Function Sequence Error -- After upgrading to Crystal Reports 2008

Since we intergrated Crystal 2008 in our application, We are having the ODBC DRIVER ERROR "S1010, Function Sequence Error"
The following steps reproduces the error.
I open any crystal report(using my application) and close it.
And then I try to close another dialog in my application.
The destructor of that dialog has the DELETE FROM TMPRPT WHERE  etc... But actually the TMPRPT table is empty.
But This Scenario in general, does not produce any error. Only after I open and close Crystal report, and when the TMPRPT table doesn't have any records, executing the above DELETE sql throws CDBException, Funciton Sequence Error.
Is it because of the upgrade/mismatch of dlls? Can any one help how to work around this?

Hi Don,
I would like to thank you for your helpful advice. your tips for odbc tracing really works.
Just to simplify things, I have created a simple mfc dialog based application that opens a connection using CDatabase in the initdialog and closes the connection in the destructor(because that is how we do in our main large application). On the dialog i put a "Print" button and when i click it, I open a crystalreportform and fill the connectioninfo structure and then call SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ReportDocument reportDocument). on the Form_closed function, I close database connections  and close the report document.
When I come back to mfc application I execute a Delete from table where 1 =0, basically any delete/update that return empty recordset and it throws function sequence error.
BOOL CCrystalDemoDlgDlg::OnInitDialog()
     ConnectDatabase() ;
     return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
BOOL CCrystalDemoDlgDlg::ConnectDatabase()
     if ( m_Database.IsOpen() )
     // Process database open request.
     CString szConnection("DSN=CRYSTALTEST32;UID=DBA;PWD=picture");
                 !m_Database.OpenEx( szConnection, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog ) )
     return TRUE;
BOOL CCrystalDemoDlgDlg::bExecuteSQL( CString SqlString )
     m_Database.ExecuteSQL( (LPCTSTR)SqlString );
     return TRUE;
void CCrystalDemoDlgDlg::OnBnClickedBtnPrint()
          bExecuteSQL(_T("DELETE FROM TMPRPT WHERE 1=0"));
          CrystalReportsForm ^ CRForm = gcnew CrystalReportsForm(gcnew System::String("ActvSumm1.rpt"));
          delete CRForm;
          CRForm = nullptr;
          bExecuteSQL(_T("DELETE FROM TMPRPT WHERE 1=0"));
     CATCH(CDBException, e)
          AfxMessageBox( e->m_strError );
          return ;
the following is the code in crystalreports library
namespace CR2008Library
    public partial class CrystalReportsForm : Form
        private ReportDocument _reportDocument;
        private string _reportFile = "C:\\Nomadic\\Report\\";
        public CrystalReportsForm(string reportFile)
                 _reportDocument = CreateReportDocument(reportFile);
        private ReportDocument CreateReportDocument(string reportFile)
            ReportDocument newDocument = new ReportDocument();
            _reportFile += reportFile;
            return newDocument;
        public void ConfigureCrystalReports()
            ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
            connectionInfo.DatabaseName = "CRYSTALTEST";
            connectionInfo.UserID = "DBA";
            connectionInfo.Password = "picture";
            connectionInfo.ServerName = "CRYSTALTEST32";
            SetDBLogonForReport(connectionInfo, _reportDocument);
            crystalReportViewer.ReportSource = _reportDocument;
        private void SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ReportDocument reportDocument)
            Tables tables = reportDocument.Database.Tables;
            foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in tables)
                TableLogOnInfo tableLogonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
                tableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
        public void CrystalReportForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void CrystalReportsForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
        private void DisposeCR()
            // Clean up by closing and disposing of the ReportDocument object
            if (_reportDocument != null)
                if (_reportDocument.Database.Tables.Count > 0)
                    Tables tables = _reportDocument.Database.Tables;
                    foreach (Table table in tables)
            _reportDocument = null;
I have the log file which doesn't show any error in crystalreports library. I am giving some of the log file for your reference to see what's happening while exiting from crystal and executing the problem sql
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLFetch  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     ENTER SQLFetch
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLFetch  with return code 100 (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     ENTER SQLCloseCursor
