Gnome-network-manager doesn't work at all

Hello, guys!
Gnome-network-manager starts but doesn't show its icon in Notification Area.
ps -A shows that the process is running correctly.
[sergo@myhost ~]$ ps -A |grep nm
4360 pts/2 00:00:00 nm-applet
I carefully studied all solutions listed here. My DAEMONS string is
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !hotplug !pcmcia network netfs crond alsa sensors portmap fam dbus hal dhcdbd networkmanager networkmanager-dispatcher @cups gdm)
Please help.

yes, I have done it, and nothing happen
edit : I have reinstall the software, and now it is OK, tks for the help
Last edited by serafimsaudade (2007-05-20 17:34:56)

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    [matt@myhost ~]$ iwconfig
    lo no wireless extensions.
    eth0 no wireless extensions.
    eth1 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"3KR98"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.427 GHz Access Point: 00:18:01:E0:43:1A
    Bit Rate:54 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Sensitivity=8/0
    Retry limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
    Power Management:off
    Link Quality=21/100 Signal level=-72 dBm Noise level=-87 dBm
    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:76 Missed beacon:31
    [matt@myhost ~]$ ifconfig
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:B0:A1:71:02
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::20f:b0ff:fea1:7102/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:82717 errors:300 dropped:592 overruns:300 frame:0
    TX packets:61302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:79395572 (75.7 Mb) TX bytes:9179527 (8.7 Mb)
    Interrupt:22 Base address:0x6800
    eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:CE:6A:FE:C1
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::213:ceff:fe6a:fec1/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:309 errors:0 dropped:76 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:41 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:2420181 (2.3 Mb) TX bytes:2012 (1.9 Kb)
    Interrupt:23 Base address:0x4000 Memory:bc005000-bc005fff
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:232 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:232 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:20464 (19.9 Kb) TX bytes:20464 (19.9 Kb)
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    Thanks a lot!

    gnome-keyring :< it's ugly but now works
    And this made me looking like an idiot in my university today  ;(
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    checking for a Python interpreter with version >= 2.5... python
    checking for python... /usr/bin/python
    checking for python version... 3.2
    checking for python platform... linux2
    checking for python script directory... ${prefix}/lib/python3.2/site-packages
    checking for python extension module directory... ${exec_prefix}/lib/python3.2/site-packages
    checking for headers required to compile python extensions... File "<string>", line 1
    import sys; print sys.prefix
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    File "<string>", line 1
    import sys; print sys.exec_prefix
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    not found
    configure: error: Could not find Python headers
    EDIT: Adding "export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2" before "./configure" helps
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  • My new iPhone 4 doesn't work at all

