Force validation of a container

I've finally finished my first layout manager (implements LayoutManager2), but there is a small problem.
The layout manager adjusts the size of its components to fit the size of the parent container with a private function called fixLayout(). This function is called at the beginning of the layout manager's layoutContainer(Container parent) function. It works as long as the parent container is resized slowly. But, say the parent container is a JFrame's content pane. When the user maximizes the JFrame, the layout manager only accommodates for a part of the increase in the parent container's dimensions. This unwanted behavior also occurs when the user resizes the frame very quickly by dragging its edge across the screen.
I know the problem is that the layoutContainer function isn't being called fast enough to keep up with the frame's edges (Zeno's paradox: Tortoise vs. Achilles -- cool read). A quick fix would be to call <parent container's name>.validate() after the frame has been resized, but I don't know how to capture such an event. I would have liked to post a runnable snippet, but I can't think of an easy way to reproduce the problem for all of you, short of posting 11 kB of mostly irrelevant java code.
This is my first post. Be nice. And thanks for reading this far.

fixLayout is just a way to contain all the code that makes the components fit the container. It is called whenever layoutComponent is called, so it does, in fact, happen automatically. I guess it really didn't need to be mentioned... I'll try to be a little more concise with future posts.
I tried the componentListener. The problem is less noticeable but it is still there. I believe layoutComponent is now just being called twice at every resize event. There has to be a better way to do this.
By the way, is it possible to post my code here, even if it is a little long? Because I would appreciate some suggestions or comments (or praise lol).

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    hi ,
    I also got the same error when i migrated MDL from owb 9.2 version.
    I was using OWB 10.2.01, and heard that it is a bug which is fixed in owb
    So i applied the patch and this error gone.
    In case if it help u.

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    U just override ok cancel button type="none"., inside the <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl10" layout="horizontal" valign="middle">
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        public String getMODELColorString() {
            MODELColorString = "width:125px;";
            Object MODEL = getRowValue("#{row.ModelType}");
            if (MODEL != null) {
                if (!isValidMODEL(MODEL.toString())) {
                    MODELColorString = "background-color:red;width:125px;";
            return MODELColorString;
            if (!myValidation.isValidMODEL(object.toString())) {
                System.out.println("InValid Data");
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(uiComponent);P.S. If I made any newbie mistakes in my code please let me know, although this is obviously not production code yet by any means.
    Message was edited by:

    Frank (or anyone else who might offer some advice),
    I thought that solved my issue as I could see the validator getting triggered, however something else is now happening. It seems to pass through the validator once for each of the values on my table with the invalid input I entered on one of the numbers, "a" in this case, and then once again through the color change backing bean but at that time the invalid input reverts to the original input and the change is rendered on the af:table as well. Any thoughts ? I put a print in the validator method, in the method that gets called from the validator (checks to see if value can be converted to float) , and then the color change bean (which also calls the float validation test) and pasted the output below.
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = 0.037178375 \FloatTestOn: 0.037178375 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = 0.109212324 \FloatTestOn: 0.109212324 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = 0.18624917 \FloatTestOn: 0.18624917 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = 0.26863635 \FloatTestOn: 0.26863635 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = 0.35674548 \FloatTestOn: 0.35674548 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.38118127 \FloatTestOn: -0.38118127 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.3382032a \FloatTestOn: -0.3382032a NumberFormatException: For input string: "-0.3382032a"
    08/04/16 10:03:14 \Result: InValid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.29224017 \FloatTestOn: -0.29224017 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.24308495 \FloatTestOn: -0.24308495 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.1905158 \FloatTestOn: -0.1905158 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.13429564 \FloatTestOn: -0.13429564 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.07417088 \FloatTestOn: -0.07417088 \Result: Valid Data
    Validator Triggered \Current Value = -0.009870344 \FloatTestOn: -0.009870344 \Result: Valid Data
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: 0.037178375
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: 0.109212324
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: 0.18624917
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: 0.26863635
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: 0.35674548
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.38118127
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.3382032 <- "a" is no longer there ?
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.29224017
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.24308495
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.1905158
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.13429564
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.07417088
    \Checking for color change \FloatTestOn: -0.009870344

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    "(@XREF(cpx,"Intangible Assets Finite, Gross","Unspecified","No Project","Information Technology (IT)","371064911-01"))"
    But when we validate this rule it gives the following error
    "An error occurred in: Rule:IFLJAN13.Plan1.B - Trail Balance - Capex
    A validation error was received from the Planning server 'http://hptstorg:8300/HyperionPlanning/servlet/HspAppManagerServlet?appname=IFLJAN13'.
    'Error:The member 'Unspecified' cannot be found.
    The member 'Unspecified' cannot be found.
    The member 'Intangible Assets' cannot be found.
    The member 'Unspecified' cannot be found.
    The member 'Unspecified' cannot be found. Rule IFLJAN13.Plan1.B - Trail Balance - Capex'."
    We have checked the location aliases using EAS Console and they are correct.

