FLEX Motion MAX Configuration

FLEX Motion
Has anyone developed or know how to create new, read and write to a MAX
configuration file
Robert Bilderback
VI Engineering
[email protected]

Do the controller configuration in both WLCs are equals about parameters like WLAN id, ap groups and etc?
Because if the WLAN id are different you can lose the VLAN mapping when the AP migrate from one WLC to another.
About FlexConnect Group, it helps so much when you need to apply vlan mapping in the WLAN in FlexConnect APs, because FlexConnect group configuration you can maps the WLAN id in some VLAN and all APs that you add in this flexconnect group will get this configuration without the necessity to access each AP and map VLANs individually, because all APs inside this flexconnect group will get the VLAN information in that WLAN id.
But when you create the FlexConnectGroup is important to add the same group in both wlcs and add the APs mac address in both WLCs FlexConnect Group, because when one access point associates to WLC01 it receives a FlexConnectGroup configuration and when go to the WLC02 it needs to receive the same configuration.
I hope it helps.

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    Yes, MAX is also installed with the motion controller driver.
    NI-DAQ 6.9.2 is over 10 years old. I simply don't remember what issues it had, sorry. Version 7.4.4 was the latest for XP. Perhaps that works better.
    And the cvirte was required for some of the MAX features. It should have been installed automatically.

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    Hi Cuthbert,
    To be able to recover your MAX configuration you should try to follow the process of removing MAX Database Corruption.
    You can look for the path where the folders are in the computer that crashed and then copy those to the new computer.
    AE | NI

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    Hi There,
    Where will you vi be running - on a Windows computer Or a NI Real Time  controller? Could you also describe your application further. Have a great day!

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    Simply saying 'it did not work' is not very descriptive. Drivers do come with LabVIEW (at least when purchased) but in any case, did you try clicking on the 'Support' link at the top of the page and entering '7354' as a search item. It would have brought you here. Im not sure but I think the old flexmotion is obsolete and you would need to replace with NI-Motion functions.

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    Hi rdv94,
    Motion library seems not to be compatible in pure 64 bits. (I read that here)
    Romain P.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> NIDays 2011, le mardi 8 février au CNIT de Paris La Défense

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    App Name: nimax.exe
    App Ver:
    Mod Ver: helpasst.dll
    Mod Ver.:
    Offset: 0000a20b
    Code: 0x40000015
    Flags: 0x0000.....
    Record: 0x000.....
    Address: 0x0000000000dea20b
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    What is your lv version? see whether this will help

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    Does anyone know of a way I can have a look at the Channel and Task information in that .nce file or possibly fanagle it into importing without or with another simulated device?
    Patrick Allen

    Hi pallen,
    I actually don’t know of a way to change the configuration in the .nce file. It's a binary file which main use is to import and export complete configurations when you do not need to edit that configuration outside of MAX. The .ini and .txt are intended for editing outside of MAX. However you can always import the .nce in MAX, make the changes needed and export a .ini to your final destination. Sorry that this is not too helpful on your current situation.
    Ana P
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    MAX2.PNG ‏109 KB
    MAX3.PNG ‏71 KB

    If you want to delete resource names individually, delete their aliases from visaconf.ini (the file that stores the aliases), and then refresh Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to view the changes.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    OK, let's start with the stupid questions...
    1) Did you install the board in the PC?
    2) Did it catch on fire when you did?
    3) Did the magic smoke escape from the chips on the card?
    Now for the slightly more intelligent questions...
    1) Are there any other devices connected to your PC?
    2) Do they show up?
    Just trying to get the obvious stuff out of the way first.
    Now for the semi-intelligent questions:
    1) What board are you trying to install?
    2) What version of MAX and DAQmx do you have installed?
    3) Do you have Traditional DAQ installed?
    -Matt Bradley
    ************ kudos always appreciated, but only when deserved **************************

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