    You are definitely not alone with your issues. I'm on my second iPhone 4 unit, and am still having the same problems. I've had proximity sensor insanity, battery draining after 8 hours of stand-by (NO USE, just sleeping) to the point that my phone goes into a coma and has to be plugged in to be revived, the grip of death dropping calls....
    But the single most irritating and infuriating problem is the signal strength/reception fluctuation. I share a house with two iPhone 3Gs users, and I had an original silverback iphone until July 2010. They all work fantastically well with no issues when I'm at home (where I am just about 24/7, since I work from home). *_My new iPhone 4 doesn't work at all.*_. Signal strength is all over the place. I did a test where I sat watching the bars showing signal strength for five minutes. In that time, I saw it switch from E (edge?) with full bars to 3G with full bars to 3G with 1 bar to 2 bars to 4 bars to 1 bar to "Searching." Then back to 3G, with degradation of bars from 3 to none, then E network appears again, this time with full strength. This all with the phone sitting on a table, not being touched by human hands.
    It seems that my iPhone is constantly switching actual physical networks, and as a result signal strength is all over the place from one 30 second period of time to the next. This drains the battery like crazy, and means that all incoming calls go to voicemail--usually without my phone ever ringing.
    The 3G phones in my house work great. The 1st G iPhone I have had since the week it came out worked great (though its battery doesn't hold much of a charge anymore, after three years). On my new IP4, games are awesome. The videos and photos are amazingly clear and high quality, and editing on the phone is out of sight. iPhone Apps rule. MobileMe syncs my contacts quickly and easy. The only thing I love more than the iP4 features is my iPad--it rocks.
    Everything works on my IP4 at home BUT THE ACTUAL TELEPHONE FUNCTIONS. This is unacceptable. In late August, after two weeks in which I had 4 minutes of phone use, the nice folks at the Apple store switched me to a new phone, no questions asked. The phone worked so much better, I could send texts and place calls most of the time (this was now the first part of September)...except that now that I was using my IP4 to make phone calls, I started having a problem with the proximity sensor during those calls. I'd be talking and my cheek would mute the phone, turn on speaker, open contacts and edit info (with gobbledygook), and of course, hang up on people.
    So around Sept. 18 I was told by Apple phone support to update to iOS 4.2, restore as new, and do two complete power up and drain down cycles. This would fix the proximity sensor and any other issues.
    Well, I would love to see if iOS 4.2 actually did fix the PS, but I can't get the signal strength to stabilize long enough to have an actual phone conversation. I'm back to watching the signal strength go up and down at random (with me touching/holding it carefully to avoid grip of death, and also when I leave phone on the table with screen lock off --no touching). It is back to switching between E network and 3G and varying strengths of wi-fi from my home network. This eats up battery from 100% to low enough to turn off in under 10 hours of standby (usually 6-7). Essentially, my IP4 is back to being unusable as a phone.
    So I did another long, involved call to Apple tech support on 9/18. They tell me that I have to turn off wi-fi, turn off 3G, turn off push/fetch and notifications, shut all apps (no multi-tasking) and do everything but switch my phone to airplane mode--and see if the battery holds up for 24 hours in standby. If that didn't work, I should restore from new, but not load any contacts or network or data or anything--just leave it as it would be out of the box new.
    As a test, I turned everything off as advised: 3G, wi-fi, push, etc. Now my battery life is back to normal, where I can have the IP4 on stand-by for up to two full days before needing a recharge. Fabulous. BUT IT'S NOT A SMART PHONE if I have to turn off 3G, turn off wireless, and not use email push and so forth.
    I'm so frustrated I could scream. I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that there is a significant flaw in the new iPhone. Or perhaps it is just an issue for iPhone 4 users in areas where the signal strength is marginal, or where there are two types of overlapping network coverage (E and 3G in my case). I know that the networks themselves are in good condition--though I'm in a semi-rural area, the state capital is 4 miles away, and I know they have a new tower and good coverage for the politicians and power brokers around town. The phone coverage area I live in has Edge network in the south part of the network area and 3G in the north part, which is the state capital. I'm right in between. Could this be the problem? AT&T says no, it's Apple's fault.
    Message was edited by: HighSierra

    So what to do besides complain? Troubleshoot?
    I just wonder if all of us who have had chronic signal strength and "Searching for network" issues that totally drain the battery might have something in common, despite being all over the world? I'm using wi-fi 95% of the time, and live in a semi-rural area with overlapping networks run by same carrier. Apple folks hinted that maybe in my area the network usage is nearing capacity (resulting in getting kicked off of 3G and down to E as new calls are placed that strain capacity). They also hinted there could be interference from mountains or other objects. But here's the thing--3G phones work fine, and my IP4 works fine when I'm away from home, usually in the capital city on strong 3G network. (When I say "works fine I mean the signal is good and calls go through, I haven't tested battery drain away from home yet).
    I have to conclude that the problem is the IP4 itself--something about the hardware or the software (namely, the way it connects to the phone network) is horribly wrong. Other folks who live in urban areas or with strong networks that (likely) aren't over-utilized don't seem to have this issue. After reading through these pages, it also seems the wi-fi may be a major culprit in draining the battery and in varying signal strength (this is from Apple phone support, which said that varying signal strength and the constant pinging off the home wi-fi is creating a "power struggle" and keeping the phone constantly looking for the best connection option). Mind you, 3G iphones on the same home network have no problems whatsoever.
    So while I'm not a technical expert, it seems like the problem HAS to lie in the differences in the way the IP4 connects to the cellular and/or wi-fi network. And since the connection/signal strength problem was "resolved" on my replacement phone, but then "broken" again by the software update of iOS 4.2, I'm leaning toward this being a software issue. I've offered to help Apple troubleshoot, and I'm trying to be patient--because the IP4 is a work of art and I've never had an issue with an Apple product before. But all they want me to do is restore, restore, reload, restore, and then drive 1 hour to the nearest Apple store (in Reno, NV) and get a new phone...and start the whole process over again. I don't have time for this, I need my phone back.
    I'm this close to trading in my beautiful but flawed IP4 for a 3G. Maybe I should just get a new battery for my original iPhone from 2007?
    I understand that Apple can't test for every possible variable of use all over the world, but they don't even seem to acknowledge that they have a problem with the IP4 that will not be resolved by replacing it with a new unit. They want me to believe it's a fluke, or it's just me...but I've been combing these threads and see a lot of people reporting the same issues I am--battery drain and wildly fluctuating signal strength issues, wi-fi problems, and dropped calls. Can't someone get on this? Because otherwise Apple is going to have to admit that their IP4 is not a good solution for people who live in areas of less than perfect signal strength or use wifi or whatever demonic combo I have in my home/work setting.
    Or people will have to do what I have done--if you who want the cool IP4 non-phone features, you will have to dumb down your IP4 in order to have it be even moderately useful as *a phone.* For $599 I expected better.
    My (temporary) workaround?
    To spare the battery:
    *Turn off wi-fi (which *****, because now I have to burn minutes when I'm at work using the email, downloads, safari, etc--and it's E network, so it's SLLOOOOOOOW)
    *turn off push and fetch, have mail get new messages manually
    *turn off data roaming
    To keep the signal somewhat stable (making it easier to complete calls and spare battery)
    *Turn off 3G (this leaves me on E network--fabulous, I had that with my 3 year old iPhone)
    *grip IP4 between two fingers placed at the top of the phone, away from death zone. Tough for us lefty phone users.
    *pray the free bumper will a) come soon and b) help. I'm not optimistic.
    To keep proximity sensor from going nuts and dropping calls, muting, turning on speaker etc:
    *use headset or bluetooth (unless you are also having one of the known bluetooth issues!)
    *keep phone pressed to one ear and don't move it a millimeter. Don't shift sides, don't hold phone with your shoulder, just keep it to one ear and talk fast).
    I'm about out of patience. I understand that lots of folks have and love their IP4s. I'd love to be one of those people. I'm open to suggestions and have spent many hours on phone with tech support, restoring my phone, reloading data and apps--there has to be a better way.
    Sorry for the thread-jacking, but someone from Apple has got to be following these threads--help us!

