Get Mailbox activity returning mailbox count 0

When using the 'Get Mailbox' activity from the SC Integration Pack for Exchange Admin it always return a 'Mailbox Count' value of 0.
I have tried several of the filters in the activtity but it does not seem to work.
I am sure that the mail box I am trying exists because when I use the get-mailbox 'name' in the exchange command shell it returns the mailbox.
Any ideas?
Best regards,
Michael Møller
Michael Møller

Can you give more details on how you configured the activity?
I just tried with the Identity property set to the alias of an user and it works.
I also tried with no property and a filter set to the alias of an user and it works as well.
According to technet, here is the list of the "identifiers" you can use :
Specifies the identity of the mailbox. This property can be one of the following value types:
Distinguished name (DN)
Display name
User principal name (UPN)

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    Save the complete Script as a GetMailboxInfo.Ps1 File. Open Exchange Management Shell as administrator and run this PS1 File. Reply back in case if the you see any errors while the script execution.
    $Global:Report = @()
    Function GetMailboxDetails($List)
    Write-Host -ForeGroundColor YELLOW "Import Active Directory Module"
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    foreach($Line in $List)
    $GroupInfo = @()
    $CurrentMailbox = $Line.Alias
    $MailboxObj = "" | Select DisplayName,Alias,PrimarySMTPAddress,SAMACcountNAme,Database,IssueWarningQuota,ProhibitSendQuota,WhenCreated,ExchangeUserAccountControl,TotalItemSize,LastLoggedOnBy,MemberOf
    $MailboxObj.Alias = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).Alias
    $MailboxObj.DisplayName = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).DisplayName
    $MailboxObj.PrimarySMTPAddress = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).PrimarySMTPAddress
    $MailboxObj.SAMACcountNAme = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).SamAccountName
    $MailboxObj.Database = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).Database
    $MailboxObj.IssueWarningQuota = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).IssueWarningQuota
    $MailboxObj.ProhibitSendQuota = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).ProhibitSendQuota
    $MailboxObj.WhenCreated = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).WhenCreated
    [String]$AccountControl = (Get-Mailbox $CurrentMailbox).ExchangeUserAccountControl
    $MailboxObj.ExchangeUserAccountControl = "DISABLED ACCOUNT"
    If($AccountControl -eq "None")
    $MailboxObj.ExchangeUserAccountControl = "ACTIVE"
    $MailboxObj.TotalItemSize = (Get-MailboxStatistics $CurrentMailbox).TotalItemSize
    $MailboxObj.LastLoggedOnBy = (Get-MailboxStatistics $CurrentMailbox).LastLoggedOnBy
    $DLGroupMembership = (Get-ADUser $Line.SamAccountName).MemberOf
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $DLGroupMembership.Count;$i++)
    $GroupInfo += $DLGroupMembership[$i]
    $GroupInfo += ","
    $MailboxObj.MemberOf = $GroupInfo
    $Global:Report += $MailboxObj
    # MAIN #
    "`n+++Gathering Mailbox Info..."
    $MailboxList = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select DisplayName,Alias,PrimarySMTPAddress,SAMACcountNAme,Database,IssueWarningQuota,ProhibitSendQuota,WhenCreated,ExchangeUserAccountControl
    GetMailboxDetails $MailboxList
    Write-Host -ForeGroundColor GREEN "Exporting Report to CSV File..."
    $Global:Report | Export-Csv MailboxInfo.Csv -NoTypeInformation

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    Get-Mailbox -Database DB1 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count | Format-Table -Autosize -HideTableHeaders >> M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt
    Get-Mailbox -Database DB2 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count | Format-Table -Autosize -HideTableHeaders >> M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt
    Name Count
    DB0    167
                       ---  I want these spaces removed basically           
    DB1    167
    DB2    174
    DB3    169

    Hi Belthasar,
    try this:
    $temp = @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB0 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
    $temp += @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB1 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
    $temp += @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB2 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
    $temp += @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB3 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
    $temp | Format-Table -Autosize > "M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt"
    What this does is not write 4 tables to a text file, but combines the four tables and then writes the resultant one to the text file.
    There's no place like

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    Get-MailboxDatabase MBX-Db-NAME* | Get-Mailbox -filter  "RecipientType
    -eq 'UserMailbox'" | Group-object -Property:Database | Select-object name,count
    This will give you details of Total mailbox per Database.

