Flash mx to flash cs3

Does flash mx upgrade seamlessly to flash cs3. I am right in
the middle of a project and want to upgrade. I am not wanting to
get cs3 and find out that the scripting has changed or something
and my files won't work. Does anyone know?

well, AS3 has completely changed but you can still use AS1 or
AS2 and publish to any older player -
upgrading the authoring tool doesn't limit backward
Chris Georgenes / mudbubble.com / keyframer.com / Adobe
Community Expert
relief8 wrote:
> Does flash mx upgrade seamlessly to flash cs3. I am
right in the middle of a
> project and want to upgrade. I am not wanting to get cs3
and find out that the
> scripting has changed or something and my files won't
work. Does anyone know?

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    'Black Gaps' in Flash usually come from the Flash trying to locate & load the next Flash file. Without a Pre-Loader, you will probably always have this... especially if your quality is set too high. This equates to longer load/buffer times which means there is nothing to display until there is enough video loaded in the buffer to play.
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    Right, well who could blame Adobe for saying that? It's not
    Adobe's fault. It's that most of the hosting sites have cold feet
    (IMHO) and fear that they'll have viewers who don't have the latest
    version which means their advertisers won't get the most bang for
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    Deprecated features
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    I gave this a shot, using CS5, and when I started a new AS3 file I got the appropriate prompt asking me which application should edit my file...
    Flash Pro
    Flash Builder
    When I chose Flash Builder, (which I had already running), it opened the new AS3 file there with no problems. Interestingly, when I closed FB, and with Flash Pro created a new AS3 class, I wasn't prompted (and the AS file opened in Flash Pro) - so it does require that FB be running, or else Flash Pro will be the default editor.
    For the issue of Flash no longer prompting you "Who" will open a new file, you can change that here:
    Edit > Preferences > ActionScript > Several items down is the Class editor. Change that to Flash Builder
    If you still have problems...Are you able to successfully launch Flash Builder 4 by itself? Or has the trial expired?
    Last but not least, it's worth mentioning another fantastic AS editor (in case you don't really need FB, and/or your trial runs out):

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    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
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  • Disable Context Menu - Flash Professional Export (Flash 11.2 - CS6)

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    var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip
    mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN, myFunction);
    When this listener is attached, it should be impossible for the Context Menu to pop up on right-click of this object. Flash disables the functionality.
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    How do I fix this issue?
    This issue isn't with exporting to 11.2 - I can already do that. All changes mentioned in this tutorial have already been made with base install of Flash Professional CS6.
    results in:
    MAC 11,2,202,228

    I've got the same problem!
    I'm currently using Adobe Flash CS6 and I don't gave an idea of how to deploy my apps to be published on the Mac App Store!
    If you find the answer, please, let me know!
    Here's my email: [email protected]
    Thanks a lot!

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    Wow. Okay...
    I'll let the real veterans in this forum tackle your issues one after the other. But, I can tell you, all will be well.
    My only comment would be re: your computer specs:
    BJReis wrote:
    .  This may be due to somewhat older equipment:
    GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook Pro with a 4GB memory computer with Ddr3 running OSX 10.8.4
    To be completely honest, FCPX is a RAM hog. It just is. But, RAM is relatively cheap, and the pay-off is good.
    4GB is right on the edge, IMHO. 16G is ideal.
    I wish you luck, hang in there, and standby for more help.

