Flash Video Play in a page like Youtube

I post a lot of videos on my blog and always have to have
people click on a link that opens a new window to play my flash
videos. i do this because if i were to place multiple flash videos
onto a page, they would all immediately start downloading. This web
site does what I am looking for, (
it has a jpeg as a placeholder on an html page, and then when you
click it, the flash video begins downloading. Do you know some
workflow to make this, or is there a service. The site i mentioned
says it uses click2start.net, but that site doesn't have anything
on it. This would be really helpful.

I did not use the streaming video before, but I guess there
must be an option Flash or in AS that start downloading when the
user click the playback button or some thing. Did you try to seach
on google for answer?

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  • How to add Video on the OAF page like youtube ?

    Any one know how to add Video on the page?

    If you are getting HTML code from one of these slideshow.com places, you can add this code to your iWeb pages with a little bit of work. Two things to keep in mind...1. No way to do this via iWeb directly, so it involves editing the published html files, and 2. Because iWeb republishes the html files whenever you update the your webpage, you will lose your changes and have to redo them to add your slideshows back.
    The general directions are as follows...
    1. Decide where you want your slideshow and know exactly what dimensions you need.
    2. Insert a text box onto your page and adjust its size to exactly your dimensions.
    3. Type in some uniquely identifiable text like, "SLIDESHOWHERE" without changing the font or anything else...just type it in.
    4. Publish your page with iWeb.
    5. Find the html file associated with your published page (either on your iDisk or in a folder depending on how you published) and open it in any text editor (like Microsoft Word, or Textedit, or anything). You may need to set your text editor to "ignore rich text" or to "show HTML source".
    6. Scroll through the html file and locate your placeholder text, e.g. "SLIDESHOWHERE".
    7. Replace the placeholder text with your html code and save your page.
    That's it. You should see your slideshow element show up in Safari where you placed the text box in iWeb!

  • Flash videos playing weirdly in firefox - malformed

    I have had this problem for a long time, running through all versions of Firefox 3 (including the latest 3.5 preview releases).
    I am updated to the latest version of Flash, and am running Windows XP (also fully up to date).
    All flash videos play fine in IE8.
    On some sites, while videos are playing, the picture flicks quickly between a normal picture and the effect shown in the screenshot - the usual image tiny, with weird blurred lines around it. This continues through the whole video, flicking very rapidly, and making the video effectively unwatchable. The effect remains even when the video is paused. I've attached screenshots below which should make the nature of the distortion clear.
    I have experienced the problem most on Youtube (as I use this more than other video sites). The only other site I have noted the problem on is facebook video. Metacafe, Google Videos, Dailymotion, Vimeo and BBC iPlayer did not exhibit any distortion.
    On Youtube, it is sometimes possible to play videos properly by switching to high quality, but usually it does the same thing, but flicking to a much larger picture, so it only seems to be blurry around the very edges.
    I should also mention that embedded YouTube videos play fine on other pages.
    My computer is pretty old - with an AMD Athlon Processor 996 MHz and 752 MB of RAM - but definitely has the capacity to play these videos, as it manages on Internet Explorer.
    I created a thread on the firefox support forums before I came here - not much progress was made, but I should mention a few details of the only other reported case of this problem.
    "Matt" seems to be experiencing the same problem on Firefox, also with a pretty old computer, but on Windows 2000, not XP. He reports the same problem on Opera also on his computer; I haven't tested this on my system.
    Personally, I am at a complete loss with this problem - I have no idea how it can be caused, or fixed, and it's a major obstacle to casual web browsing. (I have to load Internet Explorer just to watch a youtube video!)
    I really hope someone is able to shed some light on this issue; please ask if you would like any more details on my system.

