First Premiere Contact Info

So I am wondering has First Premiere changed their contact information? I sent an email with information regarding their reporting of late payments to the [email protected] email. I have not received an email back or a letter in the mail in regards to it. I just wanted to see if maybe someone else had luck with another email or if they changed this one completely. Thank you for your help!  

In the Address Book you can select and record multiple fields for each contact. For instance, Contact A info is all completed with address, phone, title etc and then you can Add a "Spouse" name, select the "+" button and now add a "Child" name etc. Then you also have the option in the drop down to select a "Custom" field. Probably 99% of my contacts only used the actual fields available in the drop down.
I chatted with a guy on Apple and he thought that those fields just may not be displayed on the iPhone. That would be sad, since every other field and sub-field is displayed.

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    Also try the info in this thread:
    There is a new "My Info" part in the Mail, Contacts, Calendars section.  Make sure your contact info has been selected and then Reminders will default to both your home and work addresses.

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    This sort of error message only comes up for Lightroom when your hard disk is full. Indeed this has nothing to do with internal memory as that will be intelligently be dealt with. If you have a mac Book Air that is not so surprising as the cheapest versions come with very small hard disks and if you shoot raw with any recent camera, you'll fill up your hard disk very quickly and you can probably only store a few months of pictures if you are a typical photographer. So the bottom line is that you need to create some room on your hard disk. You should move some of your originals to an external hard disk. You can also delete some of your backup copies of your catalog file that Lightroom automatically generates every few days and that quickly gobble up hard disk space. So first figure out how full your hard disk is. To see that, go to the apple menu, hit -> About this Mac -> More info->Storage. You should see your internal hard disk on top and you'll find that it is almost entirely full with photos. Now find your Lightroom catalog file using Finder. It is usually in a folder in the Pictures folder in your home directory. You should see a Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat file, a previews file and a folder called backups. Inside the backups folder, you'll find a lot of subfolders. They have names that show the dates the backups were created. If you have backups of your entire hard disk, you can delete these backups when they are older than a few months. I usually only keep the last 4 around. Just drag the folders into the trash can on the dock on the bottom of your screen and empty the trash. This will probably free up enough space that Lightroom will already run again. Now start thinking about where you will want to store older images. If you have a good USB3 or Thunderbolt hard disk that is probably the best option. There is a video here by Adobe that has some instructions on how to do this: Is Your Hard Drive Full? Here’s How to Move Images to Another Drive in Lightroom. « Julieanne Kost's Blog If that doesn't work because you don't have enough hard drive space to run Lightroom yet, here is another set of instructions to move your files using the finder to the other hard disk: How do I move only my photos to another hard drive, leaving the catalog where it is? - The Lightroom Queen. If you follow that, as soon as you confirm all your images are on the new hard disk, you can delete them from your internal one. She is not so clear about that part but if you don't delete the originals that you moved off you don't free up space. You should move the folder structure over to the new hard disk and then reconnect the folders in Lightroom. That should make it refind all your images.
    That said, if you are uncomfortable with the computer in itself, your best bet is to find a local photography club. There is invariably a Lightroom savvy person in there that could help you move your files. That might be your best bet if you are uncomfortable moving these yourself. A general mac savvy person like you would find at an Apple store or so generally will not be able to help you with this except when they are photographers themselves and know Lightroom. You might get lucky with that.

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    Hi, In such case, try to check the things below:
    1> Make sure all contacts are stored in unique memory : sim or phone memory (recommend phone memory)
    2> Try to avoid 1 contacts has few numbers and other case, similar or same names for fews contacts
    3> Add your country code into the normal number format, eg: 0123455678 --> saved as +60 12345678 (+60 is the country code for MY)
    4> Check the settings under Contacts folder: Contacts > Settings > Contact view or Display contacts > try to change Last name/ First name view option one by one

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    Wow.  Thanks, You saved me much time and frustration!!

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    Your Soldier,
    SPC G.

