FlowChart Applet.. where to begin?

Hello =)
could any of you help me please
I have to make an Applet to build FlowCharts..
this applet eventually has to integrate with MySQL database to save and fetch data to rebuild the FlowChart
for now I've used some buttons and icons to make the flowchart with absolute positioning.. for now that was good enough but I don't have the slightest clue how to position my icons somewhere that I could replace them.. or how to make them actual items so I could edit the text on them later..
could you please tell me how to get started with all that
this is what I have so far
// importeren van de benodigde swing libraries
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
// importeren van de benodigde awt libraries
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.*;
// importeren van de overige libraries
import java.util.Date;
import java.net.URL;
// begin de class, maak de applet en breid deze uit met een ActionListener
public class main extends JApplet implements ActionListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
     // maak een serialVersionUID om van een waarschuwing af te komen
     static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
     // maak 2 panels om alles in te plaatsen
     private JPanel onderPanel = new JPanel();
     private JScrollPane centerPanel = new JScrollPane();
     private JPanel scherm = new JPanel();
     private JSplitPane splitPaneTest = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT);
     // maak de JButtons
     private JButton links = new JButton("links");
     private JButton onder = new JButton("onder");
     private JButton rechts = new JButton("rechts");
     private JButton ok = new JButton("OK");
     // maak de te gebruiken variabelen
     private int linksbovenX = 10;
     private int linksbovenY = 15;
     private final int breedte = 70;
     private final int hoogte = 20;
     //private final int appletH = getHeight();
     private int appletB;
     // maak textfield
     private JTextField invoerveld = new JTextField();
     // maak de radiobuttons
     private JRadioButton rechthoekKeuze = new JRadioButton();
     private JRadioButton ovaalKeuze = new JRadioButton();
     private JRadioButton driehoekKeuze = new JRadioButton();
     // maak een buttongroup voor de radiobuttons
     private ButtonGroup icon = new ButtonGroup();
     // maak een string aan voor de text
     private String text;
     private String plaatje;
     // maak een URL zodat de plaatjes in applet ook goed werken
     private URL plaatjelocatie;
     JLabel statusbar = new JLabel("blaat");
//     -----------------------------------BEGIN-DE-APPLET---------------------------------------\\
     public void init() {
          appletB = getWidth();
          // actionlistener toevoegen aan de buttons
          // buttons in het onderPanel plaatsen
          onderPanel.add(links, BorderLayout.EAST);
          onderPanel.add(onder, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          onderPanel.add(rechts, BorderLayout.WEST);
          onderPanel.add(statusbar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          // layout van het centerPanel bepalen
          //  linker gedeelte van de splitPane instellen
          //  rechter gedeelte van de splitPane instellen
          //  bepalen op welke locatie het scherm gesplitst wordt
          //  splitPaneTest uitzetten
          // maak de Start knop
          plaatje = "ovaal.png";
          MaakButton1("Start8", new JLabel());
          // panels toevoegen aan de applet
          add(onderPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          // radiobuttons voor het kiezen van het plaatje in een buttongroup zetten
          // geef het panel scherm een layout manager
          scherm.setLayout(new GridLayout(8,1));
          // voeg rechthoekKeuze toe aan het scherm
          // verander de waarde van plaatje
          plaatje = "rechthoek.png";
          // label toevoegen aan het scherm en deze een icoon geven
          scherm.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(MaakURL())));
          // voeg ovaalKeuze toe aan het scherm
          // verander de waarde van plaatje
          plaatje = "ovaal.png";
          // label toevoegen aan het scherm en deze een icoon geven
          scherm.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(MaakURL())));
          // voeg driehoekKeuze toe aan het scherm
          // verander de waarde van plaatje
          plaatje = "driehoek.png";
          // label toevoegen aan het scherm en deze een icoon geven
          scherm.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(MaakURL())));
          // invoerveld toevoegen aan scherm
          // ok toevoegen aan scherm
          // voeg actionlistener toe aan ok knopje
          // voeg mouse listener toe aan het centerPanel
//     -----------------------------BEGIN-VAN-DE-ACTION-LISTENER--------------------------------\\
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
          // verkrijg de datum + tijd van nu
          Date nu = new Date(e.getWhen());
          // als er op een knop word geklikt afdrukken welke knop dat was en wanneer
          System.out.println("Er is op \"" + e.getActionCommand() + "\" geklikt op: " + nu);
