Grey screen freeze

Hi. At work, i've got an IMAC thats freezing at the grey screen and apple logo.....and I can only start the machine in about 1 in 5 attempts. I've tried a few things but eventually resorted to a clean install of Snow leopard, but the problem is still there.
Any ideas?

Thanks.... I actually tried that and it didn't work. I even ran the hardware test as the FAQ suggested and it came up good. I just bought this PowerBook on refresh and was hoping nothing was wrong. Then I archived and reinstalled OS X and I haven't had a single KP since (knocks on wood). I don't really know what was wrong, but it seems to be fixed now. Thanks for the help.

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    I would check it first. When mine went, I had no response from my Mac at all; just a light on my power button; absolutely no boot at all.
    For G4's and earlier models, check out things in Texas Mac Man's Battery, PRAM, PMU tutorial on the subject.
    G5 Tower users check Apple KB article HT2580 on DIY (Do It Yourself) Instructions. Click on the PDF for Battery.
    Here is the late G5 SMU reset.
    Early G5's use PMU rest, as shown in the tutorial. The battery for late G5 + G5 iMacs and earlier iMacs, Mac Minis and Intel Tower Macs is this one.
    Message was edited by: A tall man

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    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
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    Where did you get the installer disk from? What Mac are you installing on running which OS?

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    Please, would there be someone who could read this information and gives me some advices and opinion on what could be problematic, what to do etc.
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    Another point: I uninstalled the application Chiavetta Internet 42 a week ago when I started to have the problems. I was in Italy and this is a usb key with pin for internet. At the moment thought about a possible conflict with the key and deleted every item concerning this installation. This is because I don’t understand that it appears now in the “User login Items”.
    Thank you so much in advance
    Here is the EtreCheck report:
    Hardware Information:
                MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
                MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2
                1 2 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores
                8 GB RAM
    Video Information:
                Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 512 MB
                AMD Radeon HD 6490M - VRAM: 256 MB
    System Software:
                OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021) - Uptime: 0 days 1:42:38
    Disk Information:
                Hitachi HTS545050B9A302 disk0 : (500,11 GB)
                            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
                      Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 499,25 GB (219,23 GB free)
                            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
                MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-8A8 
    USB Information:
                Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
                Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
                Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
                Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information:
                Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
                Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions:
                [not loaded]            com.MBB.driver.MBBACMData (5.00.02) Support
                [not loaded]            com.MBB.driver.MBBActivateDriver (1.0.14) Support
                [not loaded]            com.MBB.driver.MBBEthernetData (2.00.05) Support
                [not loaded]            com.palm.ClassicNotSeizeDriver (3.1) Support
                [not loaded]            com.wdc.driver.1394HP (1.0.9) Support
                [not loaded]            com.wdc.driver.USBHP (1.0.11) Support
    Launch Daemons:
                [failed]   Support
                [failed]   Support
    Launch Agents:
                [loaded]   Support
    User Launch Agents:
                [loaded]            com.iLike.Agent.plist Support
    User Login Items:
                Transport Monitor
                My Day
                Chiavetta Internet 42
    Internet Plug-ins:
                Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.2.1f4 - SDK 10.6 Support
                QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
                Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
                OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin: Version: 12.3.6 Support
                Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 7.1 Support
                Mozillaplug: Version: 1.0
                Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20913.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
                DirectorShockwave: Version: 12.0.5r146 - SDK 10.6 Support
                iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.7
    Safari Extensions:
                Amazon Shopping Assistant: Version: 1.1
                Searchme: Version: 1.3
                Ebay Shopping Assistant: Version: 1.1
    Audio Plug-ins:
                BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
                AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
                AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
                iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins:
                Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    User iTunes Plug-ins:
                iLike: Version: 1.0 Support
                PPC Bundle: Version: (null) Support
                iLike Bundle: Version: (null) Support
                Tiger Bundle: Version: (null) Support
                TuneUp Visualizer: Version: (null) Support
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
    Time Machine:
                Skip System Files: NO
                Mobile backups: OFF
                Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
                Volumes being backed up:
                            Macintosh HD: Disk size: 464.96 GB Disk used: 260.79 GB
                            EVE TIME MACHINE & PHOTOS [Local] (Last used)
                            Total size: 2 
                            Total number of backups: 22
                            Oldest backup: 2013-11-19 10:49:38 +0000
                            Last backup: 2014-05-07 09:35:48 +0000
                            Size of backup disk: Excellent
                                        Backup size 2  > (Disk size 464.96 GB X 3)
                            copy Time Machine + photos (22 Nov 2013) [Local]
                            Total size: 931.36 GB
                            Total number of backups: 5
                            Oldest backup: 2013-11-23 04:29:31 +0000
                            Last backup: 2014-03-26 20:03:02 +0000
                            Size of backup disk: Adequate
                                        Backup size 931.36 GB > (Disk used 260.79 GB X 3)
                Time Machine details may not be accurate.
                All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
    Top Processes by CPU:
                     5%            firefox
                     3%            WindowServer
                     0%            Microsoft Word
                     0%            launchservicesd
                     0%            fontd
    Top Processes by Memory:
                606 MB  
                401 MB            firefox
                238 MB            Finder
                221 MB            mds_stores
                123 MB            Microsoft Word
    Virtual Memory Information:
                3.68 GB            Free RAM
                2.57 GB            Active RAM
                492 MB            Inactive RAM
                1.26 GB            Wired RAM
                2.42 GB            Page-ins
                0 B            Page-outs

