[fixed] cannot resolve "linux 3.5", a dependency of ...

Just received this error, it seems the '< should have been '<='?
This results in a system which I cannot update, even ignoring open-vm-tools-modules makes pacman stop with an error.
Ah, I now know what is wrong, the community repo was updated seconds after the core repo, resulting in multiple errors, first the old `open-vm-tools-modules` not being compatible with the new `linux`  package, so I ignored `open-vm-tools-modules`, and ran -Syu again (where the `community` repo was updated), resulting in the same problem, which was actually already fixed
Running Syu without any ignores gives me new `linux` and new `open-vm-tools-modules` package, which work fine together
Last edited by Spider.007 (2012-08-28 08:49:03)

Seems like you have community-testing (repo containing (newer) virtualbox-modules) enabled but not testing (containing (newer) linux), which strikes me as odd. Edit: or you need to refresh databases first...
Last edited by Raynman (2012-08-04 22:58:56)

Similar Messages

  • Warning: cannot resolve "linux =3.5", a dependency of "virtualbox-modu

    sudo pacman -S virtualbox-modules
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "linux>=3.5", a dependency of "virtualbox-modules"
    :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    there is nothing to do
    This is propably the problem while I have also problems with installation glibc....
    How to solve it?

    Seems like you have community-testing (repo containing (newer) virtualbox-modules) enabled but not testing (containing (newer) linux), which strikes me as odd. Edit: or you need to refresh databases first...
    Last edited by Raynman (2012-08-04 22:58:56)

  • Warning: cannot resolve "binutils =2.25", a dependency [Solved]

    I am not able to upgrade my laptop now.
    d@DArchLinux ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    multilib-testing is up to date
    multilib is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "binutils>=2.25", a dependency of "gcc-multilib"
    :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    :: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] N
    error: failed to prepare transaction (unexpected error)
    [d@DArchLinux ~]$
    Last edited by Debasish Patra (2014-12-29 07:57:33)

    karol wrote:Since you're using multilib-testing repo, you have to enable testing repo too.
    My bad, I thought I was using the testing repo Thanks
    Last edited by Debasish Patra (2014-12-27 18:01:18)

  • [SOLVED] cannot resolve dependency

    Whenever I try to install gnome I am getting error message - "Cannot resolve dependency " for some files. for example whenever I am trying to install adesklets the error msg is  :
    [devil@scorp ~]$ yaourt -S adesklets
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "ttf-bitstream-vera", a dependency of "adesklets"
    :: the following package(s) cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package(s) for this upgrade? [Y/n]
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    local database is up to date
    i have bitstream vera font installed.
    ???? whats the solution. Any help?
    Last edited by scorpdevil (2010-05-31 07:33:31)

    my pacman.conf file ---------------------
    # /etc/pacman.conf
    # See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
    # The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
    # If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
    #RootDir     = /
    #DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
    #CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    #LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
    HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
    # If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
    SyncFirst   = pacman
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl %u > %o
    #CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
    # Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
    #IgnorePkg   =
    #IgnoreGroup =
    #NoUpgrade   =
    #NoExtract   =
    # Misc options (all disabled by default)
    #   - can be defined here or included from another file
    #   - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
    #   - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
    #   - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
    #     have identical names, regardless of version number
    #   - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
    # Repository entries are of the format:
    #       [repo-name]
    #       Server = ServerName
    #       Include = IncludePath
    # The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
    # uncommented to enable the repo.
    # The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
    # repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
    # after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
    ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
    # tips on creating your own repositories.
    #Server = file:///home/custompkgs
    Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/x86_64
    # Czech Republic
    Server = ftp://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/arch/$repo/os/x86_64

  • Pacman -S snownews cannot resolve dependency perl-libxslt

    I am getting this dependency resolution error when I try to install snownews:
    resolving dependencies...
    error: cannot resolve dependencies for "snownews" ("perl-libxslt" is not in the package set)
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: snownews requires perl-libxslt

