FYI Is the grass always greener?

I hope this doesn't anger anybody, but I'm going to depart from our form theme. I read a thoughtful review of Lightroom on a Canon forum site and thought Aperture users might like as read.
As a registered user of Raw Shooter Premium, I was upset when I heard Adobe had purchased Pixmantec last year.
Adobe was good enough to offer a free copy of Lightroom 1.0 to us registered users of RSP.
I've been using Lightoom 1.0 for a week now and I've found it to be a mixed bag.
The interface is sluggish at times, a problem common to other Adobe products. I don't understand why they can't write a little more speedy code but nonetheless, it's typical of an Adobe product. Lots of glitz with lackluster performance.
I haven't tried it on a dual monitor setup, but comments from other users indicate that it doesn't support a dual screen setup very well. This isn't a good thing for anyone serious photographic editing.
The other notable thing is the method of handling photographic libraries. The software doesn't make adjustments to the source files and instead saves the changes in a library file. One feature that is a good idea on paper but poorly executed is the auto-import function. Lightroom 1.0 also doesn't recognize changes/additions to existing directories. This makes for a confused and poor attempt at keeping libraries up to date.
On the editing side, I find the editing/adjusting tools get very good results with the exported photos. Raw file conversion is good, and the tools are plenty and give the user good flexibility. The slider controls though are a bit on the small side and also suffer for Adobe's common sluggishness. Also, there aren't enough configurable screen options to allow a more streamlined workflow, such as a button for exporting. Things that should be one click operations require 2 or 3 clicks. I've also found that creating custom crops is a point of no return. You can check out but you can never leave, so any crop created can't be deleted. One. of the best features though is the ability to browse photo's by EXIF data. I can view my files by Lens type, camera body, and by many other groups according to EXIF information, which is very nice. It would also be nice if I could catalog things based on this information. It's a start.
The default color scheme is dismal. There is no facility to streamline it or customize it short of enabling or disabling a little swirly thing at the bottom of the screen, which leaves you with something that still looks like beta software with a bow on it.
Overall, I give it a grade of C for average, based entirely on the quality of the raw file conversion it can produce. The rest of the interface is clunky, slow and full of problems importing and keeping track of photographs. I recommend not even using the "Auto-import" function, it's useless and will lock up your computer. Adobe needs to get back to work on this and do it right. It's not ready for prime-time.
I pulled the author's name.

Um, I'm not one to get "angry" about something like this, but I am wondering about a few things. Is the text below your first paragraph copied verbatim from the "review?" Or is it your paraphrase?
Either way, I own both Aperture and Lightroom, and still haven't decided which way to go. But this "review" of Lightroom is filled with inaccuracies and negative comments about Lightroom which, in fact, apply equally to Aperture.
"the software doesn't make adjustments to the source files." Well, of course. That's the point of both Aperture and Lightroom when working with RAW files. RAW is a non-editable format. In either case, or with other software like Capture NX, you don't modify the source file.
Also, Aperture doesn't recognize changes to existing directories either, at least not when using Referenced mode.
And whomever wrote this is in a parallel universe if they think that Lightroom is sluggish and slow. Until I maxed out my Mac Pro, Aperture was abysmal...and it's STILL slower than Lightroom.
Crops can be adjusted in Lightroom. And I have yet to find a way to change the "color scheme" in Aperture.
The original author (whose name you "pulled") does not have the facts. It would have been better for you to publish a link to the forum post so we could read it in its entirely.
Again, I'm trying out both products - I'm not a pro, so I have the luxury of really taking my time with them, no deadlines to meet - and I want to like Aperture. But I'm afraid from what I've seen, way too many people want to like Aperture to the point of denying reality. Both have pros and cons, but by no means is Lightroom a "C" product that's not ready for prime time.