    Hello all,
    Yes to follow up Ben, I'm experiencing the exact same problems as him. I changed browser to Firefox 3.0.11 a couple of months ago and hence downloaded the Flash plugin for Firefox. I noticed the issue straight away in Youtube, but not on other sites. As I attributed the problem to Firefox, I then downloaded Opera 9.64 - but experienced the same problem. This led me to believe the issue was the Flash plugin, as both browsers are served by the same Adobe plugin for 'alternative browsers' to IE.
    I then tried IE6 again in youtube and it didn't have the problem on standard view, however the problem was (and still is) occurring in full screen view. I'm nearly 100% sure this problem didn't occur before I downloaded the Flash plugin for Firefox / Opera. Regardless of whether that is the issue, the problem was definitely not happening on my system in IE6 earlier this year.
    As Ben said, my computer is fairly old but well managed and up to date. OS is Windows 2000 SP4, system is AMD Athlon 900 (slot A), 512 Mb RAM, 16Mb Voodoo 3 graphics, m/board MSI MS-6191.
    I've also tried removing the Flash plugin for Firefox/Opera and for IE6 and reinstalling it but had no joy there either. I would try an updated version of IE too but IE6 is the last version compatible with Win 2k.
    Any help appreciated, thanks.

  • Help inserting a flash video into my web page

    I'd love some help inserting a flash video into my web page. My web page is hosted by Viviti, templated, and edited online. I can add html to it, and I have the html source for my flash video. I also have uploaded the flash file to the server. Since I am very html illiterate, though, I need some help rewriting the html script so it can be published. There are two problems- firstly, no 'headers' or 'body' allowed in the script- these are already a part of the template. Secondly, I don't know how to rewrite it to refer to the uploaded files. It's also imperative that the full screen mode functions. I've pasted the source code for the flash video here. Please help!!!
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Drag and drop labelling</title>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Flash Player Version Detection
    // Detect Client Browser type
    // Copyright 2005-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
    var isIE  = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false;
    var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false;
    var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false;
    function ControlVersion()
         var version;
         var axo;
         var e;
         // NOTE : new ActiveXObject(strFoo) throws an exception if strFoo isn't in the registry
         try {
              // version will be set for 7.X or greater players
              axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
              version = axo.GetVariable("$version");
         } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 6.X players only
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
                   // installed player is some revision of 6.0
                   // GetVariable("$version") crashes for versions 6.0.22 through 6.0.29,
                   // so we have to be careful.
                   // default to the first public version
                   version = "WIN 6,0,21,0";
                   // throws if AllowScripAccess does not exist (introduced in 6.0r47)          
                   axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always";
                   // safe to call for 6.0r47 or greater
                   version = axo.GetVariable("$version");
              } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 4.X or 5.X player
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3");
                   version = axo.GetVariable("$version");
              } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 3.X player
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3");
                   version = "WIN 3,0,18,0";
              } catch (e) {
         if (!version)
              try {
                   // version will be set for 2.X player
                   axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
                   version = "WIN 2,0,0,11";
              } catch (e) {
                   version = -1;
         return version;
    // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version information
    function GetSwfVer(){
         // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array
         var flashVer = -1;
         if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
              if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) {
                   var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : "";
                   var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description;
                   var descArray = flashDescription.split(" ");
                   var tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split(".");               
                   var versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0];
                   var versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1];
                   var versionRevision = descArray[3];
                   if (versionRevision == "") {
                        versionRevision = descArray[4];
                   if (versionRevision[0] == "d") {
                        versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1);
                   } else if (versionRevision[0] == "r") {
                        versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1);
                        if (versionRevision.indexOf("d") > 0) {
                             versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(0, versionRevision.indexOf("d"));
                   var flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." + versionRevision;
         // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4
         else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1) flashVer = 4;
         // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3
         else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1) flashVer = 3;
         // older WebTV supports Flash 2
         else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 2;
         else if ( isIE && isWin && !isOpera ) {
              flashVer = ControlVersion();
         return flashVer;
    // When called with reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision returns true if that version or greater is available
