FrameMaker 11 file link broken when published out to RoboHelp 10

I have the Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 and am trying to test publish a FrameMaker 11 file out through
the FrameMaker publish button to WebHelp (by way of RoboHelp 10).
In the FrameMaker 11, file, I have a link to a PDF that sits down in a subfolder.  I have used the following approach:
1. Highlighted text in a FrameMaker table.
2. Chose Special>Hyptertext
3. From the Hypertext panel, I selected Message Client from the Command drop down menu
     and in the syntax field I entered:  message openfile Foldouts/Foldout1.pdf
4. I then tested the link in FrameMaker by using ALT and CTRL and it works.
5. Next, I saved the FrameMaker file as a PDF (File>Save As PDF) and tested the PDF.  The PDF links work.
So with all that said, how come I can't select File>Publish>WebHelp and have the link information carry through to the WebHelp HTM output?
I tried this Publish option straight out of the box and it did not work.  I also tried creating a custom RoboHelp template (.XPJ file) and it did not work.
I believe there is a PgfId marker that is generated when the Hyptertext is created in FrameMaker (using the process stated above), but that marker is not getting
translated into an HREF, once it gets published out through RoboHelp 10.
I also tried saving the FrameMaker 11 file directly as an HTML file using the FrameMaker 11 - File>Save As HTML process, but no links carried through
using that process either.
I do not know if this is a FrameMaker issue or a RoboHelp issue, so I am now posting this in both forums.
If someone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
Are there certain steps one must do to preserve FrameMaker Hypertext links that get published out through RoboHelp 10 to WebHelp?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

I've deleted the other post as the question is being addressed here. Folks who use Fm only would not be able to help so this is the correct forum as Jeff as explained.
See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    I've been using UPK 3.5.1 Developer for years with Office 2003 (yes, I know we should upgrade, but that's out of my control), and have successfully published many times. After my latest publishing, the following error showed in the Activity Log:
    Task: Job Aid / Postprocessing document
    Comment: Invalid docx file format odpub://int/PlayerPackage/Temp/03d444ee-681b-406b-aba2-cd4b669702e2_JOBAID.docx
    All of the other job aids have published to a .doc format, so I'm not sure why this one is behaving differently. I located the offending topic, and in UPK, the preview provides a similar error when I try to preview the job aid. Strangely enough though, in the published project, the job aid for that topic prints just fine. I know I can just ignore the error since the finished product works, but I'm just wondering if anyone has some insight as to why this error occurred.
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  • Image links broken when creating a page from template

