Frame movement

hi guys ... bit of a tricky one. My camera developed a problem when recording. On playback, there are segments where the tape seems to jump up & down. Sometimes a lot, other times a little bit.
I'm running FCP 4.5HD
The questions is: how do i keep all the recorded frames fixed in a central position without mapping each frame individually to keep it central? As some of the projects are up to 7 minutes long, that makes for a lot of work to correct each frame (trying to make it perfectly still) as it is 25fps. Any ideas would be appreciated, save my eyes from sinking to the back of my head.

Andy... thankyou very much for your help. This imovie plugin works just fine.
I give it a 8.5 out of 10. and i give you a 10 out of 10 for knowing where to point me
If anyone else has a shakey problem.. then this will at least fix 80-90% .. fine tuning in FCP will get rid of most of the edge blur.
Pitty it doesn't work in FCP, but who cares, just export it as a QT file from iMovie.
Be warned.. it does add to the size of the file by 60-70% after rendering...and rendering is slow.
Again.. thank you. Mark in Sydney (Oz)

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    You are looking for Live Screen Redraw, and reseetting the prefs won't do a thing becasue it's set to dealyed by default in CS6. You can set it to Always in the prefs, or you can click and hold for a moment before dragging to get the live view.

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    LD Bear old wrote:
    When I open the .dv clip in Quicktime it shows format: DV, 720x480 (640x480), Millions, Stereo, 48.000 kHz. What else should I check?
    Ahh, I think I see your issue - and it's something that many folks who are moving up from iMovie experience.
    Basically, FCP doesn't like .dv files. It likes .mov files. Open up you .dv file in QuickTime and export it out as a QuickTime movie (a .mov file). Be sure to select the Options... button in the export dialog (since you're bound to be overwhelmed, use the settings from your FCP Timeline as a guide) in QuickTime. Using the default settings in QT will not help you (the default is meant for web sharing, not editing, and will end up being step backwards).
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    No problem, screen cast uploaded here:
    Just to be clear, a brief description of what is happening. The first time I move the frame it works fine, I tried to make the problem happen but I think the frame contents redrew too fast.
    The second time I move the frame (starting at 7 seconds in the video). I dragged the frame until the smart guides show -> Released the Mouse button -> Move the mouse quickly down.
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    Would cleaning out the preferences help Appleworks to run smoother? I noticed that was suggested in an earlier post.
    Peggy's reply is spot on. Deleting the preferences won't make AppleWorks run smoother and it's not something you should do regularly. It's only a troubleshooting remedy - if the preference files are corrupted then it causes strange behaviour with AppleWorks.
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    There are several posts about this. Try searching under "straight moves with key frames."
    1.) Locate your key frames in the canvas viewer (you may have to shrink the canvas down as small as 25%) then right-click on each key frame to change each path to "linear." (It defaults to "S-curve." This is what is causing the "snakes.") If you cannot locate all the key frames (one or more may be  "outside" your viewer) then you will have to manually write down all your parameters in the inspector (admittedly, a pain) and then manipulate your image in the viewer so you CAN find the key frames. Right-click / toggle each key frame to "linear." Then, re-enter your values in the inspector.
    2.) If you are doing a single move or zoom, forego the transform tool altogether. Instead, use the "CROP" function to key frame / animate your move. (This is similar to how "Ken Burns" works, but with your own custom "holds" before and after the move. NOTE: There is no ease-in / ease-out that you get with Ken Burns.)
    3.) Another work-around is to use the transform tool, but to NOT enter x and y "position" values. Instead, adjust your ANCHOR POINT (this has to be done in the inspectior) at the precise point where you wish to end your zoom. Manually, re-center your image in the canvas viewer. Then, set your key frames to start and end your move. In this work-around, the computer is simply "scaling" the image around your new anchor point, and not "re-positioning" along the x/y axis.
    WHY? Moves in FCPX treat "scaling" and "positioning" differently. This is what causes the funky moves. Good luck.