    function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision)
         versionStr = GetSwfVer();
         if (versionStr == -1 ) {
              return false;
         } else if (versionStr != 0) {
              if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
                   // Given "WIN 2,0,0,11"
                   tempArray         = versionStr.split(" ");      // ["WIN", "2,0,0,11"]
                   tempString        = tempArray[1];               // "2,0,0,11"
                   versionArray      = tempString.split(",");     // ['2', '0', '0', '11']
              } else {
                   versionArray      = versionStr.split(".");
              var versionMajor      = versionArray[0];
              var versionMinor      = versionArray[1];
              var versionRevision   = versionArray[2];
                 // is the major.revision >= requested major.revision AND the minor version >= requested minor
              if (versionMajor > parseFloat(reqMajorVer)) {
                   return true;
              } else if (versionMajor == parseFloat(reqMajorVer)) {
                   if (versionMinor > parseFloat(reqMinorVer))
                        return true;
                   else if (versionMinor == parseFloat(reqMinorVer)) {
                        if (versionRevision >= parseFloat(reqRevision))
                             return true;
              return false;
    function AC_AddExtension(src, ext)
      if (src.indexOf('?') != -1)
        return src.replace(/\?/, ext+'?');
        return src + ext;
    function AC_Generateobj(objAttrs, params, embedAttrs)
      var str = '';
      if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera)
        str += '<object ';
        for (var i in objAttrs)
          str += i + '="' + objAttrs[i] + '" ';
        str += '>';
        for (var i in params)
          str += '<param name="' + i + '" value="' + params[i] + '" /> ';
        str += '</object>';
        str += '<embed ';
        for (var i in embedAttrs)
          str += i + '="' + embedAttrs[i] + '" ';
        str += '> </embed>';
    function AC_FL_RunContent(){
      var ret =
        (  arguments, ".swf", "movie", "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
         , "application/x-shockwave-flash"
      AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs);
    function AC_SW_RunContent(){
      var ret =
        (  arguments, ".dcr", "src", "clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"
         , null
      AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs);
    function AC_GetArgs(args, ext, srcParamName, classid, mimeType){
      var ret = new Object();
      ret.embedAttrs = new Object();
      ret.params = new Object();
      ret.objAttrs = new Object();
      for (var i=0; i < args.length; i=i+2){
        var currArg = args[i].toLowerCase();   
        switch (currArg){     
          case "classid":
          case "pluginspage":
            ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1];
          case "src":
          case "movie":     
            args[i+1] = AC_AddExtension(args[i+1], ext);
            ret.embedAttrs["src"] = args[i+1];
            ret.params[srcParamName] = args[i+1];
          case "onafterupdate":
          case "onbeforeupdate":
          case "onblur":
          case "oncellchange":
          case "onclick":
          case "ondblclick":
          case "ondrag":
          case "ondragend":
          case "ondragenter":
          case "ondragleave":
          case "ondragover":
          case "ondrop":
          case "onfinish":
          case "onfocus":
          case "onhelp":
          case "onmousedown":
          case "onmouseup":
          case "onmouseover":
          case "onmousemove":
          case "onmouseout":
          case "onkeypress":
          case "onkeydown":
          case "onkeyup":
          case "onload":
          case "onlosecapture":
          case "onpropertychange":
          case "onreadystatechange":
          case "onrowsdelete":
          case "onrowenter":
          case "onrowexit":
          case "onrowsinserted":
          case "onstart":
          case "onscroll":
          case "onbeforeeditfocus":
          case "onactivate":
          case "onbeforedeactivate":
          case "ondeactivate":
          case "type":
          case "codebase":
          case "id":
            ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1];
          case "width":
          case "height":
          case "align":
          case "vspace":
          case "hspace":
          case "class":
          case "title":
          case "accesskey":
          case "name":
          case "tabindex":
            ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1];
            ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.params[args[i]] = args[i+1];
      ret.objAttrs["classid"] = classid;
      if (mimeType) ret.embedAttrs["type"] = mimeType;
      return ret;
    // -->
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
              'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0',
              'width', '720',
              'height', '440',
              'src', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'quality', 'medium',
              'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
              'align', 'middle',
              'play', 'true',
              'loop', 'true',
              'scale', 'showall',
              'wmode', 'window',
              'devicefont', 'false',
              'id', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
              'name', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'menu', 'true',
              'allowFullScreen', 'true',
              'movie', 'Drag and drop labelling',
              'salign', ''
              ); //end AC code
         <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0" width="720" height="440" id="Drag and drop labelling" align="middle">
         <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
         <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
         <param name="movie" value="Drag and drop labelling.swf" /><param name="quality" value="medium" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />     <embed src="Drag and drop labelling.swf" quality="medium" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="720" height="440" name="Drag and drop labelling" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" />

