Generate report chart files.

Hi All:
Will AE do automated generation of charts (bar) into GIF or JPEG? Is there any Oracle product that will do this, besides Chart Builder?
I would like to use Chart Builder but it is not a supported tool any more, it was a beta. Please advise.

if I should not modify the query, how to generate the graph many times? If you are using the following query, you can pass the parameter to run for one customer or for all customers:
select name,location,sal,departement from table1 t1 and table2 t2 where Number1 = Number2 and sal < 20000 and Number1 = '100'; So modified query will look like this (see the part in bold):
select name,location,sal,department from table1 t1 and table2 t2 where Number1 = Number2 and sal < 20000 and *(:p_customer_no is null or Number1 = :p_customer_no)*
Hope this helps.

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    It is possible since Reports 9.0.2 with the parameter SUBJECT.
    It is not possible if you are using an "older" version of Reports ..

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    This specifically means that the destinations have not been configured in the Crystal Job Server.  If you're running 4.x, this may be part of the "Adaptive Job Server" instead of or in addition to a Crystal Job Server.  If you're using 3.1 or earlier, you'll also have to set up the destination in the Destination Job Server.
    You'll have to log in to the CMC, go to Servers, right-click on the correct job server and go to "Destinations".  You'll then add something like "File" or "Unmanaged Disk" to the available destinations and save.  Stop the job server, start it again, and your error should go away.
    Please be aware that unless you're using specific credentials to schedule the report or you're saving to the server where BO is installed, you'll need to make sure that the BO services are running under a network "Services" account that has access to the folder you're scheduling the report to. By default during installation it's set to run under the "Local Services" account that doesn't have access to the network.

  • File system usage report chart generation - automated via reports and email

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    It's a pretty open-ended question, because a number of things can be causing slow performance.  You mention needing to look at ODBC connection performance - I found that using ODBC drivers for iSeries was very slow in the past.  You might want to look at using the JDBC driver in the IBM JTOpen Toolkit - it made a big difference for us when we were querying iSeries in the past.
    When you refer to "reports" in this thread's title, do you mean reports from ColdFusion Report Builder?  Or to just ColdFusion .cfm pages?  How complex are these reports?  How much information is displayed, especially in tabular form?  Just rendering huge HTML tables (as in thousands of rows of data) will often cause browsers to become temporarily unresponsive or hang.  If you provide more details, we might better be able to target where the "pain point" really is.
    -Carl V.

  • While generating reports in Oracle BI Publisher in pdf format, the generated pdf reports have hindi  इ matra displaced by one character. For example, रिपोर्ट is printed as रपेिोरट.  Word file generated of the same report have correct hindi इ  matra positi

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  • Need to generate a Index xml file for corresponding Report PDF file.

    Need to generate a Index xml file for corresponding Report PDF file.
    Currently in fusion we are generating a pdf file using given Rtf template and dataModal source through Ess BIPJobType.xml .
    This is generating pdf successfully.
    As per requirement from Oracle GSI team, they need index xml file of corresponding generated pdf file for their own business scenario.
    Please see the following attached sample file .
    PDf file :
    Index file :
    In R12 ,
         We are doing this through java API call to FOProcessor and build the pdf. Here is sample snapshot :
         xmlStream = PrintInvoiceThread.generateXML(pCpContext, logFile, outFile, dbCon, list, aLog, debugFlag);
         OADocumentProcessor docProc = new OADocumentProcessor(xmlStream, tmpDir);
         PrintInvoiceThread :
              out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>");
                   out.print("<xapi:requestset ");
                   out.println("<xapi:filesystem output=\"" + outFile.getFileName() + "\"/>");
                   out.println("<xapi:indexfile output=\"" + outFile.getFileName() + ".idx\">");
                   out.println(" <totalpages>${VAR_TOTAL_PAGES}</totalpages>");
                   out.println(" <totaldocuments>${VAR_TOTAL_DOCS}</totaldocuments>");
                   out.println("<xapi:document output-type=\"pdf\">");
    XMLDocument idxDoc = new XMLDocument();
    ((XMLElement)(generator.buildIndexItems(idxDoc, am, row)).getDocumentElement()).print(out);
    idxDoc = null;
         In r12 we have a privilege to use page number variable through oracle.apps.xdo.batch.ControlFile
              public static final String VAR_BEGIN_PAGE = "${VAR_BEGIN_PAGE}";
              public static final String VAR_END_PAGE = "${VAR_END_PAGE}";
              public static final String VAR_TOTAL_DOCS = "${VAR_TOTAL_DOCS}";
              public static final String VAR_TOTAL_PAGES = "${VAR_TOTAL_PAGES}";
    Is there any similar java library which do the same thing in fusion .
    Note: I checked in the BIP doc
              Section Invoking Processors with InputStream .
    But this is not helping much to me. Is there any other document/view-let which covers these thing .
    Appreciate any help/suggestions.
    -anjani prasad
    I have attached these java file in kixs :

