Hi Friend....
I am a Raghava working as a webdesigner I have purchased one template in Template Monster it is in Flash Actionscript with XML . I need to change the content but i am facing some problems.I couldn't know where the XML file is Loading in Actionscript..I opened the fla file while in run time the content was not displaying....if any one knows the solution please help me......

you need to post some code or files in order to be able to help you with this.

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    I made an earlier post about this but wasn't clear, so here are the details & hopefully someone can help
    I wanted to make a news slideshow for my websiteBut I keep getting this error :
    Error opening URL 'file:///F|/files/undefined'
    I think there is something wrong with the xml structure, I've changed it many times but still the same error.
    The link below have both the .fla file & the Xml file.
    Would be really nice if someone could tell me what's wrong & thanks for your time.
    The Link : http://hotfile.com/dl/42252711/2daa8da/News.rar.html

    To me it suggests that whatever the function is that's supposed to get the XML is looking for a hard link (notice the file path in the error) as opposed to a file path relative to the SWF link. Also the "undefined" suggests that the object you're calling for imay be undefined (i.e. Flash has no data about it and therefore can't do anything with it). This is likely the URL string you're passing to the function that's supposed to retrieve the XML. Double check that and make sure the variable for the URL string is defined before the function that needs it calls for it. Hope this helps you troubleshoot whats happening.

  • Integrating Flash CS3 with XML

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    published the scrollbar component doesn't work.

    Yep, big difference. Flash CS3 is the earlier version of
    Flash, so you can't open CS4 files in CS3. You are probably
    confusing CS3 with AS3, which is supported by both versions of
    Flash CS#.

