Fyi: SoundTrack Pro 2 Released

STP2 was announced just a few minutes ago at NAB. Sadly it's still only available as part of the Final Cut Studio bundle, but it sure does look neat. Check out the Video Demo:

That does look nice. It seems to have the same kind of intuitive design that GB has, user-friendly, and yet very versatile and flexible.

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  • Upgrading to Tiger, Logic Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Etc

    Between me and Santa, it's been a really great Mac Christmas but I have some questions that I couldn't really find exact answers for by searching the forums.
    I'm currently running OS 10.3.9 with Logic Express, Garageband (original) and Soundtrack (original). I'm about to upgrade to Tiger and have iLife 05 (with Garageband 2) here with upgrades to both Logic & Soundtrack Pro on the way.
    I've decided to do an erase and install when I upgrade to Tiger just to wipe the slate clean (too many tried and abandoned freewares and demos!), but I'm a little confused about the best way to install all the new audio apps:
    1) Since I'm UPGRADING to Logic Pro and Soundtrack Pro, is it necessary for me to have Logic Express and the original Soundtrack installed before installing the upgrades, or will these install fine just by referencing my original activation codes or whatever?
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    3) Since STP comes with many of the same effects & loops as LP, is there anything I should consider doing to streamline the install or save disc space and avoid too much duplication?
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    ~Knight Berman (presto211)

    Thanks again, Justin. Had some issues...after installing Logic and moving on to the Content disc, the Installer for the Logic Pro Bonus Sounds kept quitting each time I tried to run it. Updated Logic to 7.1.1 and it was able to install, but it took about an hour. When I tried to drag the tutorial folder to my hard drive, it said it would take approximately 33 hours to copy the 500MB file! Weird.
    Also, before updating to 7.1.1, I tried launching Logic and it held for over an hour while Scanning Audio Units on: (19/21) AuAudioFilePlayer. Did a Force Quit on the Auval(?), which was not responding, and Logic opened fine, and has since. Don't know if this might not bode well for the future though.
    Biggest Problem: Looking at the Loop Browser, I'm only seeing Garageband Loops from the drop-down menu. With Express, I could see other Sub-Groups besides GB Loops. I've installed Soundtrack Pro, and I know it's missing those as well because the "Vocal" tab is greyed out and, being sure there are some vocal loops in STP, I dragged the HD/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple Loops for Soundtrack Pro onto the Loop Browser and it seems to have indexed them as at least now the "Vocal" tab has loops in it.
    However, I'm still not seeing "Soundtrack Pro Loops" or anything new in the drop-down menu - which was always handy to access specific loop sets such as ones I installed on my own. I'm just worried that I'm not getting access to the Loops that came with Logic Pro! Any thoughts?
    Thanks so much for your help ~Knight (presto211)

  • Why cant Soundtrack Pro be sold seperately?

    Hello, first time poster on the forum and i have a couple of questions on my mind.
    I'm getting a microphone w/pop filter, sound foam, and a mixer. I am thinking of buying Logic Pro 7 as my audio program, as well as soundtrack pro. The thing is, I cant buy Soundtrack Pro separately. The audio reduction in soundtrack pro is amazing and Logic Pro 7 doesn't offer that feature, which is what I want. I was thinking of buying Logic Pro 7 and Soundtrack Pro and using them together, but unfortunately Soundtrack Pro isn't sold separately. I would have to buy Final Cut Studio which is $1299 and Logic which is $999. Spending $2,300 hundred for both is ridiculous because I just want Soundtrack pro. My question is why isn't it sold separately, and if it is does anyone know where I can buy it?

    It's not a program designed to appeal to the sound
    design or the musical song & dance group.
    Your opinion. While I would never use it for music, it's a good start at an app for sound designers. Unfortunately, they haven't given it the updates it needs.
    It's a program designed to assist video editors to
    prepare a mix that would suffice for a preview
    screening & do a rough sketch to present to an actual
    sound designer using Logic or Pro Tools indicating
    what the editor or director had in mind so that the
    sound designer can come up with something better.
    While Logic can be used for sound design, it is not remotely designed for it and in some respects is worse than even the primitive release of STP. And I honestly think it could take the place of Pro Tools in many situations if they put the resources into updating it.
    In my opinion, they wanted to put an end to all the
    carping from the groups who bought the program for
    the wrong reason. In most cases these individuals
    have no interest in FCP, DVDSP or Motion. They want
    to make music. I think the decent thing for Apple to
    do is to offer to refund their money or at least give
    them a credit towards another Apple program such as
    I don't think people bought the app for the wrong reason (I think few if any bought it to "make music"). I just think that people bought the app not realizing that Apple would abandon it and never update it past a version that is buggy and missing essential features.
    While I'm annoyed with Apple and would certainly take a refund, I'm reluctant to give the program up because even the weak version it is at now has some features that I can't do in Logic (and the versions of PT available don't interest me).
    Power Mac G5 quad 2.5 and Mini duo 1.66   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • Lion kills SoundTrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro and Color