    Here is the latest PKGBUILD for snownews that fixes the dep-problem:
    # Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Christoph 'delmonico' Neuroth <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Text mode RSS newsreader for Linux and Unix."
    depends=('libxml2' 'ncurses' 'perl-xml-libxml' 'perl-xml-libxslt')
    build() {
      cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
      ./configure --prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr --charset=UTF-8
      make || return 1
      make install

  • Cannot resolve "python", a dependency of "python-distutils-extra"

    Attempting to perform a full system upgrade on 32 bit archbang 2012.05, and when I `pacman -Syu`: this occurs
    Anyone know how to deal with this issue?
    $ sudo pacmatic -Syu
    Recent ML chatter:
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    :: Replace libusb with core/libusbx? [Y/n] y
    :: Replace procps with core/procps-ng? [Y/n] y
    :: Replace udev with core/systemd-tools? [Y/n] y
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "python", a dependency of "python-distutils-extra"
    :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
    warning: dependency cycle detected:
    warning: util-linux will be installed before its systemd-tools dependency
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (71): acl-2.2.51-2 arandr-0.1.6-1 attr-2.4.46-2 automake-1.12.1-1
    bash-4.2.029-1 binutils-2.22-7 bzip2-1.0.6-4 coreutils-8.17-1
    cryptsetup-1.4.2-2 curl-7.26.0-1 db-5.3.21-1 deadbeef-0.5.4-2
    device-mapper-2.02.95-6 dnsutils-9.9.1-1 e2fsprogs-1.42.3-1
    filesystem-2012.2-5 gcc-4.7.0-6 gcc-libs-4.7.0-6
    glib2-2.32.3-1 gmp-5.0.5-1 gpm-1.20.6-8 hwids-20120512-1
    initscripts-2012.05.1-3 isl-0.09-2 kmod-8-2 krb5-1.10.1-3
    libcap-2.22-3 libevent-2.0.19-1 libldap-2.4.31-2 libnl-3.2.9-1
    libpipeline-1.2.1-1 libssh2-1.4.2-1 libusb-1.0.9-1 [removal]
    libusb-compat-0.1.4-1 libusbx-1.0.11-2 linux-3.3.7-1
    linux-firmware-20120227-2 lvm2-2.02.95-6 lxappearance-0.5.2-1
    lxinput-0.3.2-2 lxterminal-0.1.11-2 man-pages-3.41-1
    mdadm-3.2.5-2 menu-cache-0.3.3-1 mkinitcpio-0.9.1-1
    mkinitcpio-busybox-1.20.1-1 mpfr-3.1.0.p10-1 oblogout-0.2-11
    openbox-3.5.0-7 openssl-1.0.1.c-1 pam-1.1.5-3 pciutils-3.1.9-2
    perl-5.16.0-2 pinentry-0.8.1-4 procps-3.2.8-5 [removal]
    procps-ng-3.3.3-1 python2-distutils-extra-2.32-1
    run-parts-4.3.1-1 shotwell-0.12.3-1 sudo-1.8.5.p2-1
    sysfsutils-2.1.0-8 syslog-ng-3.3.5-1 systemd-tools-184-2
    udev-182-1 [removal] usbutils-005-2 util-linux-2.21.2-1
    virtualbox-archlinux-modules-4.1.16-1 volumeicon-0.4.6-4
    xfsprogs-3.1.8-2 zlib-1.2.7-1
    Total Installed Size: 390.46 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 3.42 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    (68/68) checking package integrity [----------------------] 100%
    (68/68) loading package files [----------------------] 100%
    (68/68) checking for file conflicts [----------------------] 100%
    error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/__init__.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/__init__.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/auto.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/auto.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/__init__.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/__init__.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_extra.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_extra.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_help.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_help.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_i18n.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_i18n.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_icons.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/build_icons.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/clean_i18n.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/clean_i18n.pyc exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/pylint.py exists in filesystem
    python2-distutils-extra: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/DistUtilsExtra/command/pylint.pyc exists in filesystem
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    No pacnew files to update.