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    pgbCloset.Value = 0
    pgbCloset.Step = 1
    pgbCloset.Maximum = 99
    pgbCloset.ForeColor = Color.Red ' for testing.
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    'If intTotalNumberOfFiles > 0 Then pgbCloset.ForeColor = Color.Green
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    ... ups, VB,so here's something to start with... (or uncheck the "enable XP visual styles" checkBox in your project's settings)
    Partial Public Class Form1
    Inherits Form
    Private WithEvents progressBar1 As New NewProgressBar()
    Private WithEvents button1 As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
    Private WithEvents timer1 As New System.Windows.Forms.Timer()
    Private WithEvents button2 As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
    Private WithEvents trackBar1 As New TrackBar()
    Private WithEvents trackBar2 As New TrackBar()
    Public Sub New()
    Me.button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 105)
    Me.button1.Name = "button1"
    Me.button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
    Me.button1.TabIndex = 1
    Me.button1.Text = "button1"
    Me.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
    Me.timer1.Interval = 50
    Me.progressBar1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(41, 1)
    Me.progressBar1.Name = "progressBar1"
    Me.progressBar1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(187, 23)
    Me.progressBar1.TabIndex = 0
    Me.progressBar1.ShowText = True
    Me.progressBar1.ForeColor = Color.White
    'Colors and Positions
    Me.progressBar1.Color1 = Color.Red
    Me.progressBar1.Color2 = Color.Yellow
    Me.progressBar1.Color3 = Color.Green
    'PositionColor2 must be in a range from 0 to 1.0F
    Me.progressBar1.PositionColor2 = 0.71F
    Me.progressBar1.GammaCorrected = True
    'change OverlaySpeed and Delay and Width
    Me.progressBar1.OverlayAddAmount = 0.8F
    Me.progressBar1.OverlayReshowDelay = 35.0F
    Me.progressBar1.OverlayWidth = 50.0F
    Me.button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 105)
    Me.button2.Name = "button2"
    Me.button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
    Me.button2.TabIndex = 2
    Me.button2.Text = "button2"
    Me.button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
    Me.trackBar1.Location = New Point(20, 145)
    Me.trackBar1.Width = Me.progressBar1.Width
    Me.trackBar1.Minimum = 0
    Me.trackBar1.Maximum = 100
    Me.trackBar1.Value = 10
    Me.trackBar2.Location = New Point(20, 195)
    Me.trackBar2.Width = Me.progressBar1.Width
    Me.trackBar2.Minimum = 0
    Me.trackBar2.Maximum = 100
    Me.trackBar2.Value = 30
    Me.progressBar1.Left = 0
    Me.progressBar1.Width = Me.ClientSize.Width
    End Sub
    Private Sub trackBar2_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles trackBar2.ValueChanged
    Me.progressBar1.OverlayReshowDelay = CSng(Me.trackBar2.Value)
    End Sub
    Private Sub trackBar1_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles trackBar1.ValueChanged
    Me.progressBar1.OverlayAddAmount = CSng(Me.trackBar1.Value) / 10.0F
    End Sub
    Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
    Me.timer1.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles timer1.Tick
    Me.progressBar1.Value += 0.5F
    If Me.progressBar1.Value = Me.progressBar1.Maximum Then
    Me.progressBar1.Value = 0
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles button2.Click
    Me.timer1.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class NewProgressBar
    Inherits ProgressBar
    Public Property Percentage() As Single
    Return m_Percentage
    End Get
    Set(value As Single)
    m_Percentage = Value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_Percentage As Single
    Public Property ShowText() As Boolean
    Return m_ShowText
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
    m_ShowText = Value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_ShowText As Boolean
    Private _doMarqueeOverlay As Boolean = False
    Private WithEvents timer1 As New Timer()
    Private _pos As Single = 0
    Private _rWidth As Single = 71
    Public Property OverlayWidth() As Single
    Return _rWidth
    End Get
    Set(value As Single)
    _rWidth = value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private _c As Integer = 0
    Private _posAdd As Single = 1.5F
    Public Property OverlayAddAmount() As Single
    Return _posAdd
    End Get
    Set(value As Single)
    _posAdd = value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private _posDelay As Single = 50
    Public Property OverlayReshowDelay() As Single
    Return _posDelay
    End Get
    Set(value As Single)
    _posDelay = value
    End Set
    End Property
    Public Property Color1() As Color
    Return m_Color1
    End Get
    Set(value As Color)
    m_Color1 = Value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_Color1 As Color
    Public Property Color2() As Color
    Return m_Color2
    End Get
    Set(value As Color)
    m_Color2 = Value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_Color2 As Color
