Freight charges using oe_orde_pub api

freight charges using oe_orde_pub api.

Can you please tell me how to load Charges while creating the Sales Orders using oe_order_pub API.

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    I am using oe_order_pub.process_order API to create orders. I need to add a Freight Charge line. Can I do this using oe_order_pub.process_order, or do I need to use another API?
    Thank you.

    you need to use WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS_PUB.Create_Update_Freight_Costs API to apply frieght costs....

  • Freight Charges at Header Level using API oe_order_pub

    I am trying to process Header Level Freight Charges using oe_order_pub.process_order api. Please advice me as it is not entering charges. Here is my code. Thanks for your time and appreicate your help.
    l_header_rec Oe_Order_Pub.header_rec_type;
    l_header_adj oe_order_pub.Header_Adj_Rec_Type;
    l_header_scredit_tbl Oe_Order_Pub.header_scredit_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_tbl Oe_Order_Pub.header_adj_val_tbl_type;
    l_action_request_tbl Oe_Order_Pub.request_tbl_type;
    l_line_tbl Oe_Order_Pub.line_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_tbl Oe_Order_Pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
    l_line_scredit_tbl Oe_Order_Pub.line_scredit_rec_type;
    /*Out Parameters for Order API*/
    l_header_rec_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_rec_type;
    l_header_val_rec_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_val_rec_type;
    l_header_adj_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_adj_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_val_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_adj_val_tbl_type;
    l_header_price_att_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_price_att_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_att_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_adj_att_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
    l_header_scredit_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_scredit_tbl_type;
    l_header_scredit_val_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.header_scredit_val_tbl_type;
    l_line_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_tbl_type;
    l_line_val_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_val_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_val_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_adj_val_tbl_type;
    l_line_price_att_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_price_att_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_att_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_adj_att_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
    l_line_scredit_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_scredit_tbl_type;
    l_line_scredit_val_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.line_scredit_val_tbl_type;
    l_lot_serial_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.lot_serial_tbl_type;
    l_lot_serial_val_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.lot_serial_val_tbl_type;
    l_action_request_tbl_out Oe_Order_Pub.request_tbl_type;
    /*Local Variables*/
    l_ret_stat VARCHAR2 (1);
    l_msg_cnt NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
    x_return_status VARCHAR2 (1) := '';
    l_order_type VARCHAR2(80);
    l_order_type_id NUMBER;
    l_accounting_rule_id NUMBER;
    l_invoicing_rule_id NUMBER;
    l_price_list_id NUMBER;
    l_header_id NUMBER;
    l_customer_id NUMBER;
    l_order_number NUMBER;
    l_line_xml XMLTYPE;
    icount NUMBER;
    l_item_id NUMBER;
    l_count NUMBER;
    p_status varchar2(10);
    p_header_id number;
    p_error varchar2(1000);
    l_created_by number:=9930;
    DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_client_info ('104');
    Fnd_Global.apps_initialize (9930,50257,660);
    ---Initialise In Parameters
    l_header_rec := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_header_rec;
    l_action_request_tbl (1) := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_request_rec;
    l_line_tbl (1) := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_line_rec;
    /*required Fields for Header Record*/
    l_header_rec.orig_sys_document_ref :=8089;
    l_header_rec.order_type_id := 1245;
    l_header_rec.sold_to_org_id := 16273647;
    l_header_rec.order_number := 8094; -- Currenlty commented, eventuall we need to use this as this needs be to unique.
    l_header_rec.attribute1 := 8088; -- Currenlty capturing Order Number in ATT1
    l_header_rec.price_list_id := 150022; -- l_price_list_id;
    l_header_rec.payment_term_id := 1040;