    I do not thing archbang is officially  archlinux distributions (you are on an archlinux forum). This error does not appear on the current archlinux distribution. My guess is that here is a confusion between python / python2 / python3. Just run pacman -Si to know (or the equivalent of pacman for archbang).
    I would suggest you to use the official archlinux instead of this fork, archlinux has much more support and users and I do not quite understand what archbang has to offer: Their homepage said that it is archlinux combined with openbox, but you can just do
    pacman -S openbox
    on arch; it does not seems to justify a fork (but please correct me if I am wrong).
    Last edited by olive (2012-06-17 22:00:23)

  • [stupid]error: cannot resolve "libusb1", a dependency of "libdc1394"

    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    error: cannot resolve "libusb1", a dependency of "libdc1394"
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: libdc1394: requires libusb1
    I needed libdc1394 only for gstreamer-plugins-bad, so I removed those. Wanted to try out if I need them anyway. But... What if? Is this a bug, did I do something wrong or did I just update while the required version isn't up yet and should unset testing again?
    EDIT: Uh, sorry, yes, I guess that's just me not waiting for the files to be distributed to the servers I guess.
    EDIT2: At least looks like it, should wait & think instead of type and type. Me drinking to much coffee. Marking thread as "stupid" instead of "solved" now.
    Last edited by whoops (2009-05-03 23:18:02)

    I do not thing archbang is officially  archlinux distributions (you are on an archlinux forum). This error does not appear on the current archlinux distribution. My guess is that here is a confusion between python / python2 / python3. Just run pacman -Si to know (or the equivalent of pacman for archbang).
    I would suggest you to use the official archlinux instead of this fork, archlinux has much more support and users and I do not quite understand what archbang has to offer: Their homepage said that it is archlinux combined with openbox, but you can just do
    pacman -S openbox
    on arch; it does not seems to justify a fork (but please correct me if I am wrong).
    Last edited by olive (2012-06-17 22:00:23)

  • Cannot resolve "pambase", a dependency of "pam" [solved]

    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "pambase", a dependency of "pam"
    :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N]
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: pam: requires pambase
    EDIT: updating servers via reflector solved this.  Odd.
    Last edited by graysky (2012-06-14 10:33:34)

    I do not thing archbang is officially  archlinux distributions (you are on an archlinux forum). This error does not appear on the current archlinux distribution. My guess is that here is a confusion between python / python2 / python3. Just run pacman -Si to know (or the equivalent of pacman for archbang).
    I would suggest you to use the official archlinux instead of this fork, archlinux has much more support and users and I do not quite understand what archbang has to offer: Their homepage said that it is archlinux combined with openbox, but you can just do
    pacman -S openbox
    on arch; it does not seems to justify a fork (but please correct me if I am wrong).
    Last edited by olive (2012-06-17 22:00:23)

  • KDE - warning: cannot resolve "system-config-printer =1.1.7-3"

    I'm trying to install KDE, fresh install, and this is what I get after: pacman -S kde
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: provider package was selected (freeglut provides glut)
    warning: cannot resolve "system-config-printer>=1.1.7-3", a dependency of "kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde"
    warning: cannot resolve "system-config-printer>=1.1.7-3", a dependency of "kdeutils-printer-applet"
    :: the following package(s) cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde kdeutils-printer-applet
    Do you want to skip the above packages(s) for this upgrade? [Y,n]
    I try different mirror and again same warning, is it safe to skip this package?
    Last edited by archiebald (2009-09-06 10:27:35)

    flamelab wrote:
    It's been fixed.Wait for your miror to sync.
    I use these:
    Server = http://mir.archlinux.fr/$repo/os/x86_64
    Server = ftp://mir2.archlinuxfr.org/archlinux/$repo/os/x86_64
    Server = ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/archlinux/$repo/os/x86_64
    Server = ftp://ftp.otenet.gr/pub/linux/archlinux/$repo/os/x86_64
    Server = http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.archlinux.org/$repo/os/x86_64
    Server = http://archlinux.freeside.ru/$repo/os/x86_64
    I also use some of this mirrors (mir...)
    Thank you for information, I thought that it's something like that.