  • Creating AIR/Web Apps. with XML & E4X using AS3

    Needing tips using AS3 with XML/E4X to make my project work over the server:
    1) Here I'm having trouble trying to create a component with a 'GOOGLE MAP' with the user being able to input their location for directions with once submitting the get directions button that it generates the directions in the datagrid automatically.
    2) Including a 'DATAGRID'  for customers to be able to retain their info in a datagrid that has been updated by office personnel from an 'AIR APPLICATION' with a XML file that holds the customers info
    /**the Component*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="1400" backgroundColor="#666666" xmlns:mx2="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" creationComplete="initApp(event)">
        <mx:Style source="map_1.css"/>
        <mx:XML id="customer_info.xml" source="Assets/customer_info.xml" />
                /**Google Map Code API:http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/flash/tutorial-flexbuilder.html#DeclaringMa ps_&
                 _http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/googlemaps_api.html */
                import com.google.maps.LatLng;
                import com.google.maps.Map;
                import com.google.maps.MapEvent;
                import com.google.maps.MapType;
                private function onMapReady(event:Event):void {
                        this.map.setCenter(new LatLng(31.683952973286058, -97.09904551506042), 14, MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE);
                            private function processForm(event:Event):void { trace(from.text + " " + to.text); }
                    public var directionsSteps:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                    var directions:Directions = new Directions(); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_SUCCESS, onDirectionsSuccess);
                    directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE, onDirectionsFail);directions.load("from: " + from.text + " to: " + to.text);
                    Alert.show("Status:" + event.directions.status);
                    map.clearOverlays(); var directions:Directions = event.directions; var directionsPolyline:IPolyline = directions.createPolyline(); map.addOverlay(directionsPolyline);
                                var directionsBounds:LatLngBounds = directionsPolyline.getLatLngBounds(); map.setCenter(directionsBounds.getCenter()); map.setZoom(map.getBoundsZoomLevel(directionsBounds));
                                var startLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(0).getStep(0).latLng;
                                var endLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(directions.numRoutes-1).endLatLng; map.addOverlay(new Marker(startLatLng)); map.addOverlay(new Marker(endLatLng));
                    for (var r:Number = 0 ; r < directions.numRoutes; r++ ) { var route:Route = directions.getRoute(r); for (var s:Number = 0 ; s < route.numSteps; s++ )
                    { var step:Step = route.getStep(s); directionsSteps.addItem(step);
                                    privatefunction onGridClick(event:Event):void { var latLng:LatLng = directionsGrid.selectedItem.latLng;
                                        var opts:InfoWindowOptions = new InfoWindowOptions(); opts.contentHTML = directionsGrid.selectedItem.descriptionHtml; map.openInfoWindow(latLng, opts);
                                        var ServerPath:String = "http://www.sometext.com/";
                                        var ServerPage:String = serverPath + "getCountries";
                                                var directions:Directions = new Directions(); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_SUCCESS, onDirectionsSuccess); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE, onDirectionsFail);
                                                directions.load("from: " + from.text + " to: " + to.text);
                                                Alert.show("Status:" + event.directions.status);
                                                map.clearOverlays(); var directions:Directions = event.directions; var directionsPolyline:IPolyline = directions.createPolyline();
                                                var directionsBounds:LatLngBounds = directionsPolyline.getLatLngBounds(); map.setCenter(directionsBounds.getCenter());
                                                var startLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(0).getStep(0).latLng; var endLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(directions.numRoutes-1).endLatLng; map.addOverlay(new Marker(startLatLng));
                                                map.addOverlay(new Marker(endLatLng));
                                                for (var r:Number = 0 ; r < directions.numRoutes; r++ ) { var route:Route = directions.getRoute(r); for (var s:Number = 0 ; s < route.numSteps; s++ )
                                                { var step:Step = route.getStep(s); directionsSteps.addItem(step); } }
                        import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
                        import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
                                    var sender:URLLoader;
                                    var sendPage:URLRequest;
                                    var sendVars:URLVariables;
                                        function initApp:void {
                                    var ServerPath:String = "http://localhost/silverfoxcc/";
                                    var url:String = serverPath + "login.aspx";
                                    sender = new URLLoader();
                                    sendPage = new URLRequest(url);
                                    sendPage.method = URLRequest.POST;
                                    sendvars = new URLVariables();
                                    SUBMIT.btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                                    sender.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                    sender.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorhandler);
                                                function clickhandler(e:MouseEvent:void{
                                                    var suppSUBMIT:String = username_txt.text;
                                                    var suppRESET:String = reset_txt.text;
                                                    if (suppSUBMIT.length > 0 && suppRESET.length > 0) {
                                                        message_txt.text = "";
                                                        sendVars.submit = suppSUBMIT;
                                                        sendVars.reset = suppRESET;
                                                        sendPage.data = sendVars;
                                                        message_txt.text ="You must enter a last name and customer identification before clicking the submit button."
                                                  function completeHandler(e:Event):void{
                                                      var xmlResponse:XML = XML(e.target.data;
                                                          var userMessage:String;
                                                          if (xmlResponse.text().toString() == "true") {
                                                              userMessage = "Congratulations, information is retrieved"'';
                                                          else {
                                                              usermessage = "Information to be retrieved failed. Please try again";
                                                                              message_txt.text =userMessage;
                                                                      function ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
