GDM dependency problem

I've hust done a pacman -Syu, anche then:
yaourt -Sy gdm
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
resolving dependencies...
error: cannot resolve "xorg-xsm", a dependency of "gdm"
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: gdm: requires xorg-xsm

no changes, also after a pacman -Syy
$ yaourt -Syy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core 31.7K 480.7K/s 00:00:00 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
extra 412.9K 700.9K/s 00:00:01 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
community 361.0K 655.4K/s 00:00:01 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
nicfury@nicfuria ~
$ yaourt -Sy gdm
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
resolving dependencies...
error: cannot resolve "xorg-xsm", a dependency of "gdm"
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: gdm: requires xorg-xsm

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    fwojciec wrote:
    That's not how Arch is supposed to work.  Arch is about giving power to the users.  With power comes responsibility, and this responsibility falls on the users in this case.  Remember -- this is a "do it yourself" kind of distribution and so if what I want to do is to screw up my system I should be able to do it in an easy, efficient and elegant way.  This is consistent with the mission statement of the Arch Linux project, this is how Arch works and this is why many of us love it.
    On a personal note, if Arch/pacman tried to hold my hand more, like you suggest it should, I'd be switching to another distro very, very quickly.
    It's not really about trying to get arch/pacman to hold your hand for you. It's more about giving the possibility to recover from a serious mistake. If you can tell me something wrong with adding an option wich checks for missing dependencies on your system and how that particular feature intervenes with "the arch way" - then please do.
    I'm not saying arch is bad, arch is actually the best linux distro I've used so far - but there is something common with almost all distros - you get dependency problems after a while, one way or another.
    Thats why I think there should be a way to resolve such issues.

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    CA Forum: Deployment
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    Wish I could help you but I had the same problem. Not sure why.

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    Last edited by jeypeyy (2010-01-24 10:21:51)

    jeypeyy wrote:
    I have xfce and want to have a display manager so that I can automatically boot to the desktop. In (X)ubuntu I used to have gdm, so I would like to have that now too. The problem is that when I try to install gdm with pacman, gnome-desktop becomes a target. How come? Xubuntu uses gdm without having Gnome installed.
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    gdm has the same depedencies in ubuntu as in arch but the thing is they have split packages. they split gnome-panel in libpanel-applet2-0  etc. the same can be on gnome-desktop.
    if you really want to get rid of gnome-desktop, i recommend abs and recompile it and see if is working without gnome-desktop and his dependencies

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    Set the UL margin so the browsers don't use their defaults.
    IE is less than FF's default.
    ul#navlist {margin: 10px;}
    Adjust as needed.
    Then just get rid of the margin-top:20; in the LI style.
    The menu text does overflow in my FF, as I probably have my
    text size set larger than yours.
    Such is the nature of AP Divs (aka Layers).
    More info at the link below. Scroll down to the section
    entitled "The trouble with Layers: Overflowing Text" to see
    screenshots and the fix.
    Take care,

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    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: The following packages should be upgraded first :
    :: Do you want to cancel the current operation
    :: and upgrade these packages now? [Y/n] y
    resolving dependencies...
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    looking for inter-conflicts...
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    :: kmod and module-init-tools are in conflict. Remove module-init-tools? [y/N] y
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: gcc: requires gcc-libs=4.6.2-5
    I am not sure about the real approach to this problem.I cannot update pacman neither can I delete all the packages to resolve dependencies.
    Any help will be appreciated Thanks.
    Last edited by stp002 (2012-04-06 10:03:48)

    This is really handled in quite alot of threads on the forums already. Simply running:
    # pacman -S pacman
    should fix it for you.
    Additional info about the kmod/module-init-tools warning.

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    Works OK with XP and Office 2010.
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    Win 7 and Office 2010 DON'T work together.
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    resolving dependencies...
    :: There are 3 providers available for lib32-libgl:
    :: Repository multilib
    1) lib32-mesa-libgl 2) lib32-nvidia-304xx-utils 3) lib32-nvidia-libgl
    Enter a number (default=1):
    The problem arises at this point:
    1) I am using nvidia, so I can't use mesa.
    2) I have installed driver 319.17 with the corresponding util package, so not this one.
    3) I guess this is the answer. But since I am using bumblebee, I checked the wiki page (  and under section 2.1 there is a note:
    Note: Do not install lib32-nvidia-libgl! Bumblebee will find the correct lib32 nvidia libs without it.
    This leaves me confused. What am I supposed to do at this point? Is it a problem on Bumblebee's part? Or since lib-32-nvidia-304xx-utils is legacy now, shouldn't the dependency be updated to include the latest nvidia-utils package 319.17-1? Or am I missing something?
    Any kind of insight will be deeply appreciated.
    NOTE: Just before submitting this post, I learned that there was Optimus support in the beta release of this driver, but in the release notes of the released version contains nothing about Optimus … river.html
    so I guess installing Bumblebee was not a mistake?
    Last edited by Pipix (2013-05-17 22:43:22)

