Font on HTML Document : how to set??

I am working on an HTML editor.
I want to set the font in my HTML Document after inserting an hyperlink, because for the moment,when i tape in my editor after the hyperlink, what is following appear always like hyperlink, i mean underlined and blue.
edHTML.insertHTML(docEdition,pos,"<body link=\"#182357\"><a HREF=\""+lien+"\">"+textLien+" </a></body>",0, 0, HTML.Tag.A);
these are th edifferent solution I tried, with any successes :
1/ SimpleAttributeSet att = new SimpleAttributeSet();
javax.swing.text.Element e = new javax.swing.text.ElementElement();
elem : correponding to my HTML tag a
docHTML.insertAfterEnd(elem,"<font face= \"arial\""> balbla </font> ");
3/ editorKitHTML.insertHTML(docHTML,currsor,"<font face= \"arial\""> balbla</font> ",
any of these are running, can you help me,
thanks by advance,

BUMP. Any suggestions?
Ihave managed to fix this using JavaScript in a KM text document. This Script links to an HTML document with the correct texts. In the script I can give the properties of the popup, but this is not working on our QAS systems with Reverse Proxy and SSL configured. Any help is highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Edited by: Jan Laros on Mar 4, 2008 2:24 PM

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    Thanks in advance and best regards,
    Jan Laros

    BUMP. Any suggestions?
    Ihave managed to fix this using JavaScript in a KM text document. This Script links to an HTML document with the correct texts. In the script I can give the properties of the popup, but this is not working on our QAS systems with Reverse Proxy and SSL configured. Any help is highly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Jan Laros on Mar 4, 2008 2:24 PM

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    The most economical solution.
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    The code is:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
    <html xmlns="">
    <title>Junction Park Fete : Australiana Home</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <style type="text/css">td img {display: block;}</style>
    <!--Fireworks CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 target.  Created Mon Jan 31 19:43:33 GMT+1000 (EST) 2011-->
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  • Text flow to additional pages at end of document, how to set up in InDesign CS5

    I've added additional pages to a document in InDesign CS5 -- but how do I set up my document so when text is supposed to get pushed to the additional pages the text flows from page to page on these extra added pages? Right now I've added additional pages to the end of my document and when the text from the original document gets pushed past the end it disappears and not continued on the additional pages.

    P Spier wrote:
    Yeah, container may not be the best word to describe a book, which is why I put it in quotes, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that you can no longer open and edit the files outside the book. Doing that, however, means next time you open the book ID will complain and ask you to update things. No big deal, but if you open through the book panel it will save the changes through the book and that won't happen. No difference to the inidividual files.
    Historically - as in *roff and other UNIX-based processing programs like xroff, nroff, etc - books that were published from multiple individual component files, were produced by the use of a "makefile." You'd need to create the makefile by typing the names of the component files in the book order, along withtheir specifications, such as starting page side, starting page number, etc. You'd save the makefile with a name to preserve all this information, then you'd run the "make" command-line command in which you'd name the makefile, and include arguments such as which printer, how many copies, even a job priority, to avoid unnecessarily hogging the network bandwidth and free the printer for higher-priority jobs. As GUI capable hardware and software progressed, command-line makefiles became GUI book files - still, basically lists of component files and processing instructions.
    One important value of book files that don't contain component files is that different book files can control the processing of the same component files in different ways, as well as produce books that use some of the same files and some different files - for different audiences, different product sets, etc. Yes, opening a book file may warn that component files have changed - a good warning to the user to pay attention - and they offer a way to update the collection of component files so that the book file produces the desired result. Here's where some folks may be surprised when they find that sometimes a print or export dialog box, either retains or forgets the settings used for the previous run; the result may be printing multiple copies instead of one, printing to a different printer than expected, or exporting a PDF that's not suitable for the desired printer.
    The short story is that while book processing lists that are separate from the component files offer flexibility and reusability, but they also require that the user pays attention.
    Did I commingle Autoflow and Smart Text Reflow in some way? I didn't think so.
    Not at all. I'm just extra-sensitive to my own experiences with not having taking pains to keep clear on the differences between these similar-sounding terms.
    My point was that HOW your text was put into the file to begin with, coupled with how your settings for STR are configured, is going to control whether subsequent editing triggers reflow. It's possible to have STR enabled and not have it work because you've limited it to master text frames and you haven't actually used any. An understanding of how autoflow works when placing text is important to being able to troubleshoot why STR is not behaving as expected (not to mention why text frames may not be adjusting if you edit the master page).
    One reason for the confusions that come from working with Smart Text Reflow is that there's no indication in the UI, that STR is enabled, and when it's enabled, there's no indication in the UI of which STR settings are in effect, except by seeing the behavior. Are pages added at the end or story, section, or document? You may see them added in the Pages panel, if it's open, on screen, and if the appropriate portion of the document is in view; you may see them added on screen if the appropriate portion of the document is on screen - the end of story, section, or document.
    In InDesign's Help, Smart Text Reflow is covered in only a few paragraphs. As you noted, there's much more to it.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Using .xsl in javascript for portal .html (document iview)

