Gaps in layout - especially in IE

What am I doing wrong? Dreamweaver seems so touchy with
regards to adjusting layout cells - the slightest alteration can
throw off the format, usually adding extra gaps in. It's generally
only a problem in IE/win, though occasionally I see it in Firefox,
not nearly as often though - sometimes stretching then reducing the
cell seems to get it back in place, but this is so tedious. Is
Layout mode not 'kosher'?
Example - client site I'm working on:
Notice the gap between the house pic on the left side and the
navbar underneath - it shouldn't be there, and it's not on all
pages - but in IE things look less consistent all around.
Sorry if this is a total newbie/tired question, but I have
searched. Really the only thing slowing me down.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 18:35:58 +0000 (UTC), "adambarisoff"
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Example - client site I'm working on:
> Notice the gap between the house pic on the left side
and the navbar
>underneath - it shouldn't be there, and it's not on all
pages - but in IE
>things look less consistent all around.
The spans are a result of using layout mode to draw tables.
approach will never produce stable pages.

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  • [svn:fx-trunk] 9225: Fix bug: Rows disappear in Spark List when using negative gap in layout and using virtualization

    Revision: 9225
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-11 11:36:09 -0700 (Tue, 11 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug: Rows disappear in Spark List when using negative gap in layout and using virtualization
    Fix: Change H/V layouts first-visible-element lookup logic to accommodate negative gaps.
    QE notes: None
    Doc notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-22497
    Reviewer: Hans
    Tests run: checkintests,
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    You can check the LabVIEW Support page.
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    johnsold wrote:
    The Announcements box and perhaps the sidebars might show up when you first log in, but when you click into the first Board, it switches to the layout specified by the user.   
    Oh NO - I kinda like the announcement bar just the way it is!  Don't you?

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    Hi Marc,
    The reason to use BPS is once the data is in the layout, we need to run the data in a  true forecast / simulation model (i.e. compare actuals, copy data between differnt planning versions, Foreign Exchange rate planning , allocation, revaluation, etc...) on a different hierarchy level.
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    Hi frnd..
    Please refer the link.
    SAP Library - BC Style and Form Maintenance
    Image shows how to edit your field to meet this requirement.
    This will solve your issue..
    You should apply for your quantity field. eg: &gwa_output-price(CIZ)&.

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    You're confusing two similar though technically different things.
    You have the dpi (dot's per inch in the raster file) resolution of the images (assuming the image will not be reduced or enlarged) of 300 dpi - that is a static resolution and it one of two resolution settings that affect the quality of a printed image.
    I was told the books are printed cmyk with screening so the other resolution that you have no control over is the "LPI" or "Lines per Inch" of the printing process. The CMYK separations are each printed at a different angle to achieve the full color effect.
    The soft cover books appear to be printed at a lesser lpi than the hard cover books which would give the images a courser look to them.
    I have not compared the books under a loop so this is going on what I was told.

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    I appreciate your answer. TIA

    Hi Rajh,
    Unfortunately, the functionality to copy screen layout (form setting) from one user to another is not available in any current release.         
    Please see note [1136539|] and [1028874|].
    You're welcome to go to SAP Business One Product Development Collaboration. The forum is being moderated by members of the Solution Management team. Partners can impact the design of specific features by posting suggestions and feedback at this forum:                              
    /community [original link is broken]                            
    Thank you for your understanding.
    SAP Business One Forum Team

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    Thanks a lot and have a good day,

    My Question is how user-exit in variable can read selected row in web planning layout especially it happens when I_step = 1 ?
    I think there is no way to do it. I_STEP=1 called before the report shows the data.
    But may be the next approach could help you:
    1. when you select line you can use command for populating variables according to selected line. let's say yohave selected line with costcenterr XXX so you can populate variable (let's say Z_CC) with selected value.
    2. create FOX that reads variable Z_CC value and calls any function module with customized table and variable value (you can use CALL FUNCTION statement within FOX and pass to it variable value).
    This is just an idea of some direction - may be you can take it and develope to required result.

