS3 on my computer as well. I have had a love/hate relationship with Firewire and Dreamweaver going back for many years. I was hoping they would get better when Adobe bought them out, but I guess not.
    They are both practically unusable on my old PowerPC, but acceptable on my Intel MacBook. Not great -- just acceptable.
    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
    Brad Dye, Editor
    AAPC Wireless Messaging News

  • Snow Leopard 10.6.2 recommended for Adobe Fireworks CS4

    The release of update version for Snow leopard by Apple is expected to fix some random crashes which have been encountered while working with Adobe Fireworks CS4.
    Once the Snow Leopard machine has been updated, the version should read 10.6.2
    Please go ahead and update your boxes to this update.

    My experience is that there are certain .ttf fonts that are great in Windows but not at all compatible with Mac, and they can cause issues with software that uses fonts.
    Case in point:
    I have two PCs and a MacBook. I have virtually Identical software suites on them all (Office, CS4, PSElements, Full sets of browsers). I also have a font library of around 5,000 fonts.
    Until last month, I just ran them all from the system fonts folder.  On the PCs, this lead to slooooooooooooowwwwwwwww running in all of CS4 and Word in Office especially when I had to change a font.
    On the Mac, it kept Fireworks from launching altogether. It would just crash at the splash screen.
    Since I work from Time Machine and ghost backups, reformatting a hard drive and reloading everything is just an afternoon for me. I reloaded all three systems, this time with Suitcase Fusion to manage my fonts. It comes with FontDoctor to ID any bad fonts before setting up a library from the full set.
    On the PCs it ID'd about 35 bad fonts and I chose to eliminate them. On the Mac, it ID'd about 135. Again, I did away with them.
    End result: Office 2007 and the 2010 Beta are lightning fast now by comparison, and on the Mac, Fireworks is fully functional.
    Since the only thing I changed, was the fonts (removing bad ones from each system and using a manager to activate them) I can safely say that fonts will have an impact on your software.
    If FontBook ID'd them as bad, dump them. They'll likely cause more trouble than they're worth if you don't.

  • Fireworks CS4 doesn't install with Windows 7 RTM

    I have installed Adobe Master Suite into Windows 7 RTM without any problems.. but I have attempted many times to install Fireworks CS4 but it stalls while doing the initial system check at 90% done. I have set the 'setup' file to Vista compatibility with administrative mode... still stalls... Does anyone know if it's something with a real incompatiblity with Window 7 or something that I'm not doing (or missing)...
    Any help would sure be appreciated.  (the client is getting pretty cranky now.... )

    You say "Someone got it to install: ".. I mentioned that the problem is with CS4  not with CS3... also the operatiing system stated here is the RTM ("Release To Market") and not the Beta..
    I have downloaded all of the trial applications from Adobe and all installed perfectly with the exception of Firefox. This leads me to the assumption that the problem is with the application and not the operating system.
    Back to the original post... has anyone managed to install Firefox CS4 using Windows 7 RTM or later ???
    Thanks for reading this post...

  • Can't uninstall dreamweamweaver cs4 beta

    I can't uninstall dreamweamweaver cs4 beta so i can't install
    the full version. When i tell it to uninstall it doesn't do
    anything even though the setup.exe process is running. I tried
    manually deleting the program files but there's still traces of it
    because when I try installing the new version it says i have to
    uninstall the Beta. What can i do?

    "John Waller" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:gfvpij$pho$[email protected]..
    >> Over the years, it has become customary at PVII to
    either buy a new
    >> computer or reformat an existing one when a new
    Dreamweaver version is
    >> released. This has become even more important with
    the evolution of
    >> Adobe's Suitorius Humungous.
    > That's an impressive policy but sounds like overkill to
    > Can't say I've ever had to reformat for a new version of
    DW or Creative
    > Suite.
    We do that for production machines. What Adobe suites do to
    registry is not very good (similar problems exist with Mac's
    cache). Aside from bloat, there is no logical cleanup so you
    invariably wind
    up with niggling problems such as the wrong version of
    Fireworks popping up
    at the wrong time - or no version popping up at all. Since
    our gallery
    products rely on inter-application communications, this is a
    nuisance. There
    are other issues, but this one hits home (as well as our
    customers), hence
    tech notes like this:
    We also keep "dirty" machines on which are installed MX2004,
    8, CS3, and now
    CS4. Those are fun, but it helps in developing fixes for our
    Al Sparber - PVII
    Fully Automated Menu Systems | Galleries | Widgets

  • Problems Installing Fireworks CS4 - OS 10.5.6

    Hi All,
    Recently downloaded the Fireworks CS4 trial for my imac running 10.5.6.
    Downloads fine, but hangs on the 'preparing to install' screen.
    This is killing me, please help!!!
    Thx in advance.

