Formated Interactive Reports

I'm creating Interactive Reports and reducting the font size in the query.
When I use the filter resources from the report or exporting it in csv format, the html code from the query apears.
What can I do that it don't appears?

Try if this is what you looking for
Remove HTML tags from your query.
Then put below to page HTML header
table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td {font:normal 4pt Tahoma!important;}
Br, Jari

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    See this link:
    FOP & Cocoon are free (just need to install the software and configure) Bi Publisher I believe works only for Standard Reports and no Interactive reports at this time.. If you have the $$ BI Publisher is worth the investment!!
    Also, it is rumored that APEX 4.0 will have the PDF generation built in as apposed to the current model where you need to bolt something on..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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    Hi Chris,
    I tried to replicate this, but could not. Now granted, I tried this using the new "modern" method of controlling the default application date format via the new application Globalization attribute "Application Date Format". I set the Application Date Format to fmMM/DD/fmYY and my IR on EMP worked just fine.
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    Platform: Hyperion System 9.3.1.
    I need help in formating totals in an Interactive Reporting report.
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    Thank you!

    Instead of Break Totals in a Table use either Report Groups (Footers) or embedded Pivot on the report

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    I encountered this issue previously, but regarding leading zeroes. It was really a battle with Excel - not APEX.
    Although I'd be interested to see if anyone has found a workaround that made Excel interpret it as a character instead of a number. We tried a few leads but to no avail.

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    Can you post a small example of what you are trying to do on the hosted instance of APEX from Oracle? You are trying to get the following:
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    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
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    A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. As a result, such a file is easily human-readable (e.g., in a text editor).re: colours of html output
    interestingly, there are settings in print attributes, but they have no bearing on the output... obviously nothing to do with the html output. Probably best bet is BI Publisher, where you can define your own report templates.

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    [Parent Name||Sort by this column] [Payor Name||Sort by this column] ClaimType ST [RH Payor ID||Sort by this column] [Naic/EmdPayor Id||Sort by this column] LOC TRX [TRX Count||Sort by this column] [TRX Dollar Amt||Sort by this column]
    World Insurance Company World Insurance Company I - COMM085001 75276 DBQ CLM 18 $40,679.82
    Total for: ClaimType *18* *$40,679.82*
    P - COMM098401 75276 DBQ CLM 457 $129,959.38
    Total for: Payor Name *475* *$170,639.20*
    Total for: Parent Name *475* *$170,639.20*

    This has been an area in need of some attention for quite a while, in my opinion.
    Re: Formatting of Reporting Totals
    Re: Report Break Formatting
    I've just looked at 3.2, and the help messages are the same &ndash; not at all helpful &ndash; ones I remember from 1.6.
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    You do not need define anything , then it use application date format

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    Campaign Hand Addressed (break format column)
    Campaign Travel Check
    Sum:900 This is row I need to add
    Oracle 11GR2
    APEX 3.2.1

    This works when I run it in SQL Developer. Now I enter this for my report query in APEX and I get the "not a GROUP BY expression.
    SELECT *
    FROM t3_mail_piece t
    WHERE t.week_id = 11
    GROUP BY ROLLUP(t.campaign_id, t.market_id)
    ORDER BY t.campaign_id
    , SUM(t.quantity);
    What is different?

  • Interactive Report - Break formatting style

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    Is there a way to make Interactive reports break format work/look like classic reports break format? i.e.1st,2nd,3rd column option. The way IR breaks is that is reserves a whole row for the column used in the break, which is not what I want, I want the report to look like the following:
    city               emp           sal
    Chicago     John Miller  1500
                     Mark Horton 2000
    Denver       Rob Martino 1200
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    checkbox   City               emp           sal
    [ ]               Chicago     John Miller    1500
                                      Mark Horton  2000
    [ ]              Denver       Rob Martino  1200

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    Thanks in advance.

  • Interactive reports - Number formats

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    I am new to Interactive Reports. I have a number column that I want to but a format on and have a total which I also want to format. Any ideas. TO_CHAR means I cannot apply an aggregate.

    Go to Report Attributes tab, and click on the Edit icon in the Column Attributes area. In Column Definition, you will see Number/Date Format option.
    Hope it helps.

  • Download formats for interactive reports

    how can I activate the other possible download formats (RTF and XLS) at my interactive reports? I only see the CSV anf PDF-format.
    Any help appreciated

    Hello Norbert,
    you have to buy BI Publisher to be able to export the other formats.
    If you already have BI Publisher you can choose between the formats on print attributes page of report definition.
    If your user shall be able to select the download format you have to create an item (I would use a select list) where the user can specify which format he wants. This item you can reference on the print attirbutes page, too.
    Regards, Tine.

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    Edited by: Bob Sacamano on Jul 22, 2010 4:52 PM
    Edited by: Bob Sacamano on Jul 22, 2010 4:52 PM replies yet. does this mean it can't be done???

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    I simply want to change the color of the text depending on whether a column has a value (eg. Error or Problem).

    JB wrote:
    Is it possible to add conditional column formatting in an Interactive Report in Apex 4.1? I've found numerous examples for older versions using the standard (classic) report, but I haven't found any with the new Interactive Report. Is this possible? and if so, can someone point me in the direction of some documentation or examples?
    Oracle Application Express (APEX)
    As interactive reports lack the HTML Expression feature of standard reports, the simple way to do this unfortunately requires violating the separation of concerns and generating structural (a <tt>span</tt> element) and presentational (an in-line style sheet) aspects in the query:
           , case
               when trunc(calling_date,'DD') =  trunc(sysdate,'DD')
                 '<!-- ' || to_char(calling_date, 'YYYYMMDD') || ' --><span style="color: #3399FF;">' || to_char(calling_date) || '</span>'
                 '<!-- ' || to_char(calling_date, 'YYYYMMDD') || ' --><span>' || to_char(calling_date) || '</span>'
             end calling_date
    ⋮For number/date columns to be properly sortable, the leading edge of the column must be an HTML comment that provides the required sort order using character semantics, as shown here.
    The Display As column attribute for such columns must be set to Standard Report Column.
    This method has side effects: some IR filters won't work; aggregate calculations can't be applied to the column; and report exports contain the HTML rather than the expected value.
    Other approaches involve using Dynamic Actions/jQuery/JavaScript, or using the built-in highlight as suggested above, then saving the highlighted report as the default.

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