FTP quick upload

When I try to download a file my option comes up FTP quick upload and asks me for a username and password after asking for "Host" and states "Quick upload is not configured". I dont wish to use FTP so how do I bypass this perhaps by disabling FTP so default download arrangement can do its stuff with the file I wish to download.Hope this makes sense??

Probably the best solution would be to check with the person who gave you the flash drive to see what the file is supposed to be.

Similar Messages

  • DW CS4 ftp not uploading css

    Hi all.
    Ive edited my css on my site and tried to upload it using dw cs4 ftp, it uploads all new images and stuff but not the css.
    This is the modified css having just added the label rule (in green):
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit v2 {
        font-size: 130%;
        line-height: 1.5em;
        font-weight: bolder;
        color: #900;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit p img {
        float: left;
    label {
    And here's whats on the site AFTER having uploaded the one above:
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit p v1 {
         color: #F00;
         font-size: 120%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bold;
         text-decoration: blink;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit v2 {
         font-size: 130%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bolder;
         color: #900;
    So as you can see it hasnt over written the origional css, ive even tried to delete it through the ftp clien to no avail.
    This is quite urgent and desperatly need help, sure its some setting but I cant figure it out.

    Below is the CSS in the CSS folder at 10 AM est.  Your green code is in it
    label {
    /*   Design:   Multiflex-3 Update-7 / Layout-5               */
    /*   File:     Global layout structure                       */
    /*   Author:   Wolfgang                                      */
    /*   Date:     January 15, 2007                              */
    /*   Homepage: wwww.1-2-3-4.info                             */
    /*   License:  Fully open source without restrictions.       */
    /*             Please keep footer credits with a link to     */
    /*             Wolfgang (www.1-2-3-4.info). Thank you!       */
    /*  GLOBAL  */
    /* NON-HEADER */
    *{padding:0; margin:0;}
    body {font-size:62.5%; background-color:rgb(255,255,255); font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;} /*Font-size: 1.0em = 10px when browser default size is 16px*/
    .page-container {width:900px; margin:0px auto; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; border:solid 1px rgb(150,150,150); font-size:1.0em;}
    .main {
         background-color: transparent;
         background-image: url(../img/bg_main_withnav_reverse.jpg);
         background-repeat: repeat-y;
         background-position: left top;
    .main-navigation {
         display:inline /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/;
         overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/;
         overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;
         background-image: url(../img/advert.jpg);
         height: 700px;
         background-repeat: no-repeat;
         padding-right: 10px;
    .main-content {display:inline; /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:440px; margin:0 0 0 30px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}
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    /* --- For alternative headers START PASTE here --- */
    /* HEADER */
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    /*Non-IE6 hovering*/
    .nav2 ul li:hover a {
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         padding:4px 16px 4px 16px;
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    /*IE6 hovering*/
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    .nav2 ul li a:hover ul li a {display:block; w\idth:10.0em; height:1px; line-height:1.3em; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; border-left:solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); background-color:rgb(237,237,237); font-weight:normal; color:rgb(50,50,50);} /*Color subcells normal mode*/
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    .header-breadcrumbs .searchform form fieldset {float:right; border:none;}
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    .header-breadcrumbs .searchform input.button:hover {cursor:pointer; border:solid 1px rgb(80,80,80); background:rgb(220,220,220); color:rgb(80,80,80);}
    /* --- For alternative headers END PASTE here --- */
    /*  MAIN SECTION  */
    .main-navigation .round-border-topleft {width:10px; height:10px; position:absolute; z-index:100; margin:0; background:url(../img/bg_corner_topleft.gif) no-repeat;}
    /* MAIN CONTENT */
    .column1-unit {width:440px;  margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/;}
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         margin:0 0 2.5em 0;
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         margin:0 0 2.5em 0px;
         padding:0 0 10px 0;
         border:solid 1px rgb(160,214,81);
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    .subcontent-unit-noborder-blue  {width:185px; margin:0 0 2.5em 0; padding:0 0 10px 0; background-color:rgb(213,225,240);}
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    .round-noborder-topright {width:10px; height:10px; position:absolute; z-index:100; background:url(../img/bg_corner_topright.gif) no-repeat; margin-top:0px; margin-left:175px;}
    /*  FOOTER SECTION  */
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    /*  6. CLEAR FLOATS  */
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    #effect1 {
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         text-decoration: blink;
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         line-height: 1.5em;
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         color: #F00;
         font-size: 120%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bold;
         text-decoration: blink;
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         font-size: 130%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bolder;
         color: #900;
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         float: left;
    label {

  • Why does it say "Quick upload is not configured"

    There have many multiple files that I have tried to open lately and it keeps says "Quick upload is not configured", something that has never happened before.  How can I get these files open?

