Graphic2D.drawString() isn't drawing my strings.  Help!!

Hello everybody, thanks for looking.
I'm writing a program that creates and prints out schedules for a sports league. I am having a very annoying problem with drawString().
The incredibly annoying part of this is that one method in my object prints its strings correctly, whereas exactly the same code in another method doesn't print anything.
O.K., here's the code for calling both these methods:
drawLeagueNameWeek ( g2, leagueWeek );
drawLeagueGameList ( g2, leagueWeek );This code comes from the print method of my object, which implements Printable, and g2 is the Graphics2D object that I typecast from the Graphics object in print().
Here's the text of the first method, drawLeagueNameWeek, which works perfectly.
void drawLeagueNameWeek ( Graphics2D g2, int weekNumber )
// This method draws the name of the league and the current week
// being printed at the top of each page.  It'll be nicely centered,
// as well. 
String leagueNameString, leagueWeekString;
FontRenderContext leagueContext;
int fontSize;
double fontXCenter;
float xValue, yValue;
leagueNameString = printRecord.getLeagueName();
leagueNameString = leagueNameString + LEAGUE_TITLE_STRING;
// I need the plus one because of 0..n array offsets.  Trust me, it's necessicary.
leagueWeekString = WEEK_TITLE_STRING + Integer.toString( weekNumber + 1 );
Font leagueFont;
// First, create the font
fontSize = (int) Math.round( divisionSize / 2 );
leagueFont = new Font ("Serif", Font.BOLD, fontSize );
g2.setFont ( leagueFont );
leagueContext = g2.getFontRenderContext();
fontXCenter = leagueFont.getStringBounds(leagueNameString, leagueContext).getWidth();
xValue = ( float ) ( myPF.getImageableX() + ( ( WIDTH / 2 ) - ( fontXCenter / 2 ) ) );
yValue = (float) ( myPF.getImageableY() + ( divisionSize ) );
System.out.println("xValue and yValue for leagueNameString" );
System.out.println("xValue -- " + xValue + ", yValue -- " + yValue );
g2.drawString ( leagueNameString, xValue, yValue );       
// Having drawn the League Name, now draw the league week under it. 
fontXCenter = leagueFont.getStringBounds ( leagueWeekString, leagueContext).getWidth();
xValue = ( float ) ( myPF.getImageableX() +  ( ( WIDTH / 2 ) - ( fontXCenter / 2 ) ) );
yValue = ( float ) ( myPF.getImageableY() + ( 2 * divisionSize ) );
System.out.println("xValue and yValue for leagueWeekString" );
System.out.println("xValue -- " + xValue + ", yValue -- " + yValue );
g2.drawString ( leagueWeekString, xValue, yValue );
} // end of drawLeagueNameWeekThis method, as I say, draws the text that i want beautifully. It's nicely centered at the top of the page, and prints out the week number correctly.
The second method, drawLeagueGameList(), though, doesn't seem to do anything. The println statements all print, they show me the strings and ints and everything else that I want and everything seems fine.
Except the calls to g2.drawString() simply refuse to print anything. And I have no idea why.
Here's the code for that one.
void drawLeagueGameList ( Graphics2D g2, int leagueWeek )
// This method is the heart and soul of the BasicBBPrinter class. 
// One thing to keep in mind, I can only print 5 games per page, so
// I need to keep track of what games to print next. 
// That information in stored in the variable gameCount.  
Font gameFont;
FontRenderContext gameContext;
int fontSize, pageGameCount, lineSpacing, numberGames;
double fontXCenter;
float xValue, yValue;
String teamString, gameString;
LeagueGameRecord printGame;
gameContext = g2.getFontRenderContext();
numberGames = printRecord.getNumberGames( leagueWeek );
// First, create the font
//          fontSize = (int) Math.round( divisionSize / 3 );
          fontSize = 30;
System.out.println("fontSize is " + fontSize );
gameFont = new Font ("Serif", Font.BOLD, fontSize );
lineSpacing = Math.round ( divisionSize / 3 );
g2.setFont( gameFont );
g2.setColor ( Color.BLACK );
pageGameCount = 0;
// Since the league title and the league week take up the top two divisions,
// I need to make sure the other games get the proper offset.  Each game
// gets two divisions for space. 
// First, is our loop for getting our games...
while ( ( pageGameCount < 5 ) && ( gameCount < numberGames ) )
// First, get our game record...
printGame = printRecord.getGameRecord( leagueWeek,
                              ( gameCount ) );
System.out.println("I'm getting game " + gameCount + " in week " + leagueWeek );
// Next, calculate the location of our game text.
xValue = (float) myPF.getImageableX() + 30;
yValue = ( float ) myPF.getImageableY() + ( ( ( pageGameCount * 2 ) + 2 ) * divisionSize );
System.out.println("xValue is " + xValue + ", yValue is " + yValue );
// With that done, we can start figuring out where the text goes. 
if ( printGame != null )
System.out.println("In printGame != null statement" );
if ( printGame.isByeWeek() == true )
gameString = BYE_WEEK_STRING;