    Public Property Color3() As Color
    Return m_Color3
    End Get
    Set(value As Color)
    m_Color3 = Value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_Color3 As Color
    Public Property PositionColor2() As Single
    Return m_PositionColor2
    End Get
    Set(value As Single)
    m_PositionColor2 = Value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_PositionColor2 As Single
    Public Shadows Property Value() As Single
    Return Me.Percentage
    End Get
    Set(value As Single)
    Me.Percentage = value
    'maybe dont invalidata always...
    If Not _doMarqueeOverlay Then
    End If
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_useImg As Boolean
    Public Property UseImg() As Boolean
    Return m_useImg
    End Get
    Set(value As Boolean)
    m_useImg = value
    End Set
    End Property
    Private m_image As Bitmap
    Public Property Image() As Bitmap
    Return m_image
    End Get
    Set(value As Bitmap)
    m_image = value
    End Set
    End Property
    Public Sub New()
    Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True)
    Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    Color1 = Color.Lime
    Color2 = Color.Green
    Color3 = Color.Red
    PositionColor2 = 0.55F
    End Sub
    Public Property GammaCorrected As Boolean
    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim rec As Rectangle = e.ClipRectangle
    rec.Width = CInt(rec.Width * (CDbl(Value) / Maximum)) - 4
    If ProgressBarRenderer.IsSupported Then
    ProgressBarRenderer.DrawHorizontalBar(e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle)
    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
    End If
    rec.Height = rec.Height - 4
    If m_useImg AndAlso Not Image Is Nothing Then
    Using t As New TextureBrush(Image)
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(t, 2, 2, rec.Width, rec.Height)
    End Using
    Using l As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(e.ClipRectangle, Color.Green, Color.Red, 0.0F)
    Dim lb As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend()
    lb.Colors = New Color() {Color1, Color2, Color3}
    lb.Positions = New Single() {0, PositionColor2, 1.0F}
    l.InterpolationColors = lb
    l.GammaCorrection = Me.GammaCorrected
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(l, 2, 2, rec.Width, rec.Height)
    End Using
    End If
    Using l2 As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(e.ClipRectangle, Color.FromArgb(147, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255), System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
    Dim lb As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.ColorBlend()
    lb.Colors = New Color() {Color.FromArgb(40, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(147, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(40, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255)}
    lb.Positions = New Single() {0, 0.12F, 0.39F, 1.0F}
    l2.InterpolationColors = lb
    l2.WrapMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.Tile
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(l2, 2, 2, rec.Width, rec.Height)
    End Using
    If Me.ShowText Then
    Using sb As New SolidBrush(Me.ForeColor)
    Dim sz As SizeF = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Percentage.ToString("N0") + " %", Me.Font)
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Percentage.ToString("N0") + " %", Me.Font, sb, New PointF((Me.Width - sz.Width) / 2.0F, (Me.Height - sz.Height) / 2.0F))
    End Using
    End If
    If Value > 0 AndAlso _doMarqueeOverlay = False Then
    End If
    If Value = Maximum - 1 Then
    End If
    If _doMarqueeOverlay Then
    Dim rWidth As Single = _rWidth
    If rec.Width < rWidth Then
    rWidth = rec.Width
    End If
    If rWidth + _pos > rec.Width Then
    rWidth = rec.Width - _pos
    End If
    Using l As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(New RectangleF(_pos + 2, 2, _rWidth, rec.Height), Color.FromArgb(127, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255), System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)
    Dim lb As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Blend()
    lb.Factors = New Single() {1, 0, 1}
    lb.Positions = New Single() {0, 0.5F, 1.0F}
    l.Blend = lb
    'l.TranslateTransform(_pos - rWidth, 0);
    l.WrapMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.WrapMode.TileFlipXY
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(l, _pos + 2, 2, rWidth, rec.Height)
    _pos += _posAdd
    If _pos >= rec.Width Then
    If _c < _posDelay Then
    _pos -= _posAdd
    _c += 1
    _pos = -_rWidth - _posDelay
    _c = 0
    End If
    End If
    End Using
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub StopMarquee()
    _doMarqueeOverlay = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub StartMarquee()
    _doMarqueeOverlay = True
    timer1.Interval = 10
    End Sub
    Private Sub timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles timer1.Tick
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
    If timer1.Enabled Then
    End If
    If Not Image Is Nothing Then
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class