    What you basically need to do is copy the sections of content from the code you show into the template (assuming the template already provides the <head> and <body> sections of the page.  So in the head section of what you show, take everything starting with...
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    all the way down thru...
    , inclusive (in the head section only), and paste that into the head section of your template.
    Similarly, take everything that lies between the <body> ... </body> tags (exclusive of the body tags) and paste it into the body section of your template wherever you plan to display the Flash file.

  • Video playing on HTML page without player?

    I have seen a few examples (none of which I have a link for)
    of flash
    video that plays on a HTML page that is not confined to a
    flash player.
    So the video of a person is shot against a green screen and
    background is later keyed out and the the video plays on the
    Does anyone know how this is done?

    Either you have a look at the book I wrote:
    or this article

  • Youtube/Flash videos play but with no sound

    I have gone through other posts both here and elsewhere trying to fix this issue.
    It happened, so far as I can tell, after the most recent set of updates that I installed (less than a week ago; my computer is set to update every month). Youtube and any other Flash videos online will play the video, but the sound option has a red x on it and does not allow me to have any sound with the videos. This occurs both in Safari and Firefox.
    Videos played through Quicktime (even .flv files downloaded from Youtube) play just fine, without any problems at all.
    I have changed the Audio Midi settings, uninstalled/reinstalled Flash player (and repaired disk permissions), reset PRAM, opened up Garageband/Quicktime/All other audio programs, and to no avail.
    I am running 10.6.6 on an iMac G5. My other iMac G5, which had the same set of updates installed, does not have this issue, which makes it even more baffling.
    I am almost to the point of backing up the computer's contents and doing a clean install of the system, but that seems like an overkill solution.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Hi and welcome...
    Try deleting Flash cookies.
    Restart Safari.

  • W520 will not play flash videos unless buffered in all browsers (youtube works...)

    I just bought my W520 referbished and I cannot watch flash videos unless they are fully buffered.  Several places suggests it has something to do with F-secure which does not appeared to be installed.  It also only effects certian players - not all.  I tried it on a verity of websites and have found that JWPlayer is one of them.  Youtube works fine.  I have tried reinstalling Flash -  I have updated all of my browsers (IE, Firefox [default], and Chrome).  Could this be a hardware problem?  Something to do with Optimus?
    Go to Solution.

    Can you share the links for both of the videos which work and does not work fine?
    We tried our W520 streamming 1080p video from youtube and they work fine. Not sure if we got your issues right.
    - Cleo
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  • No flash videos playing in any browser

    I am having this issue for over a month or two now, i can't play any videos on any browser, i tried firefox, then IE , then chrome, i re-installed all of them, updated flash, updated real player, downgraded flash , cleared browsing history,disable hardware acceleration, everything that i could do, but didnt get the issue solved, whenever i open a video on youtube or even dailymotion, the browser would start browsing but then everything would stop and i'd see a black screen , and when i right click on the video , instead of the usual drop down menu of flash... i get other menu with options like " inspect element" , "save" etc.  please anyone could help ??? btw i have windows x.p , FF 17.0.1, flash 11.5 updated java, installed real player and updated it too ...,

