Goto a bookmark or specific page in Word WebApp

I'm using the Office WebApp in my SharePoint 2013 environment and I have
a question regarding the Word WebApp. Is it possible to open a document
at a specific page (or bookmark) using a parameter? E.g
If it is not possible with a get parameter, a javascript (or any other) solution would be amazing :)
I already asked the same question at but was referred here. 

As far as I know, unfortunately there is no API available for Office Web app yet.
Refer to Jennie’s reply given in the following thread link and check if it helps:
George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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    Bummer...oh, well...
    Thanks for the answer; I really do appreciate your help (and this forum, in general).
    Thanks, George!

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    I am not a Word guru, but I don't think you can run a macro from a hyperlink. But you can create an active X label that runs a macro when clicked. You can use the following macro to go to a specific page in a PDF file.
    Sub OpenPDFPageView(DisplayPage As Integer)
    'In order to use the macro you must enable the Acrobat library from VBA editor:
    'Go to Tools -> References -> Adobe Acrobat xx.0 Type Library, where xx depends
    'on your Acrobat Professional version (i.e. 9.0 or 10.0) you have installed to your PC.
    Dim PDFApp As AcroApp
    Dim PDFDoc As AcroAVDoc
    Dim PDFPageView As AcroAvPageView
    Dim PDFPath As String
    Dim DisplayPage As Integer
    PDFPath = "C:\Users\doudou\documents\test1.pdf"
    'Set the page you want to be displayed
    'DisplayPage = 3
    'Initialize Acrobat by creating App object
    Set PDFApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    'Set AVDoc object
    Set PDFDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
    'Open the PDF
    If PDFDoc.Open(PDFPath, "") = True Then
    'Maximize the document
    Call PDFDoc.Maximize(True)
    Set PDFPageView = PDFDoc.GetAVPageView()
    'Go to the desired page
    'The first page is 0
    Call PDFPageView.GoTo(DisplayPage - 1)
    'Set the page view of the pdf
    Call PDFPageView.ZoomTo(2, 50)
    End If
    Set PDFApp = Nothing
    Set PDFDoc = Nothing
    On Error Resume Next
    'Show the adobe application
    'Set the focus to adobe acrobat pro
    AppActivate "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
    End Sub

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    Thanks, Alex!
    ok, I try first approach in, but Labview return an error (view jpg); if I cut From, To controls, the VI print all pages. The same things happen also if I trasform I32 in Variant.
    I don't try second approach, because at this time I have only one report
    I try also with VB macro: this is better ( but.....if I use:
    Sub Print_Pages_From_To()
    ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.PrintOut Range:=wdPrintFromTo, From:="2", To:="3"
    End Sub
    is ok; print the pages selected; if I use:
    Sub PrintPages()
    ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.PrintOut  Pages:="2-3"  
    End Sub
    printer print all pages.
    what do you think?
    print Problem.jpg ‏39 KB ‏19 KB ‏19 KB

  • Link to a specific page in a PDF - from word

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    Possibly a stupid question, however Im not too familiar with acrobat and creating pdfs etc, I have searched and tried whatever answers i've found though.
    What Im needing to do (well, its another user, but they've asked me to fix it for them) is create a link in a word document that will open a pdf at a particular page. This word document will then be exported to PDF and the linking needs to still work. The files will be on the local filesystem (not a web server) and need to open in acrobat reader, not an IE window.
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    Create a hyperlink in word to c:\test.pdf#chapter6 (with chapter6 being a destination in the PDF document)
    as above but with file:///c:/test.pdf#page50 and file:///c:/test.pdf#chapter6
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    Any help would be much appreciated!

    I have a similar problem I would like to solve. I am also running Word 2003, Windows XP and Acrobat Professional 7.0.
    I can create a hyperlink in a word document to open a separate PDF file.
    I can then use PDF Maker to convert the word document to PDF.
    No problem.
    When I click on the new link in the PDF document it opens the separate file in the same window and the original PDF file is closed.
    I do not want the original file to close.
    When I set up a new link from within Acrobat then I get the option to "Open in new window". This link works the way that I want.
    As there are multiple hyperlinks in the word document, I will need to recreate new links everytime I modify the Word document. This is very time consuming
    Question - how do I get the automatically created link to open in a new window?
    Thanks in advance

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    When you add a bookmark, it defaults to the current page and view (zoom, scroll). If you want it to link to a location in a different document, after you create the bookmark, select it, right-click, and select Properties and then select the Actions tab. Delete the default action and add a new one of the type "Go to a page view". When you're prompted with the "Create Go to View" dialog, open the other document and go to the page and set the view (zoom, scroll) that you want, and then click the "Set Link" button. When distributing the files, make sure they retain the same folder structure. This is easiest done if all of the PDFs are in the same folder.

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    As I said in your other thread, themes (AKA lightweight themes, personas) only change the background of toolbars. You need a complete theme if you want to change the background of menus, or the appearance of buttons.
    * [ FT DeepDark]
    * [ BlackFox]
    * [ All recently updated complete themes]
    As for alternatives to Noia 4, Noia Fox and Nuvola FF are available, but neither is a dark theme.
    * [ Noia Fox]
    * [ Nuvola FF]
    Original answer:

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    Thank you kindly for your help.

    Only one Wiki pages, see I also remember the TechNet galleries contained a download that adds a menu item on a Wiki page to add bookmarks, but I wasn't able to
    locate it just now.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

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    You can download the trial version ( to convert the PDF back to WORD if you do not have the original. The conversion may not be perfect, but it is typically better than starting from scratch. You may be lucky and get a good result. You might check the settings (in the save screen) to try retain format versus retain text flow. The format version can be a pain to edit since it creates a bunch of text boxes. The flow version may require you to reformat in WORD, but you likely would want to do that anyway.