    I have pretty much the same problem.
    I went for lib32-mesa-libgl and uninstalled lib32-nvidia-libgl.  Problem was that Steam did not find so i had to install lib32-intel-dri too.
    Now steam works but i cannot use the nvidia GPU..... if i set launch options to "primusrun %command%" then dota2 does not launch.
    optirun glxgears works.
    primusrun glxgears works.
    Even all CUDA examples work.
    what could be the problem?
    Last edited by labotsirc (2013-08-26 20:25:32)

  • Dependency problem with unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-7.1.i386

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    error: Failed dependencies:
         unixODBC = 2.2.11-7.1 is needed by unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-7.1.i386
    How can I resolve this problem?
    Thank you in advance.

    sorry. I mean, I installed unixODBC package at first.
    The problem is resolved. It was version conflict. I installed unixODBC-2.2.11-1.i386.rpm first, but actually I should install unixODBC-2.2.11-7.1.i386.rpm!
    Thank you all the same. :-)

  • DTR dependency problem

    My problem is as follows:
    1)I have created a java DC which contains several classes.
    2)In that DC’s public part, I have created an assembly (by choosing “Can be packaged into other…”) which exposes all of the classes.
    3)I have created a second DC which is a WebDynpro DC.
    4)In the WebDynpro DC I have declared the 1st DC as a “used DC”.
    5)I have built and deployed the Webdynpro DC – this part works fine. However, when we run the webdynpro I get an error that states that the classes from the JAVA DC are not known to the Webdynpro.
    I think that the problem might be that the .jar files are not packaged into the webdynpro .ear file as a result of a bug in the ANT script that is generated in order to package this .ear file.
    I have created a second scenario which uses a J2EE Enterprise Application instead of the WebDynpro. This project too results in an .ear file but this time the .ear DOES include the classes from the JAVA DC.
    Furthermore, I have looked at the build.xml files of both the projects (the webdynpro DC and the Enterprise Application DC). While the Enterprise Application’s build.xml contains the line:
    <copy todir="C:\Documents and Settings\I029211\.dtc\POCCAF\t\644CC03E11A2633C5526B12EC82461DB/jars">
                        <mapper type="flatten"/>
                        <fileset dir="C:\Documents and Settings\I029211\.dtc\POCCAF\DCs\\xapps\poc\common\_comp\gen\default\public\CommonDataObjects\">
                               <include name="lib/java/."/>
    Which is responsible for bundling .jars into the .ear file, the WebDynpro’s script contains no such line (or anything similar).
    That leads us to the conclusion that the problem might be in the generation of the ANT script of the WebDynpro project.

    Did u try adding the referenced DC project name(in the format of <provider name>/<application name>) in the sharing references of the second webdynpro DC? I suppose this should solve the problem.

  • Pacman -Suy gives mod_perl dependency problem

    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    warning: cannot resolve "perl=5.12.1", a dependency of "mod_perl"
    :: the following package(s) cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
    Do you want to skip the above package(s) for this upgrade? [y/N] y
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: mod_perl: requires perl=5.12.1

    File a bug report.

  • Gdm locale problem..

    Default locale is en_US.UTF-8 and I need to input Korean Language..
    So LC_CTYPE is setted ko_KR.UTF-8 in .xinitrc
    But only when loggin in gdm, locale LC_CTYPE doesn't work.,
    .profile and .xprofile file is no useful....
    In my experence, .xprofile affect to gdm..
    But it doesn't work..
    Last edited by queenmedley (2008-02-10 17:08:14)

    Maybe you can change the subject of this thread, as the issue is not only related to gdm, IMHO.
    I don't get it either. Settings are LOCALE="sv_SE"  and KEYMAP="sv-latin1" in rc.conf and locale -a gives me
    [root@localhost ~]# locale -a
    But something is still wrong, because calling up some manpages gives me
    Cannot open the message catalog "man" for locale "sv_SE"
    I ran locale-gen, but I'm pretty lost in this locale business too...

  • DDL view dependancy problem

    I have a child view with requires a parent view. When I use the Data Modeler to create the DDL statements the child view gets created before the parent view, which results in an error:
    SQL Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
    How can I give the Data Modeler a hint, that the parent view has to be created first?

    Which version of Data Modeler are you using?
    This problem used to occur in version 2.0, but in 3.0 and later the DDL order should reflect the dependencies between the views.
    If you are using version 3.0/3.1, it would be helpful if you could provide the DDL definitions of the views that are coming out in the wrong order.
    Edited by: David Last on Jul 5, 2012 5:36 PM

  • Slight dependency problem when installing calibre

    I installed calibre on my pogoplug with this command:
    pacman -S calibre
    The install went OK, but trying to start calibre thereafter showed an error because the dbus-glib library was missing.
    I had to install the corresponding library to fix this with this command:
    pacman -S dbus-glib
    I think that the dependencies of the calibre package must be updated accordingly. How do we go about this ?

    A bug report would be appropriate, but we'll need to figure out a few things first.
    calibre depends on python2-dbus , and dbus-glib is an optional dependency of python2-dbus .
    Main question appears to be if calibre could be configured to run without dbus-glib present, if so it should be an optional dependency for calibre.
    Please post the error you got from calibre.

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