.FLAC and the XiphQT codec

I recently downloaded the Grey Album (Jay-Z/Beatles mashup) as a .flac file, which is Free Lossless Audio Codec (higher quality), and successfully got it onto iTunes. It plays one song at a time, but when I try and use the button to switch songs it "unexpectedly quits". It also says in the error message that it is probably because of the XiphQT codec, which I can't find on my computer.
Has anyone else had problems like this and/or fixed this?
Thanks in advance.

Most people do not use FLAC in iTunes, since it cannot support FLAC natively, can only play them if the appropriate plugin is installed, and even then cannot sync them to an iPod, which negates the #1 value of iTunes.
Perhaps you will find a solution, but it would be easier to use a 3rd party converter to make a copy in an iTunes compatible format. If you like lossless, your choice is WAV, AIFF, or Apple Lossless.

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    Is the codec my only option?
    Thanks for your help on this, it's driving me mental.

    What camera only shoots 3ivx, Jenni?
    And have you tried Perian yet? It will allow Quicktime to read 3ivx along with many other otherwise unsupported codecs. Suck it and see ... some users have issues with Perian installed, others get along with it just fine.
    Converting to mp4 for editing is not recommended, nor is editing in 3ivx or any AVI wrapped codec for that matter. Convert it instead to a proper intraframe editing codec (such as good old fashioned DV) ... you can use the free MPEG Streamclip for this

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    (iPhone 4S 32GB iOS 5.1)
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    Harmac95 wrote:>
    - Apple - Windows hardware? - does it really matter?
    - Which software? - many have recommended iTunes, is it really the best?
    iTunes is most definitely not the best ripping tool. It has no flexibility in file naming, and does not have as good error correction as Exact Audio Copy or Audiograbber.
    - Ripping settings? - audio file format???? - hard disk space needed?
    This is where it gets a little tricky. Given what you are trying to, an uncompressed audio format like WAV or AIFF would fit the best, and AIFF is probably the better choice since it allows tagging of the files. Figure 10 MB per minute of music, or about 500 MB per CD that you rip. For 800 CDs, allow at least a half TB.
    A compressed lossless format would be about half the size, but unfortunately iTunes does not support the leading uncompressed lossless format (FLAC), and the proprietary one that iTunes does support (Apple Lossless) has very little support outside of Apple products. So that is too much of a gamble given your requirement about "use with any player/software in the near future."
    That is my opinion! Given that you have pretty strict requirements, and that you only want to do this once, do a little more research before you decide...

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    In case you did not find it, the following is a copy/paste of the Announcement on Premiere Elements 19/NVIDIA GeForce
    that appears at the top of this forum.
    Premiere Elements 10 NVIDIA Video Card Driver Roll Back
    If you are a Premiere Elements 10 user whose Windows computer uses a NVIDIA GeForce video card and you are experiencing
    Premiere Elements 10 display and/or unexplained program behavior, then your first line of troubleshooting needs to be rolling
    back the video card driver version instead of assuring that it is up to date.
    Since October 2013 to the present, there have been a growing number of reports about display and unexplained workflow
    glitches specific to the Premiere Elements 10 user whose Windows computer has a NVIDIA GeForce video card. If this applies
    to you, then the “user to user” remedy is to roll back the NVIDIA GeForce video card driver as far as is necessary to get rid of
    the problems. The typical driver roll back has gone back as far as March – July 2013 in order to get a working Premiere
    Elements 10. Neither NVIDIA nor Adobe has taken any corrective action in this regard to date, and none is expected moving forward.
    Since October 2013, the following thread has tried to keep up with the Premiere Elements 10 NVIDIA reports
    Older NVIDIA GeForce drivers can be found
    A February 2014 overview of the situation as well as how to use the older NVIDIA GeForce drivers for the driver roll back can be found

  • Are the ProRes codec and .MOV file no longer supported?

    I posted the following over at Creative Cow with no luck... hopefully I can get answers here ...
    I am on a MAC - I joined the Adobe bandwagon during the great FCP migration of 2011 ... So far it's been great but...
    Both Premiere CC AND After Effects CC are not recognizing Pro Res ...heck it doesn't seem like they are recognizing QUICKTIME in general (both progams are rejecting a .MOV I have with the animation codec) ...
    When I try and open up a CS6 sequence in CC I get a message saying "The preset used by one or more of the sequences in this project requires third party components that could not be located." When you click ok just to get the project open, the media is offline.
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    When I try and IMPORT a .MOV into AE cc I get "Cannot be imported- this 'MooV' file is damaged or unsupported.
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    Media Encoder obviously is essentially the same story.
    This seems to be a Quicktime thing ... not JUST a ProRes thing.
    CS6 has no problems working with my Mac and QT/ProRes ... so I know it's not my machine...
    I really don't feel like calling India today to process a refund, but if I can't get this working on my Mac I dont need to pay for Adobe CC.