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    Here is the code for the template:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Welcome to Pennyhill - Custom Furnishing for Home and Office</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link href="../pennyhill.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
       var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
         var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
         if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
       var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
         d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
       if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
       for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
       if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
    function MM_nbGroup(event, grpName) { //v6.0
       var i,img,nbArr,args=MM_nbGroup.arguments;
       if (event == "init" && args.length > 2) {
         if ((img = MM_findObj(args[2])) != null && !img.MM_init) {
           img.MM_init = true; img.MM_up = args[3]; img.MM_dn = img.src;
           if ((nbArr = document[grpName]) == null) nbArr = document[grpName] = new Array();
           nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
           for (i=4; i < args.length-1; i+=2) if ((img = MM_findObj(args[i])) != null) {
             if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
             img.src = img.MM_dn = args[i+1];
             nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
       } else if (event == "over") {
         document.MM_nbOver = nbArr = new Array();
         for (i=1; i < args.length-1; i+=3) if ((img = MM_findObj(args[i])) != null) {
           if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
           img.src = (img.MM_dn && args[i+2]) ? args[i+2] : ((args[i+1])? args[i+1] : img.MM_up);
           nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
       } else if (event == "out" ) {
         for (i=0; i < document.MM_nbOver.length; i++) {
           img = document.MM_nbOver[i]; img.src = (img.MM_dn) ? img.MM_dn : img.MM_up; }
       } else if (event == "down") {
         nbArr = document[grpName];
         if (nbArr)
           for (i=0; i < nbArr.length; i++) { img=nbArr[i]; img.src = img.MM_up; img.MM_dn = 0; }
         document[grpName] = nbArr = new Array();
         for (i=2; i < args.length-1; i+=2) if ((img = MM_findObj(args[i])) != null) {
           if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
           img.src = img.MM_dn = (args[i+1])? args[i+1] : img.MM_up;
           nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
    <body background="../swirlybackg.jpg" onload="MM_preloadImages('navbars/homedown.jpg','navbars/homeover.jpg')">
    <div id="wrapper">
       <div id="fabricR"></div>
       <div id="fabricL">
         <div id="nav"><a href="../index.html" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','home','navbars/homedown.jpg',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','home','navbars/homeover.jpg','navbars/homedown.jpg',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="navbars/homeup.jpg" alt="Home Button" name="home" border="0" id="home" onload="" /></a><br /></div>
       <div id="header"></div>
       <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="windowhomepg" -->
       <div id="windowhomepg"></div>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>
    <div id="copyright">Copyright © 2009 Pennyhill Furnishings. All rights reserved.</div>
    Here is the code for the index.html page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/pennyhillbasichomenav.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Welcome to Pennyhill - Custom Furnishing for Home and Office</title>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <link href="pennyhill.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
       var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
         var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
         if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
       var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
         d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
       if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
       for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
       if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
    function MM_nbGroup(event, grpName) { //v6.0
       var i,img,nbArr,args=MM_nbGroup.arguments;
       if (event == "init" && args.length > 2) {
         if ((img = MM_findObj(args[2])) != null && !img.MM_init) {
           img.MM_init = true; img.MM_up = args[3]; img.MM_dn = img.src;
           if ((nbArr = document[grpName]) == null) nbArr = document[grpName] = new Array();
           nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
           for (i=4; i < args.length-1; i+=2) if ((img = MM_findObj(args[i])) != null) {
             if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
             img.src = img.MM_dn = args[i+1];
             nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
       } else if (event == "over") {
         document.MM_nbOver = nbArr = new Array();
         for (i=1; i < args.length-1; i+=3) if ((img = MM_findObj(args[i])) != null) {
           if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
           img.src = (img.MM_dn && args[i+2]) ? args[i+2] : ((args[i+1])? args[i+1] : img.MM_up);
           nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
       } else if (event == "out" ) {
         for (i=0; i < document.MM_nbOver.length; i++) {
           img = document.MM_nbOver[i]; img.src = (img.MM_dn) ? img.MM_dn : img.MM_up; }
       } else if (event == "down") {
         nbArr = document[grpName];
         if (nbArr)
           for (i=0; i < nbArr.length; i++) { img=nbArr[i]; img.src = img.MM_up; img.MM_dn = 0; }
         document[grpName] = nbArr = new Array();
         for (i=2; i < args.length-1; i+=2) if ((img = MM_findObj(args[i])) != null) {
           if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up = img.src;
           img.src = img.MM_dn = (args[i+1])? args[i+1] : img.MM_up;
           nbArr[nbArr.length] = img;
    <body background="swirlybackg.jpg" onload="MM_preloadImages('navbars/homedown.jpg','navbars/homeover.jpg')">
    <div id="wrapper">
       <div id="fabricR"></div>
       <div id="fabricL">
         <div id="nav"><a href="index.html" target="_top" onclick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','home','navbars/homedown.jpg',1)" onmouseover="MM_nbGroup('over','home','navbars/homeover.jpg','navbars/homedown.jpg',1)" onmouseout="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="navbars/homeup.jpg" alt="Home Button" name="home" border="0" id="home" onload="" /></a><br /></div>
       <div id="header"></div>
       <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="windowhomepg" -->
       <div id="windowhomepg"><script type="text/javascript" src="v3flashslideshow/slideshow.js"></script>
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    Here is a link to the site:
    Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.