                                                                          message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                      function securityErrorHandler(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                                                                          message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                             /**Foundation for Ed: XML & E4X-Chapter 9: COMMUNICATION WITH THE SERVER*/
                                                              import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                                              import xmlUtilities.XMLLoader;
                                                              import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
                                                              import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent
                                                              private var serverPath:String = "http://localhost/FOE/";
                                                              private function initApp(e:FlexEvent):void {
                                                                  myXMLLoader = new XMLLoader();
                                                                  myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                                                  myXMLLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_Error, IOErrorHandler);
                                                                  SUBMIT.btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                                                                          private function completeHandler(e:Event):void{
                                                                              var userMessage:String;
                                                                              var response:String =myXMLLoader.response().toString();
                                                                              if (response:String = myXMLLoader.response().toString();
                                                                                  if (response == true"){
                                                                                         usermessage = "Congratualtions. You were successful";
                                                                                            userMessage = Login failed. Please try again";
                                                                                      message_txt.text = userMessage;
                                                                                  private function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
                                                                                      var SUBMIT:String = submit_txt.text;
                                                                                      var RESET:String = reset_txt.text;
                                                                                      vars myVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                                                                                      if (username.length > 0 && password.length > 0) {
                                                                                          myVars.SUBMIT = submit;
                                                                                          myVars.CUSTMER ID = customerid;
                                                                                          myXMLLOADER.loafxml("login.aspx, myVars);
                                                                                            else {
                                                                                             message_txt.text = "You must enter a last name and customer id before clicking the submit button"
                                                                                  private function IOErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
                                                                                      message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                                  private function securityErrorHandler(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
                                                                                      message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                            /**Foundation for Ed: XML & E4X-Chapter 8: MODIFYING XML CONTENT WITH ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0*/
                                                                                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                                                                import mx.events.ListEvent;
                                                                                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                                                                                import xmlUtilities.MyXMLLoaderHelper;
                                                                                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                                                                import mx.events.DataGridEvent;
                                                                                private function initApp(e:Event):void {
                                                                                /add testing lines here
                                                                                            private var myXMLLoader:MyXMLLoaderHelper;
                                                                                            private function initApp(e:FlexEvent):void {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader = new MyXMLLoaderHelper();
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addEventListener("xmlUpdated", xmlUpdatedHandler);
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.addEventListener(ListEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);
                                                                                                 addRow_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addClickHandler);
                                                                                                 delete_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteClickHandler);
                                                                                                 books_dg.addEventListener(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END, itemEditEndHandler);
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.labelFunction = getFullName;
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.loadXML("Assets/customer_info.xml", "lastname");
                                                                                            private function completeHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getChildElements("author");
                                                                                                 tree_txt.text = myXMLLoader.getXML().toXMLString();
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(0);
                                                                                            private function getFullName(item:Object):String {
                                                                                              return item.authorFirstName + " " + item.customerLastName;
                                                                                            private function changeHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(e.target.selectedIndex);
                                                                                            private function addClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                                                                                              var newBookName:String = name_txt.text;
