FMS on Win XP???

We are newbyes to FMS, therefore this question.
Is it possible to install trial of FMS2 on Win XP, or just
Win2000 Server or Win2003 server is sutable for this purpose?
We develope games with Macromedia Director and want convert
them to multiuser-Versions.
We wanted to try this out with FMS on one XP computer . But
we see, documentation sais, we need one of two above mentioned
servers for this. Is it right, or can we still try FMS on Win XP?

Originally posted by:
Yes, you must turn on IIS on your machine but...other than
that, it is a simple install.
You don't need IIS to install or run FMS.

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    Pleaseif you was successful streaming videos, I need step by step information from anyone whom was able to streaming videos to the public on the internet with Flash / Apache / IIS Server running on Windows XP Pro.

    Hello World,
    This issue has been taken care of! Thanks to all that read my message and wish they could help. It was all but a simple mistake that created the problem. For all that may think they themselves has the same problem please check your spellings at times that could be a serious issue! It was all because I missed an alphabet of “s” the word was “Thumbs” but I spelled it “Thumb” missing “s” for this simple reason the Thumbnails refuse to populate in the Tilelist. But soon this was corrected, both images populated in the tilelist. For the videos I have to make correction in ActionScript from playlist-streaming to playlist and the video was on. Now you know you too could try looking into your designs and ideas!

  • When FMLE stopped,Remote RTMP stream to FMS 4.5 with rtmfp?