    After installing Lion on my cloned boot drive FCP 7.0.3 runs but SoundTrack pro, DVD Studio Pro and Color return an error message indicating Lion can't run PowerPC programs. They also have a white slashed circle over them indicating they aren't compatible.
    This wasn't a widely advertised restriction of Lion prior to its release.
    I'm thankful I have a fully operating Snow Leopard installation.

    I don't know why you would have the PowerPC-only versions installed on an intel machine?  It's very weird, because they should be Universal. This may mean that you were running those apps using Rosetta under Snow Leopard, but Rosetta isn't installed with Lion. You should just re-install from the FCS3 DVD and the proper Intel versions will be placed in your Applications folder.
    I just launched every FCS3 app under Lion and they all work fine, except for Cinema Tools (which unexpectedly quit.)

  • Soundtrack Pro crashes on launch.  New OS 10.6.6 update?

    Hey all,
    I just installed Logic Studio yesterday and updated to OS 10.6.6 today. Soundtrack Pro is crashing on start. Are these two issues related? Is anyone else having this problem?
    The error report tells me this:
    Dyld Error Message:
    Library not loaded: /Library/Application Support/ProApps/SharedA/Frameworks/ProFX.framework/Versions/A/ProFX
    Referenced from: /Applications/Soundtrack Pro
    Reason: image not found
    Other details I have:
    My Soundtrack Pro version is3.0.1. The only other audio apps I have are GarageBand '11 and Amadeus Pro.
    I have restarted the computer, and I have repaired disk permissions.
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by: David Sprunger

    Ok, here's an update on my attempt. nolanscott, you state:
    +reinstalling the old ProKit.framework 5.1 from TimeMachine again,+
    +Soundtrack 1.5 opens again...+
    +(HD / System / Library / PrivateFrameworks / ProKit.framework)+
    I'm using Soundtrack Pro 3.0.1, and I don't find a "PrivateFrameworks" folder. But I did dig into a Mac Pro that has Final Cut Studio and did find what this iMac seems to be missing. But wow, not sure exactly how huge this is, but the ProApps directory on the iMac only has:
    --Bundles [directory]
    --Internal Plug-Ins [directory]
    --Logic Studio System ID
    While the Mac Pro which has Final Cut Studio (admittedly no Logic Studio) has much more robust contents!:
    --Bundles [directory]
    --Final Cut Studio System ID
    --Internal Plug-Ins [directory]
    --MIO [directory]
    -- ProAppsSystemID
    -- SharedA [directory]
    So, in the original error message I got, the entire ShareA folder doesn't even exist. The ShareA folder has 3000+ items in it. I've copied it on the corresponding location on the iMac (Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/ProApps/)... and SoundTrack Pro still fails. This time the relevant message is:
    +Dyld Error Message:+
    +Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/ProMetadataSupport.framework/Versions/A/ProMetadataSupport+
    +Referenced from: /Applications/Soundtrack Pro+
    +Reason: image not found+
    Again, comparing the two computers, inside of the iMac to the Mac Pro, the ProMetadataSupport.framework folder is absent from the iMac. I copy that folder over from the Mac Pro and...
    BINGO. We have launch.
    Now, the one thing about doing this is, that I assume I'm not the only Soundtrack Pro'er out there who is having this problem. I don't know what this will do when Apple releases and update for this. Will my fix cause new problems that conflict with Apples? Or did this in fact having nothing to do with updating to 10.6.6 and stem from something else I did? All I did was install Logic Studio, and run System Update. Didn't launch Soundtrack until after I had updated to 10.6.6, so don't know if the problem is connected to that...
    Thanks nolanscott for inspiring my research!