    I prepared .html document has javascript code in it.
    Javascript code uses activex object to process .xsl for xml operation.
    I used html document in document iview but problem occured.
    I think activex object cause the problem or i gave wrong address  for xsl document.
    If i place xsl document in same folder with html document, how can it be addressed (xsl path)?
    Is there sample html document using javascript code that uses xsl and activex object in it?
    And is it tested as document iview with no problem?

    I just completed designing a website for my restaurant using Dreamweaver 8. I included my menu as part of the website and now wanted to print it for customer use in the restaurant. The document is in html format.
    You can only print your source code from Dreamweaver. I don't have DW8 installed anymore, but i think it's: File > Print (or Print Code).
    If you want to print how it looks with the HTML rendered, then print it from a browser.

  • HTML document sizing

    Can I upload an HTML document that isn't sized 1024x768 px? For instance, could I upload a document sized 1024x900px and allow for vertical scrolling? This is specifically for a horizontal-only iPad publication. Thanks!

    When you import an HTML document, you can set it a Smooth Scrolling option.

  • Insert/remove image HTML document

    I use a JEditorPane to edit an HTML document
    How can I insert an image into the document?
    How can I remove an image into the document?
    thank you

    crash wrote:
    > Adobe Acrobat is a plugin, and as such it requires the
    plug-in to view. You
    > cannot "mix" a pdf and HTML AFAIK. The PDF must be view
    in the PDF
    > application.
    > You can, of course, convert your PDF to any image format
    and place it within
    > your content as you've done.
    > You might try using frames, but I don't know how
    successful that would be
    > (sounds a bit nightmarish to me).
    > HTH,
    > Jon
    > "rcshell" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:e48u6r$nmi$[email protected]..
    >> Hi there,
    >> I would like to import or insert a pdf file
    (acrobat) into an html
    >> document
    >> and be able to write above and below the document. I
    have copied the
    >> document
    >> into MS paint and saved it as a gif file and
    inserted it that way...Is
    >> there
    >> any more
    >> direct way to do this? I have not been able to copy
    and paste directly
    >> into
    >> DW from
    >> adobe acrobat....Please advise!!
    >> Thanks abunch!
    >> RC
    Or you could convert the pdf to FlashPaper, then insert as
    you would an
    image. You choose the size.

  • I just updated my Firefox browser to Firefox 8. I am a college student and practice with HTML and CSS for class assignments. The fonts in all my html documents are being overwritten online by your script typeface. How do I resolve this issue?

    I just updated my Firefox browser to Firefox 8. I am a college student and practice with HTML and CSS for class assignments. The fonts in all my html documents are being overwritten online by your script typeface. I did not have this issue in the older version. I use an iMAC running OS10.6.8. How do I resolve this issue?

    Starting with this, you have errors in your CSS code.
    body {
      margin-top: 0px;
      margin-right: 0px;
      margin-bottom: 0px;
      margin-left: 0px;
      color: 151515;
      font-family: "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", "Myriad Pro", "DejaVu Sans Condensed", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
      background-color: EFF5F8;
    body {
      color: #151515;
      font-family: "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", "Myriad Pro", "DejaVu Sans Condensed", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
      background-color: #EFF5F8;
      font-size: 100%;
    Related links:
    Windows Chrome, why do my fonts look so bad? - Lee Green
    css3 - Bad font rendering Chrome - Stack Overflow
    Nancy O.

  • Set font of HTML rendering?

    Does somebody know how to set the default font for the HTML document renderer which is used in JEditorPane? Thanks!

    Thanks for the note! Your solutions makes things more complicated. I need to create a document (which one?) where before my application just pushes a html formatted text into a JEditorPane.
    I was hoping for a setting like UIManager.put( String, Font ) for a global solution. Anything known about such an option?

  • WLC AireOS 8.0 - how to set font-color for integrated webauth/weblogin?

    up to AireOS 7.6 I was able to set the font-color of the internal webauth/weblogin page using html-codes, for example like this:
    Headline: Welcome to our <font color="red">guest</font>-network!
    Message: You need a valid <font color="blue">user</font> to login.
    Now with AireOS 8.0 this doesn't work anymore. When I try to set a headline or message with font-tags I get "Error while setting headline." (or "...message.") when I hit apply. I have to remove the font-tag to save the weblogin page.
    #CLIWEB-6-CLIWEB_INVALID_HTML_TAGS_USED: [PA] cli_web_api.c:1748 The Customization message field has invalid html tags
    #CLIWEB-6-CLIWEB_INVALID_HTML_TAGS_USED: [PA] cli_web_api.c:1663 The Headline field has invalid html tags
    So, how can we now set different font colors/styles like in previous releases? Using external or uploading selfmade pages is not an option.