    When FMLE stopped,Remote RTMP stream to FMS 4.5 with rtmfp?
    edit  "applications/multicast/main.asc" ?
    HELP ME !!! THANKS!!!
    * File: main.asc
    * The server-side portion of the multicast sample application.
    * This app accepts publish and unpublish requests from FMLE, and republishes
    * the live stream from FMLE into a target Flash Group.
    // General Constants
    // "Constants" representing multicast event types.
    var TYPE_FUSION = 1;
    var TYPE_IP = 2;
    var TYPE_P2P = 3;
    // StreamContext Description, Constants and Functions
    * Type: StreamContext
    * This application tracks the context for live streams published to the server
    * that are being republished into a Flash Group. The StreamContext "type" used
    * for this is just an Object containing the following members:
    *   client         - The encoding/publishing client.
    *   streamName     - The source Stream name as published by the client.
    *   type           - The multicast event type.
    *   groupspec      - The groupspec identifying the Flash Group and capabilities.
    *   address        - IP multicast address (optional for pure P2P events).
    *   netConnection  - A loopback NetConnection used for the mcastNetStream.
    *   mcastNetStream - The NetStream used to republish the source Stream into
    *                    the Flash Group.
    *   netGroup       - An (optional) NetGroup handle for the target Group.
    *                    Only present for Fusion or P2P events.
    *   state          - One of the state constants defined immediately below
    *                    this comment.
    var STATE_INIT            = 0; // Starting state for a StreamContext.
    var STATE_CONNECTING      = 1; // Establishing loop-back connection.
    var STATE_CONNECTED       = 2; // Connection established.
    var STATE_PUBLISH_PENDING = 3; // Attempting to publish.
    var STATE_REPUBLISHING    = 4; // Actively republishing to multicast.
    var STATE_UNPUBLISHING    = 5; // Shutting down multicast republish.
    var STATE_UNPUBLISHED     = 6; // Unpublished successfully.
    var STATE_DISCONNECTING   = 7; // Shutting down loopback connection.
    var STATE_DISCONNECTED    = 8; // Connection shut down. Done.
    * Registers a source Stream published by the specified client, along with the
    * context for the multicast event, as a StreamContext Object.
    * @param client - The Client publishing the stream.
    * @param streamName - The source Stream name.
    * @param params - The parameters resulting from parsing the source Stream's
    *                 query string.
    * @return The new StreamContext Object for the registered Stream.
    function registerStream(client, streamName, params)
        var streamContext = { "client": client,
                              "streamName": streamName,
                              "type": params["fms.multicast.type"],
                              "groupspec": params["fms.multicast.groupspec"] };
    if (params["fms.multicast.interface"])
      streamContext["interfaceAddress"] = params["fms.multicast.interface"];
        if (params["fms.multicast.address"])
            streamContext["address"] = params["fms.multicast.address"],
        streamContext.state = STATE_INIT;
        trace("Registered multicast context for source stream: " + streamName);
        return streamContext;
    * Updates the indexed lookups installed for the passed StreamContext Object
    * with the application.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object to (re)index.
    function updateStreamContextLookups(streamContext)
        application.streamTable[streamContext.streamName] = streamContext;
        if (streamContext.netConnection)
            application.netConnTable[streamContext.netConnection] = streamContext;
        if (streamContext.mcastNetStream)
            application.mcastNetStreamTable[streamContext.mcastNetStream] = streamContext;
        if (streamContext.netGroup)
            application.netGroupTable[streamContext.netGroup] = streamContext;
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a registered source Stream
    * by name.
    * @param streamName - A registered source Stream name.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the source Stream
    *         name is not registered.
    function getStreamContextForSourceStream(streamName)
        return application.streamTable[streamName];
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a given server-side
    * NetConnection hosting a multicast NetStream.
    * @param netConnection - A server-side NetConnection.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the passed
    *         NetConnection is not indexed to a StreamContext.
    function getStreamContextForNetConnection(netConnection)
        return application.netConnTable[netConnection];
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a given multicast NetStream.
    * @param netStream - A multicast NetStream.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the passed
    *         NetStream is not indexed to a StreamContext.
    function getStreamContextForMulticastNetStream(netStream)
        return application.mcastNetStreamTable[netStream];
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a given NetGroup associated
    * with a multicast NetStream.
    * @param netGroup - A NetGroup.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the passed
    *         NetGroup is not indexed to a StreamContext.
    function getStreamContextForNetGroup(netGroup)
        return application.netGroupTable[netGroup];
    * Unregisters the StreamContext from the application.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object to unregister.
    function unregisterStreamContext(streamContext)
        if (streamContext.netConnection)
            delete application.netConnTable[streamContext.netConnection];
        if (streamContext.mcastNetStream)
            delete application.mcastNetStreamTable[streamContext.mcastNetStream];
        if (streamContext.netGroup)
            delete application.netGroupTable[streamContext.netGroup];
        trace("Unregistered multicast context for source stream: " +
    // Application callback functions
    * Initializes global StreamContext lookup tables.
    application.onAppStart = function()
        application.streamTable = {};
        application.netConnTable = {};
        application.mcastNetStreamTable = {};
        application.netGroupTable = {};
    * Handles a publish event for the application by validating the request
    * and bridging the published stream into a target Flash Group. Invalid
    * publish requests are ignored and the publishing client's connection
    * is closed.
    * @param client - The publishing client.
    * @param stream - The published stream.
    application.onPublish = function(client, stream)
        //trace("Handling publish request for source stream: " +;
        var params = parseQueryString(stream.publishQueryString);
        if (!validateStreamParams(params))
        var prevContext = getStreamContextForSourceStream(;
        if (prevContext)
        // Register source Stream, and kick off the async process that will
        // eventually wire-up the associated multicast NetStream.
