Going live issue

I launched my new website (which replaces the old one) there are more than 2 hours and it is still not accessible.
I get a blank page (no 404)? the trace route seems correct.
The problem is that my client has no more email (10 accounts) and I do not know how long it will last.
Is this normal ? should I have to wait ?
Thank you for your help

It looks like it was just a propagation delay, it's is working currently
Kind Regards,
Alex Pavelescu

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    Hi Agranshu,
    Check the thread
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    *Close the thread if issue solved.

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    The method adopted depends on the business requirements. There are quite many options which can be adopted. So first thing i would say is get a clear business requirement what business expects from this migration.
    Some of the options could be
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    No way to transfer purchases from one iTunes account to another.
    All 3rd party apps - all paid and free apps include DRM protection which is tied to the iTunes account that was used to download the apps. This cannot be transferred from one account to another.

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    Check out the SEM performance guide on SDN or service.sap.com - I think it was under BPS knowhow.
    Marc Bernard also did an excellent presentation at BW and Portal conference on Performance and you can find it at on SDN on
    "Performance Tuning Tools and Techniques for SAP BW Business Planning and Simulation (BW-BPS)"
    Some good transactions to know at BPS_stat0, BPS_stat1, STAD, etc.
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    Hope this helps,

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    Thanking you in advance and a happy new years!
    Kind regards
    Nilüfer Çalışkan

    Hi Nilufer,
    The following Input as follows :
    Source : http://www.thespot4sap.com/upgrade_guide_v2.pdf
    This service is included as part of your annual maintenance fee.
    The underlying concept of the SAP GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check is
    to ensure smooth operation of your mySAP.com solution by taking action
    proactively, before severe technical problems occur.
    The GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check is made up of three sessions
    (Planning, Analysis and Verification)—two sessions (Planning and Analysis)
    before the upgrade and the other (Verification) after the upgrade.
    Planning Session: This session should be performed as much in advance as
    possible when the upgrade is first being considered.
    Analyses compatibility for the target release with regards to connected
    systems in the Solution Landscape, OS version, DB version, installed Add-
    Ons, Plug-ins, Country Versions, and so on.
    Analysis Session: It is generally performed two months before the
    production upgrade (consider lead time for hardware procurement).
      The focus is on resource planning and system configuration.
      There is a high-level hardware plausibility check (this is not a hardware
    sizing exercise).
      Potential resource bottlenecks are identified.
      Necessary changes will be recommended to prepare the system for the
    productive use of the new release.
    38 SAP Upgrade Guide | Simplifying Your Upgrade
    Verification Session: Generally performed four to six weeks after the
    production upgrade, and the recommendation from the analysis session
      Comparison of performance with results prior to upgrade
      Recommendations on configuration and optimization
    More information and ordering . For more information, see the GoingLive
    Functional Upgrade Check web page at:
    To order a GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check, contact SAP Customer Care
    Center at least eight weeks prior to the planned upgrade of your production
    For customers of value-added resellers (VARs) such as CBS customers in the
    US, special conditions apply. Contact your VAR.
    Remote Upgrade Service
    Remote Upgrade Service is a technical upgrade that is performed by SAP
    remote consultants. Pricing is based on the complexity of the customer’s
    SAP performs the technical upgrade of your system, allowing you to focus on
    the functional and training side of the upgrade. You are still responsible for
    resolving object conflicts.
    See SAP Notes 106447 and 84044.
    The Remote Upgrade Service is an attractive option for CBS sized customers
    with small or non-existent mySAP Technology group.
    For more information see the Remote Upgrade Service web page at:
    The following list shows some of the resources you can use as you prepare for
    your upgrade of SAP. These resources include:
      Your installation partner
      Customers and others you have networked with at customer functions and
    conferences such as:
    • ASUG
    Hope this Info helps you.
    <i>Advanced New Year wishes.</i>
    Award points for helpful answers

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    >Can I extrapolate the link based on these?
    Not that I'm aware of, no.
    Find the app's store id number in iTunes Connect, then use http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ - this site will generate a link with a button based which book, app, song, podcast etc. you search for in the store.

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    Business catalyst is a hosting platform, which allows to host your file. So when you click publish first time in Muse and publish your site to Business catalyst, it will create two url for you,
    mysite.businesscatalyst.com (System Domain)
    mysite.worldsecuresystems.com (Secure Domain)
    Once your site is published, you add a domain to the site, like mysite.com (custom domain)
    Now all these three url are pointing to the same site, which is hosted by business catalyst. So when you click publish in Muse, Muse will show you the list of website on business catalyst under your account. check this screenshot
    So when you select the site, it is going to your site. which can be accessed using all the domains (system,secure or Custom domain as defined above). But as you have custom domain, system domain is not used anywhere.
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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    -> Services & Implementation
    AP BW Going Live Check and Early Watch Session
    Every SAP BW customer should take advantage of the services offered to optimize a productive SAP BW. How they work in detail and how to order them, you can find... here (https://websmp206.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/011000358700001058721999/).

  • Going live check service

    hello all!
    who knows the procedure of  receiving "going live check session service" or something about the 'going live check '
    Can anyone help me,or where i can find the document about it!
    best regards.

    SAP Going Live Analysis session is performed before start of major upgrade activities/migration etc. This pre session is performed before your task giving source system information and target system information and SAP runs the session based on that.
    SAP Post GoLive analysis check is performed after your change and target system creation. Post session is to find out optimum settings for your system in terms of performance and other parameters or if you missed any specific settings etc.
    You can request for both pre and post sessions via opening of message via SAP marketplace. They will send you a questionnaire to fill out with your system details. Once you send that sap will mark a date for the session in your system. You have to open remote connection/HTTP URL / WTS as required with login details to your system.

  • Going Live and Early Watch.

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    How can I find the Going Live and Early Watch documents in the market place?
    Thanks for the help!

    <a href="https://websmp106.sap-ag.de/earlywatch">Early Watch</a>
    <a href="https://websmp106.sap-ag.de/cusdata">https://websmp106.sap-ag.de/cusdata</a>
    <a href="https://websmp106.sap-ag.de/skt">https://websmp106.sap-ag.de/skt</a>

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi TwoFingerTyper,
    The router is normally delivered on the same day as your broadband is activated so hopefully it will be with you before it switches over.  
    If you are using your own equipment the username is [email protected] where 'your' equals your first name and 'name' equals your surname, for example [email protected] BT Broadband does not require that you enter a password to connect, but some routers won't connect to the Internet without a password. If this is the case, enter the word BT.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    Hi bgeorge,
    You have the option at any time to publish your project to a new trial site. Make sure to select in the publishing pop-up the Options button, and from "Publish to:" field scroll to the top where you have "New Site". Whenever you want to publish to your existing site, follow the same steps and click on the site you want to publish to.
    Currently the publish process is down due to a scheduled maintenance on Business Catalyst so you won't be able to do it right now. Check the status page later to see when it is completed: http://status.businesscatalyst.com

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