  • [SOLVED] network randomly doesn't work after reboot (e100)

    Lately I have some weird issues with network. I shutdown computer during night, so basicly I reboot it at least once per day and every now and then without any pattern network doesn't work at all and so far only solution I have found is to reboot (again).
    Before anything else I'm sure it's not hardware problem, since other OS on same computer don't have any issues, neither is router since other devices in network from laptops to mobile phones work flawless.
    Relevant info and what I have found so far (not everything is copy/pasted so there may be some typos):
    $less rc.conf (network part)
    eth1="eth1 netmask broadcast
    gateway="default gw"
    eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:D0:B7:5A:7A:A9
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:380 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:380 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:36154 (35.3 Kb) TX bytes:36154 (35.3 Kb)
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth1
    default UG 0 0 0 eth1
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data
    From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
    So basicly network is dead, can't even ping router, cable connection is detected tho (lights are on). I have tried to restart newtork with /etc/rc.d/network stop/start, nothing. Only clue is dmesg.
    Linux version 2.6.30-ARCH (root@T-POWA-LX) (gcc version 4.4.1 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 31 07:30:28 CEST 2009
    e100: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver, 3.5.24-k2-NAPI
    e100: Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation
    e100 0000:03:07.0: PCI INT A -> Link[APC2] -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
    e100 0000:03:07.0: PME# disabled
    e100: eth1: e100_probe: addr 0xfdfff000, irq 17, MAC addr 00:d0:b7:5a:7a:a9
    e100 0000:03:07.0: firmware: requesting e100/d101m_ucode.bin
    ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
    modrope -r e100 and then reloading it doesn't help either, but reboot does (once I had to reboot twice tho).
    Anyone with more clue and ideas then me, it's getting really annoying, it also kill whole KDE plasma-desktop for couple of minutes before plasmoids find out network is really down and I'm not really fan of morning "gamble". I can't pinpoint some hard date/update when this started to happening because like I said it's random but last couple of months should be quite accurate. Thanks in advance.
    EDIT: dmesg when network works:
    tilen@pikmin ~]$ dmesg | grep e100
    pci 0000:03:07.0: Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling
    e100: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver, 3.5.24-k2-NAPI
    e100: Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation
    e100 0000:03:07.0: PCI INT A -> Link[APC2] -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
    e100 0000:03:07.0: PME# disabled
    e100: eth0: e100_probe: addr 0xfdfff000, irq 17, MAC addr 00:d0:b7:5a:7a:a9
    Last edited by NoOrdinary (2009-09-05 09:47:20)