        var streamContext = registerStream(client,, params);
    * Handles an unpublish event for the application by shutting down
    * any associated multicast NetStream.
    * @param client - The unpublishing client.
    * @param stream - The source stream being unpublished.
    application.onUnpublish = function(client, stream)
        trace("Handling unpublish request for source stream: " +;
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForSourceStream(;
        if (streamContext && (streamContext.state <= STATE_REPUBLISHING))
    // Callback functions for NetConnection and multicast NetStream/NetGroup wiring.
    * First step in setting up a republished multicast NetStream; open the loopback
    * connection it requires.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the publish event.
    function openMulticastConnection(streamContext)
        var nc = new NetConnection();
        nc.onStatus = netConnectionStatusHandler;
        streamContext.netConnection = nc;
        streamContext.state = STATE_CONNECTING;
        nc.connect(resetUriProtocol(streamContext.client.uri, "rtmfp"));
    * Status event handler for the loopback NetConnection used by the multicast
    * NetStream. Advances setup upon successful connection, or triggers or advances
    * tear-down as a result of connection loss or an unpublish and clean shutdown.
    * @param info - The status info Object.
    function netConnectionStatusHandler(info)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForNetConnection(this);
        trace("Multicast NetConnection Status: " + info.code +
              (streamContext ? ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName : ", Not associated with a source stream."));
        if (streamContext)
            switch (info.code)
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                streamContext.state = STATE_CONNECTED;
                // If event type is Fusion or P2p, wire up a NetGroup for neighbor
                // bootstrapping and maintenance ahead of (re)publishing the stream.
                var type = streamContext.type;
                if (type == TYPE_FUSION || type == TYPE_P2P)
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
            case "NetConnection.Connect.AppShutdown":
                trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to establish server-side NetConnection for use by multicast NetStream. " +
                      "Status code: " + info.code + ", description: " + info.description + ", Source stream: " +
                streamContext.state = STATE_DISCONNECTED;
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Closed":
                if (streamContext.state < STATE_DISCONNECTING)
                    trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Unexpected server-side NetConnection close. " +
                         "Status code: " + info.code + ", description: " + info.description + ", Source stream: " +
                streamContext.state = STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                // Ignore.
    * Initializes the multicast NetGroup following a successful connection of its
    * underlying loopback NetConnection. This hook is optional and only runs for
    * event types of Fusion and pure P2P.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the multicast publish.
    function initNetGroup(streamContext)
        var ng = null;
            ng = new NetGroup(streamContext.netConnection, streamContext.groupspec);
        catch (e)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to construct NetGroup. Error: "
                  + + (e.message ? " " + e.message : "") +
                  ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
        ng.onStatus = netGroupStatusHandler;
        streamContext.netGroup = ng;
    * Status event handler for the multicast NetGroup. Advances to initializing the
    * multicast NetStream upon successful NetGroup connect. Otherwise, triggers
    * shut down.
    * @param info - The status info Object.
    function netGroupStatusHandler(info)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForNetGroup(this);
        trace("Multicast NetGroup Status: " + info.code +
              (streamContext ? ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName : ", Not associated with a source stream."))
        if (streamContext)
            switch (info.code)
            case "NetGroup.Connect.Success":
            case "NetGroup.Connect.Failed":
            case "NetGroup.Connect.Rejected":
                trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to connect multicast NetGroup. " +
                      "Status code: " + info.code + ", description: " + info.description +
                      ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
            case "NetGroup.MulticastStream.UnpublishNotify":
                // At this point, multicast publishers will be notified;
                // continue shut down.
                // Ignore.
    * Initializes the multicast NetStream following a successful connection of its
    * underlying loopback NetConnection.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the multicast publish.
    function initMulticastNetStream(streamContext)
        var ns = null;
            ns = new NetStream(streamContext.netConnection, streamContext.groupspec);
        catch (e)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to construct multicast NetStream. Error: " +
         + (e.message ? " " + e.message : "") +
                  ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
        var type = streamContext.type;
        if (type == TYPE_FUSION || type == TYPE_IP)
      var iAddr = (streamContext.interfaceAddress) ? streamContext.interfaceAddress : null;
                trace("Multicast NetStream will publish to IP address: " + streamContext.address +
          " on interface address: " + ((iAddr) ? iAddr : "default") +
                      ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
                ns.setIPMulticastPublishAddress(streamContext.address, iAddr);
            catch (e2)
                trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to assign IP multicast address and port for publishing. Address: "
                      + streamContext.address + " on interface address: " + ((iAddr) ? iAddr : "default") +
          ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
        ns.onStatus = netStreamStatusHandler;
        streamContext.mcastNetStream = ns;
        streamContext.state = STATE_PUBLISH_PENDING;
    * Status event handler for the multicast NetStream. Advances state upon successful
    * connect and publish, or upon successful unpublish. Triggers tear-down if we fail
    * to attach to a source Stream to republish.
    * @param info - The status info Object.
    function netStreamStatusHandler(info)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForMulticastNetStream(this);
        trace("Multicast NetStream Status: " + info.code +
              (streamContext ? ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName : ", Not associated with a source stream."))
        if (streamContext)
            switch (info.code)