    Sigh, I keep thinking I've found a solution, but no luck... First off, note this thread is specifically asking about a problem with Mac OS 10.5.6, so all Window solutions might be better found on a thread that's not supposed to be directed to a specific Mac problem. Second, I just wanted to state I'm having an identical issue, and I've tried every uninstall / cleanup script / reinstall method I could find on Adobe Support (many support pages referenced in these boards), and not one has worked. I'm so frustrated that Adobe locks down their software in such a complicated way that it results in so many PAID CUSTOMERS not being able to use the software they paid Adobe good money for, and also results in us losing countly hours attempting to fix the problem(s). And sadly, when I do searches to fix my problems, I find see tons of results for cracked versions of this software, and I can't help but wonder if I would have fewer issues running the cracked software than I paid so much for.
    Can you tell I'm frustrated? Thanks for letting me vent. I've contacted Adobe support, if they are able to help me, I will post the solution here. And if they want to charge me for the support, boy will I be peeved!

  • A stability/bugfix update is coming soon for Fireworks CS4!

    Great news! Read here:
    As you know, Fireworks CS4 has some issues remaining, that were not solved by the latest patch. The Fireworks Team and Adobe were listening! So a soon-to-come patch (2-3 months from now, I think) will try to address some of the most serious problems remaining in Fireworks CS4 -- the "crash on quit", and various other serious bugs that exist on the Mac and Win version of Fireworks CS4.
    Please, post any important issues that you experience in Fireworks CS4 here:
    Select "Fireworks" in the drop-down list, and describe the bug the best you can. All info that you will post this way will be directly received by the Fireworks team and investigated!
    Your feedback is needed by the Fw team, so here's your chance to be heard, and to see soon a much more stable and better working Fireworks CS4! So please help!

    As you know, a soon-to-be-released patch for Fireworks CS4 is announced!
    Fireworks team needs a bit more testers for CS4, so if you:
    1) Use  Fireworks CS4 every day, and a lot, (no matter if you are on Windows or a Mac),
    2) Have issues with Fireworks  CS4 -- slow performance, NOT ENOUGH MEMORY bugs, INTERNAL ERRORs, etc.,
    3)  Are willing to spend some time testing a Fireworks CS4 patch that will  address some of these issues, and also log a bug or two on your own,
    Then please,  contact Bruce Bowman! (He is Fireworks product manager)
    Email Bruce Bowman at: bbowman at adobe dotcom
    Bruce is currently looking for people  willing to test a bug fixing/performance improvement patch for Fireworks  CS4!
    ( )
    Thanks to anyone willing to contribute to a more stable, more performant Fireworks CS4!

  • Fireworks cs4 save as psd problems

    Hi all, 1st post on here.
    Anyway, I use fireworks for all my design comps, it does just what i want.
    However, i have been doing some design only work reasently and the work is always requested as a psd!
    I dont really understand photoshop to be honest, so dont want to design in it. I have tried 'save as psd' from fireworks cs4 but the results are unusual!
    Gradients dont appear unless flattened, and the strokes on some paths are missing as well. There are probably more errors that i have yet to spot.
    Am i doing something daft here?
    All help greatly appreciated.

    Fireworks CS4 should save as .psd (Photoshop CS4 version). I see the problem with gradients, though... (Hopefully, next version of Fireworks -- CS5 -- will address some of these problems, when saving as PSD.)
    Fireworks is not perfect when saving PSD. PSD is native Photoshop format, so this is the reason why Fireworks cannot save so well in it.
    If you do serious design work and they request from you .psd, I suppose, Photoshop will do much better job for you... Yes, it is much more difficult than Fireworks, it is not so intuitive, but that's the best I can think of...
    I work as a Web designer for many years, and I always used Fireworks in my work. However, if I receive a design as .psd, Fireworks can open it very well. And I never needed to produce designs in .psd, I make my own design often, or I simply code other designer's PSD files, as CSS/XHTML...
    Unfortunately, I can't help you much in this... Maybe some other Fw guru will be able to do better!

Maybe you are looking for

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