    Did you know that there has been a major overhaul to prores and where\how it's installed?  I've had the same issue, but I ran the following test:
    I've installed the compressor, I used the cs6 prores and... ...FAILURE.  I was on CS6, and it didn't work... ...Why?  Tell ya in a moment...  Next step:
    I undid the last action by dumping the prores presets.  Then I installed the cs7\cc version.  Bingo.
    I went and researched the problem.
    Apple now includes most of the prores specification in the quicktime bundle (except their new 444).  It's all in the same bundle.  I looked into some workarounds people have used to get it working without pro-apps... ...they all focus on using the older prores which is installed as separate packages... ...and separate bundles.  What does this mean?
    If you are above 10.7 for your mac os, and you have compressor (latest), you have the prores built into the quicktime bundle.  If you are 10.7 or below, and you have the version of compressor for that period (same codec, different file arrangement), you have the prores codecs all in separate bundles.  They are inactive but still included in the quicktime bundle for 10.8 and above, so you couldn't use them without the right presets, along with compressor which changes the files to an actual bundle instead of a simple file inside the quicktime packaging.
    If you are on later mac os and you have CS5 or above, use the CC version of the presets.  If you have the older prores or an older compressor and wish to try and hack it in, you can do it, and then use the CS6 version of the presets supplied by adobe.  They point to different bundles in the system.  I use both, on different machines.  IF you have cs5, you may want to use the "hack" way, and install the prores from older compressor, even if you have the newer one... ...They work faster in cs5 if you use the CS6 presets.  Why?  I do not know for certain, but I believe it has to do with the 32bit crosstalk.  Cs6 starts with 64 and has to "dumb down" to 32 for a connection to quicktime directly, and then, if it finds 64bit architecture, smart-*** up to 64 again.  In Cs5 you're stuck in 32 most of the way on the back end.  Only a guess.
    And when importing into premiere... ...HMM... >>>I had the same problems you had...  It wanted to only import audio.  If you have the time...  Try:
    Copy the presets from adobe that are for AME into the proper sequence preset folder of your Premiere app (the previews folder).  You should also try and find a way to set up your main sequence edit.  Try to remember that an AE import must be:
    Fully Rendered into a file, and not linked from AE but from the file itself OR
    The composition must be set to the same uncompressed codec (which means you need the preset in the AE app folder as well, finding this will be difficult, best of luck).
    Remember to match your preset to your codec.  IF you have separate prores bundles, use cs6 versions of the preset, and if you have the latest bundle, use the cC\cs7\2014 versions.  This will let AE provide an uncompressed composition, but very slow in previewing, and if you render out, remember to render to a whole file (you can try to render-farm, but you still have to re-render in AME or Compressor afterward, as farm will only render out the frames and an audio file, not the proper file wrapper, even if you specify that wrapper;  You have to build the file wrapper from the images and audio after you've rendered any effects).

  • Im trying to put songs i just purchased into my video on windows movie maker and the error comes up that the codec for the song is missing what do i do?

    It's for my grandfathers funeral video tomarro and i can't get the songs i just purchased on itunes to work.  They play but wont work when i drag them to the movie maker program.  it says that the codec for the song isn't installed. codec?

    werm21 wrote:
    It's for my grandfathers funeral video tomarro and i can't get the songs i just purchased on itunes to work.  They play but wont work when i drag them to the movie maker program.  it says that the codec for the song isn't installed. codec?
    The songs you purchased are in AAC format, which Windows Movie Maker cannot handle.  You can use iTunes to make MP3 versions by following this guide:  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1550 and the MP3s will work fine.
    Note that when iTunes does a conversion it creates a new file and leaves the original in place.  Make sure you are grabbing the new MP3 for your movie and not the original AAC.
    Sorry to hear about your grandpa.

  • A video that I shot is pixelated and blurry. I think I have the wrong codec.