    You can find the steps here.

  • Parameter issue - report not generating any pdf files

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to run a report which generates pdf files. Is there any limitation on the parameter string size? For one of the parameter values - '11F EA Accept nonhonor ASnSOMnSON_20091201090150846' the report is not generating any pdf files. I assumed the reason is of the keyword 'AS' in it and created another parameter value - '11F EA Accept nonhonor AnS-SOM-SON_20091202074331997', but it is also not generating any pdf files. I get this message from Adobe Reader " There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be opened because it has no pages. " The report is working normally when i hardcode the same parameter values into the logic. Any suggestions on this?
    Edited by: user1049091 on Dec 2, 2009 9:17 AM
    Edited by: user1049091 on Dec 2, 2009 12:37 PM

    That report is working normally for all the parameter values, except this one. It is not working only if i pass the value - ''11F EA Accept nonhonor ASnSOMnSON_20091201090150846' as a parameter. It is generating the pdf files when i hardcode the same value into sql query logic in the data template, instead of passing it as a parameter. Please advise.

  • How to generate a Text file from a Report

    Hi Friends,
    I need to generate a Text file foramat from my Report.My client is having a text file in a standard format.I need to Generate this Text file according to that text format.
    My requirement is For one production order there will be so many line items and for each line item based on its Quantity i need to generate serial numbers.
    For Ex for Production order 100 there r 3 line items.If 1st line item is of Quantity 20.I need to Generate 20 serial numbers for the 1st line item and the same for the remaining line items also.
    How can i proceed.I need to do dis based on the production order Number.
    In d selection screen i need to put the fields Production order Number and From:----
      and u button Generate Text file.If I click on Generate Text file Text file should be generated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: chitty d on Mar 12, 2009 5:44 AM

    As far as i understand from your requirements, it like you need all the data item leve into a text file.
    You can fetch all the relevant data from variuos tables and then use  GUI_Download into a text file.

  • How I could generate an XML file from a report in version 4.0B

    Good morning,
    How could I generate an XML file from a report? Please note that I am using version 4.0B
    I don't have access to
    Billy Vital

            In the Class CL_XML_DOCUMENT,
                 we have a method  EXPORT_TO_FILE to download an XML file.

  • Generate an HTML file from a Report in ABAP

    Good morning,
    How I could generate an HTML file from a report.
    Any Ideas... I have found the function WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML, but someone has the standar code and how use this function?
    Thanks a lot,
    Hernán Restrepo

