Font missing (not recognised)

I recently upgraded to CS3, am running XP home. When I open an Id file the Missing Font Dialogue box tells me there are a lot of missing fonts. Trouble is they are all there in the font folder and also visible on In Designs Type/font drop down list.
It seems as though CS3 has not recognized these fonts exist.
I can of course go through and manually substute all the fonts(with the same ones) but this is not ideal as I edit lots of different files.
The files are from a designer working with Mac OSX.
Does anybody have a solution??

The 0 kb file isn't a font (you'll see lots of "placeholder" files when
viewing Mac files on a PC), and converting fonts from Mac format to PC
format is a lot more work and art than any normal person wants to get
into. You'd probably end up with a slightly different font and have to
go through the same font substitution process you're trying to avoid.
What I meant by "exact same fonts" is that you and your designer go out
and buy the exact same Opentype font. Opentype fonts are cross-platform.
The same font file will work on both Mac or PC.
It is possible to get Truetype and Type 1 fonts in both Mac and PC
versions that are exactly the same (except for the platform) and will
not trigger substitution. But it's also possible to go out and buy the
the Mac and PC versions of the same font and still get substitution
You'll find also that while PCs can't use Mac Type 1 or Truetype fonts,
Macs *can* use PC Truetype fonts, and Mac Indesign (and other Mac Adobe
programs) can use PC Type 1 fonts if they're placed in Adobe's font folder.
Kenneth Benson
Pegasus Type, Inc.

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    Are you sure you haven't converted everything to outlines?
    Not sure what else you could try apart from the standard trashing your prefs or cleaning by exporting but if those don't work post this question on the Indesign forum, you'll get far more people answering there.

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    Object model has some changes in CS5.
    So use the below code in top of your script.
    app.scriptPreferences.version = 6.0;

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    Changing the font in emails you compose and read can be set in your Thunderbird and does not need an addon.
    Tools > Options > Display
    More info on fonts:
    There is an Addon which can be used called ' Theme Font & Size Changer 7.7 ' :
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    * locate and select the .xpi file you downloaded and click on 'Open'.

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    Enter Google and search for "Sylfaen".
    I would be surprised if you will not find a way to get this font.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 28 novembre 2007 22:59:01)

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    Hi rossoneris,
    Please check the 'Fonts' folder if you have installed Chinese fonts or not.
    What error do you get when you try to open the pdf's?

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    That 'gulp' worries me!
    I've just 'Time Machined' back to Sept 2009 and those 3 files are the only ones that ever show up in that location.
    The .db file is 1.9mb and last modified/accessed last night when I restored the Font Library folder and reinstalled a few fonts to make sure it worked.
    Are the other files you listed important?  Is it a problem that I don't have and seem never to have had them?
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    This has also been posted in the Community: Adobe Muse Bugs forum.
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    System Info:
    Adobe Creative Cloud (Full Subscription): Version
    Adobe Muse: Version 2014.3
    OS X Yosemite: 10.10.2
    Here is a recap of what has been taking place. I'll detail the bug as best I can.
    1. Created new Adobe Muse project. Everything normal.
    2. Chose to add a new font through the "Add Web Fonts" function within Muse. A note, my Creative Cloud App is running/open at all times (in file synch mode).
    3. Chose new fonts using above. All seemed fine (see screenshots below).
    4. Fonts also were indicated as being "Synched" within Creative Cloud (screenshot below).
    5. As expected the two fonts were added to the list of available Web Fonts within Muse (first screenshot below - left). I added them successfully to my site. Well after a number of hours I went back to this same font selection menu within Muse and the fonts were still visible yet the sub-menu that one would expect showing various forms (i.e. Bold, Italic, etc) was not available. In a sense the font could not be chosen from the list even though the name is clearly visible (second screenshot below - right).
    Have no idea what may have been wrong. Saved Muse project, closed and reopened - nothing changed. Created new project - fonts still "shown" in menu but can't be used. Did find a vague description using Google of similar problem (different application) which recommended closing Creative Cloud Desktop App and reopening as one possible solution. This DID WORK initially yet the problem, though corrected for a period of time (few hours at most), would reappear again where one would again see yet not be able to choose from the two Web Fonts. Went so far as to uninstalling the Creative Cloud Desktop application and reinstalling. Still have not solved the problem.
    Any thoughts as to what this may be would be welcome. Restarting the CC app each and every time the fonts become unavailable is quite time consuming to my workflow.

    Thank you for the reply. Wanted to comment on a few things.
    I reviewed the other post that you've referenced. Nothing unusual jumped out at me as something that I was not aware of. I'm running an older iMac that is in good working condition. 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 24" screen. I know this issue is fleeting, as I stated earlier typically can be corrected with a restart of the CC Desktop application (that I am always running at startup). I have not been able to determine that shutting down Muse corrects the issue. I would, at this time say it doesn't.
    I did open InDesign and see if the fonts in question, Open Sans and Open Sans Condensed, were present and usable. They were. The fonts are shown as being synched in my CC Desktop app window (even if they are not "installed" in Muse). That is expected but it may be a bug in how Muse brings in a font from those that are already synched to your CC account. I don't know enough about how that works to comment.
    And just to complicate matters, Muse seems to be working again, the fonts that is. I brought them back in and they are showing up in all locations (which there are actually three - see screen shots).
    First is primary text menu dropdown (to right of orange "Text").
    Second is if you click orange Text link. Another drop down menu appears.
    And lastly, the Text Panel to right of screen.
    I also wanted to add this extra bit of information, for what it is worth. When the issue arises and you do not get the sub-menu dropdown showing various styles of the font (italics, bold, etc.), one can use click on the missing font if you had used it previously and it is present in the "previously used font" list.

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    Hi Jock,
    I've checked your account, and all is well there. Please make sure that you're logging in with the same Adobe ID/password that you used when you signed up.
    Then, clear the browser cache, and try logging in directly to
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    Ipod Nano running okay on same machine.
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    Did you try all the steps here:

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    I would just hurry and get a new cable, but start with these articles and see if that gets you anywhere...
    iPod is not recognized properly by computer when USB drivers are not installed properly or are out of date
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes 7 doesn't recognize iPod
    iPod missing in "My Computer" or in iTunes for Windows
    Also you might try forcing the iPod into disk mode first, then connecting it to your computer and see if that makes it show up in iTunes...
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive or hard drive and may keep iPod from mounting or songs may seem to disappear

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