Get rejected and directed to "babylon" AGAINST my will !!!

I wanted to play music borrowed from the local library and when wanting to play music Microsoft wants some verification that it is a legal thing I do - and it is. It is to secure the copyright of the musicians and thats OK with me. - fine. Then:
This "Babylon" comes up. I thought is was a Microsoft verification element. Now when I go from a newspaper site to other this babylon stops my visit. I have deleted the Babylon in the Programe base, but it stills creates problems.
I do not believe it´s a virus - it is a "link" that stays there. I want Firefox and IE to be my browsers and NOT a throublesome browser. Please Help

Overscan = not a single home TV on this planet will dispaly all pixels of the actual image area due to manufacturing variations. That's what safe areas are for. You need to resize your imags and place them against a frame which you won't mind getting cropped. The rest of your settings are right for an NTSC DVD.

Similar Messages

  • DVD Menu and slides truncated/cropped against my will :-)

    I seem to have the menu and slides cropped on the left side by a significant number of pixels. THIS OCCURS on my standalone DVD player and NTSC regular TV. When I preview the DVD on my computer it looks perfect.
    What can I do to make sure the whole menu appears on my TV...I DON'T have a wide-screen TV...I have the OLD FASHION size.
    Thanks, --bill

    Overscan = not a single home TV on this planet will dispaly all pixels of the actual image area due to manufacturing variations. That's what safe areas are for. You need to resize your imags and place them against a frame which you won't mind getting cropped. The rest of your settings are right for an NTSC DVD.

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    Re: Installing and troubleshooting the Telstra 24x7 App for Blackberry
    I have personally phoned Telstra to advise I continue to receive an account for someone else. It has happened again to day. Please check you records and make sure I no longer receive any accounts for 2000133289692. This is not my account. L. Service.

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    Idocs are getting processed successfully and sales orders are getting created, but line items in the sales order are getting rejected and hey are getting rejected with reason for rejection to be <b> No Availability Lost</b>.
    So, I would like to know if this is a problem with the data furnished in the Idoc or else any custom setting have to be maintained or not?

    The reason why they are failing is because in the user exit as per the logic present here whenever a EDI Order with customer Purchaser Order Type DFUE is to be processed ABGRU (Reason for Rejection) has been flagged equal to 01 and hence order item lines are having rejection reason.

  • Print head alignment keeps on getting worse and worse the more I try to "fix" it

    First off, I know that this question doesn't really belong in the mbp section, but since I am printing from one, I thought this would be the closest match.
    I have an Epson NX420 printer which came with my 2011 mbp 13in for free (err... $100 off the original $95ish to be exact). It will turn 3 years old in less than a month.
    This past week, I have had troubles printing "good" images, so I did the print head alignment on Epson Printer Utility 4, following the written directions. I printed something out, and it was still disgustingly off, so I repeated the process two more times, each time printing something different. The vertical alignment is fine, but the horizontal alignment seems to get worse and worse. One thin line will be split into two in some places, and one will be dotted while the other solid, and in the case of color, the two bands are different colors. Solids come out grainy.
    I don't want to waste any more paper and expensive ink for something that is not fixing itself. Since my mbp is still under Applecare warrenty, will Apple fix or trade my current printer for another one for free, or does Apple have nothing to do with printers other than its sale? If not, are there alternative ways to fix this problem? I am sure I am choosing the box without any bands at all and if there is I choose the lightest band-in-a-box and click realignment.
    Here is the recent printout of random lines and text, after three unsuccesful trials of print head alignment.

    This is a printer issue and it's only covered under the Epson Warranty Program, which is 1 year.  AppleCare has nothing to do with that.
    You'll probably have to replace the printer if the print heads cannot be replaced.  That's the issue when you buy an inkjet that has print heads that aren't part of the ink cartriges... when they go bad, they go bad and you're hosed.  If the issue persists after a print cartridge change, then it's definitely the heads.

  • When trying to creat a desktop icon, it does not go to the URL.....instead I get 'script' and not a website......the script has http//etc but I am not directed to the website......I previously had IE 8 (on Vista) that the problem...

    When trying to create a desktop icon, it does not go to the URL.....instead I get 'script' and not a website......the script has http//etc but I am not directed to the website......I previously had IE 8 (on Vista) that the problem?I do not have any installed least none that I know of.....remember I am a new user......Basically, the desktop icon is not going directly to the Mozilla FF to get me to the web site I need to go to.....FF works when I use the Mozilla FF icon.....just not the icons I create.....THANKS!!! I have also tried reinstalling FF and get the same results.....HELP!!!