          SQLHSTMT            00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLCloseCursor  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          SQLHSTMT            00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     ENTER SQLFreeHandle
          SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
          SQLHANDLE           00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLFreeHandle  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
          SQLHANDLE           00F41CC0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     ENTER SQLDisconnect
          HDBC                00F427A0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLDisconnect  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          HDBC                00F427A0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     ENTER SQLFreeHandle
          SQLSMALLINT                  2 <SQL_HANDLE_DBC>
          SQLHANDLE           00F427A0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLFreeHandle  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          SQLSMALLINT                  2 <SQL_HANDLE_DBC>
          SQLHANDLE           00F427A0
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     ENTER SQLFreeHandle
          SQLSMALLINT                  1 <SQL_HANDLE_ENV>
          SQLHANDLE           00F42718
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-e8c     EXIT  SQLFreeHandle  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          SQLSMALLINT                  1 <SQL_HANDLE_ENV>
          SQLHANDLE           00F42718
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     ENTER SQLAllocStmt
          HDBC                00F419A0
          HSTMT *             0012E2C4
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     EXIT  SQLAllocStmt  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          HDBC                00F419A0
          HSTMT *             0x0012E2C4 ( 0x00f41cc0)
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     ENTER SQLSetStmtOption
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          UWORD                        0 <SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT>
          SQLPOINTER          0x0000000F
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     EXIT  SQLSetStmtOption  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          UWORD                        0 <SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT>
          SQLPOINTER          0x0000000F (BADMEM)
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     ENTER SQLExecDirectW
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          WCHAR *             0x03A30458 [      -3] "DELETE FROM TMPRPT WHERE 1=0\ 0"
          SDWORD                    -3
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     EXIT  SQLExecDirectW  with return code 100 (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          WCHAR *             0x03A30458 [      -3] "DELETE FROM TMPRPT WHERE 1=0\ 0"
          SDWORD                    -3
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     ENTER SQLNumResultCols
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          SWORD *             0x0012E2B8
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     EXIT  SQLNumResultCols  with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          SWORD *             0x0012E2B8
          DIAG [S1010] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error (0)
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     ENTER SQLErrorW
          HENV                00F418D8
          HDBC                00F419A0
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          WCHAR *             0x0012DE00 (NYI)
          SDWORD *            0x0012E224
          WCHAR *             0x0012DE20
          SWORD                      511
          SWORD *             0x0012DE14
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
          HENV                00F418D8
          HDBC                00F419A0
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          WCHAR *             0x0012DE00 (NYI)
          SDWORD *            0x0012E224 (0)
          WCHAR *             0x0012DE20 [      56] "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error"
          SWORD                      511
          SWORD *             0x0012DE14 (56)
CrystalDemoDlg  16c8-a34     ENTER SQLErrorW
          HENV                00F418D8
          HDBC                00F419A0
          HSTMT               00F41CC0
          WCHAR *             0x0012DE00 (NYI)
          SDWORD *            0x0012E224
          WCHAR *             0x0012DE20
          SWORD                      511
          SWORD *             0x0012DE14
I know that my post is too long, but i would like to give enough information for you to see what's happening. I use visual studio 2008 with crystal library 2008.