  • Phtmlb:progressIndicator

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    3) the program reads data an prints a list out
    4) this list is in the browser displayed
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    Has any one an idea ??   Thanks a lot

    if you only want to tell the user that the application is currently busy with reading the data then just use the   <xhtmlb:protectDoubleSubmit/> extension. It displays a message to the user that the request is being processed. My user like it and never requested a progress bar.
    Try this:
    ...your view code...
    Message was edited by: Thomas Ritter

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    This can now be solved with a specific "persisted state" key flag, as documented in . For example to realize a NO_TRIM window, add the key/value styleOverride/8, where 8 is the value if you get the numeric of
    int val = SWT.NO_TRIM;
    Hey Zugi: Liebe Grüsse! Master UIBK/2010

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    - Similar scenario, what would happen if "enable" mode is used? The portal page is reload? the refresh action of portlet B is also called? or only the current jsp of portlet B is called?

  • InDesign only showing part of the image

    I'm doing a job for a client in InDesign CS5. I have not worked in CS5 before, so don't know if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.
    It seems to happen randomly and I have checked the preferences and tried using different settings for the Display Performance. I've even tried viewing the job with Overprint Preview switched on.
    When placing images only a part of the image shows. When I output to PDF or Print the file then the entire image shows. This makes it very hard to do layouts, especially in cases where I need to crop an image.
    In InDesign it looks like this:
    When I output to PDF (this is a low res output, just to demonstrate my point) the entire image shows:
    In InDesign it looks like this:
    When I output to PDF:
    The machine I'm ding this job on is an iMac, 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB 800MHZ DDR2 SDRAM. It is running Mac OSX 10.6.4. And InDesign is on version 7.0.2.

    mafeiteng wrote:
    I'm doing a job for a client in InDesign CS5. I have not worked in CS5 before, so don't know if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.
    It seems to happen randomly and I have checked the preferences and tried using different settings for the Display Performance. I've even tried viewing the job with Overprint Preview switched on.
    When placing images only a part of the image shows. When I output to PDF or Print the file then the entire image shows. This makes it very hard to do layouts, especially in cases where I need to crop an image.
    In InDesign it looks like this:
    When I output to PDF (this is a low res output, just to demonstrate my point) the entire image shows:
    In InDesign it looks like this:
    When I output to PDF:
    The machine I'm ding this job on is an iMac, 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB 800MHZ DDR2 SDRAM. It is running Mac OSX 10.6.4. And InDesign is on version 7.0.2.
    If I understand things correctly, you're placing client-supplied images into a new InDesign file that you're creating, so the only part of the workflow that you haven't created is the graphics. This logically leaves the container file innocent.
    The question becomes "what's up with either the hardware or the graphics?" If the problem persists with the same graphic files and a new container file on a different user account on the same computer, it's possible that hardware is the villain. If it doesn't persist on a different computer, it's likely the hardware. If it does persist on a different computer, in a new container file, it's likely something in the graphics files.
    It's not clear if the graphics card in your iMac is one of the models whose video RAM is "dedicated," that is, it doesn't share video RAM with the main RAM, or if it does share VRAM. If it shares RAM, it's possible that 4GB isn't sufficient to display all the open applications and their demands. If this is the cause, it's a hardware issue (insufficient RAM.)
    Because the graphics print and convert to PDF without the problem, it would seem that the graphics are innocent, but perhaps something in the processing of these outputs causes the problem to disappear. For example, perhaps there's some flattening involved. Perhaps there's a clipping path or channel mask of some kind involved that affects the InDesign display? (Just fishing.)
    Have you tried opening the graphics in their creating application and saving them to new names? Any difference in the behavior when those graphics are freshly-placed in InDesign, or when their links are updated?
    Have you tried placing PDFs of the graphics? If they appear properly, can you crop them to achieve your requirements and hope the problem goes away after the deadline passes<G>?
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Interface builder NSSplitView general guidance

    Hi all,
    Just working on an OSX Cocoa Document Based Core Data app. I'm trying to decide how I should be working with IB - i.e. the extent to which I setup the layout in there, as opposed to driving it from XCode.
    At a high level the basic screen layout isn't far away from iTunes. At the moment I have two split views - one horizontal with the lower locked down to provide a footer control bar for my app. In the upper half of the split view, I've then added another (this time vertical) split view to provide for the custom outline view I've built on the left and the main event on the right hand side. Not sure why, but it just feels like I'm doing this wrong. For instance, have I just layered another split view over the lower split view (it certainly doesn't seem to be nested) - should I just build a custom view at the bottom to facilitate the bottom toolbar etc? The main event is likely to require a horizontal split and various custom views within it so the main question is...from an IB POV should it just be insanely simple ie a vertical split view in the top 90% of the screen and a single view across the bottom with all of the nitty gritty then populated by work in xcode?
    Sorry if this question is inane or garbled - thanks for taking the time to read it. I come from the world of windows and for me the whole Cocoa thing feels like being an 8 yr old in a sweet shop with a pocket full of money.