    The address beginning with file:/// denotes a saved file (local file). The file may not be present. You can try dragging the site icon of this page on the left edge of the location (Address) bar and release it on the desktop. Please try opening it. If it still shows an error it could be a problem with the system's zone permissions. You can try setting each zone in the Windows Control Panel or IE > '''Internet Options''' > '''Security''' tab to '''Default Level'''.

  • Hi, I've been playing Smurf's village for a year now and just last week, i tried to get into the app but it keeps rejecting and goes back to the main page.  Is there any reason for this?  I've been updating the app everytime and now it's not letting me in

    Hi, I've been playing Smurf's village for a year now and just last week, i tried to get into the app but it keeps rejecting and goes back to the main page.  Is there any reason for this?  I've been updating the app everytime and now it's not letting me in.  Pls advise. Tq

    Reset the device, restart the device, try downloading any other app.
    All of these are basic steps that could have been found by a simple search of the forums as a resolution for the issue.

  • SG300-28 Firmware and - Dynamic VLAN+freeRADIUS - Client get rejected

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,
    I am using several SG300-28 Switches with firmware version
    I have dynamic VLAN enabled. As RADIUS server I am using freeradius 2.1.12.
    Authentication is only based on the MAC address. (I configured that on the switches)
    On the switches I created three VLANs. VLAN100 for the authenticated clients, VLAN200 for Management interface and VLAN300 as Guest VLAN. After a wrong authentication the clients should be put into this Guest VLAN immediately (I configured this on the switches).
    I am using Windows XP and Windows 7 clients in my network. I did not configure any EAP settings because I just wnat to use the MAC address.
    In most cases the dynamic VLAN assignment and authentication is working fine. The switch log says that the client is authenticated and the same I can see on freeradius log. But in some (rare) cases the client is rejected. The CISCO log says "MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff was rejected on port ge17" but when I look at the freeradius log then this MAC address was successfully authorized.
    The problem is that the client gets an IP address based on the Guest VLAN300 but after that the switch seems to "switch" the VLAN on the port and then the client is authenticated correctly on the right VLAN but the client does not request a new IP on the new VLAN.
    If I unplug and re-plug the LAN cable in most cases the client get the correct VLAN and the correct IP.
    This is happening randomly on nearly all my PCs.
    I would really appreciate your help. Do I have to set some timers higher ? I don't think it is a problem between switch and RADIUS but a problem between communication of the host and the switch.
    Thank you very much for your help!
    Alexander Wilke

    This is from my CISCO log. The computer is always online but there are repeatingly rejects and then with a delay of some minutes an accept.
    2012-Aug-09 21:40:05
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 21:38:23
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 21:38:23
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 21:16:05
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 21:13:42
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 21:13:42
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 21:04:04
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 21:03:50
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 21:03:50
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 20:52:02
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 20:49:02
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 20:49:02
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 20:40:04
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 20:39:10
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 20:39:10
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 20:16:06
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 20:14:29
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 20:14:29
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 19:28:01
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 19:25:08
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 19:25:08
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 19:15:59
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 19:15:16
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 19:15:16
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 19:04:00
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 19:00:27
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 19:00:27
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized       
    2012-Aug-09 18:27:59
    %SEC-I-PORTAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is Authorized       
    2012-Aug-09 18:25:55
    %SEC-W-SUPPLICANTUNAUTHORIZED: MAC 00:19:99:0b:8d:b3 was rejected on port gi8        
    2012-Aug-09 18:25:55
    %SEC-W-PORTUNAUTHORIZED: Port gi8 is unAuthorized    
    Any ideas ?

  • Since downloading OS X Mountain Lion my WordSearch9 will not open. I got a message that X11 was not supported and directed to a sited to download XQuartz. Now when I try to launch WordSearch9 I get a message "X11 cannot be found.

    Since downloading OS X Mountain Lion my WordSearch9 will not open. I got a message saying that X11 was not supported and directed to a site to download an update "XQuartz" which I did. Now when I try to launch WordSearch9 I get a message "X11 cannot be found". I did follow the instructions to download and install XQuartz, but there still seems to be a problem. Anyone have an idea?

    Your report indicates Mountain Lion, but your footer indicates Lion.  I'll assume you're on 10.8.2; on the current Mountain Lion version.
    Rebooting is fine.
    The posted diagnostics look like there might be a problem with the Xquartz install, or it is not starting, or it's not authorized for the sandbox.  (But I don't know enough about that to be certain.)
    Try launching directly from your Applications > Utilities folder, and see if that works, or if shows any dialog boxes, or that reports any errors.
    If you had an Xquartz kit installed and it's not the 2.7.4 (current) Xquartz kit, then please update to that version.  (I'm assuming that site is where you got your Xquartz kit from, too.)
    I'd also suggest also discussing this more directly with the Xquartz folks via mailing list or the IRC channel, or collecting up the Xquartz logs and then posting a bug over at the Xquartz site; here are the details on bug reporting for Xquartz.