            case "NetStream.Connect.Success":
                if (!this.attach(Stream.get(streamContext.streamName)))
                    trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to attach multicast NetStream to source. Source stream: " +
        //var stream;
                //stream = Stream.get("liveStream");
                this.publish(streamContext.streamName, "live");
            case "NetStream.Publish.Start":
                streamContext.state = STATE_REPUBLISHING;
            case "NetStream.Unpublish.Success":
                streamContext.state = STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
                // Wait for unpublish notify event if the context has a NetGroup;
                // otherwise continue shut down now.
                if (!streamContext.netGroup)
                // Ignore.
    * The common tear-down hook. Other functions that manage or shut down
    * the StreamContext Object delegate to this function upon detecting a fatal
    * error or during shut down.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the source Stream and
    *                        (potentially wired-up) multicast NetStream.
    function destroyStreamContext(streamContext)
        // Unregister by Stream name immediately; lookups by NetConnection, NetGroup
        // and multicast NetStream remain in place until tear-down is complete.
        delete application.streamTable[streamContext.streamName];
        switch (streamContext.state)
            streamContext.state = STATE_UNPUBLISHING;
        case STATE_CONNECTING:
        case STATE_CONNECTED:
            // Delete status handler callbacks and cleanup in case we arrived here
            // as a result of a force close.
            if (streamContext.netGroup)
                delete streamContext.netGroup.onStatus;
            if (streamContext.mcastNetStream)
                delete streamContext.mcastNetStream.onStatus;
            streamContext.state = STATE_DISCONNECTING;
            // Fall-through.
        // At this point, we either never got to the republishing state or we've
        // proceeded through the clean shut down steps above. Everything for this
        // StreamContext can go away.
    * Utility function used to force close a StreamContext in the event that we
    * start handling a republish of a Source stream before the context for its
    * prior incarnation has been torn down.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the source Stream.
    function forceCloseStreamContext(streamContext)
        trace("Force closing previous multicast context for source stream: " +;
        prevContext.state = STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
    // Client callback functions
    * A no-op. Answers the RPC in the fashion expected by encoders, but the real
    * work happens in application.onPublish.
    * @param streamName - The name of the stream being published.
    Client.prototype.FCPublish = function(streamName)"onFCPublish",
                  {code:"NetStream.Publish.Start", description:streamName});
    * A no-op. Answers the RPC in the fashion expected by encoders, but the real
    * work happens in application.onUnpublish.
    * @param streamName - The name of the stream being unpublished.
    Client.prototype.FCUnpublish = function(streamName)"onFCUnpublish",
                  {code:"NetStream.Unpublish.Success", description:streamName});
    * If the client invoker's ip matches what was captured for a currently publishing
    * stream, assume it's the same client and reset the stream. Otherwise, ignore.
    * @param streamName - The name of the stream being released.
    Client.prototype.releaseStream = function(streamName)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForSourceStream(streamName);
        if (streamContext &&
            (streamContext.client.ip == this.ip) &&
            (streamContext.state <= STATE_REPUBLISHING))
            // Only tear-down an orphaned stream if it's not
            // already shutting down (see state check above).
    // Helper functions
    * Validates that a newly published stream has correct metadata (e.g. query
    * string parameters) to republish into a Flash Group. This function also
    * writes a message to the application log for any validation failures.
    * @param params - The quiery string parameters for the source Stream.
    * @return true if valid; otherwise false.
    function validateStreamParams(params)
        var empty = true;
        for (var param in params)
           empty = false;
        if (empty)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string is empty.");
            return false;
        if (!params["fms.multicast.type"])
    trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string does not specify a 'fms.multicast.type'.");
            return false;
        var type = params["fms.multicast.type"];
        if (type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: 'fms.multicast.type' has invalid value: " + type);
            return false;
        if (!params["fms.multicast.groupspec"])
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string does not specify a 'fms.multicast.groupspec'.");
            return false;
        // Fusion and IP require an address:port.
        if ((type == 1 || type == 2) &&
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string does not specify a 'fms.multicast.address'.");
            return false;
        // No obvious validation issues.
        return true;
    * Parses the supplied query string, and if valid, returns an Object populated
    * with the name-value pairs contained in the query string. The simple processing
    * here does not preserve multiple name-value pairings having the same name; the
    * last value seen wins. Parameters with no value are mapped to "" (empty String)
    * in the returned Object.
    * @param queryString - A query string portion of a URI, not including the leading
    *                     '?' character.
    * @return An Object containing a key-value mapping for each name-value parameter
    *         defined in the query string; Object is empty if the query string is
    *         invalid.
    function parseQueryString(queryString)
        var result = {};
        var decoded = "";
            decoded = decodeURIComponent(queryString);
        catch (e) // Invalid URI component; return empty result.
            return result;
        if (decoded.length)
            var params = decoded.split('&');
            for (var i in params)
                var pair = params[i];
         var sepIndex = pair.indexOf('=');
                if (sepIndex != -1)
                    var name = pair.substr(0, sepIndex);
                    result[name] = pair.substr(sepIndex + 1);
                    result[pair] = "";
        return result;
    * Utility function used to swap out the protocol (scheme) portion
    * of a given URI with an alternate.
    * @param uri - The full URI.
    * @param desiredProtocol - The replacement protocol.
    * @return The URI with its protocol replaced.
    function resetUriProtocol(uri, desiredProtocol)
        var sepIndex = uri.indexOf("://");
        return desiredProtocol + uri.substr(sepIndex);