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    Thanks very much for any help!


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    The jinternalframe can be dragged outside the jdesktoppane.i want my JInternalFrame movement to be restricted with in the bounds of the jdesktoppane. How can i achieve this ?
    Thanks in advance,

    I'm very new into Java and stuff, but maybe using the setPreferredSize method of the desktoppane?

  • How to image frame move top of the page.

    if suppose the the page contain only one image.that image move to the top of the page.other pages will skip.i have tried.the below code not working.
    var myDocument=app.activeDocument;
    var myPages=myDocument.pages;
            var myGraphics=myPages[p].allGraphics;
            var myPageWidth=myDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
                    if(myPages[p].side == PageSideOptions.leftHand)
                        var myX2 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.left;
                        var myX1 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.right;
                        var myX1 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.left;
                        var myX2 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.right;
                    var myY1 = myPages[p];
                    var myX2 = myPageWidth - myX2;    
                    var myImageheight=myGraphics[j].parent.geometricBounds[2]-myGraphics[j].parent.geometricBound s[0];
                    var myY2=myY1+myImageheight;
                   //imageframe move top of the page
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by: karthiIndesign

    i got the solution.
    var myDocument=app.activeDocument;
    var myPages=myDocument.pages;
            var myGraphics=myPages[p].allGraphics;
            var myPageWidth=myDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
                var myX2, myX1, myY1, myY2;
                    if(myPages[p].side == PageSideOptions.leftHand)
                        myX2 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.left;
                        myX1 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.right;
                        myX1 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.left;
                        myX2 = myPages[p].marginPreferences.right;
                    myY1 = myPages[p];
                    myX2 = myPageWidth - myX2;   
                    var myImageheight=myGraphics[j].parent.geometricBounds[2]-               myGraphics[j].parent.geometricBounds[0];
                                       var mygraphicmove= myGraphics[j].parent.duplicate([myY1,myX1]);              
                                       mygraphicmove.textWrapPreferences.textWrapMode = TextWrapModes.BOUNDING_BOX_TEXT_WRAP;
    Thank you.

  • Internal frame moves back

    My components layout simple like that:
    ___|-desktop (JDesktopPane) (equals to this.getContentPane)
    ______|-myPanel (JPanel) (in BorderLayout.CENTER)
    When I create an JInternalFrame into desktop, it is showing but If I start to draw something like line at myPanel, the InternalFrame moves back and hides. I try all setLayer combination and moveToFront() but I cant to show ALWAYS JInternalFrame at top while drawing. And, why my lines drawing in JInternalFrame inside, how can I avoid it? No listeners on JInternalFrame.
    Any ideas..