Similar Messages

  • Some reports do not work after upgraded to Crystal Report 2008

    Hi All,
    After upgraed from Crystal Report XI to Crystal Report 2008, some reports work fine. others not. All of the not-working reports have the same problem: Database connection failed.
    And I can even not be able to create a brand new report. The problem looks like following:
        1. Created a new ASP.NET solution in Visual Studio 2008. The page file is default.aspx
        2. Created an empty Crystal Report file: CrystalReportTEST.rpt
        3. Asign CrystalReportTEST.rpt to default.aspx
        4. Run default.aspx. It works fine
        5. Just connect to database without place any field to the report
        6. Run default.aspx again. It does not work. It shows blank screen with the message "Database logon failed." on the top-left corner.

    Hi Amit,
    I have tested many times again for creating new report in new solution. It looks like that, the preview in VS2008 always work fine, but when runing the application, sometimes it works sometimes does not work. I have not still found the role. Following step shows my testing process:
    1. Start Visual Studio 2008
    2. Go to menu "File->New->Web Site..."
    3. In dialogbox "New Web Site"
              a. Highlight "ASP.NET Crystal Reports Web Site"
              b. Select location "File System"
              c. Select language "Visual C#"
              d. Select "E:\JL\CrystalReportsWebSite1"
              e. Click button "OK"
    4. It appears dialogbox "Crystal Reports Gallery"
              a. Select "Using the Report Wizard" in portion of "Create a New Crystal Report Document"
              b. Select "Standard" in portion of "Choose an Expert"
              c. Click button "OK"
    5. It appears dialogbox "Standard Report Creation Wizard"
              a. Click button "Cancel"
    6. It is back to page edit view of "CrystalReport1.rpt"
    7. Click button "Main Report Preview". It shows the preview with blank page
    8. Click button "Main Report". It came back to the edit view
    9. Go to menu "Crystal Reports -> Database -> Database Expert...", dialogbox "Database Expert" appears. Select table u201Cactivity_cdu201D as showing in following screen shot:
    10. Click button u201COKu201D. It returns to the edit view without any changes
    11. Place some fields into the report, then click button "Main Report Preview". It shows the preview with data
    12. Run application by pressing key F5 or key combinition Ctrl+F5, it shows up database connection import screen
    13. Close the browser and back to file Default.aspx, change u201CEnableDatabaseLogonPromptu201D to u201DFalseu201D and run the application again, it shows following message "Database logon failed."

  • Error after migration to Crystal Reports 12 for existing reports

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    1)  If we create new reports in 2008 designer and try to view these reports, it works as expected without any issue(s).
    2 ) However, if these modified reports are tried to be viewed, there is an error which states "Database Logon Failed".
    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException     {"Database logon failed."}
    ErrorID     CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.EngineExceptionErrorID.LogOnFailed
    InnerException     {"Database logon failed."}
    Message      "Database logon failed."
    Source     "CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataSetConversion"
    Stack Trace        at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ConvertDotNetToErom.ThrowDotNetException(Exception e)
       at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.Export(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
       at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType formatType, String fileName)
    TargetSite     {Boolean ThrowDotNetException(System.Exception)}
    Also, it is worth to note that if we try to view these modified reports from any environment which has both Crystal Reports 10 and Crystal Reports 12 in GAC, then these reports work as expected.
    P.S.  We have mechanism in application's code to reset the database connections when any report is being viewed using ReportDocument class' method.
    From the above scenario I believe issue is specific to migration to Crystal Reports 12 (2008).  Any help /workaround to solve this problem will be highly appreciated.

    Make sure you have the latest SP for CR 2008  installed;
    Ensure you are deploying SP 2 runtime;
    If that does not help;
    1) Do these reports work in the designer?
    2) What database are you using and what is the connection type?
    3) Compare the dlls loading on the systems where this app works (environment which has both Crystal Reports 10 and Crystal Reports 12 in GAC) and a system that is giving you the error. Use the [Modules|] utility.
    4) Open the reports in the designer and look at the properties in the Database menu -> Set Datasource Location. Check to see if there are any differences between the two reports.
    5) If there is a subreport in the report that causes the issue, remove it and see if the report works without the subreport.

  • Getting an error trying to install Crystal Reports 2008 on a 64 bit Windows

    reformatted my computer and now I'm trying to install Crystal Reports 2008 on 64 bit windows 7 box.  When the "Registering modules" portion of the install comes up, I get a message that a dll has failed to register.  I saw something about not having the Microsoft Visual c++ 2005 redistributable pack (x86) installed but that was not it either.
    The cd label say Crystal Reports to Crystal Reports 2008 Upgrade, but it does not seem like I have to have the older version of Crystal insatlled.
    Any ideas how to fix this ?