  • Sorting properties from get-mailbox on a single mailbox, how?

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    get-mailbox username | fl * gives a nicely
    unsorted list of the properties for a user's Exchange mailbox.
    Anything more elegant for sorting the get-mailbox output?
    Get-Mailbox username | fl * | Out-File -FilePath c:\username-mailbox.txt
    Get-Content C:\username-mailbox.txt | sort
    What is the technical terminology for the type of output produced by get-mailbox username?
    Thank you for your time, Joe

    Hear ya Bill.  But I'm only returning a single PSObject (Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.MailEnabledOrgPerson), and I'm attempting to sort the properties on the single object.  Sorry I'm not explaining this well.
    Example Output from: get-mailbox
    Name                   Alias                ServerName      
    kcarael               kcarael               svrwmail     unlimited
    cuqt3                  cuqt3                  svrwmail     unlimited
    lsren                  lsren                  exchange03   unlimited
    roreerb                roreerb                      exchange03   unlimited
    pacffsdfs              pacffsdfs                       exchange03  
    beon                  beon                  exchange03   unlimited
    Not a problem to sort:  get-mailbox | sort alias
    Output from: get-mailbox someuser
    Name                   Alias                ServerName      
    someuser              someuser              mbxn04    12.6 GB (13,529,147,392 bytes) 
    Example Output from: get-mailbox someuser | fl * (or get-mailbox someuser | Select-Object *)
    RoleAssignmentPolicy                   : Default Role Assignment Policy
    SharingPolicy                          : Default Sharing Policy
    RemoteAccountPolicy                    :
    MailboxPlan                            :
    ArchiveDatabase                        : EX-DAG01-DB08
    ArchiveGuid                            : 587bdddd-f651-4e11-87d0-88ae31dc24db
    ArchiveQuota                           : 50 GB (53,687,091,200 bytes)
    ArchiveWarningQuota                    : 45 GB (48,318,382,080 bytes)
    ArchiveDomain                          :
    ArchiveStatus                          : None
    RemoteRecipientType                    : None
    DisabledArchiveDatabase                :
    DisabledArchiveGuid                    : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled          : False
    MailboxMoveTargetMDB                   :
    MailboxMoveSourceMDB                   :
    MailboxMoveFlags                       : None
    MailboxMoveRemoteHostName              :
    MailboxMoveBatchName                   :
    MailboxMoveStatus                      : None
    IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled   : False
    IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled  : True
    UserSMimeCertificate                   : {}
    I'm not sure what to sort on...  I've tried just: get-mailbox someuser | Select-Object * | sort
    The output looks the same as output from: get-aduser someuser 
    This doesn't work either: get-aduser someuser | sort -descending
    Thank you, Joe 

  • Combining Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics

    I want to list out Get-Mailbox | select userprincipalname | Get-MailboxStatistics | select TotalItemSize but it returned error.
    "The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline in
    put or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input."
    How can I get mailbox totalitemsize by email address?

    I know you can pipe Get-Mailbox username | Get-MailboxStatistics..., so try Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics... I suspect that by using Select-Object you're returning a property that Get-MailboxStatics can't do bind to any of its parameters.

  • Get-Mailbox filter group membership

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    that are in the VoicemailEnabled group.
    I know this isn't possible but to illustrate what I am trying to do:
    $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -OrganizationalUnit "ou=Rooms,dc=contoso,dc=com" -Filter "Memberofgroup -eq 'VoicemailEnabled'"
    Any suggestions on how to do this?