    Thanks for your reply Pat , i followed your post to see if the device drivers needed to be updated, i downloaded the drivers from the SIS site and updated my drivers, but the problem still persisted. The worse thing is that i've not tried all these solutions on one single pc , i've tried on my pc , then i've also tried on 3 different computers at my workplace as well and all show the same problem.
    Then you said about Real Player, i had installed real player coz i saw in some posts that updated real player also solves problem in some cases. But now after your reply , i disabled all real addons and tried but no solution still.
    Here i'm including 3 screenshots , first is from Dailymotion.com (a random video from their front page) , the problem on this site is that when i right click on the video i do not see the flash dropdown menu here , and another thing is the text just below the video , i always see this text overlapping its never arranged as it should be in the website.
    2ndly , here's the screenshot of the front page of youtube.com, when i open the front page , i can't see the static image of the video in thumbnails , it's written "thumbnail" instead .
    and when i open any video on youtube , when i right click here, i do see the flash drop down menu but the video never plays. here's the screenshot.
    so any solutions now ???

  • Why won't Flash videos play in Facebook?

    I can't seem to get Flash videos to play in Facebook.  I hear sound, but just get a blank black screen where I would expect to see the video. Youtube videos work fine.
    If I browse to http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html I see the following:
    "Check if Flash Player is installed on your computer", it shows the following under Step 1:
    Congratulations, your computer has the latest Flash Player installed.
    Start playing games, listening to music, and watching videos!
    Your Flash Version
    Your browser name
    Internet Explorer (I'm using IE 11)
    Your Operating System (OS)
    Windows (Windows 7) (I have a 64bit OS)
    I followed Stpes 2, 3, and 4, and even see the Flash video of a swaying tree on the page under Step 5, which makes me thing Flash is correctly installed yet I'm still unable to get videos to play on Facebook. 
    Troubleshooting steps I've taken:
    - Deleted %apphost%\flash and %apphost%\macromedia folders from my system
    - Uninstall/reinstall Adobe Flash
    - Reset Internet Explorer setting to default settings, cleared browsing history, and deleted temporary internet files
    - Confirmed under "Manage Add-Ons" that "Shockwave Flash Object" is enabled
    - Ensure clean Host and LMHost files
    I'd greatly appreciate other troubleshooting suggestions anyone else can provide.  Thank you.

    The problem is... not Flash Player.... it's Ie 11.
    Microsoft intentionally screwed up the "User-Agent Strings" that websites use to identify the browser and provide the proper content for it. If a website can ID it at all, it misidentifies it as either Gecko (Firefox) or Webkit (Safari), but since the full browser engine isnt there, IE then becomes an unidentifiable visitor.
    The pages can't recognize the browser, so they don't recognize any of the plugins, like Flash Player. So far, Microsoft has made NO indication that they have any plan to fix it soon.
    Microsoft's recommendation is to use Compatibility View for affected pages, and "pretend" you're using an different browser. Trouble with that is it has seen limited success at best, and you have to individually enable it for EVERY page that has problems.
    I'm not big on "pretending" so I recommend actually using another browser.
    Firefox (from Mozilla)
    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
    ANY of those will work where IE11 won't, with the Flash Player Plug-in (For all other browsers), and Chrome doesn't even need that because it has its own Flash Player plugin built in.

  • No video, only Audio in sites like Youtube and Dailymotion. Was perfectly fine earlier.

    Video doesn't play in Youtube. Only Audio. It was working fine only until a week ago. Tried uninstalling and re-installing Firefox. Tried several other sites like dailymotion and vimeo. However videos in screens.yahoo.com is payed perfectly.
    Please help.
    Attached the image of Youtube video with "stats for Nerds".

