Flash CS6 + iPad Simulator

I'm building an iPad project with Flash CS6 + Air 3.4 for iOS
In the "Air for iOS Settings" box I've set the path to the iOS Simulator as:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SD Ks/iPhoneSimulator6.0.sdk
The app is published for iPad only in the 'Device' dropdown.
When I debug the app using the iOS simulator it brings up the iPhone simulator instead of the iPad one.
I'm guessing the problem is...
1. I need to do a special download from Apple to install the iPad simulator
2. There is a bug in CS6 that launches the iPhone sim even though it's an iPad app
3. Some setting I'm forgetting about
Thanks for any hints!

Yes, that one. The simulator has a menu where you can change the device you're simulating. It doesn't know what Flash wants, and it will remember the setting next time. So, set that to iPad.

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    Please see "Opting out of Background execution section" @ http://help.adobe.com/en_US/air/build/WSfffb011ac560372f7e64a7f12cd2dd1867-8000.html
    Could you please try to 1st add the tag and then package the IPA.

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    I installed  the update, but I'm sorry to say that it did not solve the problem
    The error is still there as described by Master §ix and Daniel777
    CreateWinProcess failed with error 2. The system cannot find the file specified.
    It happens when trying to test, debug, or publish air applications (AIR 2.5 – AIR 3.4 , desktop, android, iOS)
    In this case, I can't use the simulator to test the applications,

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    Thanks in advance, Patrick

    kishliver wrote:
    If so what stage size and what publish settings should be used when trying to create an iPhone only app?
    iPhone only app should be published with stage size:
    640x960 for portrait view
    960x640 for landscape view
    ... if the app are going to be fullscreen.

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    Thank you and have a nice day!

    I've tried your suggestion, but unfortunately, I couldn't even get past the third step because I still wasn't able to open Flash, even when I did follow the first two steps. Just a thought: I have Photoshop Elements 9 installed, but I know that it's not part of CS, but could it possibly be something with PSE 9 interfering with the app manager? Though, I have had PSE 9, a trial of Illustrator CS5, and a subscription to CC for Flash CS6 installed on my computer once before, I had no problem whatsoever. But now I just have PSE 9 and (Flash CS6). I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the issue I'm having, but I just wanted to make sure.
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    Why installing IIS o_O?
    For Installing a developer Machine just install Oracle Developer suite; for testing your forms you use OC4J ("start OC4J instance" in start menu), and you can run your forms in web; no need for a aditional webserver (don't believe there's an OC4J connector for IIS available; and if so I wouldn't use it either ;-))
    For Installing a server for "productional" use install Oracle Application Server (available on otn) which comes with an Apache as webserver and all the other needful things for runnung forms on the web.
    For configuring both of them just take a look at the documentations on http://otn.oracle.com

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    I there a possible way to update the air for android for an fla or apk? Or how can I let my originally file work fine in flash cs6??

    system couldn't find the file
    If you can´t get a more specific hint why your project can´t compile then I can think of some reasons theis error might occur
    1.You had files included besides the swf, like videos, audio files, xml files, that are not present in the place air expects them to be
    2.somewhere in your createWin functions there is a class import needed that isn`t present in 3.2 anymore, for example some classes or functions from classes that were valid in 2.6 are not any more in 3.2
    3. to achieve better eror logging, allow for debugging in the publishing options and see what specific lines in your code throw the error
    4.any air app needs a cert file, this needs to be created once, if you migrated to e new system it might be you never created that file which air expects to even begin the compiling process
    once you isolate the problem, report back

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    How do I install Flash CS6 on my new computer so I can remove it from my old one and get rid of it?

    You can install Flash CS6 on your new machine with your Creative Cloud subscription.
    Sign in with your Adobe ID on the page https://creative.adobe.com/products/flash. You can then toggle the version from CC to CS6 and click the blue Download button. This will make the Creative Cloud app download and install the CS6 version.

  • How can I see the same configuration make in Flash CS6, in Flash CC?

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    no, flash pro cc does not support as2.
    continue to use flash pro cs6 for as2 projects.

  • Any ideas for reducing lag in my animation (flash cs6)?

    I'm creating something for a local college in Flash CS6 and it lags in a couple spots (in the very beginning after clicking enter and after clicking on a location on the map) and it would obviously be really nice to get rid of that lag. The only thing i know to try in order to help with lag is to break down all grouped artwork and to convert tweens into frame by frame. I've done this and it hasn't changed anything so I was hoping someone else would have another idea. Ive uploaded the swf and flash file to dropbox. What is in the dropbox is not the final product I need to add the videos thats are going to be in it (they pop up once you press the play button) but other then the videos that is as complicated as the file is going to get. This lag started happening from the get go of working on this project once I had the barebones of the menu system figured out. It hasn't gotten any worse since then even after all the things I've added.
    Dropbox - Adobe Q
    Let me know if there is more information you want me to provide. Im really willing to try anything to sort this out.
    Thanks in advance.

    the following is an excerpt (Flash Game Development: In a Social, Mobile and 3D World),
    Optimization Techniques
    Unfortunately, I know of no completely satisfactory way to organize this information. In what follows, I discuss memory management first with sub-topics listed in alphabetical order. Then I discuss CPU/GPU management with sub-topics listed in alphabetical order.
    That may seem logical but there are, at least, two problems with that organization.
    I do not believe it is the most helpful way to organize this information.
    Memory management affects CPU/GPU usage, so everything in the Memory Management section could also be listed in the CPU/GPU section.
    Anyway, I am going to also list the information two other ways, from easiest to hardest to implement and from greatest to least benefit.
    Both of those later listings are subjective and are dependent on developer experience and capabilities, as well as, the test situation and test environment. I very much doubt there would be a consensus on ordering of these lists.  Nevertheless, I think they still are worthwhile.
    Easiest to Hardest to Implement
    Do not use Filters.
    Always use reverse for-loops and avoid do-loops and avoid while-loops.
    Explicitly stop Timers to ready them for gc (garbage collection).
    Use weak event listeners and remove listeners.
    Strictly type variables whenever possible.
    Explicitly disable mouse interactivity when mouse interactivity not needed.
    Replace dispatchEvents with callback functions whenever possible.
    Stop Sounds to enable Sounds and SoundChannels to be gc'd.
    Use the most basic DisplayObject needed.
    Always use cacheAsBitmap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix with air apps (i.e., mobile devices).
    Reuse Objects whenever possible.
    Event.ENTER_FRAME loops: Use different listeners and different listener functions applied to as few DisplayObjects as possible.
    Pool Objects instead of creating and gc'ing Objects.
    Use partial blitting.
    Use stage blitting.
    Use Stage3D.
    Greatest to Least Benefit
    Use stage blitting (if there is enough system memory).
    Use Stage3D.
    Use partial blitting.
    Use cacheAsBitmap and cacheAsBitmapMatrix with mobile devices.
    Explicitly disable mouse interactivity when mouse interactivity not needed.
    Do not use Filters.
    Use the most basic DisplayObject needed.
    Reuse Objects whenever possible.
    Event.ENTER_FRAME loops: Use different listeners and different listener functions applied to as few DisplayObjects as possible.
    Use reverse for-loops and avoid do-loops and while-loops.
    Pool Objects instead of creating and gc'ing Objects.
    Strictly type variables whenever possible.
    Use weak event listeners and remove listeners.
    Replace dispatchEvents with callback functions whenever possible.
    Explicitly stop Timers to ready for gc.
    Stop Sounds to enable Sounds and SoundChannels to be gc'd.

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