    Ok, I figured this one out, finally. I had my navbar image files in a folder in the Templates folder. I found, buried deep in another thread about something else, that DW doesn't like anything else to be in the Templates folder except the Templates files. So I put the Navbar folder on the root level, out of the Templates folder, and the page is rendering perfectly in Firefox, Safari and IE on Mac and PC.

  • Why are my files not available when checked out?

    I have a relatively new Win 7 box, running TCS 4. So in Frame 11, I have checked out a book (using CMS/SharePoint) and everything checks out ok. But when I go to edit the files, they all have question marks and if I try to open them, the message is " does not exist." for example.
    Also, a long file directory is showing instead of just the file name.
    Other users with similar setups are not having this problem.
    I can work with other books just fine, but not this one (which is the MAIN one I use FM for!).

    FM uses the relative path from the book location for the filename displays in the book. If the book and files are all in the same location, then the FM will just display the filename. I'm not certain how it's handling things if you're checking things out of a repository, but it should have everything in the same folder, so relative naming should be expected.

  • Document link broken when only coping freight to AR credit note

    1.  Create an AR invoice (with item lines and header freight value of $10)
    2.  Open AR invoice and select 'copy to AR Credit note'. NOTE:  Base document link in active in the window. 
    3.  Delete right click each line and select 'delete line'.   All lines have been deleted from the AR Credit note.  NOTE:  when the last line is been deleted the base document link changes to inactive.  NOTE:  the header freight value of $10 is still active in the credit note.
    Can you please advise why this is happening?  Should this be happening? 2007A SP01 PL 08
    Thanks in advanced Lisa

    Even you can do that by booking a standalone invoice and Reconcilling the partial amount with the original invoice. Use BP Internal Reconcillation Window - Amount to Reconcile field

  • Adobe Technical Communications Suite - Importing Framemaker Files into Robohelp

    We have just started using the Adobe Technical Communications
    Suite to import our Framemaker files into Robohelp. (We have about
    a year’s experience of taking Framemaker files into Web Works
    Publisher, with good results so we were hoping for a similar
    experience with Robohelp).
    Please can you help us with the following two problems:
    1. Importing FM files into Robohelp has posed some immediate
    table formatting problems. We imported the FM files by reference
    according to the instructions but cannot format the tables, ie.
    Colors etc.
    2. Can you also tell us if there is a way to set up our
    graphics in Framemaker to import into Robohelp without first having
    to run them through a batch file scenario to change the size for
    online help. Also, can you explain why the imported graphics are
    being put into separate folders in Robohelp – is there a
    system option where we can stop this from occurring.
    We are a little frustrated because we are long-time users of
    Robohelp and Framemaker and are finding some of the new features of
    TCS are not as helpful as we first thought. I am sending these
    questions after spending several hours going through the Robohelp
    Help and the Adobe website and not finding the answers.
    Thanks for your help,
    Asra S.