    Some problems with Flash video playback can be resolved by disabling hardware acceleration in your Flash Player settings. (See [[Flash Plugin - Keep it up to date and troubleshoot problems|this article]] for more information on using the Flash plugin in Firefox).
    To disable hardware acceleration in Flash Player:
    #Go to this [http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/video-playback-issues.html#main_Solve_video_playback_issues Adobe Flash Player Help page].
    #Right-click on the Flash Player logo on that page.
    #Click on '''Settings''' in the context menu. The Adobe Flash Player Settings screen will open.
    # Click on the icon at the bottom-left of the Adobe Flash Player Settings window to open the Display panel. <br/> <br/>[[Image:fpSettings1.PNG]] <br/>
    # Remove the check mark from '''Enable hardware acceleration'''.
    # Click '''Close''' to close the Adobe Flash Player Settings Window.
    # Restart Firefox.
    This [http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/help01.html Flash Player Help - Display Settings page] has more information on Flash Player hardware acceleration, if you're interested.
    Does this solve the problem? Let us know.

  • Embedded Flash videos play on 32 bit Win7, not on 64 bit Win7, IE9 32 bit

    I have two PCs.  One is running 32 bit Win7 SP1, the other 64 bit Win 7 SP1.  Both have IE9 32 bit and the latest version of Flash 32 bit,  This page http://www.iorr.org/talk/read.php?1,999739 and others at iorr.org have embedded YouTube Flash videos.  On the 32 bit machine, they play fine on both Admin and Standard accounts.  On the 64 bit machine, the embedded videos are only visible on the Admin account.  Standard accounts show an empty box with a broken icon symbol where the video should be.  (Note:  not trying to use IE9 64 bit.)
    I've spent a couple hours uninstalling and reinstalling Flash trying to see the videos on a Standard account on the 64 bit PC.  Nothing works.  Any suggestions?  Note that normal Flash videos work fine on the 64 bit PC Standard accounts.  Only embedded videos fail.
    During this exercise, I noticed that the 32 bit PC has the Flash Player Control Panel under Control Panel->System and Security.  The 64 bit PC does not have it there, but I can manually bring it up from a CPL file in the SysWOW64 folder.  Not sure if that's part of the problem or a different problem.
    Thanks for your time.

    I spent hours and hours on the same problem. My computer has a slightly different configuration. I am using Win7 32 bit, but experienced the same problems. Embedded Flash is working under Admin account, but not under other accounts. Many de-installs and re-installs, but nothing seemed to help. Until I found this internet post:
    http://superuser.com/questions/244316/embedded-video-is-not-shown-in-internet-explorer-9-r c-or-beta
    The solution offered in that post solved all my problems. Hurray!!!
    * Open REGEDIT
    * Find the following key:
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-shockwave-flash
    * Delete the key
    * Re-install flash
    * Problem solved (in my case)
    In the replies of the above mentioned link another solution was given (in stead of deleting the key)
    * Right click the above mentioned key
    * Change the access rights and allow all users read access to the key (did not check this myself)
    In order to keep the solution safe in this thread, please find a copy of the info in the link above here:
    In IE 9 RC or in beta, the embedded video is not shown in the web page. I verified the security settings in "internet options". Did not find any issue. Please find the screen shot below. I am able to view the flash videos in Youtube. But, for some reason, in some sites the embedded video is not shown.
    I don't have this issue with Firefox.
    I am able to see view the embedded video in Admin account. But not able to view it in Standard account.
    As it works as administrator, use Process Monitor and filter the Status on ACCESS DENIED.
    This allows you to troubleshoot what key the iexplore.exe process can't access.
    @TomWij, Thanks for the suggestions. The Process Monitor hint helped to nail down the issue. When run with standard privileges, it is getting "ACCESS DENIED" for reading the key
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-shockwave-flash. 
    When I elevated the privilege to Admin account, it did not have any issue. Then I uninstalled flash, deleted the registry key and then installed flash again. Now, I am able to view the embedded video in standard account.