    Hello together,
    i've had the same problem. Tried to install CR SP 2 "cr2008win_sp2.exe" onto an existing CR 2008 SP1 installation, and got the above error. After extracting the cr2008win_sp2.exe to an folder using Winzip (or just start Installation, the source would be extracted to "c:\temp" ), navigate to the subfolder "\package" and execute the CrystalReports.msp (in my case: c:\temp\package\CrystalReports.msp). This start's the Installation of SP 2. If you get an version mismatch, use parameter SKIP_PATCH_VERSION_CHECK=1 by typing command in an dos prompt "c:\temp\package\CrystalReports.msp SKIP_PATCH_VERSION_CHECK=1" but remember, you need to have an SP1 installed (somebody said, SP's are incremental).
    Reboot and apply then the  CR 2008 SP2 FixPack 7 "cr2008fp27.exe". Use this Link to Download CR and Xcelsius Stuff:
    I would suggest you not to use IE for downloading, use an alternative browser. I got only bad downloads (IE8 on Win7).
    This is the way i did and this works pretty good.
    Good Luck

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    If I attempt to edit a report at design time, I get the following error: "There is no editor available for <fileLocation>\report1.rpt. Make sure the application for the file type (.rpt) is installed.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction??

    Crystal Reports is not supported with the Express editions of Visual Studio.
    If you are going to use VS.NET 2008 you will need to use the Professional Version or higher.
    This is noted in the following help file: [CR 2008| ]
    Under Supported Versions of Visual Studio

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    Go through this LInk
    Re: No hyperlinks after exporting to pdf

  • Where can I find the latest upgrades for Crystal Reports 2008

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    My question is rather simple, I need to know. Where can I find  the latest upgrades for:
    1) Crystal Reports 2008 Merge Modules
    2) Crystal Reports 2008 Runtimes.
    Are they incremental upgrades ????
    Thanks in advance..

    Downloads page is here:
    [This|] wiki tracks latest SPs and FPs with download links.
    [This|] wiki has links to runtime (I believe I have not updated this for FP 2.5 yet, but the downloads page has these)
    And yes, they are incremental.
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  • Memory Leak in Report after upgrading from Crystal Reports 10.5 to 13.0.1/2

    I'm currently having an issue with crystal reports 13 (Visual Studio 2010), We have recently updated our CRM Solution to use the newer crystal reports runtime as we are now using Visual Studio 2010,
    We have a client who has a report which contains a sub report which basically contains a Image pulled from a MSSQL Database as a BLOB Image Field which is basically scanned images relating to the report, Previously the report worked fine before the Client Updated our CRM Solution to the latest version, Now for each individual page which has the scanned image the application is swallowing 100 MB of ram, as there are around 32 of these scanned images and our solution is a 32 bit application we are getting out of memory errors due to the whole 2GB addressable to a 32 bit process limitation,
    The images are around 4MP and stored in JPG format in the database so should not be consuming over 100mb of ram per image displayed by the report even if they are being stored uncompressed in RGBA Format,
    Likewise when viewing the pages of the report manually after a specific page (when the amount of memory addressable by a 32 bit application gets hit) the images just don't display and then any pages with the image are not being displayed and not giving an error / exception.
    I have tried re-saving the .rpt files to cause them to be in the newer crystal reports format and this is still happening, likewise I have tried un-installing the 13.0.1 and installing the 13.0.2 runtime.
    I am just about to check SQL which pulls the image for the sub report, although I am sure for each sub report it should only be pulling one row with one jpeg image in case the sub report is holding quite a few images but only displaying the first.
    Likewise If all else fails I will try re-creating the report as I have experienced issues with some other specific reports doing strange things after being updated from the 2008 runtime which I really am not liking the idea of due to how fiddly crystal reports can be, It is good and does the job but takes far longer than some other solutions to get what you are trying to achieve done.
    This report had been working fine for 2+ years before the client updated to the most recent version of our CRM Software.
    Has anyone else experienced simular issues with the latest runtime.

    I have just been reviewing the code for this and it appears that the sub report is pulling all of the images,
    It is strange that previously this was working fine seems like the newer runtime does not dispose of the data once it has been displayed on a sub report which would explain memory leak as it will call the select again pulling approx 60 images which are probably approx 8 - 900KB plus sub report + uncompressed image to display and then filtering.
    I am about to modify this report and will post if fix i put in place resolves the issue.