  • Service cannot resolve identity in realm

    I have configured oid as security provider of hw_services in SOA Suite 10.1.3 (with oid 10.1.4) , I have done folowing steps :
    1- I have changed is-config.xml file such as the following
    <configuration realmName="myrealm" default="true">
    <provider providerType="LDAP" name="OID" service="Identity">
    <connection url="ldap://myoidserver:389" binddn="cn=orcladmin" password="!mypassword" encrypted="true">
    <pool initsize="2" maxsize="25" prefsize="10" timeout="60"/>
    2-I have changed Security provider of hw_services to my oid server.
    my problem is that when I want to test identity web service methods everybody raises error depending identity service configuration for example when I test authenticateUser method it raise error : "Internal Server Error (Caught exception while handling request: BPEL-10519 Identity service system error. Error while invoking Identity service. Service cannot resolve identity in realm "{0}" Check the error stack and fix the cause of the error. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable. )"
    Please Help fixing this problem

    In the link I provided
    is also a sample config file for OID
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <configuration realmName="us" displayName="us Realm">
    <provider providerType="JAZN" name="OID">
    <connection url="ldap://my.oid.com:389"
    binddn="cn=orcladmin" password="passwd" encrypted="false"/>
    Note the provider type --> provider providerType="JAZN"
    You use LDAP -> this is for third-party ldap servers
    For start I would suggest to try to adapt this sample to your OID , and see how it works .

  • Virtualbox-modules cannot resolve dependecies

    resolving dependencies...
    error: cannot resolve "kernel26<2.6.26", a dependency of "virtualbox-modules"
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: virtualbox-modules: requires kernel26<2.6.26

    this is because the vm* pkg theoretically has o support for the newer kernel yet
    o either rebuild it and see if it works against the new one
    find a patch for the new kernel and rebuild
    or if you don't use it currently you could force the upgrade
    pacman -Syud (d to ignore the dependency)
    this way you can continue to test the new pkgs
    you may wanna check the bug tracker a more permanent fix(patch) may have been submitted there
    if there exists a bug report

  • Installation of Archboot: cannot resolve "kernel26-lts"

    I'm trying to install the latest Archboot.  My existing host is using kernel 3.1.9-2 but Archboot seems to need kernel26.  When I try to install it with pacman, it says:
    warning: cannot resolve "kernel26-lts>=", a dependency of "archboot"
    warning: cannot resolve "kerenl26-lts>=2.6.32", a dependency of "noveau-drm-lts"
    warning: cannot resolve "kernel26-lts<2.6.33", a dependency of "nouveau-drm-lts"
    Do I really need to install kernel26 items?  I'm hesitant because I really like the nice minimal system I have at the moment.

    kernel26-lts has been renamed to linux-lts when Linux 3.0 became LTS, so your ArchBoot must be out of date...
    In fact "pacman -Si archboot | grep kernel" returns nothing.
    $ pacman -Si nouveau-drm-lts | grep kernel
    Depends On : kernel26-lts>=2.6.32 kernel26-lts<2.6.33
    This package is orphan, which must be the reason why it's not up to date.
    I suppose you could use abs to rebuild nouveau-drm-lts against kernel 3.0... Maybe .

  • Error: cannot resolve "gtk-engines =2.14.2", [SOLVED]

    This is more or less self-explanatory.
    [duncan@duncan-arch ~]$ su
    [root@duncan-arch duncan]# pacman -Su
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    warning: gnome-mount: ignoring package upgrade (0.7-1 => 0.8-1)
    warning: gnome-volume-manager: ignoring package upgrade (2.22.1-1 => 2.22.3-1)
    warning: nautilus-cd-burner: ignoring package upgrade (2.22.0-1 => 2.22.1-1)
    resolving dependencies...
    error: cannot resolve "gtk-engines>=2.14.2", a dependency of "gnome-themes"
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: gnome-themes: requires gtk-engines>=2.14.2
    [root@duncan-arch duncan]#
    Last edited by Raccoon1400 (2008-06-03 11:26:17)

    Solved. The issue was fixed in today's updates.