                                                                                              var newPublishYear:String = year_txt.text;
                                                                                              var newBookCost:String = cost_txt.text;
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              if(newBookName.length > 0 && newPublishYear.length > 0 && newBookCost.length > 0) {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addBook(authorIndex, newBookName, newPublishYear, newBookCost);
                                                                                            private function deleteClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                                                                                              var bookIndex:int = books_dg.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;;
                                                                                              if (books_dg.selectedIndex != -1) {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.deleteBook(authorIndex, bookIndex);
                                                                                            private function itemEditEndHandler(e:DataGridEvent):void {
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              var dg:DataGrid = e.target as DataGrid;
                                                                                              var field:String = e.dataField;
                                                                                              var row:int = e.rowIndex;
                                                                                              var col:int = e.columnIndex;
                                                                                              var oldVal:String = e.itemRenderer.data[field];
                                                                                              var newVal:String = dg.itemEditorInstance[dg.columns[col].editorDataField];
                                                                                              if (oldVal != newVal) {
                                                                                                   myXMLLoader.modifyXMLTree(authorIndex, dg.columns[col].dataField, row, newVal)
                                                                                            private function xmlUpdatedHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(authors_cbo.selectedIndex);
                                                                                                 tree_txt.text = myXMLLoader.getXML().toXMLString();
        <s:Panel x="9" y="257" width="459" height="383" contentBackgroundColor="#666666" backgroundColor="#666666" chromeColor="#FCF6F6" title="DIRECTIONS TO SILVER FOX COLLISION CENTER:" fontSize="14">
            <s:TextInput x="55" y="7" contentBackgroundColor="#030000" height="17" width="392"/>
            <mx:Label x="3" y="6" text="FROM:" fontSize="14" color="#FDF9F9"/>
            <s:TextInput x="1114" y="637" contentBackgroundColor="#FCF7F7" height="17" width="213"/>
            <s:Button x="1337" y="634" label="GET DIRECTIONS" focusColor="#FBFCFD" chromeColor="#666666" color="#FEFEFE" width="141" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="1088" y="637" text="TO:" fontSize="12" color="#FDFBFB"/>
            <s:Button x="295" y="56" label="GET DIRECTIONS" focusColor="#FBFCFD" chromeColor="#666666" color="#FEFEFE" width="157" fontSize="12"/>
            <s:TextInput x="55" y="31" contentBackgroundColor="#070000" height="17" width="392"/>
            <mx:Label x="25" y="30" text="TO:" fontSize="14" color="#FDFBFB"/>
        <mx2:DataGrid x="10" y="54" width="458" height="104" color="#666666" contentBackgroundColor="#060000" borderColor="#030000" fontSize="8" focusColor="#666666" chromeColor="#030000" selectionColor="#666666" dropShadowVisible="true" rollOverColor="#FFFFFF">
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="LAST NAME:" dataField="col1"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="DESIGNATED DUE DATE:" dataField="col2"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="STATUS UPDATED:" dataField="col3"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="CUSTOMER ID:" dataField="col3"/>
        <mx:Text id="directionsSummary" width="100%"/> <mx:DataGrid id="directionsGrid" dataProvider="{directionsSteps}" width="100%" height="100%" sortableColumns="false" />
        <mx:Text id="directionsCopyright" width="100%"/>
        <mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="From: " width="70"/> <mx:TextInput id="from" text="San Francisco, CA" width="100%"/> </mx:HBox>
        <mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="To: " width="70"/> <mx:TextInput id="to" text="Mountain View, CA" width="100%"/> </mx:HBox>
        <s:Label x="11" y="38" text="LAST NAME:" color="#FCFBFB" fontSize="14" verticalAlign="top"/>
        <s:TextArea x="96" y="32" width="145" height="18" focusColor="#FCFAFA" color="#010000" contentBackgroundColor="#000000" id="message_txt" text="{xmlService.lastResult.toString()}>
        <s:Label x="273" y="37" text="CUSTOMER ID;" fontSize="14" color="#FDFBFB"/>
        <s:TextInput x="376" y="32" width="89" height="18" focusColor="#FCF9F9" color="#FAF8F8" contentBackgroundColor="#040000"/>
        <s:Button x="318" y="212" label="RESET" focusColor="#F8FAFB" color="#FEFBFB" chromeColor="#666666" fontSize="12"/>
        <s:Button x="393" y="212" label="SUBMIT" focusColor="#F8F9FA" color="#FFFBFB" chromeColor="#666666" fontSize="12"/>
        <s:TextArea x="10" y="160" width="458" height="48" color="#FEF8F8" contentBackgroundColor="#050000"/>
        <mx:Panel x="483" y="31" width="750" height="609" layout="absolute" backgroundColor="#666666" borderVisible="true" dropShadowVisible="true" chromeColor="#FDF9F9">
            <mx:VBox x="26" y="7" height="559" width="708">
                <maps:Map xmlns:maps="com.google.maps.*" id="map" mapevent_mapready="onMapReady(event)" x="500" y="25" width="700" height="550" key="ABQIAAAA9YXHa-b0xqHBMiooUNYUbhRpa9TAnukyOWjhoGl3Y9H2BJoi9xSrm6cnM0lBZ4lCtqRLxKpQK_eb Rg" sensor="true"/>
    /**the AIR APPLICATION*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                           xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" backgroundColor="#666666" width="854" height="348" creationComplete="initApp(event)">
        <s:HTTPService id="customer_info" url="data/customer_info.xml" resultFormat="e4x" result="resultHandler(event)"/>
            /**FLEX 4 Bible: Chapter 24- Managing XML w/ E4X*/
            private var xmlData:XML;
            private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                xmlData = event.result as XML:
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <mx:Image source="@Embed('Assets/logo.png')" x="1" y="0" width="760" height="168"/>
        <s:Label x="96" y="126" text="Last Name:&#xd;" color="#FFFFFF" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:Label x="13" y="218" text="Designated Due Date:&#xd;" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman" color="#FBF8F8"/>
        <s:Label x="63" y="186" text="Status Updated:&#xd;" color="#FCF5F5" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:TextInput x="192" y="125" width="196"/>
        <s:TextInput x="193" y="215" width="195"/>
        <s:TextInput x="193" y="185" width="195"/>
        <s:Label x="80" y="158" text="Customer ID:" color="#FDFCFC" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:TextInput x="192" y="155" width="196"/>
        <s:Button x="243" y="241" label="RESET"/>
        <s:Button x="317" y="241" label="UPDATE" focusColor="#666666"/>
    /**the Customer Information XML*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <name namesID="1">
                    <customerid customerID="1">