// Make the string for our game. 
// Plus 1 for offsets, remember. 
gameString = GAME_TITLE_STRING + Integer.toString ( gameCount + pageGameCount + 1 );
// Print out our game number...
System.out.println("gameString is " + gameString );
fontXCenter = gameFont.getStringBounds( gameString, gameContext).getWidth();
xValue = ( float ) ( myPF.getImageableX() + ( ( WIDTH / 2 ) - ( fontXCenter / 2 ) ) );
g2.drawString( gameString, xValue, yValue );
// Now, whether the game is a bye week or not, we need to
// print out the name of the first team. 
teamString = printRecord.getTeamName( printGame.getLeagueTeam1() ) + "  ( " + standingsRecord.getTeamWinRecord( printGame.getLeagueTeam1() ) +      " - " + standingsRecord.getTeamLossRecord( printGame.getLeagueTeam1() ) + " - " + standingsRecord.getTeamTieRecord( printGame.getLeagueTeam1() ) +      " ) ";
yValue = ( float ) myPF.getImageableY() + ( ( pageGameCount + 2 ) * divisionSize );
yValue = yValue + lineSpacing;
System.out.println("team 1's string is " + teamString );
g2.setColor ( Color.RED );
g2.drawString( teamString, xValue, yValue );
testLine = new Line2D.Float ( xValue, yValue, xValue + 200, yValue );
g2.draw( testLine );
if ( printGame.isByeWeek() == false )
// Print out the versus and the other team name...
yValue = yValue + lineSpacing;
g2.drawString( VERSUS_STRING, xValue, yValue );
g2.setColor ( Color.GREEN );
testLine = new Line2D.Float ( xValue, yValue, xValue + 200, yValue );
g2.draw( testLine );
System.out.println("versus string is " + VERSUS_STRING );
// And then, draw the other team name...
teamString = printRecord.getTeamName( printGame.getLeagueTeam2() );
// Now, add the record for the team onto the teamString...
// Team wins...
teamString = teamString + "  ( " + standingsRecord.getTeamWinRecord( printGame.getLeagueTeam2() );
// Team losses...
teamString = teamString + " - " + standingsRecord.getTeamLossRecord( printGame.getLeagueTeam2() );
// Team ties...
teamString = teamString + " - " + standingsRecord.getTeamTieRecord( printGame.getLeagueTeam2() );
teamString = teamString + " )";
yValue = yValue + lineSpacing;
g2.drawString( teamString, xValue, yValue );
g2.setColor( Color.BLUE );
testLine = new Line2D.Float ( xValue, yValue, xValue + 200, yValue );
g2.draw( testLine );
System.out.println("team 2's string is " + teamString );
} // end of if ( isByeWeek == false )
} // end of if ( printGame != null )
System.out.println("record was a null" );
// Finally, increment gameCount and pageGameCount
System.out.println("gameCount is now " + gameCount );
System.out.println("pageGameCount is also now " + pageGameCount );
} // end of for loop           
} // end of drawLeagueGameList Now, here's a copy of a run-through trying to print a league schedule.
width is 612.0
height is 792.0
There are 4 games
xValue and yValue for leagueNameString
xValue -- 92.639984, yValue -- 96.0
xValue and yValue for leagueWeekString
xValue -- 250.56, yValue -- 156.0
fontSize is 30
I'm getting game 0 in week 0
xValue is 66.0, yValue is 156.0
In printGame != null statement
gameString is Game #1
team 1's string is Gonzo ( 2 - 0 - 0 )
versus string is -- versus --
team 2's string is Fozzie ( 1 - 1 - 0 )
gameCount is now 1
pageGameCount is also now 1
I'm getting game 1 in week 0
xValue is 66.0, yValue is 276.0
In printGame != null statement
gameString is Game #3
team 1's string is Sweetums ( 0 - 2 - 0 )
versus string is -- versus --
team 2's string is Kermit ( 2 - 0 - 0 )
gameCount is now 2
pageGameCount is also now 2
I'm getting game 2 in week 0
xValue is 66.0, yValue is 396.0
In printGame != null statement
gameString is Game #5
team 1's string is Robin ( 1 - 1 - 0 )
versus string is -- versus --
team 2's string is Miss Piggy ( 0 - 1 - 0 )
gameCount is now 3
pageGameCount is also now 3
I'm getting game 3 in week 0
xValue is 66.0, yValue is 516.0
In printGame != null statement
gameString is Bye week
team 1's string is Statler ( 0 - 1 - 0 )
gameCount is now 4
pageGameCount is also now 4
xValue and yValue for leagueNameString
xValue -- 92.639984, yValue -- 96.0
xValue and yValue for leagueWeekString
xValue -- 250.56, yValue -- 156.0
fontSize is 30
numberGames is now -1
From the trace lines, my team strings seem to be being built perfectly, my x and y locations seem to be fine, since I'm using values less then the width and height, and the text in drawLeagueNameWeek(() works fine, but it simply refuses to print anything that's in drawLeagueGameList, even the test lines.
I even tried copying all the code from drawLeagueGameList into drawLeagueGameWeek and, while all the game week stuff printed correctly, the gameList stuff still refused to do anything.
I've been working on this for three or four days and have no idea at all what might be wrong. I figure it's something simple and stupid, but I can't seem to find it.
Any and all help is appreciated.
And if you need any more information on anything, let me know.
Thanks again.

