Fix function keyboard settings?

My keyboard brightness buttons, media keys, and volume buttons will not work. If I hit F12 (Volume Button), it sends me to Dashboard. I've already checked in System Preferences and put Dashboard back to F4, but how do put my volume back to F10, F11, and F12. (If there is answer to the media keys and keyboard brightness, that would also be greatly appreciated)

You should not have to - the key associations that are printed on the keys should match the actions when the key is pressed! I'd recommend downloading and (re)-installing the 10.5.6 Combo Update:

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    Order Management provides you with the ability to import ATO and PTO configurations from legacy systems or EDI. In your case, you should define the ATO/PTO model first and then import the order and configuration selections from the EDI.
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    Message was edited by: M.Mercer

    Open System Preferences, go to keyboard and mouse, choose the keyboard tab, and make sure the box beside "use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" is UNchecked.

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    1) first I deleted the keyboard driver from the device manager – it did not help, settings were abandoned at some points (I did not yet know the reason) still "lost".
    2) Removing Antivirus (it had input filter module to protect password fields at websites) did not help .
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    Quote from: darkhawk on 07-February-14, 02:08:01
    Nope, that's fine.
    The MSI rep I forwarded this to said that he has forwarded on-ward as he did not have a GE40 for testing at the time.
    He did also agree and seem to think there is a problem with the EC that would cause this issue.
    I expect he may post here once a fix has been found.
    I'll wait. I think it is clear that the problem goes away when I restart laptop, and also after changing and accepting settings in Control Panel -> Keyboard. But next fn + func. key will again cause default settings

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    Hi stephenm biggs,
    Thank you for your post.
    Please let us know, the Adobe product, you need assistance with.
    Anit Kumar

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    Go to "International" in the System Preferences to Input Menu and check US and check German (Deutsch) and at the bottom of the pane: Check the Show Input Menu in Menu Bar.
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    ps sorry meant to edit the original answer, not to double post.
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    Attached screenshot below.
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    Last edited by vellvisher (2013-04-01 18:15:04)

    Yup! Have that installed..(thanks for the reply though!)
    If I remember correctly, in Ubuntu, this brought up a screen to change the caps-lock key behaviour to esc, etc...I already used dconf to map it, I am sure that there is something wrong with my keyboard settings.
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