    Hi All,
    please note that we found the problem. The problem was that we didn't configure under:
    "Configuration-> Security -> Message Security -> SOAP" the voprrect provider to handle the security.
    After that was done (extract of domain.xml) the message was understood.
    <provider-config class-name="com.sun.identity.agents.jsr196.as9soap.AMServerAuthModule" provider-id="AMServerProvider-UserNameToken-Plain" provider-type="server">
                <request-policy auth-source="content"/>
                <response-policy auth-source="content"/>
                <property name="providername" value="UserNameToken-Plain"/>
              </provider-config>unfortunately the next problem occured I will post in a new thread.
    Edited by: rankin_ut on Jan 26, 2009 4:43 AM

  • Help with XML - AS 3.0

    Hello everybody. I decided to start working with XML since it allows me to load assets externally and edit my applications later very easily without having to edit the fla file itself. So today I watched and read a few tutorials and now I'm trying to build an Event Scroll, all through XML and AS 3.0 code. Basically what I want is to have several events inside a movieclip which I will incorporate into a scroll pane when I'm done, for now I'll focus on extracting data from the XML file and parsing it with AS 3.0. The layout is simple: a thumbnail image on the left, and beside it on the right there is the title of the event, its date and some info about it and all of these should have a dark grey background while the text is in white. Each two events are 30 pixels apart and there are 5 events for now.
    Ok enough talking now let's get to the code:
    XML Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
              <TITLE> Event 1</TITLE>
            <INFO> Some Text Goes Here </INFO>
               <TITLE>Event 2</TITLE>
            <INFO>Some Text Goes Here</INFO>
               <TITLE>Event 3</TITLE>
            <INFO>Some Text Goes Here</INFO>
               <TITLE>Event 4</TITLE>
            <INFO>Some Text Goes Here</INFO>
               <TITLE>Event 5</TITLE>
            <INFO>Some Text Goes Here</INFO>
    Actionscript 3.0 Code:
    var myXML:XML;
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("events.xml");
    var ldr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
         myXML = new XML(e.target.data);
    var eventScroll:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var padding:Number = 30;
    eventScroll.x = eventScroll.y = padding;
    function buildEvents(evnts:XMLList):void
         for(var i:uint = 0; i <evnts.length(); i++) {
              var eventData:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
              eventData.y = (20 + padding) * i;
              eventData.itemNum = i;
              eventData.title = evnts[i].TITLE;
              eventData.date = evnts[i].DATE;
              eventData.thumb = evnts[i].THUMB;
              eventData.info = evnts[i].INFO;
              // thumb container
              thisThumb:Sprite = new Sprite();
              var ldr:Loader = new Loader()
              var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(eventData.thumb);
    now I am stuck there... the application is not done yet and when I publish the file I keep getting errors, these are the errors:
    1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:Sprite to an unrelated type Class.
    Source: thisThumb:Sprite = new Sprite();
    1188: Illegal assignment to class Sprite.
    Source: thisThumb:Sprite = new Sprite();
    1120: Access of undefined property thisThumb.
    Source: thisThumb.addChild(ldr);
    1120: Access of undefined property thisThumb.
    Source: eventData.addChild(thisThumb);
    1119: Access of possibly undefined property contentLoaderInfo through a reference with static type flash.net:URLLoader.
    Source: ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    So where did I go wrong and how can I carry on with my code to finish my application?
    P.S: I do not want someone to do it for me, so in case someone decided to help me out, please comment and explain your code because this application is for learning porpuses in the first place... Thanks in advance!

    oh I've just noticed one little problem, in my info field, the text doesn't break and start a new line, it just keeps going horizontally although I've set it to multiline and gave it a width and height... so what shall I do to fix this problem? here's the code:
    var infoF:TextField = new TextField();
              infoF.text = eventData.info;
              infoF.x = 250;
              infoF.y = dateF.y + padding;
              infoF.multiline = true;
              infoF.width = 200;
              infoF.height = 100;

  • Flash with background sound (I got error #2037)