    HELP ME !!! THANKS!!!

  • Apache not working  with FMS 4.5 on Windows 2008

    FMS 4.5.1 Windows 2008 SP2 (64bit).
    I've searched everywhere for a possible solution to this, so my apologies if this has been asked before and my thanks for any potential help that anyone can offer to help resolve this.
    We are deploying Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5.1 on a new server but Apache does not work (does not serve html files or stream Quicktime H.264 files).
          Assorted Problems & Error messages:
    1.  The webroot/index.html page loads locally, but the HLS/HDS streams result in a 2032 error.
    2. The webroot/index.html page does not load from  external locations: (does not load externally). (our old server, FMS 4.0 and Windows 2003). Everything on this server works, the 2 major differences being that it is running FMS 4.x on Windows 2003.
    Some RTMP streaming works externally and internally (f4v files): 50kbps.f4v
    FMS does not stream Quicktime H.264 files even though f4v files work.
       New server (does not work):
                                  (f4v works): 50kbps.f4v
    Old server (Quicktime/H.264 file works):
    Apache does not serve Quicktime/H.264 files: I made sure that Apache had all of the correct mime types specified.
        Error messages and attempted solutions:
    Apache's erro_log file:
           a. httpd.exe: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
    2. FMS master.log file
          a. FMSHttpd -k start returned 1:
    1a:  Edited httpd.conf file to include ServerName
    1b: The presence of this error message also indicates that Apache httpd was unable to obtain a fully-qualified hostname by doing a reverse lookup on your server's IP address.
    In order for the server to accept external connections a reverse DNS lookup needs to be created. I created a reverse DNS lookup and  edited the /etc/hosts file to include the IPaddress, Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), shortname.
    This is the format suggested by the article:       localhost.localdomain   localhost
    Running the nbtstat -a command on the machine results in the following:
    WIN-8AIHI2J0524<00>  UNIQUE      Registered
    THS-LIBRARY-VOD<00>  GROUP       Registered
    THS-LIBRARY-VOD<1C>  GROUP       Registered
    WIN-8AIHI2J0524<20>  UNIQUE      Registered
    THS-LIBRARY-VOD<1B>  UNIQUE      Registered
    So the FQDN = WIN-8AIHI2J0524.Ths-library-vod.local
    I edited the /etc/hosts to the following (with versions using the local host ip and the external ip address, IPv4 is being used): WIN-8AIHI2J0524.Ths-library-vod.local
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
    I've also read Adobe's port configuration articles and  changed the ports that Apache and FMS use as specified in the conf/fms.ini file, but nothing has worked so far. I restored everything to the original settings until I can find out exactly how to fix this.
    Thank you.