  • Very used to Soundtrack Pro (on Mac) at school but New to Audition On PC Trying to get Soundtrack Pro workplace

    Hello Everyone This is my first post to the forums because I really need a hand
    In my school we use Soundtrack Pro on our iMacs and I have become very used to it
    Since I have my own windows PC I decided to pick up Audition CS6 to use for sound design at home
    The only problem is I would like to find a way to set up Audition to have the layout (or workplace) of Soundtrack Pro
    I have searched through countless pages to find a way to Import a workplace that looks similar to soundtrack pro's layout and have had no luck
    Is there a way that someone might be able to have a download link to the soundtrack pro workplace to use in Audition CS6? I know I won't be able to get every tab but the closest works as well
    If there is a download to the workplace file where would I put the properties file on PC? I noticed that you can do this on a mac as seen here (Soundtrack Pro?)
    If there is anyone out there who could help I would greatly appreciate it

    if I understand what you're asking for, I don't know that there's any predefined workspace layouts that closely mirror the default layout of Soundtrack Pro, but it shouldn't be too difficult to recreate.  You can drag and drop any panel in Audition, resize it, group them, or hide them altogether.  You can save a layout as a new workspace, or if you completely mess it up, revert to the default layout for your original workspace.  As you drag panels around and hover over existing panels, you'll see different purple "hot-zones" appear. These provide guidance on where the dragged panel will be placed if you release the mouse button.  Hot-zones on the left, right, top, or bottom of a panel will position the dragged panel along side at that position and both will be visible.  Dropping in the center or in the panel tab area at the top will "stack" the panels into a group so whichever tab is clicked will be the visible panel.

  • Soundtrack Pro told me I "don't have permission to write it."

    This has never happened before. Found the FX track I want, a .caf file if that makes a diferance, clicked on it to put in the Edit window, did Command 'S' to save it and this came up:
    "Couldn't save the document because you don't have permission to write it."
    All the premissions, on the top Apple Loops floders are all "Read, Write".
    This is new to me. I could 'Save Copy as.." and save it as an .aiff file to use in FCP.
    Should I stop carring about it since I CAN get a copy?
    Bounus question: Why does YouTube flag my videos for using copywrited material (and may be blocked in some countries) when all the music I use comes out of SoundTrack Pro?

    Repairing the permissions of a home folder in Lion is a complicated procedure. I don’t know of a simpler one that always works.
    Back up all data now. Before proceeding, you must be sure you can restore your system to its present state
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the page that opens.
    Drag or copy — do not type — the following line into the Terminal window, then press return:
    chmod -R -N ~
    The command will take a noticeable amount of time to run. When a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) appears below what you entered, it’s done. You may see a few error messages about an “invalid argument” while the command is running. You can ignore those. If you get an error message with the words “Permission denied,” enter this:
    sudo !!
    You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up.
    Next, boot from your recovery partition by holding down the key combination command-R at startup. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    When the recovery desktop appears, select Utilities ▹ Terminal from the menu bar.
    In the Terminal window, enter “resetpassword” (without the quotes) and press return. A Reset Password window opens. You’re not going to reset the password.
    Select your boot volume if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
    Select  ▹ Restart from the menu bar.

  • Soundtrack Pro Crashes

    I just upgraded to Studio2.
    1- I can't get soundtrack pro to play audio through my external speakers. I get the following error message- Soundtrack Pro is dropping audio because your computers hard disk is not fast enough to deliver all of the audio in time. Isn't this a little crazy since I ma using a Mac Pro 2.66 computer and I am coming from an internal drive.
    2- When I try to Normalize or do noise reduction and other types of fixes to my audio, Soundtrack Pro freezes up.
    I am running a MacPro 2.66 with 2GB RAM
    I am running off of a G-Riad drive- Firewire 800.
    I also tried to work off of my internal drive with the same results.

    I have not upgraded to FCS2 and I expect to refrain from upgrading until these bugs have been resolved by Apple.
    Larry Jordan posted the following comments about upgrading to Soundtrack Pro 2 and Motion 3 on his web site:
    # Soundtrack Pro 2 -- I like what Apple has done, but the application isn't stable. Wait for a dot release before relying on it for serious work.
    # Motion 3 -- The new tools in Motion are amazing, but the stability is not yet there. Like Soundtrack, use it for experimenting, but wait for a dot release before relying on it for tight deadlines.

  • Final Cut and Soundtrack Pro

    Just recently upgraded to Lion and having issues now with FCP and now Soundtrack Pro. I never had any problems until the upgrade, also noticed that my Quicktime Pro is gone, which I used all the time for making flv files for my website for all those in the world who insist on not loading QT on their machines. I am having to use QT 7.6.6 to do that and my flash files are doing strange things.
    Yes, it's supposed to flash like that because I degraded the footage, but not that bad. It has never done anything like that before.
    Another problem I'm having is I have a Macbook Pro hooked up to an old 20" Apple Cinema Display DVI late 2005, I never had issues with it, but now when I got to full screen on my FCP it is making strange lines in the footage as it play back. Never did this before, when I display on the 15" laptop monitor, no issues.
    Soundtrack Pro crashed on me 3 times this morning, never does that.
    Anyone else having any problems? I'm afraid to upgrade to the new FCP because of what I"m reading online about it. I think Apple needs to release a fix for this or are they trying to force us to use the new version and not worried about the old version? I am a professional who using these apps daily to do my job and it is causing me time that I am losing money on.
    Please fix Apple we depend on these apps to work. Wish I had not upgraded to Lion now!