    I am a beginner at AS3 programming. I like to make a flash with background sound (*.mp3 files from *.xml list). Everything works fine, but when I press "onClick" button I got output error.
    Error: Error #2037: Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was unsuccessful.
        at flash.media::Sound/_load()
        at flash.media::Sound/load()
        at proov_fla::MainTimeline/F_MP3_laadimine()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
        at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()
    My Script:
    var MP3_PLAYLIST:String = "playlist1.xml";
    var LAADI_MUUSIKA:URLRequest;
    var MUUSIKA:Sound = new Sound();
    var MUUSIKA_KANAL:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var POSITSIOON:Number;
    var HETKE_INDEX:Number = 0;
    var KAS_MUUSIKA_MÄNGIB:Boolean = true;
    var XML_FAIL:XML;
    var MP3_LAADIJA:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    MP3_LAADIJA.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, F_MP3_laadimine);
    MP3_LAADIJA.load(new URLRequest(MP3_PLAYLIST));
    onClick.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, järgminelugu);
    function järgminelugu(e:MouseEvent):void
        MP3_PLAYLIST = "playlist2.xml";
        MP3_LAADIJA.load(new URLRequest(MP3_PLAYLIST));
    function F_MP3_laadimine(e:Event):void
        XML_FAIL = new XML(e.target.data);
        LAADI_MUUSIKA = new URLRequest(MUUSIKA_NIMEKIRI[0].path);
        MUUSIKA_KANAL = MUUSIKA.play();
    My full purpose will look like this http://uusrand.pri.ee/galerii/proov/

    Can anybody help me to add an actionscript line(s) into attach file "newXML.fla".
    In this file I have a script to play mp3 files from xml list (this works).
    I also add button to load new mp3 fileslist from new xml file. But I don't know how.
    My Script:
    var MP3playlist:String = "http://uusrand.pri.ee/mp3/playlist.xml";
    var MP3file:URLRequest;
    var MP3SoundURL:Sound = new Sound();
    var MP3sound_channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    var xml:XML;
    var playlist_index:XMLList;
    var xml_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var MP3index:Number = 0;
    xml_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, originalXMLfile);
    xml_loader.load(new URLRequest(MP3playlist));
    onClick.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextXMLfile);
    function nextXMLfile(e:MouseEvent):void
        if (MP3playlist == "http://uusrand.pri.ee/mp3/playlist_loodus.xml") {
            MP3playlist = "http://uusrand.pri.ee/mp3/playlist.xml";
        } else {
            MP3playlist = "http://uusrand.pri.ee/mp3/playlist_loodus.xml";
    function originalXMLfile(e:Event):void
        xml = new XML(xml_loader.data);
        playlist_index = xml.track;
        MP3file = new URLRequest(playlist_index[0].path);
        MP3sound_channel = MP3SoundURL.play();
        MP3sound_channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSong);
    function nextSong(e:Event):void
        if (MP3index < (playlist_index.length() - 1)){
        } else {
            MP3index = 0;
        var NextSongRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(playlist_index[MP3index].path);
        var NextSongURL:Sound = new Sound(NextSongRequest);
        MP3sound_channel = NextSongURL.play();
        MP3sound_channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSong);

  • Flash and XML help : (

    Hi all
    bit of a newbie, so probably quite easy if you know how:eek:
    would anyone beable to help with sorting out an XML file, what I have is a tooltip that loads in via XML and exported from flash. the XML loads in 2 text fields,  field and field2.
    what I am trying to do is add a button also to the tooltip so that you can click and go to a url.
    would anyone beable to help with this.
    this is what I have in my XML file;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <image name="image 1" path="img/img1.jpg"
        title="Food Fight"
        text="Information here!" />
    this loads in 2 text fields.
    this is what I have in my AS;
                  var tooltip:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
          //tooltip.buttonMode = false; 
                    tooltip.field.text = titles;//loads tooltip 1
                    tooltip.field2.text = texts;//loads tool tip 2
    I thought I could do something like this but I seem to be getting errors
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <image name="image 1" path="img/img1.jpg"
        title="Food Fight"
        text="Information here!"
                 button="click to view/>
    and in my AS
    var tooltip:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
                    //tooltip.buttonMode = false; 
                    tooltip.field.text = titles;//loads tooltip 1
                    tooltip.field2.text = texts;//loads tool tip 2
                    tooltip.field3.text = buttons;//loads tool tip 3
    but just not working, what am I doing wrong:yikes:
    many thanks for any help!