  • "Load report failed" after upgrading to Crystal Report for VS 2010

    I switched to Visual Studio 2010 few months ago. Today, I needed to update my Crystal Report reports, so I installed the Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 on my local server. I updated my reports and it works fine on my local server.
    On my remote server, I installed the Crystal Report runtime engine for Framework 4.0 (note that my project use the framework 3.5) and published my project. But now I got the following error when I want to create a report "Load report failed". I double-checked the path of my report and its permissions (note that it was working before the update).
    Am I missing a step ?
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: David1111_ on Mar 1, 2011 6:08 PM
    Edited by: David1111_ on Mar 1, 2011 6:09 PM

    Googling 'FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS' I came up with the following:
    So, no, that does not appear to be the issue.
    However my assertion - given that the correct dlls are loading - is still that either the report is not there (do you see it loaded in Process Monitor?) or the process has no access to either the actual rpt or the temp files that the print engine creates. Those really are the only reasons for report load errors.
    This being a web app, try a simple win app - as a test. All you need is the viewer and CrystalreportViewer1.ReportSource = <path to report> (use a saved data report). Compile, throw the exe on the server. Run. What happens there?
    - Ludek

  • Error loading in DLL (Crystal reports 2008 version 12.3)

    we have installed the software but While adding the reference in VB,and while selecting the (Crystal Report ActiveX Viewer 12.0) we can't add as a reference it is showing (error in loading DLL) so please request you to check this error which is attached and revert on this As early as possible.

    Thread moved to the NET - SAP Crystal Reports forum.
    For timely response, it is important to make sure you post to the correct forum (check the header of each forum).
    From your description, I suspect that you are trying to use the COM based Report Designer Component(?). This component has been retired in CR XI R2. The activeX viewer you are trying to access is only included for internal purposes and you are not licensed to use it at all. In CR 2008, you will have to use the CR SDK for Visual Studio .NET.
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  • Error 1305 while installing Crystal Reports 2008, JavaSDK

    While installing Crystal Reports from the original media on a new Lenovo Thinkpad running Windows XP Pro SP3 I get the following error while installing:
    Error 1305: Error reading from File: c:\program files\Business Objects\javasdk\jre\audio\ Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
    I have the option to retry or cancel, obviously cancel exits the installer. Retry just fails again. I have tried to access the file (which does exist) and I cannot because it is in use. I used Sysinternals process explorer to find out what has the file in use and it is msiexec.exe which is the Microsoft Installer service which is running in order to install CR2008.
    I have tried restarting, setting permissions on the file and folder, uninstalling and reinstalling Java VM from Sun. I even tried killing msiexec (which killed the install). I even tried taking out all reference to java in a custom install.
    I am at a loss on what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.

    I found that if I installed it from a copied local directory instead of the CD Rom that it worked

  • Error after upgrading BI Publisher report from 10g to 11g

    Hi All,
    I have migrated the BI Publisher from 10g to 11g. The upgrade was done using the upgrade assistant and the installation process was a success.
    However whenever I try to access the reports in 11g after migration I get the following error:
    oracle.xdo.servlet.CreateException: Data Model definition not found:/dlypurge.xdm.
    I have tried modifying the .xdo to include the following:
    <dataModel url="/RMS/dlypurge/dlypurge.xdm"/> where dlypurge is one of the reports. However in the BI Publisher does not seem to access the latest .xdo file.
    Any suggestions on how to rectify the error.
    Sanchita Chakrabarty

    Hi All,
    I have migrated the BI Publisher from 10g to 11g. The upgrade was done using the upgrade assistant and the installation process was a success.
    However whenever I try to access the reports in 11g after migration I get the following error:
    oracle.xdo.servlet.CreateException: Data Model definition not found:/dlypurge.xdm.
    I have tried modifying the .xdo to include the following:
    <dataModel url="/RMS/dlypurge/dlypurge.xdm"/> where dlypurge is one of the reports. However in the BI Publisher does not seem to access the latest .xdo file.
    Any suggestions on how to rectify the error.
    Sanchita Chakrabarty