    Quick upload is not configured.

  • How to configure quick upload? I used Migration Assistant to copy iTunes from windows XP

    The transfer worked fine, and the folder is now on my desktop. When I click to open it i receive this message. "Quick upload is not configured. In order to use the quick upload feature you must first select a favorite folder by right clicking one and chosing set as favorite."
    What is a "favorites Folder," and how do I fix this issue?
    Thank you.

    Anyone? Am I leaving something out? Please i need to get this figured out. Thank you.

  • Quick upload csv or xls template for Materials

    Hi All
    Can anyone help me with a quick upload template to create materials
    I have checked the contents in the downloaded software file, but doesnt exist
    this template should help populate material master data in bulk

    Hi Tridip
    You can use the 'sc_materials' worksheet from the "Sourcing Company Deployment " workbook. This workbook is available in RG section.
    Hope this helps.

  • Quick upload is not configured.

    Ive downloaded 'Google Sketchup' for my course but when I go to open it this pops up:
    'In order to use the quick upload feature, you must first select a favorite folder by right clicking one and choosing 'Set as Favorite'.'
    This may sound straight forward enough but not to me.
    What folder do they mean?
    I created a folder in documents but when i right clicked there was no option to set it to favourite.
    Where do I go from here?
    Please help!!

    I think you interests will be better served by going to the Google Sketchup forum:

  • Taking picutres quick upload. Not working, help?

    When I choose quick upload, it says uploading and shows my gmail account and goes away, but I never get anything.
    If I choose share and manually type in my email and send, I will get it, but not using quick upload.

    I have exactly the same question, using almost the same system: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3).
    What to do? I cannot find an answer for how do I configure? Host, Username? Password?

  • Quick Upload feature

    On my Droid X I was able to setup my personal email as a Quick Upload selection for pictures and videos.  With my Droid Razr Maxx I am not even allowed to setup my personal email as a Quick Upload option.  Why?
    I go to setup Quick Upload, Add Account...., and get the option of Facebook, Flickr, Photobucket or Picasa.  I just want a quick way to sent the pic back to my personal email as I don't live and breathe social media.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you in advance.

    When I first got the Razr I was able to do the quick upload to my email address for about two weeks and then quit working and nobody has helped me make it work again and it's been 6 months. I thought that was such a great feature of phone but don't work now so I use Photobucket but wanted my email add to be the primary quick upload

  • Quick upload

    how does one "configure quick upload" ?? efb

    but....it works with IE 7.0 and Firefox, the problem is with Safari.
    Maybe so, but you're forgetting that all browsers are different, and that web developers can design things to only be compatible with certain browsers, as Costco has obviously done here. From their Help pages for Photos"
    "The Java-based Quick Upload tool works best with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. If the Quick Upload tool isn't working properly and you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, you might want to download the latest Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox web browser and try the Quick Upload tool again.
    If using IE or Firefox has not resolved the issue, then you might have to check if you have the most current version of Java installed on your computer. You can check which version you have at Java's website.
    If the Quick Upload Tool is still not loading properly, then you might need to adjust your Java settings. To check your Java settings, follow the steps below. Please feel free to contact customer support if you have any questions.
    Launch Internet Explorer.
    Click the 'Tools' dropdown menu.
    Click 'Internet Options' once.
    Click the 'Advanced' tab of the 'Internet Options' window.
    Scroll down until you locate the section of the 'Settings' box that pertains to Java use.
    If there isn't a checkmark in the box below the 'Java (Sun)' heading, then click the box once to place a checkmark there.
    Unfortunately, that's the nature of the game that companies play when they set out to avoid web standards and platform/browser neutrality.

  • Quick Upload for photos

    How does quick upload album work for my photos? All my photos got deleted some how and I would to upload them somewhere save. Can anyone help me?

    AbriennasMommy wrote:
    How does quick upload album work for my photos? All my photos got deleted some how and I would to upload them somewhere save. Can anyone help me?
    When you setup your Quick Upload feature your pictures will be uploaded to the specific online destination you configure. You can setup your Quick Upload feature to upload pictures to online storage albums like Facebook or Picasa, or other online storage albums of your choice. To configure your Quick Upload feature simply select a picture and then select the Quick Upload feature and you will be presented with setup options.