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    In addition to the issue involving hardware acceleration, I've read that "certain add-ons" in IE 10 have caused the green screen problem.
    You might try disabling them by following the suggestions on this page -- 
    Also see: -ie10/61989751-871a-4293-afa4-d0e7b4528209

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    You can always update your version of iTunes to 4.9 or 5.0 and it won't affect your existing playlists, song ratings, or anything. I started with 4.7 and got each updated version of iTunes as it came out thru 5.0 and I never lost any songs, data, or had to rebuild a playlist.

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    For some reason, even though I have advanced features checked, the menu with green screen and all those isn't popping up when I drag the video on top of another one. Help?

    I would trash - iMovie pref file - and re-try - sounds like this got faulty.
    • Delete iMovie pref. file. iMovie pref. file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD) / Users / "Your account" / Library / Preferences
    and is named. (one or more of these)
    and find
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this/these file/s out on to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    If You run Mac OS X.7 or more - then the Library in the User-account folder is invisibly and need to be set to be viewable. IT IS NOT in the Library on Root level (when opening MacintoshHD - first window = root level)
    ( It can be done like this: Open Terminal, then enter:
    chflags nohidden ~/Library (exactly like this - space included)
    Press return, then restart, and it will always be visible until the next major update, when you do the same thing again. )
    Yours Bengt W

  • My GTK Theme Colours are always Green??

    Hi Archers
    This is my first couple weeks with Arch and I've been struggling with GTK themes.
    Themes are loading correctly (either with lxappearances or manually through the .gtk-2.0 file) however no matter what I do themes always have the same ugly green color for the main window background.
    If I change the background colour in lxappearance to bright orange for example in lxappearances it will display correctly but when I go to open any gtk2 app or run gtk-demo it's like nothing has changed. That ugly green color is still the main background colour for everything.
    I've been trying for the last couple days to resolve this but no luck!
    Help me Arch community you're my only hope :3
    P.S I'm running awesome wm but not any desktop environment if that helps.
    Thanks ^^

    Check if you have some setting *background: <some_green_color> in your ~/.Xresources or ~/.Xdefaults file. This will affect Qt applications AFAIK, but it might also affect GTK as well. Also, are you sure these apps are affected by GTK, not QT? If so, configure the look of Qt apps:
    Last edited by hesse (2012-06-17 21:24:03)

  • Battery's not charging, LED's always green

    A couple of days ago my adapter stopped charging my battery. The LED is always green. Battery is the original one, and worked fine (until now as it is completly empty).
    Tried the following alreday:
    - shutting off and restarting
    - Used a different adapter
    - resetted my PMU
    - Battery update is not necessary for my powerbook
    PowerBook G4, 1.67 Ghz, 15" Mac OS X (10.4.7)

    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    Sorry to hear about your charging problem. There are 3 potential fault areas: 1) Power adapter, 2) Battery, 3) logic board (sometimes the dc-in board). Since you've tried another working (it was working?) adapter, you rule out number 1. Number 2 is academic at the moment. Which leaves a logic board issue. The dc-in board has the power socket attached to it, and is replaceable on it's own, versus replacing the entire logic board.
    If you system is still under warranty, take it in for repair. If the system is not under warranty, you might take it in to get an estimate - don't know if your local Apple center would replace just the dc-in board or would insist on an entire logic board replacement.
    Used dc-in boards run around $90-$100 (see or - ifixit also has directions on how to replace it, see - not for the feint of heart or inexperienced).