          // als er op het knopje links word geklikt
          if (e.getSource() == links) {
               // controleer of er nog genoeg ruimte links is om het knopje aan te kunnen maken in beeld
               if (linksbovenX - 80 <= 0) {
                    // zet text in de System.out
                    System.out.println("Error Links kan niet verder");
               // als er nog wel genoeg ruimte is
               else {
                    // verander de X (rechts) waarde van de linkerbovenhoek
                    linksbovenX = linksbovenX - 80;
                    // toon het invoer scherm via de methode ToonScherm1
          // als er op het knopje onder word geklikt
          if (e.getSource() == onder) {
               // veranderd de Y (hoogte) waarde van de linkerbovenhoek
               linksbovenY = linksbovenY + 30;
               // toon het invoer scherm via de methode ToonScherm1
          // als er op het knopje recht word geklikt
          if (e.getSource() == rechts) {
               // verander de X (rechts) waarde van de linkerbovenhoek
               linksbovenX = linksbovenX + 80;
               // toon het invoer scherm via de methode ToonScherm1
          // als er op het knopje OK uit het invoerscherm word geklikt
          if (e.getSource() == ok){
               // maak een boolean om te bepalen of de invoer goed is
               boolean invoerjuist = true;
               // probeer
                    // de text uit invoerveld omzetten naar een String
                    text = invoerveld.getText();
               // als er iets mis gaat tijdens het proberen
               catch (Exception ex){
                    // zeg dat de invoer niet goed is
                 invoerjuist = false;
               // als je ovaal kiest in het scherm
                    // verander de waarde van plaatje
                    plaatje = "ovaal.png";
               // als je rechthoek kiest in het scherm
                    // verander de waarde van plaatje
                    plaatje = "rechthoek.png";
               // als je driehoek kiest in het scherm
                    // verander de waarde van plaatje
                    plaatje = "driehoek.png";
               // als het textveld leeg is of er geen plaatje is gekozen
               if ((text.isEmpty()) || (plaatje.isEmpty())){
                    // zeg dat de invoer niet goed is
                    invoerjuist = false;
               // als de invoer goed is
            if (invoerjuist == true){
                   // verberg het invoerscherm
                 // maak een nieuwe Button met behulp van de MaakButton1 methode
                 MaakButton1(text, new JLabel());
                 // schakel de knoppen weer aan
     public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt){
          linksbovenX = evt.getX();
          linksbovenY = evt.getY();
     public void mousePressed (MouseEvent evt) { }
     public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent evt) { }
     public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent evt) {     }
     public void mouseExited (MouseEvent evt) { }
     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {}
     public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) {
          centerPanel.setToolTipText("(" + evt.getX() + ", " + evt.getY() + ")");
     // Methode voor het aanmaken van nieuwe knopjes
     public void MaakButton1(String text, JLabel label) {
          // Afdrukken welke text er op de knop komt en de x, y waardes
          System.out.println("MaakLabel \"" + text + "\" op (" + linksbovenX + ", " + linksbovenY +")");
          // voeg het plaatje toe met behulp van de MaakURL methode
        label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(MaakURL()));
          // bepaal de plaats waar de knop komt
          label.setBounds(linksbovenX, linksbovenY, breedte, hoogte);
          // zet de text van de knop
          // stel in dat de text van de knop horizontaal in het midden komt
          // stel in dat de text van de knop verticaal in het midden komt
          // maak de String text weer leeg
          text = "";
          // maak het invoerveld weer leeg
          // zet de plaatjes keuzes ongeselecteerd
          // voeg de knop toe aan het centerPanel
          // herteken de applet zodat de knop zichtbaar wordt
     // methode om een URL te maken
     public URL MaakURL(){
          // proberen
          try {
               // maak de URL
            plaatjelocatie = new URL("jar:" + getCodeBase() + "flowchart.jar!/"+ plaatje);
          // als er iets fout gaat
          catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) {
               // print de foutmelding
            System.out.println("Kon plaatje URL niet maken");
          // stuur de URL terug
     // methode om het invoerscherm te tonen
     public void ToonScherm1(){
          // start de methode schakelaar
          // toon het invoerscherm
          splitPaneTest.setDividerLocation((appletB / 4) * 3);
     // methode om de knoppen aan of uit te zetten
     public void schakelaar(){
          // als het knopje links uit staat
          if (links.isEnabled() == false){
               // zet alle knopjes aan
          // als het knopje links aan staat
               // zet alle knopjes uit