    Could you pls. check if you can see your BR in the location for the cube where you are unable to validate the rule?! (EAS console --> Administration --> Locations --> (right click) open)
    your user must be able to "validate or launch" the rule in this location (changeable with "Add Access Privileges") and the rule itself must be able to launch in this location (changeable with "Add rules").
    Kind regards

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    Hi Mark,
    Well for starters a lot depends on:
    a) What release/environment are you using?
    b) What type of substitution - user to user or position to person are you using?
    If you are using position to person, that's HR infotype A210 so you could use HR Structural Authorisations to only allow the infotype to be created e.g. up to the end of the current year.
    If you are using user to user, its a bit harder.  In that case its based on table HRUS_D2, which only checks the end date is a valid date.
    So you would really have to code in an additional check from wherever you are maintaining the data.
    So now the question is, how do your users maintain substitutions? i.e. in which release/environment? using which maintenance tool?  Then you need to check out how that tool works.
    E.g. you might be using the API SAP_WAPI_SUBSTITUTE_MAINTAIN or the table maintenance generated for HRUS_D2.
    E.g. if its just the table maintenance view, you could add a table maintenance generation "event" with your additional check (go to the table maintenance generation and try menu Environment > Modification > Events).
    Unfortunately the other maintenance tools use function modules - none of which currently offer any BADIs or user exits for adding additional checks.  So at this stage it would be a mod.  But a good thing to ask for in a development request perhaps.

  • Problem with custom validated data types using domain on 11g

    I ' m on a migration process from 10 to 11 and I notice that a custom domain didn't work correctly anymore
    to be more specific every time that I was submiting a page a was getting an error cannot convert from myclass to oracle.jbo.domain.String
    I search the forum and I saw a similar problem
    Cannot convert type class java.lang.String to class oracle.jbo.domain.Clob
    at which Frank says that it is a known bug and suggests a work around.
    I use the workaround and it worked but some more issues came up:
    1. If the validation fails I get the error that I throw at the validate method not in a popup with just my message
    but in the whole window with the whole error stack, meaning that my custom validation is not handled like native ADF validation errors by
    the framework (at worked OK)
    2 If i dont give a value at the attribute in the validation phase mdata variable is not null but is length is zero (at its value was null)
    public class AFM implements DomainInterface, Serializable {
    public AFM(String val) {
    mData = new String(val);
    private String mData;
    protected void validate() {
    // ### Implement custom domain validation logic here. ###
    mData==null // returns false
    mData.length()==0 // returns true
    3. Can i force validation only for new or updated values? I saw that the validation process is taking place every time a row is fetched.
    This is not only a performance issue, the bigger problem is that if a fetched from the DB value fails the validation an error is return but the
    user cannot change the value to correct it.

    since i don't get any answer I wonder if i should have use a more provocative title like
    "custom domains in 11g don't work"
    is it true?

  • The InfoCube contains non-cumulative values

    While creating multicube for inventory on two cubes its askin the below "The InfoCube contains non-cumulative values. A validity table is created for these non-cumulative values, in which the time interval is stored, for which the non-cumulative values are valid.
    The validity table automatically contains the "most detailed" of the selected time characteristics (if such a one does not exist, it must be defined by the user, meaning transfered into the InfoCube)", what is that and how to solve this,
    Please through some light on this its urgent.

    Your multi cube is probably based on the infociune 0IC_C03 containing non cumulative key figures taht's why you get this message.
    You generaly don't have to maintain validity area unless you are in a special configuration (for exemple loading data from two source systems).
    UThe following link should give more information about validity area with non cumulative :
    Hope this helps.

  • Define the Characteristics of the validity table for non-cumulatives

    Hi Friends,
      Here I am designing MultiProvider ( ZCA_M01), based on the Two Business content info cubes (0IC_C03 & 0SD_C03 ) & one customized info cube (ZPUR_C01).
    I done Identification for char & keyfigures also.
    When i trying to activating the Multiprovider, here i am getting the error , error message is : Define the Characteristics of the validity table for non-cumulatives.
    Even here I am attaching the error message help also.
    Message no. R7846
    The InfoCube contains non-cumulative values. A validity table is created for these non-cumulative values, in which the time interval is stored, for which the non-cumulative values are valid.
    The validity table automatically contains the "most detailed" of the selected time characteristics (if such a one does not exist, it must be defined by the user, meaning transfered into the InfoCube).
    Besides the most detailed time characteristic, additional characteristics for the InfoCube can be included in the validity table:
    Examples of such characteristics are:
    •     A "plan/actual" indicator, if differing time references exist for plan and actual values (actual values for the current fiscal year, plan values already for the next fiscal year),
    •     the characteristic "plant", if the non-cumulative values are reported per plant, and it can occur that a plant already exists for plant A for a particular time period, but not yet for plant B.
    Define all additional characteristics that should be contained in the validity table by selecting the characteristics.
    In the example above, the characteristics "plan/actual" and  "plant" must be selected.
    The system automatically generates the validity table according to the definition made. This table is automatically updated when data is loaded.
    Please take as a high priority.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vanarasi Venkat.

    Hi Venkat,
    If you want to include 0IC_C03 cube in your multi provider the you must make sure that the time characterestics ( 0CALDAY, 0CALMONTH ....) are present in all of the other info providers which you are including in the MP. The Time char to choose depends upon the Inventory cube in which you have mentioned during the definition. As you are using the standard cube 0IC_C03 it has the time char as 0CALDAY. Try to include this in all the other info providers and dont include more tha one Non-cumulative in the MP.
    Try this and see if it helps....

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    I have configured alerts in alrtcatdef tcode. I am able to receive the alerts in the alert inbox. But the container elements are filled in. When tried <b>with checking the Dynamic Text</b> there is no long text in the alert received in the alert inbox.
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    If u had typed the container elements then u may need to delete those and again insert thru the std option (an icon where you can fetch it). Also check the corresponding data type for the container element. If you are using a wrong data type, which is not valid for that container element, you might face problems.
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    Let it throw an exception with a self explaining message, then catch it and embed that message in a FacesMessage.
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