    I have purchased the Technical Communications Suite and am
    working with it now. I am finding several short comings in the
    product – 60% great product and 40% not so great. I have been
    using FrameMaker and RoboHelp for about 11 years and also I am a
    Webworks (ePublisher) user. I was expecting (at a minimum) to have
    the same functionality as ePublisher in TCS - ePublisher works
    seamlessly with FrameMaker. Quadralay worked with me the first
    month to answer my questions to ensure I was pleased with the
    product - and welcomed/appreciated my feedback. In some cases they
    provided me with scripts to accommodate my needs. I am finding on
    message boards and forums that a lot of users as very disappointed
    with your product so far. Are there any plans on
    improving/enhancing the product to accommodate our basic requests?
    The standard answer we get concerning graphics and tables is
    to use conditional text. This is not single-sourcing and is a
    horrible recommended work-around – a hack if you will. We use
    conditional text to handle differences in program functionality. I
    understand there is some set up required when you create a new
    project in RoboHelp, but after that I would like to run the Batch
    File process to simply generate my newly updated FM files to online
    help. How efficient is that? VERY!
    I have provided a list of the basic missing
    functionality/oversights that would greatly improve the product and
    satisfy a lot of your current users. Some of these issues may be
    user misunderstanding and in that case I seek guidance on what
    I’m doing wrong. Take the other issues into consideration
    because these are not just my issues, but a TON of your users.
    Hopefully you are user focused and are as concerned as we are.
    Please welcome this feedback as a way to improve the product.
    - No Breadcrumbs supported with MS HTML Help - supported in
    your other outputs and is available in ePublisher, so it must be
    - Table formats are not configurable – why? Sometimes
    the converted table format from FM isn’t 100%.
    - Imported file structure (folder for each chapter) totally
    hoses my fix to poor graphic rendering. Currently I use a batch
    file to run a Photoshop macro/action on my graphic source files to
    reduce the file size by 50% and sharpen. I replace the graphics
    with my graphics and they look marvelous in online help. I copy my
    source graphics back into my “graphics folder” imported
    into FM at 260 dpi for my printed docs. Can we have the option on
    the structure for imported FM files to put them all into one
    - Text entered into the Auto numbering field is not converted
    when importing by reference. It is when just doing a straight
    import. This is used for standardizing my inserted tables with
    pre-populated column titles– Troubleshooting, If/Then, etc.
    - Too many CSS issues. It would be nice to have one main
    template that we can sync to when the master template is changed.
    - Can’t specify a default template to apply to all FM
    files when imported.
    - My output .chm file is not picking up my Project Settings.
    It will not display Favorites, My Window Size, it’s not
    showing the TOC.
    - Cross-references – sometimes they work and sometimes
    they don’t.
    - Markers – we use markers for glossary terms and the
    character tagging carries forward throughout the rest of the
    I started testing the product four days ago and these are the
    major issues that are keeping me from moving forward with my
    overall plan to move to structured FM. I’m now between a rock
    and a hard place because now my department does not have the
    software to do their job. Do I go to management and tell them that
    I made the wrong decision in my tool selection? I choose your TCS
    over the updated Quadralay ePublisher that works with FM8…
    Maybe they went up on their price because the knew their former
    users would come back and be willing to pay the increased price for
    their software that generates online help with just a click of a
    Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your help
    in advance. Please direct these concerns to those in charge of
    enhancing the product (Product Evangelist). A reply and technical
    support is greatly appreciated.
    Director of Technical Publications - Horizon Software
    International, LLC
    Nikki Bridwell

  • How to keep links from being broken when moved or file is later split

    Which is the best way to make sure that a link to another pdf file is not broken when a file is emailed or moved to a new location off of the server?  Should you link a destination or use the hyperlink feature?
    If the links are created and the file then has to be split, will the links be retained in the split files?

    PDF moved —
    PDF#1 has a link to PDF#2. To keep this link functional after putting PDF#1 elsewhere:
    --| Relocate PDF#2 with PDF#1; maintaining the same path to the target of the link (which is PDF#2).
    --| Or, use Acroat's link tool to modify the link in PDF#1 so that you establish a functional path to wherever PDF#2 is at.
    For email, if PDF#1 & PDF#2 are adjacent to one another under some folder/directory & then linked you'd want to email both files together. Both PDFs can be saved &, provided they stay adjacent, the links will work.
    PDF split —
    PDF#3 has internal links (e.g., a link from PDF page 1 to some other PDF page in PDF#3).
    You split PDF#3 by extracting the first 5 PDF pages & now have PDF#4.
    Any links in PDF#4, to PDF#3 pages past page 5 will not function.
    Use Acrobat's Link tool to modify the link such that it goes from PDF#4 to the desired page in PDF#4.
    n.b., There are 3rd party plug-ins for Acrobat that can facilitate bookmark and link management.
    A web search will provide a listing.
    Be well...

  • Why is the "open with" option always grayed out when I click on a file link?