    I think Apple needs to release a fix for this or are they trying to force us to use the new version and not worried about the old version? I am a professional who using these apps daily to do my job and it is causing me time that I am losing money on.
    Please fix Apple we depend on these apps to work. Wish I had not upgraded to Lion now!
    Why are you being forced to use the new version of anything... including the operating system?
    If you are a professional then you always stick with what works and/or use what it takes to get the job done.
    STP is not supported under Lion, it's been discontinued, EOL.
    I worry about you Mac folks.... the days of auto-upgrading to the latest and "greatest" are over, "It Just Works" only pertains to iMovie, Garageband and apps included with the OS.
    Apple is a hardware company, their software is designed to sell hardware, Lion requires more memory and processing power as does FCPX.

  • SoundTrack Pro 2.0.2 has bugs along with AUL

    Does anyone know if Apple will be releasing a new update for SoundTrack Pro? A few things that I am encountering.
    -I CANNOT export a audio file from FCP to STP. I've done everything including reinstalling a clean install of the software but I am still not able to send a file to FCP. What occurs is that the file is sent and STP opens up but that **** beach ball just spins and spins and I have to close down because "APPLICATION NOT RESPONDING". pure frustration.
    - I also use Logic Studio 8 and everything works there just fine. What I've noticed is that If I open STP Independently and choose an audio file to place on the timeline I get nothing but a "SCRATCHY" return. I've made sure that all things related were either connected or programmed right as far as input and output of my speaker system and Ultralite Motu Interface. I also happen to notice too that Apple's Utility Loop player does the exact same thing. I've done all the updates and I am still having problems. Does anyone know about any of this? Please let me know because I am completely disgusted and frustrated.


  • Unable to "Send to: Soundtrack Pro Audio File Project"

    With a solo clip in its own sequence, I wanted to do some audio work in Soundtrack Pro. I control-clicked on the clip and selected "Send to." The option for Soundtrack Pro Audio File Project is grayed out, not allowing me to select it.
    Any suggestions?

    I figured out you can only do "one track" at a time and not multiple tracks. Once I Option clicked on the single track, it came back. Just FYI.

  • Professional Podcast Recording - Soundtrack Pro

    I'm looking to start recording a high-quality podcast to be featured in iTunes. Before I make my investment of hardware and software I wanted to get an opinion from the forums on Soundtrack Pro. Apple recommends Soundtrack Pro as it's preferred software for making professional podcasts. I'm looking for some opinions to validate this claim. I have a few questions about it myself:
    1. If you've used GarageBand is Soundtrack Pro easy to learn and use?
    2. Is it easy to create live podcasts in Soundtrack Pro? Meaning, can you make a podcast without a lot of post-production work?
    3. Along the lines of live podcasts, is it easy to have music and sound effects queued up to play during a live recording?
    4. Is there a better piece of software than Soundtrack Pro to accomplish what I'm looking to do?
    Thanks in advance for your help and advice.