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    I thought about it a bit more. I think you should take my advice with a grain of salt. I am still standing behind what I said but there are some circumstances that we are not in control of.
    If your task is to be the beginning and the end of your code - don't bother with Flash IDE. BUT, if you plan to monetize on your Flash/ActionScript skills, you may not have choice but be familiar with as many environments as possible.
    Here is my personal experiense that illustrates this point.
    I always prayed to gods, chanted to mandalas and made offerings to spirits to avoid a single thing - not ever deal with custom Flash components. Rightly or wrongly I perceive them as one of the lamest Macromedia creations. I am not talking about SWCs but about this thing that you create with preview and all other crap. Above all, it did not (and still doesn't) make much sense to me from functionality standpoint.
    Anyway, as, I guess, a karmic retribution, I was dealt this card. I got involved in a project(s) where I was not told that my main task would be to, you are right, write and reverse engineer Flash custom components. If I did not know Flash IDE I would be totally lost. Custom components are so counter-intuitive that only people without programming background can view them as a convenience. Well, it is a convenience if they are written correctly.
    The point is that, if you want to make a career out of it, you should gradually get involved with Flash IDE for now. The truth is that there are tons of agencies out there that do not have resources to hire high level developers and they employ "drag n' drop, cut n' paste" individuals. And this is a real market segment. Even well seasoned development houses have to succumb to this reality and cater to such entities.
    It is your choice, of course, but I thought it wouldn't be fare to you to be very fascist about pushing my one-sided views.

  • Adobe Flash FAIL:  Adobe Flash Player local storage settings incorrect.  Module 'Resume' feature may not work on this computer.

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    It sounds like what's happening is that Flash Player can't write or read from the local shared objects in the user's redirected home directory because we disallow traversing junctions in the broker process.  This behavior was disabled to address a vulnerability identified in some of John Forshaw's research into the IE broker last year.
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    That said, you can probably gather from the name of the flag that we don't really recommend this approach, and disable this attack surface by default.  There's some risk that a network attacker could craft content that abuses fundamental issues with how Windows handles Junctions to write to arbitrary locations.
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    pdf is not a supported file type in flash.

  • Best practices for Flash CS5 and Flash Builder 4 integration?

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    Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

    Most likely, you know that, but just in case, you can integrate new Flash project into existing Flex 4 project  from within the Flash Builder by choosing either Flash Component or Flash Container from the FB Design view. In such workflow Flash Builder opens the Flash CS 4 (I assume that should be the same for CS5) and takes care of the integrating the newly created Flash project into original Flex 4 project.

  • Building complex flash game in Flash Builder 4 - Workflow/Best Practices

    I'm investigating switching to Flash Builder 4 for building a complex game that currently lives purely inside Flash CS4.  CS4 is a pretty terrible source code editor and debugger.  It's also quite unstable.  Many crashes caused by bad behavior in the SWF will take out the entire IDE so are almost impossible to debug.  And I've heard other horror stories.  To be clear, for this project I'm not interested in the Flex API, just the IDE.
    Surprisingly, it seems Flash Builder 4 isn't really set up for this type of development.  I was hoping for an "Import FLA" option that would import my Document Class, set it as the main entry point, and figure out where other assets live and construct a new project.  What is the best workflow for developing a project like this?
    What I tried:
    -Create a new Actionscript Project in the same directory where my CS4  lives
    -Set the primary source file to match the original project's source file and location
    -Set my main FLA as "export to SWC", and added "SWC PATH" to my flash builder 4 project.
    -Compile and run.. received many errors due to references to stage instance. I changed these to GetChildByName("stagename").  Instead, should I declare them as members of the main class?  (this would mimic what flash CS4 does).
    -My project already streams in several external SWF's.  I set these to "Export SWC" to get compile-time access to classes and varaibles. This works fine in cs4, the loaded SWF's behave as if they were in the native project.  Is the same recommended with FB4?
    -Should I also be setting the primary FLA as "export to swc"?  If not, how do I reference it from flex, and how does flex know which fla it should construct the main stage with?
    -I'm getting a crash inside a class that is compiled in one of the external SWF's (with SWC).  I cannot see source code for the stack inside this class at all.  I CAN see member variables of the class, so symbol information exists.  And I do see the stack with correct function names.  I even see local variables and function parameters in the watch window! But no source.  Is this a known bug, or "by design"? Is there a workaround?  The class is compiled into the main project, but I still cannot see source.  If FLEX doesn't support source level debugging of SWC's, then it's pretty useless to me.   The project cannot live as a single SWF.  It needs to be streaming and modular for performance and also work flow. I can see source just fine when debugging the exact same SWC/SWF through CS4.
    -What is the expected workflow with artists/designers working on the project?  Currently they just have access to all the latest source, and to test changes they run right through flash.  Will they be required to license Flash Builder as well so they can test changes?  Or should I be distributing the main "engine" as a SWF, and having it reference other SWF files that artists can work on?  They they compile their SWF in CS4, and to test the game, they can load the SWF I distribute.
    A whitepaper on this would be awesome, since I think a lot of folks are trying to go this direction.  I spent a long time searching the web and there is quite a bit of confusion on this issue, and various hacks/tricks to make things work.  Most of the information is stale from old releases (AS2!).
    If a clean workflow I would happily adopt Flash Builder 4 as the new development tool for all the programmers.  It's a really impressive IDE with solid performance, functional intellisense, a rich and configurable interface, a responsive debugger..I could go on and on.  One request is shipping with "visual studio keyboard layout" for us C++ nerds.
    Thanks very much for reading this novel!