    For example, when accessing an email account with firefox and I click on an .mp3 attachment the "open with" choice is always grayed out. This issue is not exclusive to email attachments rather all file links that I click on any site give me the same result. I am using MAC OS X Mavericks.
    How can I restore the "open with" selection?
    Thanks for your time,
    Chris Woods

    You can try rename (or delete) the mimeTypes.rdf file in the Firefox profile folder to reset all file actions.
    You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Director: Show Folder (Linux: Open Director; Mac: Show in Finder)

  • Captivate 4:  linked pdf file opens when published but closes project

    I have linked a couple of pdf files (Live Cycle) to an Adobe Cap 4 project.   When I published the Captivate file the pdf file opens and works well but once the user closes the pdf file to contine to the next slide the project closes.  Does anyone know how I can correct this?  (it works fine in preview but not when published)    Thanks!   

    Hi there
    How exactly are you opening the PDF? If you just linked to it without choosing the "New Window" option it will replace the Captivate project in the browser window.
    Perhaps you should examine the configuration of whatever is triggering the opening of the PDF. You should also review the information provided at the link below.
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcererStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Error message when publishing and problems opening output file

    I have 5 projects linked together. When I publish one, I get a message that the files listed below are linked to the open project, and one or more of these projects may require exporting. I have tried to open these files and choose File | Export | Project to | but the options in the list (Flash 8 and Flash CS3) are both grayed out--on every one of these files. I'm publishing to Flash 9.
    I didn't think much about this message until a few reviewers said they can't open the project, or when they do, they don't see my playbar on the skin.
    One more thing--when an IT person was trying to help one reviewer open the output file, the IT person said "Oh, there's a problem with the code in line 25." I guess that's the html code? I'm not a programmer, but I can look at html code. What should I be seeing there in line 25?
    Is their problem opening the output file(s) related to my message about possibly needing to export files? Why might they be having problems getting the output file to open?
    Thanks for any insights you can provide!

    Hi Sam
    It depends on a number of things. Are you certain you uploaded all the files involved? If not, there will be problems.
    The message about the linked files is quite simply advising you that you have links from that particular movie that will expect to find the files being linked to.
    If a person isn't seeing playback controls and you have included them, it's likely you haven't provided the correct link for them to open and play the file. Typically you provide a link to the HTML page Captivate creates. As long as all the output files are in the same place on the server, you should be good to go.
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Flash .swf file not appearing in browser when publishing from iWeb 3.02

    I have been working on a site for the last couple of months that i created in iWeb 2.0 and had successfully had small flash movies that I embedded via html snippets from code provided by numerous sources and youtube videos demonstrating how to get flash movies into one's site.
    The url is
    Today i upgraded to 3.02 and had to make a change to the home page. The domain opened up fine with all the HTML code and .swf on the page exactly as I had it in version 2.0
    When I now publish to a folder, first of all it doesn't copy over the .swf file unless I create a link to the file, but even when I upload all the directories to my ISP's remote server, the movie isn't not showing up in the browser. The html code file and .swf file are in their correct directories on my ISP's remote server
    I'm baffled as to what is going on here as its the exact same domain that worked perfectly in 2.0 and this has peed me off no end
    Does anyone have any suggestions or encountered the same problem in 3.02?
    Any advice would be very much appreciated

    Your .swf files are in the same folder as the widget-markup files.
    Keep your custom files OUTSIDE the folder with the sitename iWeb creates.
    iWeb will overwrite everything when it needs to do that, wiping out your custom files.
    Put the files in a separate folder and determine the link to these files.
    Read this : Using the iWeb HTML Snippet
    Besides that, to display these tiny pictures I wouldn't use Flash.
    Read this : Create a Banner Slideshow
    And then look at this page : My House

  • File not found when cross-linking projects -- solved

    I hadn't yet posted my question when I figured it out, so
    here it is for future readers...
    My projects use the "Open other project" command to bring up
    the next segment and jump to topics (16 projects for the 70 minute
    video). All the projects are named in upper case S2_FS.cp and
    published with an upper case Project Title to create S2_FS.exe.
    Never had a problem when I was making Windows executables,
    but I just created a Flash version, and was getting 404s for
    anything past the first segment. Turns out Captivate 2 doesn't
    completely honor case:
    - The Publish dialog's warning about links to other projects
    used all upper case names
    - It created upper case S2_FS.swf
    - Also created upper case S2_FS.htm, which linked to upper
    case S2_FS.swf
    - But inside the swf files, links were lower case s2_fs.htm
    Had to dig through my server's error log to find this,
    because of course testing locally on Windows still worked.