    Since your using code to change the default internal portal page look, its better for you just to create a custom webauth and upload that to the WLC.  That is how I do my implementations as its easier for me to create a new page than trying to mess around with the internal page.  As you can see, Cisco can change the way things work in every version.  It might just be the fact that they no longer are allowing html code to be inserted in the default webauth/passthrough page.

  • How can I embed a HTML document onto my webpage?

    What I am trying to do: I am trying to make an image that has links to urls from different parts of the image.
    What I have done so far: I have built a photoshop image to embed on my webpage, following the instructions offered by many online forums, but cannot actually embed it as it isn't a url.
    Firstly, I sliced up an image, adding url's and alt tage etc to each slice. Then I did:
    File > Save for web > (Prest: JPEG High) > Save > (entered my file name) Format: HTML and Iamges > Save
    When I locate my file where I saved it, it has been saved as a Chrome HTML Document, but I can't then embed this on my website, using the 'embed code' tool I normally use. I presume this is because it doesn't begin with http:// ?
    Here is the HTML document I have made: file:///C:/Users/Daniel/Desktop/UK%20map%20interactive/Afternoon/UK-map-locations.html
    (If you can see this) This is the image I want and the links are working too but it's getting this onto an existing webpage.
    Other pages I have seen have talked about iamge maps, but I take it using the slice tool is better for what I am trying to acheive?
    Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.

    One: Users can't see links on your local desktop. You would have to upload the files somewhere. Two: Images generally don't contain links. URLs are meta information build around the image in HTML. Three: Because of the previous point, whether you use sliced images or an image map doesn't matter, if you have no way of inserting the information into the native HTML structure of the web pages. If at all, you would open the HTML file in a suitable editor like Dreamweaver (or even a basic text editor) and copy&paste it into the web page sourcve code, but you'd still have to upload the image(s). The rest we can't know. You have not provided any link to the web site or told us which hosting provider you use. From your description it sounds like one of those "free" providers that restrict user's options to customize to the bare minimum and the rest is based on templates and plastered with advertising. In any case, the solution is not in Photoshop and you would have to read up on web design basics, HTML, CSS and al lthat on a more general level or review your hosting provider's guides on how to set all this up.

  • How to set different font for a particular row in jtables?

    How to set different font size and font type for a particular row in jtable?

    More than enough sample code here:

  • How to set Blank default font

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [[/questions/933819]]</blockquote>
    I need firefox to read certain barcodes and it was only showing numbers. I'm not sure how but the default fonts was changed to a blank but after that the barcodes started reading! How do I set it like that for future cases?

    LarryM01 wrote:
    You are missing the point.
    Mark or select is not the point. anyone goes.
    The point is that a font SELECTED in a document does not set it default.
    You have MARK, SECLECT OR WHATEVER the font in Type > Font to make it default.
    That was the point.
    I think you have a different interpretation of what it means to  "select" or "mark" a font. You cannot do either of those things in the  text itself by dragging the text tool -- that selects the text that has  been entered. The "selected" font in use will be shown in either the  Character or Control panel (as well as in the dropdown for fonts), and  it is in one of these palces that you select a font to use as the  default. It has nothing to do with selecting text, other than if you  want to change the font applied to a particular bit of text you have  selected.
    Kind of an all-purpose, context-sensitive term.

  • How to set a maximum font

    ''Duplicate post, continue here - []''
    Firefox has zoom and minimum font settings, but how can I set the MAXIMUM font. Under Ubuntu (U.E. 2.7) and using a wide screen ACER monitor I have to zoom out (or Crtl -) on every page load as the text is too large and consequently the window is not big enough to contain the web page. Is there some way of setting the browser to remember this once it has been performed on the first of a page load in any session?

    LarryM01 wrote:
    You are missing the point.
    Mark or select is not the point. anyone goes.
    The point is that a font SELECTED in a document does not set it default.
    You have MARK, SECLECT OR WHATEVER the font in Type > Font to make it default.
    That was the point.
    I think you have a different interpretation of what it means to  "select" or "mark" a font. You cannot do either of those things in the  text itself by dragging the text tool -- that selects the text that has  been entered. The "selected" font in use will be shown in either the  Character or Control panel (as well as in the dropdown for fonts), and  it is in one of these palces that you select a font to use as the  default. It has nothing to do with selecting text, other than if you  want to change the font applied to a particular bit of text you have  selected.
    Kind of an all-purpose, context-sensitive term.

Maybe you are looking for