    Hi SPC G.
    Welcome to Apple Discussions and thank you for your brave service.
    The lack of e-mail contact information can be a real drag, I've experienced it too, and I also can relate to the frustration of not being able to find the information I'm looking for in the online FAQs or Knowledge Base articles.
    When that happens, I've been fortunate to more often than not find the help I'm looking for by posting in the Apple Discussions forum dedicated to the hardware or software product I'm having difficulty with.
    You didn't mention what model iPod you have, but you did say it cost $300. If you have the 30GB iPod w/ video, you should post here, in the Using Your 5th Generation iPod forum.
    If that's not your model, then go here, where all the iPod Forums are displayed and select the right forum for your model iPod.
    Then, once you've clicked on the specific forum you want to post in, click on the "post a new topic" button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen and write down with as much specificity as you can exactly what's wrong with your iPod, what (if any) error messages, symbols or lights or other possibly diagnostic symptoms appear, when you first noticed the problem and anything else you think might be useful to someone trying to help out.
    These forums have a surprisingly large number of helpful and knowledgeable users who very often are able to find a solution (short service by an Apple Technician) to all kinds of problems.
    Good luck and stay safe.
    -- JDee
    EDIT: If the above does not work for you, I'm really not sure how to address your warranty issues without being able to contact Apple by phone. If your iPod does eventually require service that should be covered under warranty and Apple resists, saying that your warranty expired, you may ultimately need to demonstrate proof of service to them.
    You can write to Apple at the following general corporate address, it's the only one I know: Apple Computer, Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014. I know it's not a direct address for customer service, but I would hope that if you put "ATTN: Customer Service" or something to that effect in the address, it would get to the right people.

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    As always, your best point-of-contact for local iTunes U issues is your school's Apple Account Executive (otherwise known as an "AE"). This person has direct links to the iTunes U marketing and engineering teams and can vouch for your ownership of UMKC's iTunes U site.
    If someone else at UMKC created your iTunes U site, it's very unlikely that Apple would provide you with that person's Apple ID and password (in fact, it's almost certainly impossible for Apple to retrieve the password). Without a valid Apple ID/password combo, it will be impossible for you to get your site's base URL and shared secret. The iTunes U team could certainly send these to you but, as they are largely based in Cupertino, they cannot know "for sure" that it's correct to do so. That's where the local Apple folks, the account executives, come in. They do know you and the other principals at your school, they can help establish that you are the new owner of your UMKC's iTunes U site for Cupertino.
    Notwithstanding iTunes U, I find it's valuable to ping my AE and SE every week or so. Both of my local Apple reps are great…my current AE is Ty Beckmann (who also serves as the AE for about half of Chicago's higher ed institutions) and my SE is Jason Bruder, who has done yeoman's work for us. In a pinch, I might bug my former AE/SE (the venerable Jack McLaughlin and the brilliant Mike Miley respectively)…but both have moved on to other schools/roles at Apple, so I'd have to be pretty desperate first.
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    Outlook 2003, 2007, or 2010 along with syncing calendar events and notes, or with the address book app used by Windows Mail called Windows Contacts for syncing contacts only.
    Before syncing contacts with an empty Windows Contacts address book, enter one contact in Windows Contacts. This will provide a merge prompt with the first sync for this data which you want to select. Syncing direct with Windows Contacts via the iTunes sync process is selected under the Info tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes.

  • About the idoc(DEBMAS) inbound, contact info, need help!

    Hi everyone,
    we have SAP and SIEBEL system, and crate/update customer info(or say account) at SIEBEL first, then send account info to SAP via IDOC, message type is DEBMAS06.
    Now there is a bug. create/update contact info at siebel, it always create new contact at SAP when inbound to SAP system.
    Is there anyone can give me any advice about how to fix this bug?
    Thanks & best regards.