  • COM error in SAP toolbar, Crystal Reports 2008 SP2 FP2.1

    Error: COM execption caught in CExtToolBar::GenerateNewTempalte().HR = 0x80004005, ::InitOpenDialog().HR = 0x800004005; ::InitializeGlobalData(). HR = 0x03edafe7
    Unfortunately the error hasn't been fixed for us with FP 2.1 as it was with Sebastian.
    I have GUI 7.10 (7100.2.7.10348 Build 967944 Patch Level 14), Explorer 3.x and 7.0 installed.
    We are on SAP Integration Kit SP 2 FP2.1 and CR SP2 FP2.1
    I can connect to SAP using the MDX drivers etc, but get the same COM execption caught using the SAP toolbar.
    We want to use SAP BW variables as CR parameters in our report and the only way I'm understand from Ingo's previous posts to get a dynamic list of values from a SAP variable is to create the report via the CR SAP toolbar and save it to Infoview.

    looks identical to your previous item.

  • Errors trying to install Crystal Reports 2008 free trial

    I am receiving countless errors whilst attempting to install the CR 2008 free trial.
    They all begin :-
    "Error 1904. Module D:Program Files\Business Objects\2008Demo\BusinessObjects Entreprise 12.0\win32_x86\"
    followed by a DLL (examples listed below)
    "failed to register. HRESULT "
    followed by a long number "-2147024769
    "contact your support personnel."
    examples DLL's :-
    I will choose abort at this stage.
    Any ideas ?

    I have resolved this problem myself.
    Resolution was to close down all other programs, re-boot and re-try the install.
    Went through ok then.

  • PrintMode="ActiveX" & Crystal Reports 2008

    Using CR XI.5, we were having our users print crystal reports in our .NET web application using a CrystalReportViewer and setting the PrintMode="ActiveX".
    To do this, we had to add this to our Web.Config:
    <configSections><sectionGroup name="businessObjects"><sectionGroup name="crystalReports"><section name="reportMappings" type="CrystalDecisions.Shared.ReportMappingHandler, CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=11.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304, Custom=null"/></sectionGroup></sectionGroup></configSections>
    <businessObjects><crystalReports><reportMappings><add reportName="ClassLabels.rpt" path="Reports\ClassLabels.rpt"/><add reportName="ClassStarted.rpt" path="Reports\ClassStarted.rpt"/><add reportName="ClassStatus.rpt" path="Reports\ClassStatus.rpt"/><add reportName="inactivestudents.rpt" path="Reports\inactivestudents.rpt"/><add reportName="NewClassLabels.rpt" path="Reports\NewClassLabels.rpt"/></reportMappings></crystalReports></businessObjects>
    Since we upgraded to Crystal Reports 2008 last night, we are getting errors in our app.  I tried upgrading the control Version number in the Web.Config, but I am getting an error saying it can't find CrystalDecisions.Shared.ReportMappingHandler.
    An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for businessObjects/crystalReports/reportMappings: Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=12.0.1100.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
    After removing the above code out of the web.config, I am getting an error when trying to print from IE that says
    IE Security Warning
    Windows has blocked this software because it can't verify the publisher.
    Publisher: Unknown Publisher
    Any ideas?  I just created a brand new app with a new crystal report and was able to recreate the error.  Thanks in advance for your help.

    We are using Visual Studio 2008 actually.
    Like I mentioned, I created a brand new app with a brand new CR 2008 report and got the error as well so I don't believe the issue to be in the actual reports.
    I installed the CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.exe from a download last week of
    When I add the code below to my Web.Config, the app builds properly and the dialog boxes load properly on my local system.
            <sectionGroup name="businessObjects">
                <sectionGroup name="crystalReports">
                    <section name="reportMappings" type="CrystalDecisions.Shared.ReportMappingHandler, CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=12.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"/>
                    <add reportName="myreport.rpt" path="myreport.rpt"/>
    But when I upload that code to my Windows 2003 server, I get the IE Script Error mentioned above.

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