    I hadn't yet posted my question when I figured it out, so
    here it is for future readers...
    My projects use the "Open other project" command to bring up
    the next segment and jump to topics (16 projects for the 70 minute
    video). All the projects are named in upper case S2_FS.cp and
    published with an upper case Project Title to create S2_FS.exe.
    Never had a problem when I was making Windows executables,
    but I just created a Flash version, and was getting 404s for
    anything past the first segment. Turns out Captivate 2 doesn't
    completely honor case:
    - The Publish dialog's warning about links to other projects
    used all upper case names
    - It created upper case S2_FS.swf
    - Also created upper case S2_FS.htm, which linked to upper
    case S2_FS.swf
    - But inside the swf files, links were lower case s2_fs.htm
    Had to dig through my server's error log to find this,
    because of course testing locally on Windows still worked.

  • File Link Framemaker option not available, plz assist...

    (Also posted in RoboHelp HTML forum. Redoing in this forum since it seems topical.)
    On my new Robhelp 8 HTML  installation, I can't see the File>Link>Framemaker option, just  File>Link>Word Document. Is there something I have to do to enable  the Framemaker option?
    Interestingly, on another computer  with a trial copy of Robohelp 8, I DO see the Framemaker option. Not  sure why I shouldn't with the new install.
    Please assist.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there
    I think one of the issues at play here deals with security and Adobe protecting their assets. There are mechnasims in place that prevent a user from repeatedly installing a trial over and over and over, therefore having a never ending "free trial" period. And it would appear that this may be somewhat at play in an odd way when the trial has been installed and perhaps now you are installing the trial of TCS.
    Just sort of thinking out loud.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 moments from now - $24.95!
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    RoboHelp eBooks

  • File size changing when pass through after effects  (180Mb file goes in and comes out 33GB on export)

    im processing a video recorded of an  interview where the lighting was not very good on the interviewee
    im brightening up the light on the interviewees face
    the file was a 180Mb  H.264 file on import 
    when i export the file its coming out at 33GB in size.... im not sure why this is
    i have chosen the default setting "lossless" as the format for export
    i just want the file to export the same size and quality as it was when i imported it
    what options should i choose for this?    AE does not seem to tell me how big the end file will be and it takes 1 hour and half to process this 2 minute interview so it will take me an awfull long time to get to the bottom of this if i try by myself

    It doesn't "increase" the file size. You're making a brand new file.
    What you put into After Effects has nothing to do with the resulting file. You can have an AE composition with no footage whatsoever and the resulting file will be much larger than 0!
    After Effects works internally with completely uncompressed pixel data, so no matter what you toss into it, it produces whatever you tell it to produce. As Mylenium points out, you made an uncompressed final file.
    Your original video file is VERY compressed. So, of COURSE uncompressed video is going to look massive by comparison.
    Read Mylenium's link to understand a bit more and go here to learn AE: Getting started with After Effects There are lots of "gotchas" like this that'll bit your butt if you skip this basic training stuff.

  • Error when publishing to file

    i keep getting "an unknown error" when publishing to file or publishing all to mobileme...
    It still works if i just publish to mobileme.
    Any ideas?
    Im trying to get my site going on go daddy, and kinda really need it in a folder...

    If you are still getting the error then its likely that you have a corrupt domain file.
    To prove this, quit iWeb, create a new folder on your desktop and drag your domain file out of - Home Folder/Library/Application Support/iWeb - into this.
    Relaunch iWeb to force it to create a new domain file, add some content and try publishing to a folder.
    If this works, your original file is corrupt.

Maybe you are looking for

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