    hi Saransoft
    thanks for that, thats great, yes it seesm to work I now have an extra text field with the menu that is the button, I have put my XML like this, is it correct
    <image name="image 2" path="img/img2.jpg"
      title="Jazz Time"
      button="Click for URL"  />   //NEW THAT I ADDED FOR THE BUTTON IS THIS CORRECT?
    Now that I have another text for the button my final thing is getting it to be click able and go to a URL when you the text button is clicked. can I do this just in the XML file or is there also more to be added to the AS...aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrghhhhh!!!!
    many thanks for your help??

  • Problem when load more swf files work with xml files into my movie

    hi ;
    I have one flash file & more of swf files which work with xml files .
    when I load one swf file into my flash file  and remove it and load anther one on the same movieclip in my flash file it load the old swf file.
    when i load one on movieclip and remove it and load anther swf  on anther movieclip the file doesn`t work  and stoped.
    when test my flash file to load and remove swf files without xml file it work fine but when repleaced the swf files with other work with xml files the problem hapend.

    YOu should trace the names of the files that are being targeted for loading to see if they agree with what you expect.  If you want help with the coding you will need to show the code that is relevant to your problem (not all of it)

  • Custom Map in flash using XML data for dynamic map and point of intrest loading...

    Been some time since I have used Flash for anything...
    I'm working on a little project to dynamically build a map
    and set points of interest on the map. At this time I have the
    (mySQL) data being queried and formatted with PHP and pushing the
    data to Flash as XML.
    In starting the project I'm a bit lost... I mean I have my
    data and a good XML format but as it is I'm lost on parsing the
    data in Flash and assigning its values to movie clips or other...
    I've looked at the Loader Component and the XML Connector
    Component and find I can get that to work at all...
    My second though was to create a single movie clip on stage
    and give it an instance name of "Background" and have it load the
    URL of an image given in the attached XML doc... Node "a_zone" and
    the value given to attribute "image"... But this brings me back to
    square one of not quite understanding Flash and parsing XML... With
    this second idea I would use AS to create a movie clip, set it's X
    & Y cords and load an image to it based on the XML attributes
    listed in the "Gatherable" node (one for each node).
    Any suggestions, examples or related info is welcome...
    Thanks in advance!

    Okay, that really wasn't what I was looking for... But I did
    go back and RTM :-)
    Here's what I have... 1st frame:
    2nd Layer: movieclip with the instance name "currentPicture"
    The image loads into "currentPicture" from the URL given in
    the XML "a_zone" node attribute "image" just fine....
    But I'm not able to grab the attributes of each "Gatherable"
    node it seems... am I missing something or just not pointing to the
    right node?
    I keep getting:
    Error opening URL
    Error opening URL
    Error opening URL

  • Using LoadVars with XML data

    All the examples in the text books, etc. show the LoadVars
    object being used with a .txt file. Can I use it with a .xml file
    or not? I have tried but the output panel just shows rubbish

    LoadVars is not XML. You need to get a textbook that
    discusses XML and
    The Flash documentation has excellent example for both
    LoadVars and XML.
    With XML you have the additional task of parsing out the
    Lon Hosford
    Flash, Actionscript and Flash Media Server examples:
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "Goo101" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ec1iu6$m6j$[email protected]..
    > All the examples in the text books, etc. show the
    LoadVars object being
    > used with a .txt file. Can I use it with a .xml file or
    not? I have tried
    > but the output panel just shows rubbish data!

  • Stumped with XML

    I know this is a really basic question. But for some reason I
    am not figuring it out. I have created a dynamic text field that I
    am loading XML into. Now I have it working so it can be traced. But
    I can't figure out how to get the XML to load into my text field.
    Below is the code for my XML.
    If someone could help or point me to a tutorial I would
    appreciate the help.

