
got the dreaded green-orange-orange-orange lights when trying to use the ipod. went through the recommended trouble shooting and got nowhere. downloaded the reset utility from apple. it's been sitting there blinking for 40 minutes now.
i'm on a g5 mac, latest updates.
the computer really hates restarting with the ipod plugged in.
can play music off the ipod through itunes on the computer. so at least part of it still works.
i'd take it to the apple store, but they're going to be busy dealing with **** off iphone customers for the next week or so.

Same here. Check this topic to commiserate:

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                                                       
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    Today, I brought it into the Genius Bar and the Tech reset the SMC and it appeared to work there - but he failed to check to see if it would accept a charge from an A/C power supply. I got home and plugged it in and now the light flashes from green to orange and back to green. Additionally, the time until charged has increased from 55 mins when I first plugged it in to 3hr15mins as I write this. It's still holding steady at an 85% charge the whole time.
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    99 bucks for 13 months...I am not pleased with my first trip to the apple world.
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    shuffle   Windows XP  
    shuffle   Windows XP  

    You can also try whats called a restore of your ipod. check out:, or formatting it in disk management. Good luck

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    This happens when you load the shuffle with Podcasts, which by default are set to "Skip when shuffling" and you also have the shuffle set to Shuffle, therefore the 'pod has no media it can play and it 'freaks out'. Check to see whether this matches your situation. If so, switch from 'shuffle' to 'continuous play' or load music instead of podcasts onto the 'pod.

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    ugh this is so frusturating. so yesterday for
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    download music onto my ipod. Every time I try I just
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    please help!
    Read this (iPod shuffle Fast Start: The New User's Guide to iPod shuffle):

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    Try Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Apple - Batteries - Notebooks

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    Just a follow-up for anyone else having this problem.
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    I am writing some letters over the next few days to Apple. They need to train their techs on the phone to LISTEN to the customer. Every contact I have had was to try and NOT do anything. It is totally unsatisfactory.

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    I also have similar problems. My machine is not so far gone. The battery works normally and seems to have a proper charge life. The problem for me is during recharging. Like so many other people on this forum, my mac's ac adaptor light alternates from green to orange while trying to charge. the icon alternates from a percentage charging to a frustrating 'no batteries available' message. I have 2 bateries, both seem fine. The amount of users with similar problems confirms this. I have tried every possible angle, including a drastic zeroing of the hard disk and fresh install of the system and my software. I updated to 10.4.6 right away, not making the connection that it may be the cause. I tried resets to the PMU, I bought a secong power adaptor.
    Please help us and respond to this! Please have a look at how many similar posts there are with no real solutions. The recent batter update did not address this problem.
    Powerbook G4 15" AL 1.5GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2GB RAM

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    Which model MBP do you have (15" late 2011, for example).
    There are a number of things you could try - restarting in Safe Mode (start up with teh Shift key held down), resetting the SMC, etc., but I don't really think that those 'quick fixes' are going to help.
    If I were you, I would just take the machine into your local Apple Store and have them run diagnostics on the unit. If it's out of warranty, they'll give you an estimate for repair and will charge you nothing for the diagnosis and estimate.
    Sounds as if you've a hardware issue... maybe try running the Apple Hardware Test and see if you've any errors?
    Good luck,

  • Apples green/orange blinky solution?

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    The tech even stated that he would not recommend buying a refurbished 512 from Apple's site for $49.00, buying a new ipod is the best purchase.
    So is the solution to my shuffle problem, to just keep buying new ones for $69.00, and another $59.95 for the warranty and keep in swapin' with apple for three years, or is there a better product out there?

