First backup messed up?

I set up my TC pretty quickly. Went to TM, chose to exclude a downloads file and users/myname/library/FileSync (because this holds the sparsebundle that is my local iDisk copy), clicked to change disks from my old TM backup HD.
During the backup there appeared on my desktop a Disk Image with a folder in it labeled "Backups.backupdb" which seemed odd to me. And in the TC icon on my desktop was a sparsebundle image, which also seemed weird to me. Not what I was used to in my old TM backups.
After the backup, the Disk Image disappeared, but the TC icon remained with the sparsebundle image in it. Odd.
I went to erase the external HD connected to the TC, which held my old TM backup. It started to erase it (in disk utility) but stopped, telling me that FileSync was in use. So I ejected that disk, connected it directly to my MBP (OS 10.5.2), and erased it.
Then the disk image reappeared with that folder labeled Backups.backupdb, and in that a folder labeled Cherry Donald’s Computer, and in that folder with dates and times and all the stuff I was used to with my old TM backups.
So what is happening? Why is there a sparsebundle image in the TC icon? Shouldn't the folders that are in that Disk Image be in the TC icon, and the Disk Image not be there at all?
Perhaps I should not have excluded users/my name/library/FileSync? Perhaps I should have excluded only the sparsebundle INSIDE sers/my name/library/FileSync, which is the local copy of my iDisk.
Any advice?
EDIT: Okay now after the latest backup, the Disk Image is gone. Still, the sparsebundle is in the TC icon, rather than a bunch of folder with dates and such. Is this how it is supposed to be?
a second EDIT: Okay, now I opened the Time Machine application, just to see that I could go back in time, and the Disk Image appeared again, and is there now. So it disappears after a backup, then reappears if I open TM and look around.
Message was edited by: EddieT
Message was edited by: EddieT

What I was referring to is the Sparse Disk Image Bundle file that is in users/user name/library/FileSync/. This is there if you have an iDisk and if you manually sync it. Unfortunately, this is backed up in its entirety each time TM works (unless you choose to exclude it, which I did). So that should you go back in time in TM, you simply come across this entire sparsebundle. You can only restore the entire thing, or nothing, not individual files within it. What I mean is, you cannot open it in TM and pluck individual files to restore. This has been discussed in other threads here, and I think it is a major disadvantage of TM. I keep almost all my documents on my iDisk, so that I can work on them from two locations. I would like to back up the files there with TM so that I can go back and see individual files in the iDisk, but as I said, it is an all or nothing proposition.

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    Download the supplemental fix to 10.7.5

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    The first backup I did was wirelessly and it was slow.
    So, I erased the TC Hard Disk and hooked it up via ethernet.
    It went much faster.
    I was doing about 1.1 GB every 5 minutes using ethernet.
       Joseph Kriz

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    crazy a,
    It wouldn't hurt to do another backup, but you should be OK without doing so. If the initial Time Machine backup was ungracefully interrupted, it would have started a new set of backups and ignored the first set. If you only have one disk image on the Time Capsule, then you're OK.

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    Starting standard backup
    Mounted network destination using URL: afp://graemeaustin@Time%20Capsule.afpovertcp.tcp.local/Time%20Capsule
    Backup destination mounted at path: /Volumes/Time Capsule-1
    Creating disk image /Volumes/Time Capsule-1/Austin MacBook_001f5bf6a447.sparsebundle
    2010-04-04 12:13:09.184 diskimages-helper[466:1603] Error loading /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/NUMPlugin: dlopen(/Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/NUMPlugin, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
    /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/NUMPlugin: mach-o, but wrong architecture
    2010-04-04 12:13:09.186 diskimages-helper[466:1603] Cannot find function pointer VRPreviewCFPlugInFactory for factory 20D1C6B2-6A02-11D7-B5A6-000393D45566 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x521da0 </Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle> (bundle, not loaded)
    2010-04-04 12:13:09.189 diskimages-helper[466:1603] Error loading /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/NUMPlugin: dlopen(/Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/NUMPlugin, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
    /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/NUMPlugin: mach-o, but wrong architecture
    2010-04-04 12:13:09.191 diskimages-helper[466:1603] Cannot find function pointer VRPreviewCFPlugInFactory for factory 20D1C6B2-6A02-11D7-B5A6-000393D45566 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x521da0 </Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/NUMPlugin.bundle> (bundle, not loaded)
    Error 35 creating backup disk image
    Failed to create disk image
    Backup failed with error: 20
    Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    Any help is of course so very welcome.
    Thanks in advance

    I tried to start the backup again, after logging out and back in again (as I had done several times before), but this time the sparsebundle loaded ok and the backup started properly.
    So there's no need for anyone to spend any time on me.