    Great, glad to hear it worked! :)
    AS3's XML model uses the E4X method to deal with XML, which
    makes it pretty easy to access the actual text values for a field.
    I could try to give you a bunch of incomplete examples, but the way
    I learned about it was reading through the section "Working with
    XML" in the Programming ActionScript 3.0 section of the Flash help.
    If you don't have the help files, you can check it out at the Adobe
    site at
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ActionScript/3.0_ProgrammingAS3/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9 b90204-7ff5.html
    I know it can be tedious to read this kind of thing, but
    honestly reading through this helped me get a great handle on how
    to deal with XML in ActionScript, and I feel it would be very much
    worth your time to check out. Good luck!

  • Problems loading images dynamically with XML

    Hi Everyone,
    I am working with a project that was build by another
    developer and I have been asked to modify it several ways. This is
    an interactive map for a hotel brand where when you click on the
    USA, you get a list of all the states, click a state and a list of
    all the hotels in that state comes up, click a hotel, the hotel's
    information is displayed. I understand the structure of the files,
    how they make them work, though I couldn't build it myself.
    The problem I am having is this. can't make the hotels'
    photos load into the flash through the XML. I created a target
    movie file that the image could load into but something is not
    happening as far as loading the images. I don't know if the movie
    clip that I created is the right way to go (it was made as an
    object in the library that is exported via AS), or if I should
    create one in the action script file that loads the XML data.
    I looked at some tutorials about how to load images with XML
    but those didn't get into the level of detail that I need for this
    I've attached some partial code to see if anyone can help me
    work through this.
    Any and all suggestions are welcome.
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    I'm a noob at AS3 and trying to learn this XML stuff myself,
    but i have been able to load pictures to the stage...this might
    help you...my xml file photo section is similar to yours, only I
    have it labeled as "href" instead of "source"...
    var imageLoader:Loader;
    var xml:XML;
    var xmlList:XMLList;
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("xmldata/images.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event) :void {
    xml = XML(event.target.data);
    xmlList = xml.children();
    for (var i:int = 0; i<xmlList.length(); i++) {
    imageLoader = new Loader();
    imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlList
    imageLoader.x = 0;
    imageLoader.y = 0;

  • Custom action with XML type input and output parameter.

    I want to develop custom action with xml type input and/or output parameter.
    Is there sample code for java side. How is the definition of input and/or output parameter and set/get methods?
    does it need special .jar file to develop custom action like this?

    Cemil - yes, you can use XML data types.  Use the class
    for your parameter type.  Here is a snippet from a custom action we use to log XML (instead of just returning the #text node like the default logger does):
    public class XMLLogger extends ActionReflectionBase
        private String source;
        private String eventType;
        private String textMessage;
        private XMLDataType xmlMessage;
        public XMLLogger()
            log = new Logger("UserLog");
            source = DEFAULT_SOURCE;
            eventType = TYPE_INFO;
            textMessage = "";
            xmlMessage = new XMLDataType();
        public XMLDataType getXmlMessage()
            return xmlMessage;
        public void setXmlMessage(XMLDataType xmlMessage)
            this.xmlMessage = xmlMessage;
        public void Invoke(Transaction transaction, ILog ilog)
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append("] ");
    XMLUtils is a helper class we wrote - it's just a bunch of standard Java XML boilerplate code.  The important part you need to know is XMLDataType.getDocument() will return an org.w3c.dom.Document.
    I hope that was enough information to help.

  • How to link pdf file in flash by xml ??

    how to link pdf file in flash by xml ??

    try to give <a href="your address">My Pdf</a>
    and your textfield should be html enabled
    mytextField.htmlText=your xml text

  • Problem with XML on Linux

    hi everybody,
    I've a big problem with XML on Linux, in details I see my program stopping on Linux at the instruction
    XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl");
    and it's strange because on Windows it runs and there aren't problems about permissions on files, does anyone knows what to do?
    thanks in advance!

    What happens on that line? I'm assuming you get some kind of error or exception.
    Make sure the JAR file for Crimson is in your classpath.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Bluetooth in windows 8.1

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  • What does this error mean? how do I resolve?

    I'm not using Cross-references or indexing.. at least not on purpose...