  • ITunes will not show my purchases before October 18, when I had a different username.  How do I get the older purchases (more than 5,000) listed when my password is rejected and it won't issue a new one for that username?

    iTunes will not show my purchases before October 18, when I had a different username.  How do I get the older purchases (more than 5,000) listed when my password is rejected and it won't issue a new one for that username?

    Wow that was really quick, thank you so much.  Im not sure at all which version it was because i said it was around 4 years ago he bought it.  I know it isn't under his username, since he's a PC person (ugh) so i know its probably registered to one of our actual names.  isn't there some way to look it up since we did register it, because I'm not even sure where the disks are from when we bought it (we've moved a lot and also have two storage lockers, i know i would have kept it with other disks) but my cd rom drive is actually broken on my computer as well ( i think it got stepped on and is now squished and won't eject or run disks.)
    So is there anyway they can look up that its registered to one of our names since we did register it when we bought and installed it, or do i really have to find the disk with some sort of proof of purchase (i know there would be no receipt after all this time)
    either way, ill do what you suggested to the best of my abilities and thank you so much for answering my questions, i can't even open the program as its incompatible and find out the info from that) so I'm in a bit of a pickle and your response was so thorough and it didn't seem to be posted long enough to even write a well researched response, thanks, all the best,

  • ICloud asked me to reenter my password to get mail and when I did, it rejected my password. I'm trying to reenter in my account information, but it won't let me because the incoming mail server field is blank, but it won't allow me to enter anything.

    iCloud asked me to reenter my password to get mail and when I did, it rejected my password. I'm trying to reenter in mail account information, but it won't let me because the incoming mail server field is blank, but I can't enter anything into that field.

    No, didn't have to sign out. As I started to, got a messge saying something about losing all my calendar information, which unnerved me so I didn't sign out. It was correcting the password in another email account that corrected the situation for me.

  • HT4009 Try to do a in app purchase for knights and dragon and it gets rejected tells me to contact iTunes support.

    Try to do a in app purchase for knights and dragon and it gets rejected tells me to contact iTunes support. I checked to see if restriction was on. And I have done many in app purchases before

    Click here and ask the iTunes Store staff for assistance.

  • I get the following message when sending emails: The recipient "email address" was rejected by the server".  If I send the email to 3 people, one will be rejected and a different person will be rejected.  Any ideas?

    I get the following message when sending emails on my ipad:  The recipient "email address" was rejected by the server".  If I send the email to 3 people, one will be rejected.  If I send the same thing to the same 3 people a different one will be rejected.  Any ideas?

    Try a Reset [Hold the Home and Sleep/Wake buttons down together for 10 seconds or so (until the Apple logo appears) and then release. The screen will go blank and then power ON again in the normal way.] It is app and data safe!

  • HT4864 I upgraded my iCloud capacity AFTER I already had my email shut down.  Now all inbound email rejects and senders get a notice that my email is "over quota."  Apple support requires a serial number, but this is about iCloud and I do not have a Mac.

    I upgraded my storage AFTER I received an email that my iCloud email will be shut off until I was no longer over capacity.  I can now send emails, but when anyone sends me an email it rejects and they receive a message that I am "over quota."

    If you have an iCloud account it must have been created on a Mac or iOS device.  Provide the serial number of that device in order to reach Apple support.

  • I am getting old and looking forward to use I Pad as a Phone if possible through WIFI! I this possible? The screen is to small for me! If possible, with new I Watch taking calls, other uses through I Pad!

    Like I wrote on title, I am getting old and it is not easy to see E-mails, news etc. on a I phone! New I phone will not help me for the size.
    If possible, everything without calls, I would like to use I Pad as direct unit, and for calls through I Pad over WIFI all calls. If a call as Skype, I would like
    to use the I Pad as a monitor. Is this possible?
    I found on a side that there is a product for people for better hearing, which can be put into the ears, using WIFI with I Phone.
    If this product could be used also for I Pad as a Phone for hearing, and the I watch or I Pad as Microphone, it will be great for old Mac users.
    Is this possible with our system know?
    I am using Mac since Classic II! Would like to continue with the newest items with the possibility for old person with bad Eyes or Ears.
    Looking forward for a kind answer
    with regards
    Christian an old Mac user!

    Definitely No

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