    Ms. Apurva ,
    I changed the files back as you suggested (the failure was occuring with the default settings) and our admin assured me yesterday that the ports that I inquired about were open. I'll ask him again.
    The telenet command for both ports 80 and 1935 result in Connect failed for me. I'll check Windows Firewall (turned off)  and McAfee to see if there is anything there blocking ports.
    Confirm that external connections are blocked: (does not open outside of localhost). No problem accessing with our old server (
    I ran this command in nmap and here are the results (11 ports closed): nmap -Pn80
    Starting Nmap 6.01 ( ) at 2012-07-06 08:29 Eastern Standard Time
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.00092s latency). nmap -p 80 says that the host is down (for both ports).
    Not shown: 988 filtered ports
    1720/tcp open   H.323/Q.931
    6000/tcp closed X11
    6001/tcp closed X11:1
    6002/tcp closed X11:2
    6003/tcp closed X11:3
    6004/tcp closed X11:4
    6005/tcp closed X11:5
    6006/tcp closed X11:6
    6007/tcp closed X11:7
    6009/tcp closed X11:9
    6025/tcp closed x11
    6059/tcp closed X11:59
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.72 seconds
    Host status: up
    open ports: 1
    filtered ports:988
    Closed ports:  11
    ipv6: not available
    MAC: not available.
    Master log file:
    FMS config <NetworkingIPv6 enable=false>
    FMS running in IPv4 protocol stack mode!
    Host: WIN-8AIHI2J0524 IPv4:
    Server starting...
    H:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\Apache2.2\bin\httpd -f ./conf/httpd.conf -d "H:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\Apache2.2" -n FMSHttpd -k start returned 0:
    Edge (1508) started, arguments : -edgeports ":1935" -coreports "localhost:19350" -conf "H:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\conf\server.xml" -adaptor "_defaultRoot_" -name "_defaultRoot__edge1" -edgename "edge1".
    Server started (H:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\conf\server.xml).
    edge log:
    FMS detected IPv6 protocol stack!
    FMS config <NetworkingIPv6 enable=false>
    FMS running in IPv4 protocol stack mode!
    Host: WIN-8AIHI2J0524 IPv4:
    Listener started ( _defaultRoot__edge1 ) : localhost:19350/v4
    Listener started ( _defaultRoot__edge1 ) : 1935/v4
    Listener started ( _defaultRoot__edge1 ) : (rtmfp-core)/v4
    Listener started ( _defaultRoot__edge1 ) : (rtmfp-core)/v4
    Public rtmfp-core addresses for listener _defaultRoot__edge1 are:;
    Listener started ( _defaultRoot__edge1 ) : (rtmfp)/v4
    Listener started ( _defaultRoot__edge1 ) : (rtmfp)/v4
    Not sure what to do.

  • FMS 3.5 - Can't start admin server

    I am using remote Win Server 2003 R2 via rdesktop.  As an "administrator", I installed FMS 3.5 - Developer version using default options.  Media Server starts, runs, and appears to work.  Admin Server is not running.  When I attempt to start it (from Win admin services tools),  I get error 1067 (Error registering class: name mismatch (%1$S, %2$S)).  Everything done remotely as an administrator.  Any ideas what is causing this problem?

    You can choose another port and specify the same in SERVER.ADMINSERVER_HOSTPORT = :<port number> in fms.ini and restarting the server. There is no preferred port as such, however for security purposes, it is advisable that the port on which FMSAdmin is listening it behind a firewall so that it can be accessed from limited domains.

  • Applications and folders on FMS

    I installed the developer version and now have everything set up and working, But I have a question regarding the application folder. A few other people here have had similar problems but non of the posts I found could answer my question.
    I want to organize things in the application folder but I am unable to make it work with subdirectorys to my app folder.
    Inside the application folder I have something like this:
    I can't get this to play:
    But if I remove the "MyAppSubFolder" and place its content inside the "myAppFolder" this works:
    What can I do to better organize things in subfolders within the applications folder?