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    Answer: yes, the Time Capsule is junk - in my opinion. I was excited about an all-in-one router plus 1TB of backup wirelessly available, but if you check the many posts about this thing, you'll hear about numerous problems:
    - unbelievably slow backups, overnight or longer for the first, very long for even small backups after minor activity - and not necessarily due to network speeds.
    - heat issues - this thing runs very hot, even with fans running, and people have had to put little rubber feet under it to improve airflow, etc. - not something I think is reasonable for a $500+ item - some get an "overheating" message from the utility app.
    - problems with hanging - it hangs on "Preparing Backup" (as it did for me for days) and doesn't backup - thereby making the unit useless as it was designed.
    - mounting and recognition issues - not so much with me but for quite a few others.
    SEND IT BACK... I am sending mine back and going back to manual backups where I can see exactly what is being backed up to my external HDD and where it is. The opaque nature of the entire Time Machine backup is irritating to me - TC was "backing up" say, "75MB of 125.3MB" but I had no idea what it was backing up, and why only 125.3MB? Was that all my activity changed during the session? Or all sorts of system files, etc. being backed up? I'm not techie enough to get into the guts of it, so I am going back to my usual external HDD to do it by hand. It's a good habit to get into (if inconvenient compared to the TC) but at least I am secure with it.
    I am also not sure if TC can be used as a plug-and-play USB storage drive if I were to, say, just connect it to a Windows machine and try to access files in folders. I suppose not?

  • Time Capsule first backup

    Looking for help.
    Got a new 2TB TC. Tried to backup my son's imac (1 yr old but updated to Snow Leopard OS) - was operating TC wirelessly. Froze up - I think I had setting wrong and bad idea to try a wireless backup on first. After trying a few things I disconnected it all, did a factory reset on the TC, and tried to back up my new MacPro hard wired - reset TM to right settings for no wireless operation and simple ethernet connection and all went fine.
    Then went back to my son's imac.
    I have connected TC by ethernet; switched airport off; switched firewall off; set TM up as not requiring wireless operation; set imac to never go to sleep or go off; deleted original bundle for the imac from TM to try and "start again" as I believe interupting the first backup as i have done can cause problems.
    Back up starts ok; in Time Machine I can see TC; cannot see any "oldest" or "latest" backup so it looks like I have successfully deleted any history. Backup reaches 1.32GB and then it stops. Nothing happening. If I try and do anything on the imac the timer circle comes up and nothing works. I have then switched imac off and back on, deleted the relevant bundle on the TC again through Finder Go, switched TC off, started whole process again and again it stops at 1.32GB (of 38.6GB).
    Any ideas?
    TC is showing steady green light.

    welcome to Apple discussions, BryD !
    you could try this:
    go system preferences > time machine and turn TM off. click on +change disk+ and select none.
    next, delete this file HD/Library/Preferences/
    restart the machine, go system preferences > time machine and turn TM back on. click on +change disk+, re-select the backup volume und click +use for backups+. start a backup.
    you may also want to download and install Time Machine Buddy. go to dashboard and browse through the logs for the recent backup attempts.
    lastly, check the Time Machine FAQ and Time Machine - Troubleshooting user tips.
    any help ?

  • HT3275 never ends to complete the first backup

    After the initial setup time capsule never finished making the first backup. 40 Mb be wanting to complete the copy and hence does not pass.

    No it is not normal.. it is completely wrong.
    Stop the TM and start over.
    Use the TC via ethernet.. that is required but turn off wireless to ensure the TC is the only network connected item.
    Is your MacPro actually running Snow Leopard?
    If so the firmware update may be the worst thing.
    Do a factory reset of the TC and start over.
    Has TM been used before with an external drive or something else.
    I would recommend you do a full reset of TM if that is the case.
    See A4
    Do a verify of the local disk. A5
    Load the widget A1 to see what TM is actually on about.

  • Failed first backup cannot select timecapsule - help

    Hello, i have followed all instructions to set up my time capsule but time machine was unable to do a automatic first backup. I am unable to see the time capsule as a source for my backup I can only see a share-folder with the name data. can somebody help me please.

    andy.ventschmidt wrote:
    I am unable to see the time capsule as a source for my backup I can only see a share-folder with the name data.
    That folder represents your Time Capsule's internal HD.  Data is the default name (some folks rename it).
    To see your backups (once at least one has completed -- you can't see a backup that's in progress or has failed), use the Time Machine browser (the "Star Wars" display).
    You might want to review the Time Machine Tutorial, and perhaps browse Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Time machine will online back to to a drive called "data" Time capsule back up drive is stuck in "Waiting to complete first backup". What to do?

    So I can't get my time machine to do its first backup to the time capsule drive. It has been 4 days now and still says waiting to complete first back up. It did back up to a drive called "data" but it doesn't let me go back in time like it should.
    What to do?

    Hi blainerab,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on the exact issue and configuration you are describing. If you are having issues with Time Machine and/or setting up Time Machine to work with your Time Capsule, you may find the following articles helpful:
    Backing up with AirPort Time Capsule for the first time
    AirPort Time Capsule: Initial backup is interrupted
    OS X Lion: Time Machine problems
    Time Machine: Troubleshooting backup issues
    - Brenden

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