    Any time someone surfaces with questions about 'general guidance' in terms of layouts, especially when they're coming over from a Windows environment, I'm reminded of the right way/right thing method of heuristics.
    The bottom line is that this is all centered on the user...not the datasource, not the designer, not the tools, not the OS.
    Put the user first and the rest will fall in place. If you haven't done so already, it will be time well spent to review Apple's HIGs.

  • What is Ganzior

    What is Ganizor
    (Open source - - Try it now, examples included!
    Ganizor is a PHP library designed and developed for Flash and HTML 5. The system uses FTML for quick toggling between both Flash and HTML 5, but also has future plan for [Pure States] where Ganizor can be loaded as a raw SWF or raw HTML 5.
    Here is a working example of Ganizor in  action.
        //add some kids
        $container = new Container();
        $container->relativeChildSize = true;
        $label = new Label();
        $label->text = 'My Label';
        $button = new Button();
        $button->label = 'My Button';
        $button->bold = true;
        $box = new VBox();
        $box->gap = 10;
        //always use [addChildToStage] to add display
        //elements to the render list
    That does just what you think it should and builds the display list as it would in Flash.  This is all done in PHP and does not require you to switch sandboxes.
    (Open source - - Try it now, examples included!
    - its only getting better!

    @dmennenoh - there are many things Ganizor does beyond the scope of a normal php system.
    Quick reasons
    its the first php system designed JUST FOR FLASH
    full OOP
    visual php, you dont switch sandboxes... all visuals are in php
    Quick usage:
    php / flash systems (go figure)
    web services manager (has full xml output as well)
    flash cms
    Coming soon
    dual events and objects between flash and php
    states allowing the system to switch and 'goto' any preset state
    virtual ssl (native encryption with both flash and php - not serialization)
    The list keeps growing.

  • Help with my Page Header

    OK, I am a complete newbee to Dreamweaver. I just bought DW
    MX 2004 and am trying to create a simple website. The header of the
    main index page will simply be my name at the top with a line
    underneath my name that stretches across the entire page, then
    underneath the line I want some links like "main" , "galleries" ,
    "links" , "about" ...etc. I want the header to look something like
    Another option is along these lines...
    So, here are some specific questions...
    1. Should I use a table to create this?
    2. How do I draw the line?
    3. Should I use simple html text for the links or create
    jpegs for each element?
    (I was able to create a table for all of the text and it
    looked decent, but I could not create the line.)
    Thanks for any input you can provide?

    > Although tables are deprecated by many
    Tables are not deprecated. But they are not considered
    optimal for page
    layout, especially given the many reasons one would want to
    presentation from content.
    > give the table containing the text a coloured border and
    turn the top
    > and side borders off using css
    It sounds like you are suggesting that the op use the invalid
    proprietary) table bordercolor attribute for this. The better
    answer would
    be to give the table a colored top border using CSS.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Malcolm N_" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 23:19:46 +0000 (UTC), "Patrick Cox"
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>OK, I am a complete newbee to Dreamweaver. I just
    bought DW MX 2004 and
    >>trying to create a simple website. The header of the
    main index page will
    >>simply be my name at the top with a line underneath
    my name that stretches
    >>across the entire page, then underneath the line I
    want some links like
    >>, "galleries" , "links" , "about" ...etc. I want the
    header to look
    >>like this...
    >> 1. Should I use a table to create this?
    > Although tables are deprecated by many - they are still
    a valid way to
    > go. Could you produce a page with css ?
    >> 2. How do I draw the line?
    > give the table containing the text a coloured border and
    turn the top
    > and side borders off using css
    >> 3. Should I use simple html text for the links or
    create jpegs for each
    > I suggest you just use html text and style them with css
    > You say you have bought Dw2004 - that is now rather long
    in the tooth
    > and there are two later releases that are much better -
    especially in
    > the handling of css.
    > I have assumed you know some html & css - if not the
    common advice
    > here is to get a few books and/or read a few tutorial
    first - there
    > really is no shortcut. Dw is a fine program but you will
    get so much
    > more from it if your know html & css.
    > --
    > ~Malcolm N....
    > ~

Maybe you are looking for