Hi there,
you might want to grab a copy of the Open Solaris Bible (OpenSolaris Bible: Nicholas A. Solter, Jerry Jelinek, David Miner: 9780470385487: Amazon.com: Books) which, while being a little outdated, gives a quite decent jump start into the matter. Then install Solaris - should be piece of cake if you know Linux - and simply start comparing to what you know from Linux. Alternatively, if you don't have access to Solaris, go for OpenIndiana (http://openindiana.org), which is a true descendant of Sun's former open source variant, OpenSolaris. The operating system is free, the community is friendly, and you learn quite a lot you can take with you when you start using 'real' Solaris.

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    StevenD: FYI, I did NOT give you the one star rating. I would never do that!
    StevenD wrote:
    Ow. Someone is grumpy today.
    Well, this is an assignment, so it is probably homework.
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    OK! Let's do it step by step. I assume you already have a VI with the digital indicators.
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    open notepad.
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    I am trying to get the OCA certificationI assume in my reply below that you are referring to 1Z0-042 - Oracle Database 10g: Administration I (10g DBA OCA).
    I spoke with an Oracle rep and she informed me that the classroom requirement does not apply to this certificationThat's correct. You need it only when you clear the second exam (1Z0-043).
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    Oracle Database 10g OCP Certification All-In-One Exam Guide
    ** Oracle Student Guides/ILT (Instructor Led Training) Materials
    Re: Student Guides
    Practice exams provide tools to help you improve and continue your exam preparation:
    Oracle Certification Program - Practice Test Page
    Sample Questions – 1Z0-042 Oracle Database 10g: Administration I
    2. Do I need to know Linux in order to pass the exam (someone told me unless I know Linux I would not be able to understand the commands)?It is not necessary. See the following link for the exam topics:
    Oracle Database 10g: Administration I
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    Hi there,
    you might want to grab a copy of the Open Solaris Bible (OpenSolaris Bible: Nicholas A. Solter, Jerry Jelinek, David Miner: 9780470385487: Amazon.com: Books) which, while being a little outdated, gives a quite decent jump start into the matter. Then install Solaris - should be piece of cake if you know Linux - and simply start comparing to what you know from Linux. Alternatively, if you don't have access to Solaris, go for OpenIndiana (http://openindiana.org), which is a true descendant of Sun's former open source variant, OpenSolaris. The operating system is free, the community is friendly, and you learn quite a lot you can take with you when you start using 'real' Solaris.

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    1) OK
    2) OK
    3) Yes, SD is 480 pixels high; HD is either 720 or 1080 pixels high (currently).
    4) Implications of mixing? Well you have options. You could leave each as they are, it would be much like watching TV where you often see SD footage during the course of an HD program. Or you could down-convert the HD footage to SD for editing and delivery.
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    All of this functionality that you are mentioning is available with Swing. You can do a google search for java Swing tutorials; if you need further help, please visit the Swing forum.

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    Hi Stjowa,
    My name is David and i work for a company called ROI360. We are an innovative Software Manufacturer and the UK distributor of the Pageflex software platform.
    I have read through your requirements and i am confident that we have a solution that could match your needs. we are very experienced in all types of projects from "out of the box" all the way through to more technical, programming based solutions.
    More than happy to explore your requirements in further detail with you, please feel free to email me on [email protected] with your details. Alternatively visit our website for more information on what we do. http://www.roi360.co.uk
    Many Thanks

  • Where to beginning

    hi everyone;
    i do not know whether or not i access java enabled phone menus with j2me
    could you help me please?
    my aim is to make phone menus loudly
    but i donot know how to this or where i should begin

    This isn't possible in J2ME. MIDlets are run in a sandbox (aka "walled garden") for security purposes and they have no way to access features outside their own small little world. So you can't change the actual phone features with Java.