    Hey thank you! I tried to send you a first answer but Firefox blocked... Again thank you for your advice and the detailed process to follow, hope it can help! - Also sorry for my English which is not my primary language.
    Also don't know how to edit the Anonymous UUID... is it in the apple discussion account?
    Here is what i found in Console > Diagnostic and usage information > System diagnostic report:
    there were 4 lines as titles, and after Firefox crash there are 5 now.
    I will send you the content for each of them, but in a new message each time in case it freezes again.
    1st line starts with diskarbitrationd, ends with .shutdownStall
    2014-05-12 18:05:15 -0700
    OS Version: 
    10.9.2 (Build 13C1021)
    Report Version:  18
    No Target
    No Target
    shutdown stall
    12.05s (sampling started after 2 seconds)
    101 (100ms sampling interval)
    Hardware model:  MacBookPro8,2
    Active cpus:
    Fan speed:  
    4033 rpm (-334)
    Free pages: 
    1153467 pages (-455)
    5 pages
    0 pages
    0 pages
    0 pages
    diskarbitrationd [21]
    launchd [1]
    Sudden Term:
    Task size:  
    577 pages (-6)
    Adaptive, Donating
      Thread 0x13d 
    DispatchQueue 1     
    priority 31   
      101 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x7fff8c4db5fd]
    101 ??? (diskarbitrationd + 28877) [0x10e56a0cd]
    101 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c3da811]
    101 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c3250b5]
    101 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c325779]
    101 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff8c326155]
    101 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f270a1a]
    *101 ??? (mach_kernel + 92160) [0xffffff8000216800]
      Thread 0x146 
    DispatchQueue 2     
    priority 33   
      101 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff8ab9c152]
    101 kevent64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f275662]
    *101 ??? (mach_kernel + 3949760) [0xffffff80005c44c0]
      Thread 0x15ac
    priority 31   
    *101 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b747c4]
      Thread 0x14e2
    priority 29   
      80 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff93750fb9]
    80 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f274e6a]
    *80 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b746ae]
      Thread 0x1569
    priority 0    
      79 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff93750fb9]
    79 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f274e6a]
    *79 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b746ae]
      Thread 0x15a6
    priority 31   
      71 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff93750fb9]
    71 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff8f274e6a]
    *71 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b746ae]
      Binary Images:
    0x10e563000 -   
    0x10e578fff  diskarbitrationd (266) <94F10D52-A866-34ED-B278-873B4B2E0C7E> /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd
    0x7fff8ab99000 -
    0x7fff8abb3fff  libdispatch.dylib (339.90.1) <F3CBFE1B-FCE8-3F33-A53D-9092AB382DBB> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    0x7fff8c2b5000 -
    0x7fff8c49afff 6.9 (855.16) <617B8A7B-FAB2-3271-A09B-C542E351C532> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x7fff8c4d8000 -
    0x7fff8c4dbff7  libdyld.dylib (239.4) <CF03004F-58E4-3BB6-B3FD-BE4E05F128A0> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x7fff8f25f000 -
    0x7fff8f27bff7  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2422.90.20) <20E00C54-9222-359F-BD98-CB79ABED769A> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x7fff9374b000 -
    0x7fff93752ff7  libsystem_pthread.dylib (53.1.4) <AB498556-B555-310E-9041-F67EC9E00E2C> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
    *0xffffff7f80b71000 - 0xffffff7f80b78fff 1.0 (1) <619F6A5D-FFA2-3B59-9993-958FD7154B83> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
    *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000200000  mach_kernel <9FEA8EDC-B629-3ED2-A1A3-6521A1885953> /mach_kernel
    fsck_hfs [267]
    diskarbitrationd [21]
    diskarbitrationd [21]
    Task size:  
    206770 pages
    CPU Time:   
    Adaptive, Donating
      Thread 0x968 
    DispatchQueue 1     
    priority 31    
    cpu time  10.043s
      101 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x7fff8c4db5fd]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 7233) [0x106fe7c41]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 76504) [0x106ff8ad8]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 79339) [0x106ff95eb]
    101 ??? (fsck_hfs + 119757) [0x1070033cd]
    42  ??? (fsck_hfs + 135082) [0x107006faa]
    42  ??? (fsck_hfs + 73083) [0x106ff7d7b]
    38  ??? (fsck_hfs + 33605) [0x106fee345]
    24  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43420) [0x106ff099c]
    23  ??? (fsck_hfs + 40781) [0x106feff4d]
    6   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *6   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    3   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *3   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29241) [0x106fed239]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28343) [0x106feceb7]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28442) [0x106fecf1a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28427) [0x106fecf0b]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28390) [0x106fecee6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29203) [0x106fed213]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28331) [0x106feceab]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28938) [0x106fed10a]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 26336) [0x106fec6e0]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28490) [0x106fecf4a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30064) [0x106fed570]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28519) [0x106fecf67]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28406) [0x106fecef6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 40680) [0x106fefee8]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 32482) [0x106fedee2]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 17431) [0x106fea417]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    14  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43610) [0x106ff0a5a]