    Unless I'm misunderstanding, this cmdlet does it for you: Get-DistributionGroupMember
    The above cmdlet doesn't have server-side filtering, because the members are actually only learned AFTER the group is returned.  So that means you'd have to do something like:
    Get-DistributionGroupMember group1 | where {$_.OrganizationalUnit -eq 'laptop.lab/Demo Users'}
    Mike Crowley | MVP
    My Blog --
    Planet Technologies

  • Get mailbox permissions

    Hi all,
    I'd like to get a list of Archived Users and their permissions. To do that I'm running the following:
    get-mailbox -archive| get-mailboxpermission | select-object Identity, User, AccessRights, IsInherited | where {$_.IsInherited -eq $False}
    This works fine but I don't quite like the output. The result will show the Identity (so the path of the OU where the object is contained to and the object name). Is it possible to actually show the AD Username associated to that identity?
    So what I'm getting now is something like this (omitting accessrights and isinherited):
    domain.local/EU/site1/John Blue, NT AUTHORITY\SELF
    domain.local/EU/site1/John Blue, DOMAIN\
    As you can see, sometimes the user has got permissions for itself, even when there's the SELF permissions in place. This was due a migration and we still need to clean that up. However I still need my informations. So what I would like to see is:
    This will make my life way easier and I'll tell you why: I can just copy the first column (username associated to the identity) in excel. Then I copy the second column (username having permissions against that mailbox) underneath the previously pasted usernames
    and then excel can remove the duplicates. I can even filter out all NT AUTHORITY\SELF, but that'll work either ways.
    Thanks a lot! 

    Thanks, unfortunately the objects returned by this command is very limited and the only one related to the mailbox itself is the identity.
    What's the best way to run another script against the identities and translate them to user accounts?
    What I'll do is run a for cycle and run this command against each line (the below works on a single user):
    Get-QADUser -SearchRoot "dc=domain,dc=com" -Identity " Lastname" | Select-Object UserPrincipalName

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    Hello jardizzoni,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Below you can see what the collection options are for the Health app.
    Enter your own data. If the parameter is in your Dashboard, just tap it there, then tap Add Data Point. Otherwise, tap Health Data at the bottom of the screen, tap the parameter you want to update, then tap Add Data Point.
    Collect data from a device. Follow the instructions that can come with the device to set it up. If it’s a Bluetooth device, you need to pair it with iPhone—see Bluetooth devices.
    Collect data from an app. Follow the instructions that can come with the app to set it up, then watch for a sharing request where you control whether data is shared with the Health app.
    Stop app data collection. Tap Sources at the bottom of the Health screen, then select the app in the Apps list. Or tap the associated parameter in your Dashboard or in the Health Data list, tap Share Data, then choose the app under Data Providers.
    Collect health and fitness data
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • Get a report joining data from Get-MailBox and Get-MailBoxStatistics

    I have 2 cmdlets, and every has different information of the same users, the point is that I have to get the information of every cmdlet  and in excel I have to join the information
    Is there a way to get both information joined in one shot?
    This is one cmdlet:
    Get-Mailbox -Server MB05 | Select-Object DisplayName,SamAccountName,UserPrincipalName,UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults,OrganizationalUnit,PrimarySmtpAddress,WhenCreated,WhenChanged,HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled,@{N="AddressListMembership";E={
    $_.AddressListMembership -JOIN ';'}},UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward,RecipientLimits,ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy,@{N="GrantSendOnBehalfTo";E={ $_.GrantSendOnBehalfTo -JOIN ';'}},MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize,Database
    | Export-CSV -Path d:\ms\mb05.txt -Delimiter "`t"  -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation
    This is the other cmdlet:
    Get-MailboxStatistics Server MB05| Select-Object DisplayName,Database,StorageLimitStatus,@{label="Total Size (MB)";expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}},@{label="Total Delete (MB)";expression={$_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB()}},
    ItemCount,DeletedItemCount,LastLogoffTime,@{label="ProhibitSendQ (MB)";expression={$PSQ}}| Export-CSV -Path d:\ms\ms05a.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation
    Thank you in advanced.
    Doc MX