    I am facing a similar problem.I did try using the function module WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML in the reoprt program, as I'm trying to generate a url from a report, but i'm not able to get the expected results. The code is given below. Could someone please try and help me resolve this issue.Thanks in advance.
    DATA:   emp_name                     TYPE char80.
    DATA:   it_itabex                    TYPE zdb_ex_tty,
            it_emp                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_emp,
            it_org                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_org,
            it_pos                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_pos,
            it_pos_alloc                 TYPE TABLE OF zis_pos_alloc,
            it_res                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_res,
            it_res_alloc                 TYPE TABLE OF zis_res_alloc,
            ls_itabex                    TYPE zdb_ex_s.
    DATA:   lv_filename                  TYPE string,
            lv_path                      TYPE string,
            lv_fullpath                  TYPE string,
            lv_replace                   TYPE i.
    DATA qstring LIKE it_itabex OCCURS 10.
    DATA: url(200), url2(200), url3(200), fullurl(200).
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_emp>              LIKE LINE OF it_emp,
                   <fs_org>              LIKE LINE OF it_org,
                   <fs_pos>              LIKE LINE OF it_pos,
                   <fs_pos_alloc>        LIKE LINE OF it_pos_alloc,
                   <fs_res>              LIKE LINE OF it_res,
                   <fs_res_alloc>        LIKE LINE OF it_res_alloc.
    Report Program to export data from database to Excel.
    Populate all the tables that have to be exported.
    SELECT * FROM zis_org       INTO TABLE it_org.
    SELECT * FROM zis_pos       INTO TABLE it_pos.
    SELECT * FROM zis_pos_alloc INTO TABLE it_pos_alloc.
    SELECT * FROM zis_emp       INTO TABLE it_emp.
    SELECT * FROM zis_res_alloc INTO TABLE it_res_alloc.
    SELECT * FROM zis_res       INTO TABLE it_res.
    Append the Column Header
    CLEAR ls_itabex.
    ls_itabex-ipp_pos_id            = 'IPP Pos ID'.
    ls_itabex-emp_name              = 'Name'.
    ls_itabex-dt_of_join            = 'JoinedOn'.
    ls_itabex-emp_status            = 'Status'.
    ls_itabex-org_name              = 'Org'.
    ls_itabex-prj_name              = 'Project'.
    ls_itabex-mgr_name              = 'Line'.
    ls_itabex-designation           = 'Designation'.
    ls_itabex-specialization        = 'Specialization'.
    APPEND ls_itabex TO it_itabex.
    Append all the tables into one internal table
    LOOP AT it_pos_alloc ASSIGNING <fs_pos_alloc>.
      CLEAR ls_itabex.
      ls_itabex-ipp_pos_id          = <fs_pos_alloc>-ipp_pos_id.
      READ TABLE it_emp ASSIGNING <fs_emp> WITH KEY emp_guid = <fs_pos_alloc>-emp_guid.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        CONCATENATE <fs_emp>-emp_fname <fs_emp>-emp_lname INTO ls_itabex-emp_name  SEPARATED BY space.
        ls_itabex-dt_of_join        = <fs_emp>-dt_of_join.
        ls_itabex-emp_status        = <fs_emp>-emp_status.
        ls_itabex-specialization    = <fs_emp>-specialization.
      READ TABLE it_pos ASSIGNING <fs_pos> WITH KEY ipp_pos_id = <fs_pos_alloc>-ipp_pos_id.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        ls_itabex-designation       = <fs_pos>-designation.
        READ TABLE it_org ASSIGNING <fs_org> WITH KEY  org_id = <fs_pos>-org_id.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ls_itabex-org_name        = <fs_org>-org_name.
          ls_itabex-mgr_name        = <fs_org>-mgr_name.
      READ TABLE it_res ASSIGNING <fs_res> WITH KEY org_id = <fs_org>-org_id.
       ls_itabex-org_name         = <fs_org>-org_name.
      APPEND ls_itabex TO it_itabex.
    url = 'http://testweb/scripts/wgate/zvw10a/!?~language=en'.
    url2 = '&~OkCode(LGON)=LGON&login-login_user='.
    url3 = '&vbcom-vbeln='.
    CONCATENATE url url2 url3 INTO fullurl.
    WRITE: /'Staffing Excel'.
        offset        = 12
        length        = 10
        func          = fullurl
        query_string  = qstring
        invalid_table = 1
        OTHERS        = 2.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • My report contains a BLOB (image), why it can't generate an XML file?