    I don't have anything special set at router but I doubt rc.conf play any role. I will try to set it up with dhcp (but I think I have tried that already) if there is any change.
    This morning I had to reboot twice, so new kernel didn't help. Fowler, what network card are you using, also e100 (well or some intel)? I dunno, should this be handed to the kernel team? If it will piss me enough one morning I'll just go and buy a new network card, just wanna be sure that will really solve the problem.
    UPDATE: OK, this is just silly. I remebered I have acctualy onboard LAN so I edited rc.conf and dived into the dust under my desk to move cable and there I found out it was acctual onboard in use all the time Now this dosen't make much sense to me anymore, when I can't get net up all the stuff in dmesg is e100 related. Anyway, I connected network to e100 and rebooted, suprise, same story. Dmesg reported again link was not ready. I edited rc.conf to
    INTERFACES=(eth0 !eth1)
    in case this has anything to do with proper timing at assigning whatever needs to be assigned to network cards at boot so I'm sure just 1 card with all info provided get's kicked in at boot. First reboot after that works, it dosen't prove anything yet but at leat it's some kind of progress in recognising proper cause.
    UPDATE 2: Nah, still happens. Googling for "no link during initialization" show a lot of familiar problems, almost all on nforce motherboards and mine is nforce too. I just don't get it why this mess seperate PCI network card. In any case it's extremely annoying.
    Last edited by NoOrdinary (2009-09-02 11:46:27)

  • My iphone 5 went into search mode and I can't place or receive calls or use the internet but my text messages work. Sprint had me do a master reset and my phone doesn't work at all now I can't get it past the activation. Will I have to pay in store?

    My iphone 5 went into search mode and I can't place or receive calls or use the internet but my text messages work. Sprint had me do a master reset and my phone doesn't work at all now I can't get it past the activation. Will I have to pay for repairs in store because I didnt get the Apple care plan when I purchased it. Sprint said it may be a phone problem not sure if I should take it to Sprint or Apple...I just need my phone

    I'm sorry to learn that you are not able to make/receive calls chelseabee! (ticket number removed) results indicate that there is no issues with the network or account provisioning. Since you have already done a hard reset (as per your post), I recommend exploring replacement options. If your phone is within the one year manufacturers' warranty we can provide a Certified Like New replacement as long as no physical/liquid damage exist. If your phone has sustained physical/water damage and you have insurance, you can submit a claim to the insurance company online at this link
    AntonioC_VZW Follow us on Twitter at
    >> Edited to comply with the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service <<
    Edited by:  Verizon Moderator


    I think there are a bug with Java,
    but some keys of my French keyboard doesn't work with ALL Java APPS (Solaris Management console...), but work fine with all other apps.
    When I use Xsun, there are no problem, all keys work, but with Xorg, some keys doesn't work. (Only in Java Apps).
    I had got this bug with Sun Solaris 10 and Sun Solaris 11 (6/05 Express)
    This is a very nasty bug, I have got a PS/2 keyboard.

    Enable multilib repo in /etc/pacman.conf , pacman -Syy and pacman -S flashplugin
    Last edited by Halcyon22 (2010-09-14 13:34:53)

  • Gnome-network-manager shouldn't require Gnome?

    According to its page on Gnomefiles, network-manager-applet (gnome-network-manager on Arch) doesn't need Gnome deps.
    Maybe it would be a good idea to include a version that isn't compiled for Gnome in Extra, so that people using E17 or XFCE or whatever can easily use networkmanager? If people think this is practical I'll file a feature request...

    Gullible Jones wrote:According to its page on Gnomefiles, network-manager-applet (gnome-network-manager on Arch) doesn't need Gnome deps.
    It does need gnome deps. Requires libgnomegui and gnome-keyring... in turn it also uses gconf and other things. These can't be disabled.

  • My 3g internet doesn't work anywhere.  I can get internet with wifi, but when I turn that off, the internet doesn't work at all.  Any ideas?

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    Contact your carrier to ensure data access with your carrier's cellular network is provisioned properly with your line/number/account.

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    Sorry you are having problems. First of all try Fifrefox's safemode.
    *[[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]]
    If that works post back for further advice.
    Next step, if safe mode did not work.
    <u>First: Try a clean install, <sub>(you have had a none standard version installed previously)</sub></u><br /> that involves deleting the program files. Then if necessary try troubleshooting by creating and using a clean empty Firefox profile.
    * this recent post [/questions/940399#answer-377134]
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