    For PC Desktop/Laptop users
    1. Check the system requirements for the iPod.
    To know about the operating system and service pack installed.
    click on the 'START' button, click on 'RUN' and type winver and then press "ENTER".
    Refer this link :
    2. check for the high powered USB ports (USB 1.1/USB 2.0) in your system.
    Desktop users :
    Don't connect the iPod in the front USB port of the computer, try in the back USB port.
    Refer this link :
    3. Remove all the other devices connected to the USB ports and connect the iPod directly to the high powered USB in OFF position and check for the status light.
    Blinking Green when the iPod is connected to USB port
    It means that the ipod is not detected in the USB, so Reset the iPod and try in a different USB port and then try in different computer. If it continues register the iPod for service at
    For Resetting the iPod - Refer the link :
    For other lights when connected to USB - Refer the Link :
    4. After connecting the iPod check whether the iPod is recognized as "Mass storage device" under USB in Device Manager.
    click on start -> control panel -> system icon ->Hardware Tab -> Device Manager.
    In device Manager -> click the plus icon next to the Universal Serial Bus controllers and then check for iPod.
    If it is not there try in a different USB and then in a different computer.
    In worst case register the iPod for service at
    5. Remove iPod updater and iTunes form your computer and clean up the directories.
    Refer the Link :
    6. Unplug the iPod and restart the system.
    Install iTunes 6.0.4 form the apple website
    Install Quicktime player (the exe for installing comes with iTunes download
    Install iPod Updater 2006-03-23 form the apple website
    Refer the link :
    7. Restart the system.
    Click the Start button, point to All Programs, and then point to iPod and then Click the name of the most recent iPod Updater (2006-03-23) and double click on that date.
    When you get a message "plug in an iPod to update" - plug in the iPod and try restoring it.
    If the Updater window freezes before connecting the iPod
    Refer the Link :
    After connecting the iPod.
    If the updater window Freezes/intilaizes for a long time (or) displays a message "some other applications are using the iPod" (or) "plug in an iPod to update" (or) "can't mount iPod" (or) "iPod service error" (or) "Disk write error" (or) "Firmware update failure" (or) "Internal manager error" - Follow the steps below...
    1. Launch task manager and close all the applications. (Press CtrlAltDel key)
    2. Then click on process tab and look for iPodservice.exe in the list.
    3. If it is there please select it and click on "End Process".
    4.Do the the same for all other applications related to iPod over there in the list under process tab (iTuneshelp.exe, iTunes.exe,etc...)
    After this step try launching iPod updater and try restoring the iPod.
    If it fails try in a different USB port and then another computer after trying the steps 1-4 in each USB.
    fails refer the Link :
    For restoring the iPod - Refer the Link :
    8. if all the steps fail ;
    1. If Using Windows laptop - Refer the Link -
    2. If Using Toshiba laptop - Refer the Link -
    Else try in other USB and then other computer. In worst case register the iPod for service at
    9. Then unplug the iPod from the computer and then replug the ipod after closing all the applications running in the system.
    Finally launch Itunes and check for Ipod icon in itunes source list..
    If the iPod doesn't appear in iTunes -
    Refer the Link :
    10. If iPod setup assistant pop's up
    Name the iPod and skip the rest of the registration process.
    Then try transferring songs to iPod by referring the link :
    After transferring songs listen to music !!
    All the Best..
    For Mac Users
    1. Check the system requirements for the iPod.
    Refer this link :
    If you are using a eMac you need to purchase USB Extension cable or Dock connector form the apple store.
    Refer this link :
    2. check for the high powered USB ports (USB 1.1/USB 2.0) in your system.
    Refer this link :
    3. Remove all the other devices connected to the USB ports and connect the iPod directly to the high powered USB in OFF position and check for the status light.
    Blinking Green when the iPod is connected to USB port
    It means that the ipod is not detected in the USB, so Reset the iPod and try in a different USB port and then try in different computer. If it continues register the iPod for service at
    For Resetting the iPod - Refer the link :
    For other lights when connected to USB - Refer the Link :
    4. After connecting the iPod check whether the iPod is recognized as "Mass storage device" under USB in system profiler.
    Steps :
    Click on Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> system profiler -> USB
    If it is not there try in a different USb and then in a different computer.
    In worst case register the iPod for service at
    5. Trash iPod updater and iTunes application form your Mac.
    6. Unplug the iPod.
    Install iTunes 6.0.4 form the apple website
    Install Quicktime player (the exe for installing comes with iTunes download
    Install iPod Updater 2006-03-23 form the apple website
    7. Restart the system.
    click the Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> IPod software updater -> iPOd updater 2006-03-23 and double click on that date.
    When you get a message "plug in an iPod to update" - plug in the iPod and try restoring it.
    If the updater window Freezes/intilaizes for a long time (or) "plug in an iPod to update" (or) "can't mount iPod" (or) "iPod service error" (or) "Disk write error" (or) "Firmware update failure" (or) "Internal manager error" - Follow the steps below...
    1. close all the applications running in the Mac.
    2. Unplug the iPod and Reset it.
    3. Try in a different USB port and then in a different Mac.
    Fails Refer the Link :
    For restoring the iPod - Refer the Link :
    8. Then unplug the iPod from the computer and then replug the ipod after closing all the applications.
    Finally launch Itunes and check for Ipod icon in itunes source list..
    If the iPod doesn't appear in iTunes -
    Refer the Link :
    9. If iPod setup assistant pop's up
    Name the iPod and skip the rest of the registration process.
    Then try transferring songs to iPod by referring the link :
    After transferring songs listen to music !!
    All the Best..


    Is it the software version of ITUNES? Has anyone thought of this? Has anyone else tried uninstalling the latest version of Itunes, and replaced it with an earlier version like I did this and now my "dead" IPOD (that could not be fixed) was suddenly resurrected.

    PROBABLY ANOTHER SOLUTION. Same problem, my trackpad and keyboard used to freeze 3 to 4 times every day. I think I found a solution that is working for me. If you take the battery out you will see the connectors for the keyboard and the trackpad. It seems like there is a hardware problem with these connections which do not work properly due to warming conditions coming from the battery or there is some kind of contact between these connections and the battery due to the connections are a little loose. So I placed a plastic film between the battery and these connectors and the problem disappeared for 2 days now. In my case I used one of those films used to protect ipod screed from scratches.

  • Getting the green/orange/green/orange/green/orange flashers

    I have just got a new shuffle and when I plug it into my computer I see it and I am able to load music onto it and itunes validates that there is music there. I have FULLY charged it and now when I try to listen to music it gives me the "error no music loaded" set of blinking lights.
    what simple thing have I not done or done wrong?

    I was having the same Windows 2000 issue after I downloaded the new version and did the 5 R's on their website. That didn't work - so, I called Apple this morning and was told shuffles were not compatible with Windows 2000. However, after explaining that my shuffle had worked until I downloaded that version, and much complaining, Apple agreed to send me a new Ipod. Keep in mind, my Ipod was still under warranty. The new Ipod is supposed to sync with the existing program and as long as I do not upload the new version - all should be just fine and the new Ipod will work....I got my new IPOD in 2 days and it works fine now - just don't say yes to the message about downloading the new version - which you will get once you connect the new IPOD for the first time.

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