    Hi guys,
    I created a report (Purchase Order) and it has a Signature field.
    which is a BLOB column of an image (.JPEG) of the signature of the Purchase Order Approver.
    When i run the report in the report builder its working and it shows the image of the signature.
    BUT when i try to generate xml file to use it for the XML Publisher, it generates an xml file with error. which can't be loaded into the .rtf file.
    i Googled around and it seems that there are limitations in XML Publisher that can not load a BLOB or LONG RAW fields.
    So Please guys i need your help! what can i do now ?
    They need the Purchase Order in a custom PDF format, which i can only make it with XML Publisher.
    Best Regards,

    For questions about BI Publisher (Formelly XML Publisher) :
    BI Publisher

  • Adobe 7, and opening a pdf file with a auto generated report

    We have upgraded to the latest version of a tool we use to generate reports. The older version, when you exported the report to a PDF file, it would open it in an internet broswer, IE 6/7 in this case, and just display the PDF in the browser.
    With the latest version of the reporting tool, when you export a report to a PDF file, it opens up a blank IE windows, and subsequently opens the autogenerated report in a separate Adobe Reader window, but it does not have the primary focus. It pop's under the blank IE window. This causes a lot of confusion to our employees who are not computer savvy as they are not aware the PDF actually opened since the window did not get primary focus on the screen.
    The company which writes the tool for us says there are no changes to the way it auto generates the pdf file, and insists it has nothing to do with their software.
    We decided to dig a little deeper and only found one difference between the old and the new software.
    Old - Content-Type: application/pdf
    New - Content-Type: application/pdf;charset=UTF-8
    Would that command cause our problems? It almost seems at though Adobe 7 plugin in IE7 doesn't recognize the "charset=UTF-8" and dumps the pdf to the full Adobe reader.
    If anybody has any insight, or would need some more info to help solve the problem just let me know.
    Also, we have to stay with Adobe 7, since all 7000+ computer's this affects have identical images, and upgrading to a new version costs $$$$ and has to go through massive channels.

    Welcome To  Discussions Kathy216!
    If these are files, that are already on the Hard Drive, click once on a pdf document to highlight it.
    Press the Command + I keys, to Get Info.
    Click on the ▼ Disclosure Triangle for Open with:.
    Select Adobe if listed. If it is not listed, select Other..., and navigate to Adobe, and press Add.
    In the Get Info window, click on Change All.
    If these are pdf documents, that you are viewing on the Internet, a handy utility to use is PDF Browser Plugin.
    ali b

  • How to generate report output in csv file and send it to user email inbox

    Hi All,
    We have requiremnt to generate the csv file from the report (Bex query)automatically and need to send that file automatically to user email address every week.
    It should be done automatically and one more thing the file name should contain that particuar date
    for example if we generate file automatically today the file name should be like below.
    Any one have any ideas?

    Hi Arun Varadarajan.
    Thanks for your reply.We are in BI 7.0.Can you tell me how to  broadcast the query as CSV.Please let me know  if there is any possiblity to display or change the file name dynamically  based on system date.
    Edited by: sirisha Nekkanti on Apr 16, 2009 4:08 AM

  • Each page of Oracle Report Generates separate pdf file.

    I have a problem that i want that oracle report runs for one time and generates sepatate pdf files for each oracle report if there are 8 page of report then 8 pdf files should generate (one pdf file for each page) but the condition is that the print job is set to NO and page range should not be given each time.

    What version of Reports are you using?
    If it's 10g then have a look at Report Bursting as this should enable you to send the report to multiple files based on a repeating group.

  • Disabling reports printing and generating to a file

    Can any one help me, i want a database function which disable printing and generating reports to a file where:
    - i have so many reports, so i do not want to put the function inside each report source
    - the printing or generating conditions varies from a user to another (authority rules)
    - i have 8i database

    first of all, i would like to thank you for your cooperation
    i will make it clear, answering your questions:
    - my reports version is 6i
    - we are using an ERP calling the standard (system built in) reports and the customized also from a form (so i do not have the system built in reports source (which are so many))
    - i only want the users review the reports on the screen only without printing or generating to a file (data security matter) so i want to enable these functions due to rules
    - i want it as a database function because of the previous information
    Edited by: user2212473 on 11/04/2011 06:11 ص

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