Gnome-Art problem 2

I have the following problem with gnome-art package.
[k3@archlinux ~]$ gnome-art
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libglade2.rb:105:in `guard_source_from_gc': undefined method `signal_connect' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libglade2.rb:98:in `guard_sources_from_gc'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libglade2.rb:97:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/libglade2.rb:97:in `guard_sources_from_gc'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/gnome-art/ui/main_window.rb:606:in `initialize'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/gnome-art/ui/main_window.rb:606:in `new'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/gnome-art/ui/main_window.rb:606:in `init_glade'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/gnome-art/ui/main_window.rb:771:in `initialize'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/gnome-art/gnome_art.rb:130:in `new'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/gnome-art/gnome_art.rb:130:in `main'
from /usr/bin/gnome-art:25
I'm rather sure that all the dependencies are resolved.
Any1, any ideas ? I'm not a programmer so i have no clue.
Łukasz Klepacki

sanderd17 wrote:
Hmm, 300 mails per month (September) is a lot.
I guess I'll just follow the forum discussions and try once in a while.
Maybe it's because we are spoiled with other fast updates (like FF the day it is released) that I start to expect fast updates for all packages.
if you want testing you need to read those mails.. stuff in testing might break with your hardware/software configuration. you have to be ready for it.
but yes, if you are not willing to fix your setup from time to time. you shouldnt enable it.
....sometimes i wonder how many .pacnew files people have in their system.

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    Not sure if this will be of any help but, if you're willing...
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    That is know problem with iOS 5 and iTunes 10.5 and 10.6. I have yet to see a solution.
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    i hope i'm not late but AFTER SO LONG OF SEARCHING EVERYWHERE ( i had this problem)  i myself tried an experiment
    and i finally found what works
    you're not alone in this LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE HAVING THIS ****** PROBLEM  because of iOS 5
    anyways here is what you have to do (  it's kind of hard to understand so i hope you do )
    go to your device ( in itunes) and mark off the sync music tab then click apply or sync ( this will wipe out all of your music)
    then you click the box again & you click sync ( this will put the  music back into your ipod )
    NOW we're not done yet
    quickly go to music ( in your itunes library) and just go around each song , like just clicking each song ( even twice if u want) and this will make the album covers appear onyour ipod ( u have to hurry before it stops syncing)
    so a faster way to do it is to just go to music in your library and the arrows ( in your computer's keyboard)
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    and if some of the covers don't go tru just click enter as if you were going to listen to them
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    best of luck .xx

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    Last edited by nixbin (2012-04-24 22:02:42)

    pacman repository syncronization
    sudo pacman -Syu
    Gnome Wiki
    sudo pacman -S gnome
    Last edited by headkase (2012-04-24 21:47:26)

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    org.gnome.Terminal[958]: (gnome-terminal-server:7346): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_weak_unref: couldn't find weak ref 0x7faec0b2c420(0x14e1550)
    Is there something wrong ?I also try to compile it by myself , but it gives a warning:
    server.c: In function ‘main’:
    server.c:113:5: warning: ignoring return value of ‘chdir’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
         (void) chdir ("/");
    are all the problems caused by this ?How could I handle this, can anyone fix that?Thanks for your works.Sorry for my poor English.

    That compiler warning is probably benign (harmless).  The function appears to change the working directory and then return a void pointer.  The pointer is not used because, apparently, in this case it is not needed.

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    I have some strange problems with Gnome 3.2, it is hard to explain but these screenshots should:
    In the first picture you can see that something that is selected by default is pink, this happens all over Gnome. In the second one you can see that in nautilus when I want to select with the mouse it creates a white block so you can't see behind. I know it is a settings problem because the same doesn't happen on a new account, but the problem is that I have tried to delete .gnome2/ .gconf and .config but once I start to customize again the problem reappers. So I was wondering if there is anything else that I can try to delete without deleting the whole account or if there is some settings that I could to to remove this problem.
    Thanks in advanced
    Mod edit: The included images are too big, see our forum etiquette about this. For  screenshot posting rules you may also look here.
    Last edited by nordmoen (2011-11-01 13:57:18)

    caligo wrote:If you launch a GTK3 app from the terminal, are there any GTK related error messages (e.g. CSS errors)?
    Havn't noticed that before:
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:620:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:626:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:632:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:639:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:645:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:651:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:657:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:663:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:669:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:675:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated

  • [SOLVED] GNOME 3 problem when typing to find application

    Hi everybody,
    Last night i tried to open an application in GNOME 3 (the last version available), then i pressed the windows key (activities) and tried to type the name of the app. When i typed the second character (i think), the UI restarted, and once i tried it again, it crashed. I tried to disable/uninstall the extensions i currently have in GNOME , but it didn't fix the problem.
    Is there a problem with some updates with GNOME?
    Thank you for your help.
    Last edited by japenagosc (2012-02-19 12:57:56)

    Kaurin wrote:
    btw rolling back to the previous driver solves it (temporarily)
    cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg
    sudo pacman -U nvidia-utils-290.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz nvidia-290.10-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    and any other nvidia-related packages. I had one more:
    sudo pacman -U opencl-nvidia-290.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    reboot. voila.
    Great, thanks! Now i have a *newbie* problem. How do i downgrade nvidia if i have
    pacman -Scc
    Last edited by japenagosc (2012-02-19 04:46:27)

  • How come my i pod skips songs when played...album art problems...

    the songs play fine on i tunes...but when i play them on my i pod, they simply skip to the next song of my playlist album art doesent show no more too..whats wrong? i use a 30g video just incase

    Try the following:
    Try resetting your iPod...
    Resetting iPod
    If that doesn't work, make sure your iPod's software is up to date...
    iPod Updater
    Updating iPod's Software
    If you updated and the problem persists, try a restore...
    Restore the iPod
    This may also be helpful...
    Troubleshooting Songs That Skip On iPod
    If after the songs stop skipping there is still no album art...
    btabz: My songs have artwork in iTunes, but it won't transfer to my iPod!

  • Album art problems!!

    I just got two CDs - Todd Agnew's grace like rain and Casting Crown's Until the Whole World Hears. I downloaded the Cd's onto my computer, and it worked fine. Then i tried to get the album art. No album art came up. That happens with some CD's, so I'm used to that happening. The solution that always works is to go into Google Images and manually search up the artwork, than copy & paste it onto that allbum. I tried it, with multiple images, and it just comes up black, with both CD's. I like having the album art, what can I do to help this??

    This is a problem since the iTunes 10.4.0 update and until it gets fixed (by another update) the work-round is to save the artwork onto your computer first. Then paste the copy on your computer into iTunes. I don't know why, but it works!

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