       I shot footage on a decent camera (not HD)- a Canon Vixia HFM30, it should have decent picture quality. I've seen the difference between HD and regular video footage, but this is horrible. It was exported onto a Mac on iMovie, then transferred to my Mac Book Pro. I tried to do some research online; it pointed toward downloading or purchasing the appropriate codec. While reading an article on Apple's website it said to go to >Finder, then the file, then >get info >Name & Extension to find the extension being used. I didn't see any extension. I know what they're referring to. Below are some links to articles I came across and I wasn't able to download anything helpful, either it doesn't download or doesn't help me.
    This image is a sceenshot of the footage.Thank you for your time!

    Try http://mediainfo.massanti.com/ for more information
    But, the screen you show says Photo JPEG
    In the Windows world, I think that would be called Motion JPEG
    MJPEG http://forums.adobe.com/thread/730396
    Edit with Morgan or MainConcept http://www.morgan-multimedia.com/
    http://www.mainconcept.com/site/prosumer-products-4/motion-jpeg-codec-785/information-797. html
    - and problems with Samsung codec http://forums.adobe.com/thread/699493

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    I'm on OS X 10.6.8 and have a .mov file which plays on QuickTime 10.0 but with choppy video and the sound is out of sync???? File details are Video Codec: DNxHD (AVdn) Resolution 1920x1080 Audio Codec: PCM S24 BE (in24) Bitrate: 1536kb/s.  Any ideas?

    Question: Is all the source footage shot in 16 bit audio or is some also shot in 12 bit?

  • KDE, aRts, and the recent flac update

    Good morning,
    I am running kde 3.3.1. No issues. I performed a pacman -Syu recently, and the flac package was updated.
    At this point, I lost my sound, specifically aRts is not running in KDE. So KDE native apps that use aRts, such as noatun, and the KDE sounds that are specific to KDE events, do not work now.
    The sound system (alsa) is still working though. Non-KDE apps generate sound perfectly, even when launched from within KDE. Last night I watched "The Day After Tomorrow" with xine, ...no sound issues. But KDE is voiceless.
    Checked the obvious such as sound settings, mute, ran alsamixer in a console and verified that something wasn't muted, and verified that my default levels had not been misadjusted...
    Thinking I had a system problem, I started gnome (2.8). It has it's own system sounds with no issues, so my problem appears to be KDE specific.
    Any ideas anyone?

    Sorry for being so late to chime but I've been busy trying to skull out XML all day and haven't had a chance to check the forum before this.
    I did the upgrade last night but didn't notice the problem with the KDE system sounds till I read this thread (I'm now using XFce 95% of the time). Like the rest xmms and other sound apps work - just no system sounds. Everything else appears to running peachy...:)

  • Why after optimising media (AVCHD) does the info tab say the codec is the native codec and not ProRes 422?

    I optimise media from AVCHD and the Transcoded Media files are created in the events folder in the finder. However, after importing has finished, I click on a clip in FCP X and then click on the info tab to see that the clip has the original codec. Therefore I guess I am not editing in ProRes. How can I switch?

    What's pointing to the original media? What folder is it in? Is there a Transcoded Media folder? Does it contain a High Quality Media folder?

  • Photoshop Elements cannot load mts video and says I need to install the proper codec. What codec do I need and where do I find it?

    I have a new Dell Inspiron with 8G memory and an Intel i7 processor. I just installed PSE12 and Premier12. I tried to import some video into the Organizer, but the thumbnails are just grey squares, and when I double-click, I get an error message that the system does not have the required codec installed. I don't know what codec this might be or where to find out. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Let me add that I'm running Win 8.1 AND the Premier 12 package runs the video clips just fine. The problem seems limited to the Organizer display.

    Try here:

  • CS5 - "quicktime and/or the appropriate codec do not appear"

    Hey everyone,
    I'm trying to import a video file created in FCP7 into Encore CS5 to make a blu ray.
    I've exported my video as a 1080p/24 ProResHQ quicktime (NOT a QT reference, but the full contained QT file), and every time I try and import it into Encore I get the error "quicktime and/or the appropriate codec do not appear to be installed"
    I've seen some threads talking about how the solution was to not make it a refernce file, or use a non QT codec, but since neither of those restrictions apply here, I'm stumped.
    I'm running CS5 on a Mountain Lion 10.8.1 brand new installation of everything.
    Any suggestions?

