[Gnome] Theme Problems

With any of the themes I've tried, the controls do not look how they are supposed too. Here is an example:
Glossy P from http://art.gnome.org
This is how its supposed to look
and this is how it looks on my box
(click for 1280x1024 png)
none of the widgets seem to change, but I have no problem chaging the window border and the same thing happens to any other theme that I try. :cry:
Any help would be appreciated
The screenshot I took is from gnome 2.5, I had the exact same problem with gnome 2.4 and I thought the problem might be fixed in 2.5.

it seems that all I needed was the gtk-engines package
a simple pacman -S gtk-engines fixed all my problems 

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    zeppelin wrote:
    anyone with the same problem?
    Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/libsmooth.so: undefined symbol: GTK_IS_COMBO
    I noticed, that it only happens when I'm a single user. It doesn't give warning when I'm a root
    hope that helps
    I've got that one with all gnome apps, root or non-root

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    You use obconf to change the Openbox theme (just the window borders). To change the GTK theme you can use lxappearance or a few other tools:
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    try gnome-appearance-properties
    I think it changed it GNOME 2.20

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    If I remember correctly, that theme needs the latest development version of the murrine engine from AUR (if it is the murrine version that you are trying to use).
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    ps.: Please, do not write comments like: "Don't use dark themes"!
    Moderator edit:
    Please do not include such big pictures in your post: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … s_and_Code
    Last edited by bernarcher (2011-08-21 17:18:02)

    Hi Unia,
    This problem predates the recent Fontconfig changes.
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    I've tested this with all themes I have installed, in many computers.
    Any ideas how to solve this?
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Last edited by Raws (2010-04-15 16:30:05)

    Same Problem here, but creating /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme does not work.
    I have the DMZ-White theme in /usr/share/icons
    [michael@acer01 ~]$ ll /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/
    insgesamt 204K
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 1. Dez 22:40 cursor.theme
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 186K 1. Dez 22:40 dmz.svg
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1,3K 1. Dez 22:40 index.theme
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4,0K 1. Dez 22:40 pngs
    I created two links /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme and ~/.icons/default/index.theme
    both point to /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme
    [michael@acer01 ~]$ ll /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 1. Dez 22:49 /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme -> /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme
    [michael@acer01 ~]$ ll ~/.icons/default/index.theme
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 michael michael 39 1. Dez 22:43 /home/michael/.icons/default/index.theme -> /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme
    which has this content
    [michael@acer01 ~]$ cat /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme
    [Icon Theme]
    If I choose default pointer in Appearance Preferances, still the X-default-Theme is used.
    And in the DMZ-White Theme does not appear in  "Appearance Preferances --> Theme --> costumize --> Pointer" at all.
    I tried also other themes (which appear in the Pointer Tab) but it does not work. Still the X-default-Theme
    Are there maybe any other things I've missed.
    Why does the DMZ-White Theme not appear in the Pointer Tab in Appearance Prefs?
    I'm using Gnome since a few days ...

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    1. installed tamiga  icon theme to /usr/share/icons and ~/.icons (not at the same time)
    2. checked to see that rox is using theme (~/.config/rox.soruceforge.net/ROX-Filer/options)
    3. tried adding icon path to ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (I don't think rox uses this)
    4. tried editing the "inherits" line in the index.theme file (Inherits=Tango,gnome,hicolor). when I switched the positions of tango and gnome, the gnome icon theme was used. added Gnome and GNOME.
    5. browsed the forums
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    I know how to change themes using the method you described; however, the icon theme that is displayed is tango. I clearly chose tamiga, and the rox file in ~/.config points to the tamiga icon theme. So my question is why isn't the tamiga theme being used? Does it have something to with the inherits line in the icon cofig file? Is there some other problem? Some icon themes display correctly, but not others.
    Thanks for trying!