  • I dont know where to begin, what is a sliding window?

    The problem is to create a "smooth" image/"oil painting" image for a given image. You must create a GUI interface that include a menu which uses a JFileChooser to load/save an image file (a plain PGM file). The menu also include an exit menu item. The GUI should also include two radio buttons for smoothing/oil painting, and another group of radio buttons for choosing a sorting method. This group of buttons should have no effect if the smooth button is chosen. A text field should be included to enter the size of the sliding window. The GUI should also include a JScrollPane to display the log of processing time. My GUI looks like the following:
    In addition to your source code, you should also turn in a short report listing the experiments you perform and the processing times. You should run your code with different methods (4 methods) and window sizes ranging from (1 x 1) to (50 x 50). In your report, answer the following questions: Which one of the four methods gives the best running time for the (3 x 3) window? Which is the best for the (5 x 5) window? Which is the best for the (10 x 10) window? Which is the best for the (20 x 20) window? Which is the best for the (50 x 50) window? What is the maximal window size for which the processed image is still recognizable for the human eye?
    Here is how to proceed. Begin with the underlying classes. Develop each one with a main method for testing. As you finish one, move on to the next.
    1. Create a ImageProcess class that extends JFrame and includes all necessary GUI components.
    2. Create a SlidingWindow class that takes an image Array and an strategy object that implements Measurer :
    interface Measurer{
    int measure(Object m); //returns the measure of the object
    The class include a getNewGrayScale method that takes a pixel position of the new image and returns an integer value of the gray scale for that pixel, a setWindowSize method, and a setSortingMethod method.
    3. Two strategy classes ByAvg and ByMedian implements Measurer, one for calculating the average and one for finding the median of an array of integers. ByMedian class should include three sorting methods that implement sorting algorithms: quicksort, counting sort and insertion sort. Note: You may use the implementations of quicksort and insertion sort from your text book, but you must implement your own counting sort!
    4. The pgm (portable gray map) image format requires 4 entries followed by the greyscale values (some files include comments lines starting with the character #). The four entries are: the literal "P2", an integer representing the x dimension, an integer representing the y dimension, and an integer representing the maximum greyscale value. There should be x times y number of grey-level values after these 4 numbers. Part of a sample plain pgm image bug1.pgm is shown below. You may download a Java file to view the image. Caution: my code works very slowly for displaying large image files b/c it paints every pixel as a square. You get bonus points if you can solve the problem.
    # Created by IrfanView
    40 42
    192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
    192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 197 197 197 191 192 192
    5. The processing procedure works as follows. For each pixel of an image, the procedure considers an (n x n) window centered on that pixel, computes the mean/median of gray-level values in the window, and the mean/median becomes the new gray-level value of the new image. The median is defined as the middle value in a sorted sequence. For example, consider the following (3 x 3) window of pixels: 11 90 74 71 14 92 20 87 68. The sorted sequence of these pixels is <11, 14, 20, 68, 71, 74, 87, 90, 92>, and the middle of the sequence is 71, which is the median of the window. The median of the sequence <1,4,7,9> is (4+7)/2=5. The result of replacing all pixels with average values is a smoothed image. Using median values producing the oil painting effect. On the negative side, the new image is blurrier than the original. Corners and edges of the image need to be handled differently. For this project, for the boundary cases, the sliding window will be resized and include only the image pixels within the window.
    6. Display the image. Your image should be resizable, but the height and width ratio should remain fixed, i.e draw each pixel as a square. Extra credit: if you figure out how to directly display image of pgm format in Java.
    7. Programs to convert a file to pgm format: IrfanView, ImageMagick.
    Be sure to document every class and method (including the class supplied for you). Include a printed UML diagram for this project. Don't forget to check the documentation standards and include the signed cover sheet with your printed submission.

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