    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER
    What is a CODEC... a Primer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/546811?tstart=0
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file? http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below
    For PC http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ or http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
    For Mac http://mediainfo.massanti.com/

  • HT3775 My DVD player is supposed to play avi videos, but it often doesn't telling me that the file format is not recognized.  I suspect it's because it's the wrong codec.  How can I tell what the codec is before I burn a DVD?  And how do I get a workable

    My DVD player is supposed to play avi videos, but it often doesn't telling me that the file format is not recognized.  I suspect it's because it's the wrong codec.  How can I tell what the codec is before I burn a DVD?  And how do I get a workable codec?  Thanks for uour help!
    Ken Selvidge ([email protected])

    I am not a computer savy person.  I just need to plug in and have the machine do what it should do.
    Not a problem, but that indicates you have a lot to learn.
    File extensions like mpeg, mp4., avi, wmv, etc. are just wrappers. It is like a box the audio or video content is placed inside. The audio and video content must be encoded with a codec before it is placed in the box. There are thousands of codecs. Not all are installed on your Mac. You must have the same codec installed that encoded the video in order to play it. So, while Quicktime does support mpeg wrapper, it may not have the codecs to decode the internal video.
    Some programs have lots of the codecs available to them, like VLC, Niceplayer, MPlayerX, etc.
    You can also get "plug-ins" for Quicktime that add codecs to Quicktime, like Perian. Although it is no longer being developed, Perian still works well.
    Why is it so difficult? Probably because they are always working on ways to compress the video to get better playback.

  • I have an ipad air and I'm trying to play a video I purchased from iTu and it says cannot open not supported and the codec says protected. How do I fix?

    I have an ipad air and I'm trying to play a video I purchased from iTu and it says cannot open not supported and the codec says protected. How do I fix?

    For assistance with billing questions or other order inquiries, please refer to our online support page by clicking here: http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/store/. If you cannot find the answers you are seeking in our robust knowledge base, you can contact us by visiting the following URL http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/store/, clicking on the appropriate Customer Service topic, then using the contact button or email form at the bottom of the page. Responses to emails will be provided as soon as possible.
    Phone: 800-275-2273 How to reach a live person: Press 0 four times
    Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm ET
    Email: mailto:[email protected]
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase
    iTunes Purchase Problems: How to Report a Problem to iTunes Support
    iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store
    How to Get a Refund from the App Store
    Getting Refunds for your iTunes Store Purchases
    Canceling a Digital Subscription
    http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/14/qa-canceling-a-digital-subscripti on/
     Cheers, Tom

  • Making the jump, NAS drive, FLAC and other stuff

    Hi all,
    I'm seriously thinking of making the jump to an i7 27" iMac in the next couple of months after using PC's since their inception. Yes I'm that old 
    Just a quick couple of questions in relation to my music library & storage, not sure if this is the right forum?
    My current music collection (400GB +) is currently stored on a NAS drive (NTFS) in RAID 1 configuration. Any new music is ripped via my laptop (PC) to this drive as FLAC files.
    The music is played through my SONOS system but is regularly accessed on the computer for updating metadata and housekeeping etc.
    Firstly once I move to the iMac, will I have to reformat this NAS drive to continue to write new tracks and housekeep it?
    The other option is I could just keep the old laptop handy for this purpose but I ideally wish to move all my computer work away from the PC.
    Secondly am I correct in thinking that FLAC files aren't supported by iTunes and for iTunes to reconize them I'd need to convert the 400GB's worth to apple lossless?
    Any thoughts appreciated
    Regards M

    Thanks both for your input.
    Thinking aloud......I'm reluctant to alter the files from FLAC. You wouldn't believe how long they took to encode and it took forever to get the metadata just right so that they displayed correctly via the sonos software.
    As this is my primary way of listening to the music and isn't reliant on any computer to listen, why fix what isn't broken.
    I only add ripped music from CD to this library to maintain the quality. I appreciate that at some time I may have to move with the times and adopt a digital download but not yet.
    I do however convert some of this music back onto my laptop at a lower bitrate so that it can be added to my/wifes ipod/iphone etc. This music only is in an iTunes run library.
    This senario works well for me at the moment and I will need to think through what you have said to see if I can enable this to continue.
    That is, find a method via the mac to
    1. Make the NAS visible and updatable via Mac ( i think this will work anyway, but from what you say may require a drive to be reformated with a Mac compatible file structure and the library recopied to it)
    2. Rip CD's to the NAS drive as FLAC
    3. Convert a lower bitrate copy of selected music for use in an iTunes library (solely for portable use)
    Lots to think about
    Regards M

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