  • Invoking a web service - cannot resolve method parameter

    I am getting a failure trying to invoking a method called sl_Access on a web service.
    (Same code worked in Workshop 7.1, but fails in Workshop 8.0. The WDSL has not
    changed.) WLW is not able to revolve a method parameter called piCustNo. The service
    call works in WLW 7.1, but not 8.0.
    Any insight on how to fix this problem?
    The service call
    private AnonType_sl_AccessResponse response = null;
    nlastid = response.piLastId;
    the service definition from wsdlControl.jcx ----
    * @jc:protocol form-post="false" form-get="false" http-soap="true"
    public AnonType_sl_AccessResponse sl_Access (int piCustno);
    console error output -----
    Submitted at Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:15:22 PM EDT
    Exception in sl_Access
    An error was detected in the Web Service request. (10894)
    Cannot resolve method sl_Access parameter ns:piCustno (10933)e91a6247e9b693c3:-1b6d127:f811fed2db:-8000#17
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.control.ServiceControlImpl.invoke(ServiceControlImpl.jcs:846)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.dispatcher.DispMethod.invoke(DispMethod.java:359)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(Invocable.java:420)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(Invocable.java:393)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.jcs.container.JcsProxy.invoke(JcsProxy.java:387)
    at $Proxy11.sl_Access(Unknown Source)
    at com.ovid.service.AccessService.getRepl(AccessService.java:93)
    at com.ovid.service.AccessService.processBatch(AccessService.java:71)
    at Controller.runAccess(Controller.jws:399)

    Joe Smith wrote:
    I am getting a failure trying to invoking a method called sl_Access on a web service.
    (Same code worked in Workshop 7.1, but fails in Workshop 8.0. The WDSL has not
    changed.) WLW is not able to revolve a method parameter called piCustNo. The service
    call works in WLW 7.1, but not 8.0.
    Any insight on how to fix this problem?
    The service call
    private AnonType_sl_AccessResponse response = null;
    nlastid = response.piLastId;
    the service definition from wsdlControl.jcx ----
    * @jc:protocol form-post="false" form-get="false" http-soap="true"
    public AnonType_sl_AccessResponse sl_Access (int piCustno);
    console error output -----
    Submitted at Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:15:22 PM EDT
    Exception in sl_Access
    An error was detected in the Web Service request. (10894)
    Cannot resolve method sl_Access parameter ns:piCustno (10933)e91a6247e9b693c3:-1b6d127:f811fed2db:-8000#17
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.control.ServiceControlImpl.invoke(ServiceControlImpl.jcs:846)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.dispatcher.DispMethod.invoke(DispMethod.java:359)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(Invocable.java:420)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(Invocable.java:393)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.jcs.container.JcsProxy.invoke(JcsProxy.java:387)
    at $Proxy11.sl_Access(Unknown Source)
    at com.ovid.service.AccessService.getRepl(AccessService.java:93)
    at com.ovid.service.AccessService.processBatch(AccessService.java:71)
    at Controller.runAccess(Controller.jws:399)

  • Cannot resolve symbol : class odbc ERROR

    Hi Helper
    I am trying to compile a the following and I am getting the error
    C:\jdk\websiter>javac MainServlet.java
    MainServlet.java:86: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class odbc
    location: package jdbc
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * This is the servlet to send the user the names of all the sites present in the database
    public class MainServlet extends HttpServlet implements ServletConstants
    Connection m_con;
    PreparedStatement m_pstmt;
    ResultSet m_res;
    Vector m_vecsiteName;
    public void Init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    }// end of init()
    public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
              m_vecsiteName = new Vector();
         try {
    m_con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sitewd", "", "");
    How can i fix it? thanks

    Replace the Statement

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