  • Google chat status always green

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    iChat has several States that it can be in.
    Available and Away are the simplest and can have Status Messages added to them.
    Then for iChat 4 and 5 there is being Set to Invisible (Available at your end Off line to Buddies)
    You can be Off Line, either by Logging out or setting the iChat > Preferences > General Section to Set Status to Off Line On Quit.
    Idle is the time the computer calculates there has been no input from keyboard of mouse. It is about 10 mins. (The same as standard Hard Drive Sleep in Energy Saver.
    This will make you appear Amber to your Buddies if the Status Message is Set to Available.
    Other apps show Idle at Away messages as well but iChat does not, although sometimes mousing over a BUddy will tell you.
    8:32 PM Tuesday; March 2, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • HT204291 My iPad 4 does not show up on my TV screen when in AirPlay mirroring mode using WiFi.  The iPad displays AirPlay set to TV with the Mirroring On (green).  My iPad IOS software is 8.2 and my Apple TV software is at 7.1.  The TV displays the Apple

    My iPad 4 does not show up on my TV screen when in AirPlay mirroring mode using WiFi.  The iPad displays AirPlay set to TV with the Mirroring On (green).
    My iPad IOS software is 8.2 and my Apple TV software is at 7.1.  The TV displays the Apple Menu.  The “Settings” does however displays the General menu allowing me to see:
    Apple software:          7.1 (7003)
    Apple TV:                   Model No. A1464, Part No. MD199B/A
    Signal Strength shows 5 circles.
    It does not display the iPad screen but when I use the BT Sport App I can hear the sound but there is no video.  I have searched the internet for a solution to no avail. The problem first arose when the IOS was at 8.1+ but it worked correctly briefly when I updated to IOS 8.2.  Can you help please?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Try the following steps, check whether things are working after each step where appropriate, before trying the next.
    Check AirPlay is turned on on the Apple TV (turn it off and on if it already is)
    Check that both devices are on the same network (Settings > Wifi, on the mobile device and Settings > General > Network, on the Apple TV).
    Restart the Apple TV (Settings > General > Restart).
    Restart the Apple TV by removing ALL the cables for 30 seconds.
    Restart your router. (Also try removing it’s power cord for at least 30 seconds)
    Restart your mobile device.
    If you are still having problems, the following article(s) may help you.
    Troubleshooting AirPlay
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Recommended Wi-Fi settings
    Wifi Diagnostic Software (for Mac users)
    You may also find some help on this page, where I’ve collected some of the more unusual solutions to network issues.
    When making adjustments to your network for better optimisation, you may find some of the points mentioned on this page helpful.



    I have found with AppleTV that it is the IPV6 on the computer you want to access is the problem.  The issue is that Homegroup on Win 7 or Win 8 requires IPV6 to work, but AppleTV won't work with IPV6.  (So maybe double check you have IPV6 turned off)
    So you have to make a choice - Homegroup or AppleTV.... but you can't have both, until Apple brings ATV up to date. (crazy that it does not recognise IPV6 - c'mon Apple!)
    You can set up sharing individually in Win 7 or 8 and have the ATV access files that way.
    Having said that, there is always the exception.. I have an old HP home server running Win8 and it services ATV - but is part of the Homegroup... have no idea why it works on both, but no other machine on the home network will talk to both ATV and Homegroup at the same time!

  • 2 Power glows amber to charge the other stays green??