Hi, again.
I think I managed to solve this problem with help from another friend, and I'll post it here in case somebody with a similar problem comes across my post.
I've managed to get drawString to draw the strings in drawLeagueGameList by removing the while loop from around them.
This requires that I rebuild this method as a series of if-else statements, but I'm certinally willing to do that if that's what it takes to get it to work.
I still do not know why drawString isn't working inside that loop, it might be a bug of some kind in drawString or in the Graphics2D library.
If anybody has any idea on why it didn't work in the loop, I'm still interested in hearing theories.
Thanks again for looking.

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    import java.awt.event.*;
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    extends Canvas
    implements MouseListener, ActionListener {
    String drawType="square";
    Point lastClickPoint=null;
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    if (lastClickPoint==null) {
    g.drawString("Click canvas first",20,20);
    } else {
    if (drawType.equals("square")) {
    else if (drawType.equals("circle")) {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
    if (event.getActionCommand().equals("square"))
    else if (event.getActionCommand().equals("circle"))
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    public void square(Graphics g) {
    g.fillRect(lastClickPoint.x, lastClickPoint.y, 40, 40);
    public void circle(Graphics g) {
    g.fillOval(lastClickPoint.x, lastClickPoint.y, 40, 40);
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Some of the problems:
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    2) Paint(Graphics g) has not been overriden
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    Hi -
    Prelude currently searches for exact string matches - including punctuation. 
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    Assuming your using Swing and not AWT...
    1. Convert your graphics object into a graphics2D object;
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics) g;
    2. use translate(x, y) to recenter your world. In general, I like to return to the center when I'm done with operations at that point
    3. useGraphics2D.rotate(...) to rotate your string drawing. Always remember that strings draw from the bottom left hand corner.

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         public static int readlnt()
              BufferedReader str= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              String input;
              int res = 0;
              Integer num = new Integer(res);//create integer object
              input = str.readLine();//read input and return a string
              return num.parseInt(input);//convert String to an int and return
              }// end of read method
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         public static int readlnt()
              BufferedReader str= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
              String input;
              String res = null;
              String word = new String(res);
              input = str.readLine();
              return word.parseword(input);
              }// end of read method
         }//end of class numberi need a little help with the readWord class, any advice you can give would be great
    thanks alot

    Your basic logic is probably going to be something like this:
    (a) read from the stream until you get a letter. (discard spaces at the beginning of a line, or between words)
    (b) create a string or a string buffer that contains the letter you just read.
    (c) read from the stream as long as you're getting letters, appending them to the end of the string or string buffer. When you get a character that isn't a letter, discard it, and return what you've built up.
    This assumes you want to discard punctuation marks, spaces, carriage returns, etc.

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    Anyone knows how to specify the size of the font, or how to force the string to continue on a new line if its size is bigger than the width of the screen?

    There is not native support for line wrapping in drawString().
    You can change the font by using g.setFont(),
    Create your on font, and specify the font size as small.
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    Alternatively, you can use this line wrapping class

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