    l_header_rec.operation := Oe_Globals.g_opr_create; --'CREATE';
    l_header_rec.flow_status_code := 'ENTERED';
    --l_header_adj  := Oe_Order_Pub.G_MISS_HEADER_ADJ_TBL;
    l_header_adj.header_id := 9584924;
    l_header_adj.automatic_flag :='N';
    l_header_adj.list_header_id :=154010;
    l_header_adj.list_line_id :=150071;
    l_header_adj.list_line_type_code :='FREIGHT_CHARGE';
    l_header_adj.change_reason_code :='MANUAL';
    l_header_adj.change_reason_text :='TEST';
    l_header_adj.updated_flag :='Y';
    l_header_adj.applied_flag :='Y';
    l_header_adj.operand :=10;
    l_header_adj.charge_type_code :='FREIGHT';
    l_header_adj.modifier_level_code :='ORDER';
    icount :=1;
    -- FOR icount IN 1 .. l_line_tbl.COUNT LOOP
    ---Initialising Line table records
    l_line_tbl (1) := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_line_rec;
    /*required Fields for Line Record*/
    l_line_tbl (icount).inventory_item_id := 71161;
    l_line_tbl (icount).operation := Oe_Globals.g_opr_create;
    l_line_tbl (icount).ordered_quantity := 3;
    l_line_tbl (icount).unit_selling_price := 5;
    l_line_tbl (icount).unit_list_price :=5;
    l_line_tbl (icount).calculate_price_flag :='P';
    ---Reset message
    ---Call API to Create Sales order with 2 lines in Entered Status
    (p_api_version_number => 1.0
    ,p_header_rec => l_header_rec
    ,p_line_tbl => l_line_tbl
    ,p_action_request_tbl => l_action_request_tbl
    ,x_header_rec => l_header_rec_out
    ,x_header_val_rec => l_header_val_rec_out
    ,x_header_adj_tbl => l_header_adj_tbl_out
    ,x_header_adj_val_tbl => l_header_adj_val_tbl_out
    ,x_header_price_att_tbl => l_header_price_att_tbl_out
    ,x_header_adj_att_tbl => l_header_adj_att_tbl_out
    ,x_header_adj_assoc_tbl => l_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out
    ,x_header_scredit_tbl => l_header_scredit_tbl_out
    ,x_header_scredit_val_tbl => l_header_scredit_val_tbl_out
    ,x_line_tbl => l_line_tbl_out
    ,x_line_val_tbl => l_line_val_tbl_out
    ,x_line_adj_tbl => l_line_adj_tbl_out
    ,x_line_adj_val_tbl => l_line_adj_val_tbl_out
    ,x_line_price_att_tbl => l_line_price_att_tbl_out
    ,x_line_adj_att_tbl => l_line_adj_att_tbl_out
    ,x_line_adj_assoc_tbl => l_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out
    ,x_line_scredit_tbl => l_line_scredit_tbl_out
    ,x_line_scredit_val_tbl => l_line_scredit_val_tbl_out
    ,x_lot_serial_tbl => l_lot_serial_tbl_out
    ,x_lot_serial_val_tbl => l_lot_serial_val_tbl_out
    ,x_action_request_tbl => l_action_request_tbl_out
    ,x_return_status => l_ret_stat
    ,x_msg_count => l_msg_cnt
    ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data
    -- COMMIT;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Return Status is ' || l_ret_stat);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Order Number in ARB Org is '
    || l_header_rec_out.order_number||'-'||
    p_status := l_ret_stat;
    p_header_id := l_header_rec_out.header_id;
    -- p_error := ltrim(rtrim(l_msg_data));
    ('With or w/o Error After API'
    /*Check Errors */
    IF l_ret_stat <> 'S' THEN
    p_status :='FAILURE';
    IF l_msg_cnt > 0
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_cnt
    l_msg_data := Oe_Msg_Pub.get (p_msg_index => i
    ,p_encoded => 'F');
    -- p_error := ltrim(rtrim(l_msg_data));
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Errors ...' || l_msg_data);
    ('Error After API'
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF l_ret_stat = Fnd_Api.g_ret_sts_success
    l_header_rec := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_header_rec;
    l_action_request_tbl (1) := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_request_rec;
    l_line_tbl (1) := Oe_Order_Pub.g_miss_line_rec;
    ---Book Order
    l_action_request_tbl (1).request_type := Oe_Globals.g_book_order;
    l_action_request_tbl (1).entity_code := Oe_Globals.g_entity_header;
    l_action_request_tbl (1).entity_id := l_header_rec_out.header_id;
    ---Book the order
    /* Oe_Msg_Pub.initialize;
    ---API Call to Book the Order
    -- COMMIT;
    IF l_ret_stat <> 'S' THEN
    p_status :='FAILURE';
    IF l_msg_cnt > 0
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_cnt
    l_msg_data :=
    Oe_Msg_Pub.get (p_msg_index => i
    ,p_encoded => 'F');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (l_msg_data);
    Xx_Xmldb_Pkg.xx_insert_errors ('Load XML Order Data, After api error .'
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF l_ret_stat = Fnd_Api.g_ret_sts_success
    x_return_status := l_action_request_tbl (1).return_status;
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Failure');
    p_status :='FAILURE';
    END IF;