    Could you please explain to me how you manage to get your video to play with FMS sever and working for you. You could send your message to [email protected] In my case I do not have server as win 2003 or anything like that, however, I am using Windows Xp Pro IIS Server, FMS Server and the default Apache Server as my servers and I also designed the videoplaylist from Lisa Larson Kelly tutorial which looks good. It will show up and buffer will run none stop but the video and image will not load at all.
    Please help me if you know what to do. If any one also knows how i could fix this problem please contact me as well. Every little help is great.
    Best regards.

  • FMS does not start (windows 7)

    FMS does not start in win 7.
    There were some starts but only when first run after the installation. (i checked it 3 times) After the computer reboot, FMS does not start. Whats the problemm ?  And one more quastion: where can i find server address ?

    Do you see the FMS and FMSAdmin services running in your machine?
    Is your concern that FMS does not start by itself after restarting your machine? Or your were not able to start FMS.
    To connect to your server using Administration Console, Enter your server name or IP in "Server Address' text box.
    Janaki L

  • FMS 3.5 won't start

    So I just downloaded Flash media server 3.5 developmental so I can start live streaming for this website I am a part of. I installed with no problems(full instillation) restartes PC and every time I got to run the program.... Absolutely nothing happens,I have a x64 based win 7 Home Premium pc, an anyone help me please?

    >>every time I got to run the program.... Absolutely nothing happens
    What is the program you ran and what did you mean by nothing happened? When you installed FMS were you able to lauch the FMS start screen? Also can you see the services fms and fmshttpd running on your system. Also which 3.5 version did you install, was it 3.5.3 or some older version?
    Please provide these information so that we can look into this.

  • Amazon AWS FMS - missing license key?

    I have set up an Amazon AMI FMS instance which is working fine - but is behaving like a development edition.
    When launching instances of my app from the Administration Console, I can only launch 5 or 6. After this, I see the instance name in the list, but in LiveLog there are no trace statements, and no log file is produced for that instance. It looks to me very much like I just ran out of NetConnections, as each instance needs to create proxy NetConnections to another app on the same server.
    I ported this app straight from one of my own (Win98) FMS3.0 installations. I'm running the Administration Console remotely from the Win server.
    I'm pretty used to the conf structure and files, and have checked several times. Maybe there's a new setting in 4.0, or maybe I'm just missing a license key...

    Thank you!
    I managed to resolve it. My app was built on FMS3.0, and when I ran it on FMS4.0 only 3 instances would start up. So I rebuilt the Application.xml from the template in the FMS4.0 conf, setting  the process scope to app, and distributing over instances. All working fine now.
    Still a great product.

  • Configuring FMS 3.5 on External Apache

    I am currently attempting to migrate a web server. Ideally, the original server would have used FMS's packaged Apache, however, this was not the case.
    The problem I am encountering is as follows: The external Apache is Listening on port 80. However, FMS also requires port 80 for the server to function properly.
    I've tried removing FMS's dependence on port 80 in fms.ini. However, this leads to the client-side streaming software to not be able to detect the server at all.
    The best solution I've discovered thus far is configuring the external Apache to Listen on port 8134, as FMS forwards all non-fms related traffic to port 8134. However, this is a flawed solution. There is a distinct lag and the webpage itself does not act properly.
    I know that it is possible to have both FMS and the external Apache to simultaneously bind to port 80 as this was the case in the previous server's configuration. However, I cannot figure out how this was done.
    Any and all help and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Hi Hans Christian RVN,
    FMS 3.5 is not supported on Win 2012 R2. You may want to give it a spin on the supported platforms listed at pdf.

  • FMS 3.5 on Server 2012 R2 and with Wowza on the same server

    Hi there,
    Is it possible to have my old FMS 3.5 on the same server as I have Wowza 3.6 installed?
    The server is windows Server 2012 R2.
    I have installed the FMS, but it does not start up after installation, and the bat-files cannot start/stop the service either. It doesn't make a difference if I go to Services to start them up manually, the sample files still doesn't work.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Hans Christian RVN,
    FMS 3.5 is not supported on Win 2012 R2. You may want to give it a spin on the supported platforms listed at pdf.