  • Quick Upload Tool (Costco) Photos

    The Costco Quick Upload tool (Java-based) doesn't work with Safari. I have the last update (7) for Java 6.0 installed.
    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

    but....it works with IE 7.0 and Firefox, the problem is with Safari.
    Maybe so, but you're forgetting that all browsers are different, and that web developers can design things to only be compatible with certain browsers, as Costco has obviously done here. From their Help pages for Photos"
    "The Java-based Quick Upload tool works best with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. If the Quick Upload tool isn't working properly and you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, you might want to download the latest Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox web browser and try the Quick Upload tool again.
    If using IE or Firefox has not resolved the issue, then you might have to check if you have the most current version of Java installed on your computer. You can check which version you have at Java's website.
    If the Quick Upload Tool is still not loading properly, then you might need to adjust your Java settings. To check your Java settings, follow the steps below. Please feel free to contact customer support if you have any questions.
    Launch Internet Explorer.
    Click the 'Tools' dropdown menu.
    Click 'Internet Options' once.
    Click the 'Advanced' tab of the 'Internet Options' window.
    Scroll down until you locate the section of the 'Settings' box that pertains to Java use.
    If there isn't a checkmark in the box below the 'Java (Sun)' heading, then click the box once to place a checkmark there.
    Unfortunately, that's the nature of the game that companies play when they set out to avoid web standards and platform/browser neutrality.

  • Quick upload not configured Help

    Quick upload not configured Help Why and how do I configure? Host ?, username, password?

    I have exactly the same question, using almost the same system: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3).
    What to do? I cannot find an answer for how do I configure? Host, Username? Password?

  • Using ftp to upload a file to Content Database

    Hi Experts,
    I am looking to upload the file to the Content DB using FTP.
    Can any one let me know if there is any API for doing this and also if there any way to upload the attributes(META data) after uploading the file using FTP.
    I have a tried already uploading the file using web services API now looking for FTP Upload.

    A quick search at google reveals there are plenty of FTP libraries available for the various mainstream programming languages (Java, C, C++ etc).
    However, FTP has a very basic command set. (MKDIR, GET, PUT, DEL etc).
    So you are not going to be able to perform more advanced document management tasks (such as lock a document, check-in, check-out, modify metadata, modify security, search, sort etc) through standard FTP commands.
    In terms of setting metadata through FTP, you could potentially store the various processing instructions required in some type of XML file (or equivalent) and upload this XML file to the repository. A custom event handler could be created that listens for DOCUMENT_CREATED events, and then attempts to process the XML files and perform the various instructions contained within by calling the appropriate in-process Content DB FDK API.
    It's ugly, but possible.

  • Dw cs4 ftp - not uploading modified dependant files?

    Hi, Ive made some changes to my css and worked on a few images, just over-writing them so they still have the same name.
    I then uploaded the modified files but it still displays the old images and doesnt show the changes in the ccs?
    Ive even uploaded the entire site again with no result :<
    ps: Im working from a template, and all my pages are child pages from the template, all sharing the same css. Ivé cloaked the template but the css file doesnt have a red line through it.. dont know if this would affect anything.
    Edit: Ive even tried to delete the style sheets and images by pressing delete in local and remote split view, and then re-upload them to no avail.
    Does the host server refresh only so often or something?
    bleh.. please help

    Ive even deleted all the files I uploaded on the server and re-uploaded them and still, it doesnt load using the modified ccs, calling up the old images and not applying the changes I made to a menu.
    The only thing I can think of is that its uploading them to a new folder if it is able to call up images ive deleted but I havent changed and ftp settings so why would this be.
    I also inserted a image, not related to the css and that gets called up... so im really lost?

  • FTP / File-Upload and Download

    Hi AS-Experts,
    is it possible to upload and/or download a file to/from a server using AppleScript?
    I need to download pictures from a web server, rework them in photoshop, and upload them afterwards. And it would be easier/safer/cleaner having to mess only with AS and Photoshop than having to involve a scriptable ftp-app too.

    01. Locate and open the '/System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/' folder.
    02. Select all seven (7) items of the folders' window.
    03. Drag the selected items onto the 'Library' window of 'Script Editor'.
    04. Double click on 'URL Access Scripting.app', of 'Script Editor's 'Library' window.
    05. View the options of 'upload'.
    You will note that 'binhexing' is set to 'true'. Therefore, you have to use ...
    tell application "URL Access Scripting" to upload (alias "HD:path:to:your.file") to "ftp://username:[email protected]/path/" without binhexing
    You should have created a new forum subject post.

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