    I'm Tee Morris and I'm one of the authors behind Podcasting for Dummies and Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies. It was in my first year (2005) in podcasting I made the jump from GarageBand to Soundtrack Pro, and I have no regrets in doing so. While many of my podcasts are simple in their production, my podcast novels tend to be production heavy. I prefer them that way. Soundtrack Pro allows me a few extra features (and some post-production tools that are superior in performance) that GarageBand lacks.
    This does not mean that I have completely abandoned GarageBand as an essential podcasting tool.
    To address your questions one at a time...
    1. The learning curve between GB and STP is minimal at best. I was worried about that, too, but was recording within minutes of launching the application. There is a lot to STP and I feel as if I continue to learn new things about it. The jump is an easy one to make.
    2. Now that STP offers multitrack recording with verison 2 it is very easy to create live podcasts. As it is with any dramatic upgrade (and the change between STP 1.5 and STP 2 is a pretty big one), there are a few quirks. I am confident that STP is on the right direction. The multitrack recording ability is fantastic, and its features geared for podcasters are a real blessing. Exporting at mp3 is a touch slow (I've seen some "5 seconds remaining..." files take five minutes to export.), but still a nice upgrade from Apple.
    3. As far as playing live music and sound effects, I'm going to have to say STP takes a hit on that. To play live drop-in's in my podcasts, I have to rig up an audio loop from my speakers to the mixer board, and then use cart software (in my case, SoundByte) for the audio. It works. It would be nice to see STP come up with a cart interface similar to SoundByte but I would rather see the Enhanced Podcasting feature improved.
    That is the other hit I think STP v2 suffers. It's promising Enhanced Podcasting features, and after several attempts and even a few checked resources, I am either still missing a step or the STP Enhanced Podcast features are not quite right. The images pop up fine in the m4a file, but none of the URL's embed. As it is a new feature for STP, the ability to incorporate images I find a bit clunky when compared to GarageBand. GB's ability to make Enhanced Podcasts stands head and shoulders above STP's and that is why we use it for our enhanced feed at Podcasting for Dummies.
    4. With the amount of production demands in my podcasts, I can't imagine NOT using STP. I've been very happy with it since 2006, continue to be happy with it, and look forward to the improvements coming in the future. I do wish they released it as a stand alone and think it a shame that many will not turn to STP for their podcasting solutions as it is bundled with the Final Cut Suite. That is a mistake on Apple's part. I find the FCS a worthwhile investment, but if you are not into video then you are wasting money.
    That being said, I think GB is a better tool for Enhanced Podcasting, and always keep an eye and ear out for new software packages that offer something for what we do. In my experiences since 2005, I find Soundtrack Pro a must-have for audio professionals and high-production podcasters. Many third-party vendors, however, are working on some really cool stuff (ala Wire Tap Studio Pro) and Apple should stay on their game. The competition is out there.
    Hope this answers your questions. Good luck!

  • How does soundtrack pro hold up?

    I am a broadcasting student and working a good amount with adobe audition editing audio, I am please with adobe but obviously on a mac cannot run it, i have been shopping around for other applications such as pro tools ect and would appreciate any feedback on soundtrack pro i would be using it mostly for radio promos, commercials, bits ect. thanks for the help

    jebus! I use STP every day for TV/Film sound design projects.
    it was a bit buggy at first, but since the last couple of releases it's been super stable. what version are you guys running? I use v1.0.3. it does have a few shortcomings - fade option & moving automation with clips being my main gripes, but I've been working with music apps for 15 years (ATARI days) and it's the 1st app I reach for on a audio editing/sound design project.
    I also use Logic Pro for my music composition, but bring all my mixes into STP.
    I just finished 2 short films using STP...
    one for an oscar nominated director ...
    and this one too ..
    lots of TV work here ...
    gavin little
    dublin, ireland
    G5 Dual 2Ghz + G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)

  • Where is Soundtrack Pro?

    I'm on Logic Pro 9.1.8
    Mountain Lion 10.8.5
    I'm doing a tutorial walkthrough (D. Nahmani, 'Pro Audio Production' p.322).
    The instruction in step 5 (Choose Options > Audio > Open in Soudtrack Pro) has revealed that I don't have Soundtrack Pro, and I'm not sure why?
    I bought from the App Store more than a year ago.
    Can anyone help, please?
    I've had a cursory look for the application in the applications folder but I'm not locating it if it is on my disk.

    Master Knob wrote:
    I figured as much but I'm perplexed; why then is this discontinued app 'appendage' referred to with prominence in D. Nahmani's walkthrough for the official workbook for Logic Pro 9.
    The book was written for the original (boxed) Logic Studio version, prior to the AppStore only LP9 release.
    Master Knob wrote:
    Regarding opening audio files in a separate audio-editing app - do you have anything you'd recommend that equal Soundtrack Pro? Secondly, is editing outside of Logic so advantageous, anyhow?
    There are plenty of 3rd party audio file editors, for example Adobe Audition, Sound Forge and others. Some audio file editors (including STP) will allow you do do things that are not possible in Logic ( e.g. frequency spectrum view) or much more fiddly to do in Logic.

  • How do i use the stretching tool in soundtrack pro

    i have a split track song with muitiple them all loaded in soundtrack pro,when i play the track there are i lot of skips please help big project for fathers day

    O.K. so do you need to slow down the music, or speed it up? That's what the stretching tool is for, like in a video scene where the music slows to the tempo the actors are speaking. To use it; you must have an audio file: export multiple tracks by selecting them and choosing Export from the file menu. If you're trying to interlace audio then you should export each track individually and paste them together in an audio file. Next select the audio you want to change then drag the parameters of the selected music: either forwards to delay, or backwards to speed up, just like changing the crop of a photo. Be aware that you can drastically change the audio, trial and error works best, just use Edit>undo till you get it. Also try removing some clicks and pops in analysis.

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