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    I can open a pdf file using the Buddy API baOpenfile() function but I'm having trouble opening to a specific page when I add #page=4:
    baOpenfile("@\pdfs\Powder Cores\Magnetics_Powder_Core_Catalog_2011.pdf#page=4","normal")
    I've also tried working with the code below which seems to me like it should work... I didn't realize that the "open..." part of it was a function in Director.
    on mouseUp me
      pageNum = 4
      theApp = baShortFileName(baFindApp("pdf"))
      theDoc = baShortFileName("@\pdfs\Powder Cores\Magnetics_Powder_Core_Catalog_2011.pdf")
      theArgs = "/s /A page=" & string(pageNum)   & "&pagemode=bookmarks"
      -- (translates to "/A page=4" in this example)
      open theApp && theArgs && theDoc
    Thank you in advance!

    Thank you Dee! This works perfect!
    It would be cool to know how to use bashell() for this.
    The help files give the following examples:
    Result = baShell( Operation, Filename, Args, WorkDir, State )
    ok = baShell( "open", "c:\windows\notepad.exe", "myfile.txt" , "", "normal" )
    ok = baShell( "edit", "myfile.htm" , "", "", "normal" )
    So I tried:
    on mouseUp me
      -- Close the program group
      tWindowList = baWindowList( "" , "pdf" , false )
      if tWindowList <> [] and count(tWindowList) > 0 then  baCloseWindow(tWindowList[1])
      pageNum = 4
      theApp = baFindApp("pdf")
      theDoc = _movie.path & "pdfs\Powder Cores\Magentics Powder Core Catalog.pdf"
      theArgs = "/A "&QUOTE&"page="&string(pageNum)&"=OpenActions"&QUOTE
      baShell( "open", theApp, theDoc , theArgs, "normal" )
    It opens the pdf file without going to a specific page. Any thoughts as to why it wouldn't accept theArgs?
    Thanks again!

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  • How to create a table of contents (TOC) linking to specific pages of different (multiple) PDFs

    Hi All,
    I would like to create clickable Table of Contents (TOC) that can lead to a sub clickable TOC that would lead to a specific page of different PDFs within a folder.
    Is that possible?
    Secondly, is is possible to create a search box that upon typing a specific word (not related to text within the PDFs), that word to be linked to a specific page of a particular PDF out of many within a folder?
    To make it more clear, I have a database of specifications of equipment and drawings of a building, all in multiple PDF files. I would like to be able to unify all those PDFs and if I type the room number of the building to be presented with a menu of choces pointing to services assosiated with that room, being elctrical power drawings, lighting drawings or drawings of Air Conditioning and Ducting associated with that room. So I type a room number, then I get a menu of Power, Lights, Fire Alarm, or Ducting all associated with that room, then if I click Fire Alarm to be directed straight to the drawing within a PDF related to that room.

    I would say: Try and Error. Create a copy of your document and unmark in the copied document in the document inspector all boxes for the TOC. Then mark them again. Maybe you should also delete the paragraph styles and mark them again. If that doesn't work, try to copy the complete text of your document to a new created one. Maybe that works.
    Good luck!
    P.S.: If that doesn't work look here. Maybe this helps.

  • How can I link to a local PDF and have it launch on a specific page?

    Hey People,
    I've searched quite a bit over this and I'm sure it used to work.
    I've got a Word document that I'm using as an index to a whole bunch of PDFs.  The PDFs are in the same folder (and subfolders) as the Word document.
    I've tried using the hyperlink method of appending #page=2 to the link, but it only ever opens on the first page.
    There doesn't seem to be anyway to use the command line /A "page=s" "path/to/file.pdf" method.
    I just want to have a word document which can open PDFs at a specific page, all from a local file system.
    Any ideas?  I'm sure this used to work!
    I've tried Acrobat/Reader v8 and v9.

    Hi Craig,
    When opening a PDF document from a command shell, you can pass the parameters to the open command using the /A switch with the following syntax:
    <Acrobat path> /A "<parameter>=<value>" "<PDF path>"
    For example:
    Acrobat.exe /A "zoom=1000" "C:\example.pdf"

  • Bookmarks Panel and Page Display

    I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 and now when I convert a Word2010 doc to PDF using Acrobat 9 Pro Create PDF. Once the file oepns in Acrobat, I then make the following changes:
    File > Properties > Initial View >Navigation Tab (Set to Bookmarks Panel and Page) Page Layer (Set to Single Page Continuous)
    Preferences are set to: Open cross-document links in same window; allow layer state to be set by user information; allow documents to hide the men bar, toolbars, and window controls.
    PDF/A View Mode is sent to Only for PDF/A documents.
    The only thing that I have done different is that I did open was Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES8.2 and tested converting a word document into a form last week. I then attempted to convert files from WORD2010 to Acrobat Pro 9 on Friday and say the problems. I am now also having problems with Adobe LiveCycle.
    Attempted Resolution: Our Help Desk uninstalled and then re-installed Acrobat Pro 9 but that has not resolved the issue. They are recommending that they wipe my profile and build it again. I am hoping to avoid that and hope someone can help me with this issue.
    System Information:
    OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
    OS Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    OS Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
    Thanks for your assistance,

    The Bookmark Panel to the left of the pdf is not displaying - I have checked everything (and double checked under preferences to ensure that under Documents > Open Settings > Restore last view settings when reopening documents is Not checked.)
    Have reinstalled Acrobat and still am having issues. The only thing I did was open AcrobatLive and converted a doc to a fillable form - I am getting error messages with that now as well.

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