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class Draw_Test extends JFrame {
        public Draw_Test() {
            myDrawingPanel = new DrawingPanel();
            myDrawingPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(10,200));
            myDrawingPanel.setBorder(new LineBorder(;
            getContentPane().add(myDrawingPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        private void initComponents() {
            jDesktopPane1 = new JDesktopPane();
            jInternalFrame1 = new JInternalFrame();
            setTitle("Drawing Test");
            jInternalFrame1.setNormalBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 39));
            jInternalFrame1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 100));
            jInternalFrame1.setBounds(0, 0, 200, 100);
            jDesktopPane1.add(jInternalFrame1, JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER);
            getContentPane().add(jDesktopPane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
            setBounds((screenSize.width-408)/2, (screenSize.height-472)/2, 408, 472);
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            new Draw_Test().setVisible(true);
        private JDesktopPane jDesktopPane1;
        private JInternalFrame jInternalFrame1;
        private boolean painted;
        private String mode="1";
        private DrawingPanel myDrawingPanel;
         * DrawingPanel
        public class DrawingPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
            private Image image;
            private Graphics2D g2d;
            private int brushSize = 1;
            private Point p1,p2;
            private boolean firstPoint;
            private JPanel preview;
            private boolean drag;
            public DrawingPanel() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
            public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                //            if( e.isPopupTrigger() ){
                //                if(pal) pal=false;
                //                else    pal=true;
                //                setPaletteVisibility();
            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
                drag = false;
                if( evt.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 ){
                    drag = true;
                p1 = evt.getPoint();
            private void drawA(MouseEvent evt){
                g2d.drawLine( (int)p1.getX(), (int)p1.getY(), (int)p2.getX(), (int)p2.getY() );
            private void drawB1(MouseEvent evt){
                p2 = evt.getPoint();
                g2d.drawLine( (int)p1.getX(), (int)p1.getY(), (int)p2.getX(), (int)p2.getY() );
            private void drawB2(MouseEvent evt){
                p1 = evt.getPoint();
                g2d.drawLine( (int)p1.getX(), (int)p1.getY(), (int)p2.getX(), (int)p2.getY() );
            public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
                if( drag ){
                    g2d.setStroke( new BasicStroke( brushSize, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER ) );
                    painted = true;
                    if( mode.equals("1") ){
                    }else if( mode.equals("2") ){
                            p1 = evt.getPoint();
            public void setPaintColor(Color color) {
            public void clearPaint() {
                painted = false;
                g2d.setColor( Color.white );
                g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
    //            g2d.setColor( palette.getColor() );
            public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                if (image == null) {
                    image = createImage(getWidth(), getHeight());
                    g2d = (Graphics2D)image.getGraphics();
                    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
                Rectangle r = g.getClipBounds();
                g.drawImage(image, r.x, r.y, r.width+r.x, r.height+r.y,
                        r.x, r.y, r.width+r.x, r.height+r.y, null);

  • Creating key frame moves previous keyframe (sort of)

    I am very confused. I have a sequence that I have to adjust frame by frame to keep a blurry piece of cropped video over a certain moving body part. I thought I had the whole sequence down perfect, but what happens is that every time I adjust the position of the video in one frame, the previous frame, which is also keyframed gets moved. But the thing is that the center numbers don't change.
    So for example, in frame 1 the blurry blob is centered at x=3.71 and y=-149.07. I adjust frame 2 to 16.21,-159.29. Well, now when I go back & look at frame 1, the numbers are the same (3.71,-149.07) but the blob has been moved in the same direction as I moved it in frame 2.
    I have key frames punched in for center, rotation and cropping on every frame. So how is this happening?

    been working on this all day - thought I could go frame by frame from the right, since it seemed to affect only frames to the left on the timeline. But now I see that all my frames that I carefully lined up have been shifted way to the right, despite the fact that they were keyframed. Perhaps this was all caused by being sloppy about distorting some frames (upper left, lower right, etc.) and not being careful to isolate those frames with normal, undistorted keyframes on adjacent frames.... I will look into this.

  • How do i Pate frames from one movie to the center of another? please help?!

    what i am trying to do is, put a flash frame by frame movie into my flash web site. So i go to the frame by frame movie and hit Edit- Time line - Select all frames. i then hit Edit- Time line - Copy frames. i switch over to my web site, Create a new layer select the layer and hit Edit - Time line - Paste Frames. and the frames i copied are pasted into order and all my symbols are brought into my library. The problem is than when it is pasted its pasted in the upper left hand corner of the page on top of all my other stuff when i select the the frames of the frame by frame movie and move them to the center of the stage. It seems to work fine but when i test my movie the first frame will be fine and than some stuff goes back to the original pasted spot and some stuff will stay where i moved it to. my question is. How do you paste the frame by frame movie to the center of the stage so it does not have to be moved at all?
    or else how do i move all frames and objects to where i want them and not just the first frame?

    when you copy and paste frames, object positions will be maintained from the copied to the pasted frames.
    if you want to edit multiple frames simultaneously, click edit multiple frames (an icon in the timeline panel just below frame 22, if you're using normal sized frames).

Maybe you are looking for