  • FMS MAC Error

    Player Version: MAC 9,0,124,0
    App-Server returned: code:ok,
    ERROR: FMS Server did not return correctly!
    Running Mac OSX 10.5.2 (OS Firewall Off) tried 2 other Macs
    same error and a 10.4 OSX same thing. On same network no firewalls
    in the way Vista SP1 and XP SP3 PCs connect no problems. This
    started to happen after putting SP3 on the Connect Server before
    this Mac Clients could connect.
    Server test from the XP Machine
    Player Version: WIN 9,0,124,0
    App-Server returned: code:ok,
    FMS Server connected with protocol: rtmps
    Using TSL: no
    BW Test Results: = _ latency=246 msec, down=1242.1 kbit/s,
    up=143.2 kbit/s _
    Add-in Installed
    Add-in version:9,0,177,0

    Thomas Again...
    Sorry I"m using 10.3.9

  • Problems with FMS accessing files on another server

    Hi Guys
    Im currently working on a small project with streaming video on demand and using FMS 4.0 (and a complete noob in FMS).
    The video’s is located on another server than the FMS. But I have mapped the server to a drive on my FMS server,
    \\\data\media\mov\ => R: 
    And in the fms.ini file change vod_dir = R:\
    The FMS service is logging on as Administrator, but I still can’t play the videos.
    If I change vod_dir to a local folder ( c:\data\media\mov\ ) on my FMS server it play the movie fine, any idea why this doesn’t work?
    FYI: I'm using rtmp and both servers is running win2008 R2
    Any input is greatly appreciated
    Best reagrds

    Hi Nikhil
    I ran the test on my two laptops (xp and win 7, instead of the win 2008 servers ), with lesser restrictions.
    When I used the UNC path in the fms.ini it worked fine, but not when I used the mapped drive.
    This proves it s security setting on my servers, that’s coursing the problem.
    Thank you for your help and fast replies J
    Best regards

  • Connection to FMS

    I have been testing recording beta and have successfully managed to get things playing back after realising that it can take up to 1min 30secs to get a response from FMS at  I am not sure whether this is normal but I ended up spending 2 days checking, writing, reading, trying to fix issues that were not aparent, it was just the server responding slowly.
    Seeing as my archive files for the reading are only small, 3.5mb, how can this take so long?  Below are a couple of examples...
    Tue May 24 20:35:36 GMT+0100 2011    LCCS SDK Version : 1.4.0    Player Version : WIN 10,3,181,14
    20:35:36 GMT+0100    requestInfo =0.25961616123095155
    20:35:39 GMT+0100    #TicketService# ticket received: 1ppxlzajcugx6
    20:35:39 GMT+0100    Getting FMS at chive__&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3
    20:36:50 GMT+0100    result: <fms>
    20:21:40 GMT+0100    Getting FMS at hive__&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3
    20:22:51 GMT+0100    result: <fms>
    Can anyone shed any light on this duration or is this the "norm" for playback?

    I'm seeing the same thing right now. Response ranges from 1minute to 1 min 30 seconds from Adobe server:
    Here's Firebug:

  • Trap The Duplicate Logging On FMS, LoggOff Old One And Accept New Instance.

    Hi All,
    I need help on the following topic of FMS 2.0.
    On FMS Server I want to trap the duplicate logging, Logoff
    Old One and accept New Instance.
    The scenario is like this, if a user logged in with the name
    wins” on FMS Application from his Office, after some
    time he came to his home and want to logging again.
    I want to disconnect or logoff the instance of application
    which is logged in from his Office and allow him to logging from
    his home.
    Actually I want to implement the functionality like
    Yahoo messenger.
    Yahoo messenger gives the facility to login from another
    system and logoff the previous instance.
    So, tell me what I have to do to achieve this.

    onAppStart intitialize an object to hold all connected
    clients, maybe called userList:
    application.onAppStart = function(){
    this.userList = {};
    Then when someone logs in, they of course pass in their
    username. Simply put that client in userList by its username.
    application.onConnect = function(newClient, username){
    this.userList[username] = newClient;
    Then you can easily modify that code to boot the old client
    if that username is already in use:
    application.onConnect = function(newClient, username){
    this.userList[username] = newClient;
    See if that works for ya.

Maybe you are looking for

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