  • [Solved]Gnome settings problem

    Hi all.
    I have some strange problems with Gnome 3.2, it is hard to explain but these screenshots should:
    In the first picture you can see that something that is selected by default is pink, this happens all over Gnome. In the second one you can see that in nautilus when I want to select with the mouse it creates a white block so you can't see behind. I know it is a settings problem because the same doesn't happen on a new account, but the problem is that I have tried to delete .gnome2/ .gconf and .config but once I start to customize again the problem reappers. So I was wondering if there is anything else that I can try to delete without deleting the whole account or if there is some settings that I could to to remove this problem.
    Thanks in advanced
    Mod edit: The included images are too big, see our forum etiquette about this. For  screenshot posting rules you may also look here.
    Last edited by nordmoen (2011-11-01 13:57:18)

    caligo wrote:If you launch a GTK3 app from the terminal, are there any GTK related error messages (e.g. CSS errors)?
    Havn't noticed that before:
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:620:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:626:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:632:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:639:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:645:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:651:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:657:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:663:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:669:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated
    (gnome-system-monitor:3153): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:675:27: Whitespace between 'url' and '(' is deprecated

  • Cannot Change Gnome Theme Anymore

    I installed a theme and ran it and it was fine. I tried to return to the default but that did not work. I tried to run another theme and it didn't work either. I am not stuck with this theme and I want to change it. I installed the extension user-theme to use it. What is the problem?
    I have 3.6.2 Gnome
    And help is appreciated.

    SASLR wrote:
    I just started to have the same problem... Can no longer change desktop images... I've tried to do it from within iPhoto, right clicking on desktop, and going in through system preferences... My "padlock" is "open", I am the system administrator, but still cannot change the image...
    Have you done your homework?
    Run DU, check/repair HD and permissions.
    If that does not work, move following .plists to desktop; let system create new plists
    try this one first:
    reboot and see if this fixes it.
    if not then move this one to desktop and repeat
    report back here with results.

  • Using system configuration gui tools in Gnome - Permission problems.

    I have been using Arch for a couple of months now, on both my laptop and desktop, I have the same problems on both of them. I have searched all through these forums, and still have no enlightenment on my problem.
    I am using Gnome 2.26.3, and have not yet been able to use any of the system configuration tools that are under menu - System - Administration.
    e.g the time and date, network or printer tools.
    First try i get the "you are not allowed to access the system configuration" So I then run the required tool as root, using both GKSU and also from the command line as root.
    In this case the Gui fires up but all options are greyed out except the "Unlock" tab, I click on this and nothing happens..everything is still greyed out.
    Any help to solves this would be most appreciated.

    Does that http://localhost/~username/ have an Index.html in it?
    See if this joggles anything for you...
    Q: How do I fix a 403 error?

  • Gnome automounting problem...

    I installed Arch few days ago and I still have few issues. Well they are not too  serious but they are really annoying. Few info about my system. It's Dell Inspiron E1505. I have installed stock kernel 2.6.18-7, dbus (0.62-3), hal (, pmount (0.9.13-1), gnome-volume-manager (1.5.15-4), udev 101-1.
    My biggest problem is automounting of removable devices. I use gnome and I am used to that gnome volume manager mounts my cds, dvds and usb sticks. Well system recognised them, but I have to click on them to mount. I searched forums to find an answer and it seems that some have the same problem, but I found no clear answer.
    The user is already member of storage group and this are my start up services:
    DAEMONS=(@acpid @915resolution @syslog-ng @hal @dbus @alsa @network @powernowd)
    Does anyone know what I should do to solve this problem?

    macros78 wrote:
    I installed Arch few days ago and I still have few issues. Well they are not too  serious but they are really annoying. Few info about my system. It's Dell Inspiron E1505. I have installed stock kernel 2.6.18-7, dbus (0.62-3), hal (, pmount (0.9.13-1), gnome-volume-manager (1.5.15-4), udev 101-1.
    My biggest problem is automounting of removable devices. I use gnome and I am used to that gnome volume manager mounts my cds, dvds and usb sticks. Well system recognised them, but I have to click on them to mount. I searched forums to find an answer and it seems that some have the same problem, but I found no clear answer.
    The user is already member of storage group and this are my start up services:
    DAEMONS=(@acpid @915resolution @syslog-ng @hal @dbus @alsa @network @powernowd)
    Does anyone know what I should do to solve this problem?
    Well, for one gnome-volume-manger shouldn't ever mount anything O.o or atleaste I've never heard anything about this. HAL is what automounts devices so they work for me . Btw what is with the "@" symbol before you daemons? That doesn't need to be there, try removing them and trying again. I just have DAEMONS=(hal), ect.

Maybe you are looking for