  • Flash Videos are being Cut!!(youtube,niconico,others)

    When i open a video in youtube or any other page to watch videos, my video seems to be cut like a 1/4th of what it should be and also when i right click on the video, the options menu are displayed at another area(like 50 pixels right and down of where i click) this also happens with games and it doesn't happen with chrome or IE.
    I've got 4gb RAM, Windows 8, 1.7 dual core,resolution 1920x1080 and the latest version of mozilla(it also happens with older)
    This is a new pc so i have no idea what to do...
    thank you

    Try to clear the Flash local storage and settings.
    *Windows Control Panel > Flash Player > Storage: Local Storage Settings
    **Remove a specific domain: Local Storage Settings by site
    **Remove all domains: Delete All and Delete Data
    Flash Website Storage Settings panel:
    Global Storage Settings Panel:

  • How Smooth should Flash Video Play on 6Mbps DSL?

    I am noticing a lot of stuttering on my Flash videos viewed over the internet, Win 7 64bit and IE 8, Opera & Chrome.
    Here is a link to some tests - http://watchmymvp.com/Encoding%20Test/EncodingTest.htm
    Please give some feedback on your playback experience if you would!
    Some background:
    I am a video producer who shoots, edits, encodes and manages a few websites.  I am very familiar with bitrates and encoding.
    The videos I am seeing stuttering on are created from HD content and were encoded in Adobe Media Encoder at a bitrate from 775kbps down to 400kbps.  When I play these through my 6meg DSL connection there is a constant random stutter like the video is stuggling with a low buffer.  This happens even after the download bar shows the entire video is downloaded.
    So am I expecting too much from Flash video?  Will it always be an "internet" experience and not smooth?
    When I double-click the .swf files in Windows Explorer they play just fine, very smooth.
    The Flash player is the latest which was uninstalled and re-installed

    Thanks for your reply.
    So as a content creator, what can I do to improve the playback?
    I have examples on that page that are at 400kbps and still stutter.  I would think my 6meg connection could playback a 400kbps video?
    Or might I have a problem with something on my end?
    I need to figure this out as work needs to be put on client's websites.
    Thanks for your insights.

  • Why won't videos play on some pages?

    On some pages I get the flash player and can hear but get no video content.

    I have a similar problem. More info for my case. ...
    iOS 5.1.1, orig iPad.
    Play button changes when touched, but does not start playing.
    MLB.com, YouTube, and other magazine-style sites are affected.
    This is NOT the Flash video problem. Those still load with the play button x-Ed out.
    Some videos, e. g. Facebook ones, play, sometimes.
    The problem started for me about two weeks ago.
    I tried to fix by a full power down and restart. That didn't help.
    I saw on another thread to try "reset". I'll try that next.

  • Flash Video Play Does NOT Display Controls

    I am using Flash Pro 8 - putting FLV files in SWF files using
    Flash Pro 8 and then "publishing" to Html and SWF to a location on
    my hard drive.
    When I display the webpage from my Hard Drive from where ever
    on my hard drive I initially published to from Flash 8 Pro -
    everything works fine - videos play and video control bar shows and
    When I publish this website to web server the video displays
    and plays but NO Video Controller Bar (at bottom of the video)
    shows at all.
    Symptom: when I make an Html, SWF and FLA file into a folder
    on my hard drive and display them in the browser the video control
    bar shows. When I copy those three files into the hard drive
    website in FrontPage, the video shows but the video control bar
    does not.
    So, I re-made the Html, SWF, and FLA files and put them
    directly into the FrontPage website (on my hard drive) then
    everything works fine when I use broswer (IE 6 or Firefox). z
    But, when I publish the hard drive website to the remote
    website hosting company, the video control bar disappears -
    everything else works fine (video shows OK just no video controller
    My guess is that the SWF file has a non-relative URL
    reference concerning the video control bar and when the three files
    (Html, SWF and FLA) are moved to new location then that
    non-relative address rears its head.
    I should NOT publish from Flash 8 Pro directly to remote
    webserver as it has FrontPage Extensions and does not like to talk
    to FTP changes to website not coming from FrontPage client.
    is my guess right? What to do?????
    [email protected]

    Did you upload the skin swf file to your server also? That is
    a common missed step.

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