    Flash builder debugging is a go!  Boy, I feel a bit stupid, you nailed the problem Jason - I didn't have "Permit Debugging set".  I didn't catch it because debugging worked fine in CS4 because, well, CS4 doesn't obey this flag, even for externally loaded SWF files (I think as long as it has direct access to the SWC). Ugh.
    I can now run my entire, multi SWF, complex project through FB with minimal changes.  One question I do have:
    In order to instantiate stage instances and call the constructor of the document class, I currently load the SWF file with LoaderContext.  I'm not even exporting an SWC for the main FLA (though I may, to get better intellisense).  Is this the correct way of doing it?  Or should I be using , or some other method to pull it into flex?  They seem to do the same thing.
    The one awful part about this workflow is that since almost all of my code is currently tied to symbols, and lives in the SWF, any change i make to code must first be recompiled in CS4, then I have to switch back to FB.  I'm going to over time restructure the whole code base to remove the dependency of having library symbols derive from my own custom classes.  It's just a terrible work flow for both programmers and artists alike.  CS5 will make this better, but still not great.  Having a clean code base and abstracted away assets that hold no dependencies on the code  seems like the way to go with flash.  Realistically, in a complex project, artists/designers don't know how to correctly set up symbols to drive from classes anyway, it must be done by a programmer.  This will allow for tighter error checking and less guess work.  Any thoughts on this?
    Would love to beta test CS5 FYI seeing as it solves some of these issues.
    Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:06:07 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Building complex flash game in Flash Builder 4 - Workflow/Best Practices
    How are you launching the debug session from Flash Builder? Which SWF are you pointing to?
    Here's what I did:
    1) I imported your project (File > Import > General > Existing project...)
    2) Create a launch configuration (Run > Debug Configuration) as a Web Application pointing to the FlexSwcBug project
    3) In the launch config, under "URL or path to launch" I unchecked "use default" and selected the SWF you built (I assume from Flash Pro C:\Users\labuser\Documents\FLAs\FlexSwcBug\FlexSwcBugCopy\src\AdobeBugExample_M ain.swf)
    4) Running that SWF, I get a warning "SWF Not Compiled for Debugging"
    5) No problem here. I opened Flash Professional to re-publish the SWF with "Permit debugging" on
    6) Back In Flash Builder, I re-ran my launch configuration and I hit the breakpoint just fine
    It's possible that you launched the wrong SWF here. It looks like you setup DocumentClass as a runnable application. This creates a DocumentClass.swf in the bin-debug folder and by default, that's what Flash Builder will create a run config for. That's not the SWF you want.
    In AdobeBugExample_Main.swc, I don't see where classCrashExternal is defined. I see that classCrashMainExample is the class and symbol name for the blue pentagon. Flash Builder reads the SWC fine for me. I'm able to get code hinting for both classes in the SWC.
    Jason San Jose
    Quality Engineer, Flash Builder

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    Mariush T.

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    Was there some step that I missed that you see by any chance?

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