    I have 2 power adapters for my ibook, the one that came with it originally & one I bought as an extra. They are both 45W apple ones. I have had problems with my ibook powering up & after replacing the dc-in board to no avail I have been told it's the logic board that needs replacing.
    I have just got a replacement logic board which I am yet to fit. As it stands at the moment I have replaced the dc-in board but still won't charge the battery?
    Also when I use the adapter that came with my ibook the light on the adapter glows green. When I plug the extra adapter in it glows amber but doesnt charge the battery?
    I am just confused as to why one adapter glows green & the other glows amber with the same battery in?
    I am also concerned to know if it would have been possible for the replacement adapter to have caused the logic board failure in the first place? As I am replacing the logic board soon I don't want the same mistake to happen again!
    Anyone help??

    All-right Master Meister, one last throw of the dice for me...
    Do you have a friend or relative who knows how to use a multi-meter? If so, get them to check the voltage + current flow from the adapters when connected to the mains (iBook unattached).
    Please do not try this yourself if you are unfamiliar with multi-meters; you could electrocute yourself or irreparably damage your equipment.
    If you are reasonably competent with basic electronics, hook up a 12V car battery to one side of the charger and a 3V torch (with batteries removed) to the other side. If the bulb lights, this will tell you if the adapter is working.
    I mean no disrespect: this is a potentially dangerous experiment and if you don't feel you are up to it, then don't try.
    Instead, take the adapters to your local electronics store and pay them to check them for you.

  • HT1178 My Time Capsule is only blinking amber. My computer tried to backup but I don't know how to tell if it did in fact back up the data. How can I tell if it backed up and why doesn't the light show green?

    Just purchased a Time Capsule. Had to call Comcast to disable the WIFI and have internet connection. The time capsule though blinks amber and the Airport Utility shows blinking amber light and has a red circle with the number 1 in it. After connecting, my computer tried doing a backup for the first time and it appeared that it was backing up and finished although I don't know how to check to make sure that it did backup. How do I check and shouldn't the light on the time capsule be blinking green and the airport utility show green?

    TM will show it has done a backup.. Look at the info.. when was the backup completed??
    If you want more details install the widget.
    A1 here.
    The time capsule though blinks amber and the Airport Utility shows blinking amber light and has a red circle with the number 1 in it.
    There is an error.. probably trivial.. firmware update, default password..
    Open the airport utility and find out what the error is.
    Simply click the TC and see status in the summary page.. it will list all the errors and what you should do.. fix or ignore them. ie this TC has an error.. default password.. I chose to ignore.. when I "fix" the problem the LED goes green.
    Here is additional TC.. it is blinking amber with faults.
    Click the fault. eg default password.
    You can ignore or edit .. if you click edit it will take you to the full setup where you can change the settings.
    I ignored my errors and now it is green..

  • Good day. as I can do to update my iphone 4 to the latest version of ios 5. whenever you connect to the pc and try to update the waiting time is very long, sometimes up to 12 hours and despite the wait always produce an error message for a long time waiti

    good day. as I can do to update my iphone 4 to the latest version of ios 5. whenever you connect to the pc and try to update the waiting time is very long, sometimes up to 12 hours and despite the wait always produce an error message for a long time waiting

    Disable ALL security software (firewall, antivirus/spyware, etc.) running on your PC while updating.

  • I have a Time Capsule as my router.  I can connect wirelessly to the network and internet with my MBPr, but my Mac Mini will only connect to the network wired or wirelessly. Airport on it sees the internet as green, but will not connect.

    I have the Time Capsule hooked to a wireless modem.  It uses a static IP, which is put in and running.  The MBPr connects, as well as my iPhone 5, to the internet and network without problem.  I can see the Mac Mini, external drive attached to it, and the Time Capsule.  The Mac Mini connects to the network wired or wirelessly, but not to the internet.  On wireless, using AirPort the Internet shows green, but no connection when I open Safari.  The settings under network settings are identical except for LAN IP between the Mac Mini and the MBPr.  I was hoping someone might have an idea of what was going on.  Before I moved the Time Capsule was on Bridge mode from another router, now it is on DHCP and NAT for the internal network.

    No, its is connected direct to the providers fiber box.

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