    I think something like this would work:
    $stuff = @()
    Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Database MB05| foreach{
    $x = "" | select `
    DisplayName, `
    SamAccountName, `
    UserPrincipalName, `
    UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults, `
    OrganizationalUnit, `
    PrimarySmtpAddress, `
    WhenCreated, `
    WhenChanged, `
    HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled, `
    AddressListMembership, `
    ForwardingAddress, `
    DeliverToMailboxAndForward, `
    RecipientLimits, `
    ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy, `
    GrantSendOnBehalfTo, `
    MaxSendSize, `
    MaxReceiveSize, `
    Database, `
    StorageLimitStatus, `
    'Total Size (MB)', `
    'Total Delete (MB)', `
    ItemCount, `
    DeletedItemCount, `
    LastLogoffTime, `
    'ProhibitSendQ (MB)'
    $m = Get-Mailbox $_
    $x.DisplayName = $m.Displayname,
    $x.SamAccountName = $m.SamAccountName,
    $m = Get-MailboxStatistics $_
    $x.StorageLimitStatus = $m.StorageLimitStatus,
    $x.'Total Size (MB)' = $m.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB(),
    $stuff += $x
    $stuff | export-csv -Path d:\ms\mb05.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation
    --- Rich Matheisen MCSE&I, Exchange MVP

  • Get-Mailbox PS command import/export csv - need help

    I know this should be simple but I'm having trouble.  I have about 500 users that have left the company and I want to verify their Exchange 2010 mailbox have been disabled.  If I just run the basic command "Get-Mailbox -identity alias"
    I see all I need to see.  The Name, Alias, and ServerName (that their mailbox is on).  If I check someone whose mailbox has been disabled I get "object could not be found."  Perfect, then I know their mailbox no longer exists. 
    In trying to import a csv file of the 500 users - and export it I'm having trouble. There are a few posts on these forums for similar issues but none are working or the conditions are different.  I'm not too good and PS scripting so I am hoping someone
    can assist.  I pieced this together.
    import-csv C:\temp\DisabledMBs.csv | get-mailbox >c:\temp\DisabledMBsOutput.csv
    The csv output file is blank.  The PS screen outputs this error for each user.
    The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=Heaton; Logon Name=}:PSObject) [Get-Mailbox], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Get-Mailbox
    I guess I'm missing something here but stuck.  Any help is greatly appreciated!
    thank you!

    If you use a CSV for input, you need to tell the Get-Mailbox command what field is the identifier.  So if you have an alias field in your CSV, you would run your command as follows:
    import-csv C:\temp\DisabledMBs.csv | % { get-mailbox $_.Alias } | Export-Csv c:\temp\DisabledMBsOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation
    BTW, you'll notice that I've also piped your output to the Export-Csv command.  If you just pipe the output of Get-Mailbox to a file with a CSV suffix, you don't get a CSV - you get a text file with only one field named "Name                     
    Alias                ServerName       ProhibitSendQuota" (note, not "Name", "Alias", "ServerName", and "ProhibitSendQuota"

  • RAM sizing for low mailbox count but large mailbox sizes?

    The server will house about 50 mailboxes between 20-50GB. The remaining 50 users are around 2+GB  Any best practices for sizing memory when the mailbox count is low but the size of the mailboxes are large?

    Use this as your guide:
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

  • PS: Need a Switch to Include OUs in Get-Mailbox String

    I'm using this string in Exchange 2010 (Powershell) to export our mailbox details.
    The command string works great and is exactly what I need, except, I want to include the OU that the mailbox is in in the outputted file.
    Here is the string I'm using. Can you tell me what the switch would be to include each mailbox OU and where in the below string I would list it?
    Get-MailboxStatistics -Database "MBDB" | Select DisplayName, TotalItemSize | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | Export-CSV C:\MBDB.csv
    I tried a couple switches I got online, and they just keep throwing errors.
    Many thanks!
    Stephen Davis Systems Administrator Specialist

    Hi Bot,
    Thank you for your question.
    We could run the following command to export OU mailboxes:
    Get-Mailbox -OrganizationalUnit <OU name> -Resultsize Unlimited |Get-MailboxStatistics -Database "MBDB" | Select DisplayName, TotalItemSize | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | Export-CSV C:\MBDB.csv
    If there are any errors when we run this command, I suggest we post error to
    [email protected] for our troubleshooting.
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support
    Hey Jim--
    The switch doesn't work. I tried to list the OU with different formats and it keeps throwing an error that it can't find the OU. Since this isn't really what I was looking for, don't worry about it. I'm trying to find an output that will include the mailbox
    user's name, its size, AND the OU, I can't use this anyway.
    If anyone knows of a code string that will produce these three outputs, I would appreciate it.
    Stephen Davis Systems Administrator Specialist

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