    Hi Sir,
    First thanks very much for your reply.
    I known the MSGFN field, segment E1KNVKM(contact info) has MSGFN field too. but there is a still some issues. I found you must pass the PARNR field to SAP if want to update info(If not, even I set the MSGFN as Deleted or UPDATE, it not works). PARNR is the only key for table KNVK. but you know, PARNR is created at SAP when create this contact info, I need create/update contact at SIEBEL, that's not easy to know what's the value of PARNR will be created.
    Is that possible too pass PARNR value to SAP? I know a little about the SAP BASIS Setting.
    Thanks again.

  • Save contact info to sim card

    I have made many, many changes to my contacts list. I inadvertantly hit the import sim contacts in the settings menu and added all of the "old" contact info back into the phone. I know I can restore from my computer to the phone but, is there a way to write the "new" contacts info to the sim card?

    In a word, no.
    The iPhone does not support storing contacts on the SIM card, which is limited to a name and a couple of phone numbers.
    The iPhone is designed to be synced with a supported application on your computer for contact info. Not a good idea to depend on your cell phone alone for this data anyway regardless if very limited contact info can be stored on the SIM card since a phone can be lost or stolen.
    With Vista, this can be with Outlook 2003 or 2007 along with syncing calendar events, or with the address book used by Windows Mail - Windows Contacts for syncing contacts only. If you don't have Outlook 2003 or 2007 available and you don't use Windows Contacts - it is empty - doesn't include any contacts, before the fist sync with Windows Contacts enter one contact in Windows Contacts. Make this contact up if needed, which can be deleted later. This will provide a merge prompt with the first sync for this data, which you want to select. After the first sync and merge, you can clean up your contacts with Windows Contacts - delete any duplicates, etc. followed by another sync.

  • Contact sheets with header for contact info?

    I'm trying to print my first contact sheet (actually a jewel case insert), and I'm very surprised to see that there appears to be no way to include some type of header and/or footer that would include my contact info, copyright, etc.
    Am I missing something in AP, or is there a work around for this? It seems useless to send out a contact sheet that doesn't include at least my name.

    Because you didn't look hard enough. Make sure you check "Photo Info" and the click on the popup next to it and select filename or setup a custom text in Edit..

  • New "Autofill your contact info" prompt

    I have two autofill-related questions.
    First, when I'm on the PajamasMedia comment site and similar places, it used to be that when I typed the first few letters of my email it would fill it in.  So I would type in "d" and "[email protected]" would come up.  Now I type "da" and it asks if I want to autofill from contact info.  I say yes and all it fills in is the email.  This is awkward and annoying, while the old way "just worked".  Is there any way to switch back?
    Here's a related question: My local public library has a really nice web site that lets me track what books I have out, etc.  However, it uses a security system worthy of the military - a long ID number like "4111000029449" and a four digit PIN.  Both are entered using password fields, which makes them very secure but hard to get right.  I would love to simply autofill the ID and PIN, just like any other username/password combination, but since they are not set up with the standard password field names, it doesn't seem to be possible.  Is there any way to autofill an arbitrary form like this?

    1.  Go to Safari / Preferences then select the Autofill tab. Make sure all three boxes are selected.
    2.  Try using a different browser. Reason being, some sites work differently with the autofill feature on different browsers.
    If you don't have another browser installed, it's good to have one for situations like this and in case Safari isn't working, you have a backup browser.
    I go back and forth between Safari and Firefox all the time.
    Mozilla Firefox Web Browser — Free Download

  • Updated Pages 5 and now templates no longer pull my contact info into them. Any ideas or help?

    Pages templates no longer assume my contact info. Any idea how to make it do it again. My contact is set to me in the contacts
    imac running Mavericks and updated pages

    When I opened a Pages template for the first time, it asked me if Pages could access my contacts. I said yes, but it sounds like you said no. You can give pages permission by going to System Preferences, then Security & Privacy, then click the Privacy tab, then click Contacts in the sidebar, then make sure that Pages is checked. I would quit and restart Pages after doing this, just to be sure it goes through.

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