    Can you pls try by passing this parameter value too.
    l_header_adj.adjusted_amount := 5;

  • Populating Freight Charges on Sales Order

    Does anybody know how I can populate freight charges using the UI-API on a sales order? The UI requires the user to click on a link button to pop up another screen. Does anybody have any best practices or advice on how to do this. I know how to do add freight charges with the DI-API, but I need to have it working on the opened (non-saved) sales order, so I mist use the UI-API. Thanks in advance.

    I manage to do something about this but is a very ugly code.  You littely have to intercept some event and do a .click() method on the freight link arrow, freeze the form and internally populate the matrix on the freight and then unfreeze the form and do a .click() on the update/ok button on the freight form.
    Is very ugly and tricky but it manage to do what the customer wants.
    I also saw that if you have freight on a parent document (like sales order) and you do a copy to (like to A/R Invoice) if you have freight amount it will duplicate on the document, one with the original value and a second one with value of zero (0).

  • How to add Freight Charges to an invoice using DI API?

    I need to be able to add Freight Charges to an invoice of suppliers using DI API. Please I need help....!!!

    1. Step: Open the Invoice using oDocument.GetByKey("[DocEntry]")
    2. Step: Use the Lines in the BusinesObject (maybe copy them in an extra LinesObject for a better reading)
    3. Step: Use the Add()-Method to add a new Line
    4. Step: Fill the Line-Properties you want
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "FREIGHT"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "Freight Charge"
    oInvoice.Lines.Quantity = 1
    oInvoice.Lines.Price = 10.0
    oInvoice.Lines.UnitPrice = 10.0
    Remember: The Item (ItemCode) you want to insert must be existing
    5. Step: Update the main-Business-Object
    Hope that help´s
    best regards



    One way is removing GR based I/V tick and keep FOC indicator in PO  and finally book frieght cost as unplanned delivery cost but like this GR valuation will still be zero.
    Another method is do not use FOC and feed a minimum basic price  say 0.01 Rs and feed actuall freight charges. Finally clear 0.01 Rs entry manually thru MR11 (GR/IR maintenance). I prefer second method if freight charges are considerable.

  • Regarding additon of Freight charges and Revised Delivery date in Z Trans

    Hi All,
    My client is using Z Transaction ZSales_Book(Billing report) and he wants to add  two extra fields Freight Charges and Revised Delivery date to this report as it is related to VBAP saled document line item and how can we connect it to VBRP Billing document line item can i know the connecting fileds.
    As i passed it to ABAPER as a requirement he asked me the same question..........

    Is it is a revised or request delivery date? Assuming it is a request delivery date i am using request terminology
    As you want to add two extra feilds freight charges and Request delivery date.
    For Freight Charges - If they are item level freight charges then you give the following tables data - VBAP,KOMV
    For Revised Delivery Date -  use the following data  - VBAP, RV45A-ETDAT also

  • Regarding Freight Charges and Discounts in Depo Excise Invoice

    Hi All,
    I got a requirement from my client for the customization of depo excise invoice in his own format in this invoice i got fields like Freight charges and Dscounts and now i want to know from which table system had to pick these charges if it is normal invoice we can take it by using condition recor number but in a Excise invoice how it shoud be picked and what is the technical information i have to share with abaper for DISCOUNTS and FREIGHT CHARGES to get display in EXCISE INVOICE.

    Thanks for your reply and i am having one more doubt regarding the customization of excise invoice, in the excise invoice there is one filed Purchase order number and Purchase order date.I checked the fields of this in table VBKD and now i want  to fetch these values using J_1iRG23D according to my ABAPER.
    How can i fetch this and what is the logic involved.

  • Freight Charges

    hello Experts,
    There is a scenario that US client maintaining SAP R/3, and They have there Warehouse Geographically Located in Mexico which is a 3rd party and not maintaining SAP R/3, Now in Mexico Warehouse a clerk was sitting to take the Freight Charges for the Goods Delivered which is variable not constant and the same should be reflected in the sales process of US location which they maintain SAP R/3.And also from US location the invoice with serial punch no should be generated and should be revert it back in Mexico Warehouse so that the clerk can give it to the customer at the time of dispatch of goods.
    How u can achieve it?
    1: The clerk in warehouse has not given any authorization to logon into US SAP system.
    1: As Mexico Warehouse is not maintaining SAP, let us assume that it was maintaining some other Non SAP system.
    Srinivasa Anil Kumar

    here i thing we can achieve using Cross Application tools using EDI.
    i dont know about EDI configuration.. from NON SAP to SAP.
    canany body help in this regard.
    Srinivasa Anil Kumar

  • Freight charge with tax in sales order

    Hi all
    my company must implement a particular management of freight charges:
    in some cases to the customer sales order my company, a part the product cost, add the freight charges (made by a carrier vendor which will send after a vendor invoice to my company) to item value, but these aren't managed like overprice to product cost, but as a true service sales with how proper VAT tax.
    At example:
    I sell to customer A the product B with unit price 100 and quantity 10 (net value for product 1000) and VAT for product 10% (total value with tax 1100). We add a freight charge (estimated) of 200 euro (net value 1000 + 200 = 1200) with own proper tax percentage (example 20%). The total document value will be 1000 (product net) + 200 (freight charge) + 100 (vat 10% over 1000) + 40 (vat 20% over 200) = 1340 euro with two different VAT tax code.
    You know if exist something in the standard for manage this or I must play with the normal conditions?

    Dear ,
    Please check the Variant assigned to Sales document type in Tcode: VOV8 and select the document type being used
    and click on detail tab and check the variant field under Transaction Flow Tab.
    And further check the Variant in Tcode: SHD0,if the field is grayed out.
    Ajit K Singh

  • Scenario on Purchasing Process - Freight Charges to Different Vendor

    Hi Experts,
    We have a business scenario here that we want to implement on the MM - Purchasing Process.
    My Client's industry is on Selling Mixed Concrete. Every time they make Contract with Scheduling Agreements, for Raw Materials like Cement 20MM or DUST, on each available Plant from a partner company on a different location. Some of the Location are not inside the country as well.
    When we do Scheduling Agreement, we do a blank quantity for example, 30,000 for 20MM on Plant A and 10,000 for 20MM on Plant B. During the creation of Schedule Lines, we key in differect schedules of delivery (incl PGR). Then by the end of the Period, we create a Vendor Invoice.
    However on some delivery item, we have a scenario where from a specific Vendor A, we have a Vendor B that delivers our Materials to our Plant (Transporter Vendor). So we have to create another Invoice for them. We have to have 1 Invoice for the Supplier and 1 Invoice for the Transporter Vendor.
    I understand that SAP can do 2 Vendor assignment on PO, 1 for Material Goods and 1 for Freight Charge. The Amount will sum up per Ordered Item and during PGI, the Material Cost will be based on this amount. I'm okay with the first statement but the summed amount is not okay with some scenarios.
    The problem with some scenarios is that we should not base the Freight Charge on the schedule quantity. We agreed that the Quantity to be considered for Freight Charge is based on their Shipment Tonnage Agreement (which is weighed on the Vendor 2's side). Then for the Schedule Line Qty, we have to take the Average Weight from our side and from their side, and that should be the Schedule Line Qty. The Amount to be posted in PGR line item should be the amount from the Schedule Line Qty and the Freight Charge based on the Shipment Tonnage Agreement and the Material Cost will be valuated with the sum of these values. At the end of the Month, we create an Invoice for the 2 Vendors at the same time: one with Freight Charge the other on is the Stock Amount.
    So for this requirement, is there a way we can add another Quantity, based on the Shipment Tonnage Agreement to calculate the Freight Charge inside, And the Transporter Vendor, in the Schedule Line Conditions to be included in the PGR?
    Please suggest me configurations to do this also.
    Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

    Hi Cruz,
    If your requirement is to bill on the monthly average basis for the freight vendor, you can create new condition type for freight based on quantity. Use the calculation type 'M' - Quantity monthly price, in conjunction with the scales and use the scale basis 'C' if the freight cost is fixed based on your shipment agreement.
    If your agreement is based on no.of shipments use the scale basis 'S' - no. of shipping units.
    Even if these two are not suiting use the scal basis 'G' - formula and define the calculation based on your requirement.
    Once this is configured for the condition type. Then maintain the conditiona values accordingly.
    Hope this is helpful.

  • Freight Charges posted to vendor Recon., Account

    Dear All,
    Issue is regarding the freight charges borne by the company.
    As we treat freight forwarder as vendor, and enter vendor at sales order level.
    However, how to make the posting of this freight charges to vendor reconciliation account.
    If any inputs required do revert back.
    Inputs will be of great help and rewarded too. 
    with regards,

    Is you people using the transportation module?, if your using then freight cost is posted through shipment cost document as a liability in vendor account automatically.
    But in case of transportation module is not using then
    1.  Create Freight condition type and activate the condition type as accrual condition.
    2. Maintain Account key in pricing procedure for Freight condition.
    3. Do the VKOA setting
    4. During the order creation, assign the vendor in header assignment or reference field of sales order
    5. Freight condtion is determined if you maintain conditon record automatically or maintain manually
    6. During the billing document, system creates the liability in the system as a accrual entry.
    7. Vendor number is visible in FBL3N, FBL1N if we store in assignment or reference fireld of header.
    8. Run FBL3N with accrual GL Account, system shows the liabilities which are due for a particular vendor.
    Please consult with your FI Consultant further more to do the process.
    Rewards if it helps

  • Freight Charges In Purchase Order

    Hello Friends,
                   I m working on Purchase order.I am using Freight charges which is given in the footer of PO form.I want to know about where this amount get stored and what is object ID of Freight Charges??The same functionality I want to used in my own form.So please give me information of Freight Charges.
    Please help me Solved this problem.
    Thanks & Regards,

    these are the list of freight charges in saleorder and are found under ORDR table
    TotalExpns(total freight charges), TotalExpFC(total freight charges in foreign currency), TotalExpSC(total freight charges in system currency)

  • Freight Charges Break up in PLD

    Dear all,
    Can any one help me in showing the freight charges break up in PLD. My client is putting Packing and Forwarding charges along with the freight charges in the freight
    for example,
    freight = 100
    P&F = 20
    but in document it will display as freight = 120
    how can i show this break up in PLD
    please help me experts..
    thanks and regards,
    Yeshwanth Prakash

    Dear Yeshwanth,
    This could be possible via UDF and FMS. Please try the following:
    1. Create UDFs on Marketing Document header level - number of UDF
       depending on the max number of Additional Expenses from the OEXD
    2. Use query like below for UDF1:
       SELECT T2.EXPNSNAME + ' ' + STR(T1.LINETOTAL) + ' ' +
              STR(T1.VATSUM) + ' ' + STR(T1.VATPRCNT)
              + ' ' + STR(T1.LINEVAT)
       FROM   OINV T0
         INNER JOIN INV3 T1
       WHERE  T0.DOCNUM = $OINV.DocNum
         AND T1.LINENUM = 0
       Use query like below for UDF2:
       SELECT T2.EXPNSNAME + ' ' + STR(T1.LINETOTAL) + ' ' +
              STR(T1.VATSUM) + ' ' + STR(T1.VATPRCNT)
              + ' ' + STR(T1.LINEVAT)
       FROM   OINV T0
         INNER JOIN INV3 T1
       WHERE  T0.DOCNUM = $OINV.DocNum
         AND T1.LINENUM = 1
    and so on.
    NOTE: The line number is important as there can be more than
    one additional expense for the same Document Number;
    Note that the query draws the details of one single record per
    from the Add Expenses Table. You can make the amendments in the
    query as required by either removing or adding more fields;
    like increase space between the fields etc
    3. Add the UDF to the Layout.
    Hope this will help.
    Gagan Thareja
    SAP Business One Forums Team
    Edited by: Gagan Thareja on Mar 24, 2009 2:27 PM

  • Freight charges getting added to Netprice in PO item overview

    In PO,freight charge is getting added to net price of the line item.
    From that 12.5 CST is getting calculated.
    For example Rs 1lakh is my netprice.
    Rs 10000 is my freight charge.
    But 12.5% CST to be calculated on 1lakh only,but it's getting calculated on Rs110000.
    How to get rid of this?

    1.  Please check the freight condition type using M/06. Tick the checkbox for Accruals in the control data of the condition type.
    2. In the pricing procedure, against that freight codition type, ensure that the statistical checkbox is ticked and the Accrual key and account key assigned.
    Thanks & Regards,

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