    14  ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28373) [0x106feced5]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28492) [0x106fecf4c]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29199) [0x106fed20f]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28511) [0x106fecf5f]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28505) [0x106fecf59]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28401) [0x106fecef1]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28477) [0x106fecf3d]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28390) [0x106fecee6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30356) [0x106fed694]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28496) [0x106fecf50]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28343) [0x106feceb7]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    4   ??? (fsck_hfs + 33871) [0x106fee44f]
    4   ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28652) [0x106fecfec]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28673) [0x106fed001]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29179) [0x106fed1fb]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28664) [0x106fecff8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    39  ??? (fsck_hfs + 134138) [0x107006bfa]
    39  ??? (fsck_hfs + 73083) [0x106ff7d7b]
    36  ??? (fsck_hfs + 33605) [0x106fee345]
    22  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43420) [0x106ff099c]
    20  ??? (fsck_hfs + 40781) [0x106feff4d]
    8   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *8   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28492) [0x106fecf4c]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29194) [0x106fed20a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 26738) [0x106fec872]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28433) [0x106fecf11]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28442) [0x106fecf1a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28427) [0x106fecf0b]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28490) [0x106fecf4a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28660) [0x106fecff4]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28496) [0x106fecf50]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28477) [0x106fecf3d]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 40680) [0x106fefee8]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 32482) [0x106fedee2]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 17850) [0x106fea5ba]
    1   _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Nehalem + 258 (libsystem_platform.dylib) [0x7fff8ae280e2]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 17595) [0x106fea4bb]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    13  ??? (fsck_hfs + 43610) [0x106ff0a5a]
    13  ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30447) [0x106fed6ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28484) [0x106fecf44]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28477) [0x106fecf3d]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *2   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29225) [0x106fed229]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28511) [0x106fecf5f]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28406) [0x106fecef6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 30435) [0x106fed6e3]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28490) [0x106fecf4a]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29255) [0x106fed247]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 29237) [0x106fed235]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 43408) [0x106ff0990]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 33871) [0x106fee44f]
    2   ??? (fsck_hfs + 41086) [0x106ff007e]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28860) [0x106fed0bc]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 900976) [0xffffff80002dbf70]
    1   ??? (fsck_hfs + 28331) [0x106feceab]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 996585) [0xffffff80002f34e9]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 898031) [0xffffff80002db3ef]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 925350) [0xffffff80002e1ea6]
    *1   ??? (mach_kernel + 928680) [0xffffff80002e2ba8]

  • Macbook Pro mid 2009 13 inch suddenly freezes and grey screen appears stating press key to restart

    Macbook Pro mid 2009 13 inch suddenly freezes and grey screen appears stating press key to restart. Here is my recent crash report. Please help me.
    Anonymous UUID:  
    Thu May 29 22:30:04 2014
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80026dbf5e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff80026d1197, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0xffffef8022f973c8, CR3: 0x0000000089778000, CR4: 0x0000000000000660
    RAX: 0x000000000000001c, RBX: 0x00000000e00002c2, RCX: 0xffffff8002abb7d4, RDX: 0xffffef8022f973c0
    RSP: 0xffffff800d2cb6a0, RBP: 0xffffff800d2cb6a0, RSI: 0x0000000000000001, RDI: 0xffffef8022f973c0
    R8:  0x0000000000000001, R9:  0x0000000000000001, R10: 0xffffff8014ea65e8, R11: 0xffffff809b3160f0
    R12: 0xffffef8022f973c0, R13: 0x0000000000000001, R14: 0xffffff800d2cb6ec, R15: 0x0000000000000001
    RFL: 0x0000000000010202, RIP: 0xffffff80026d1197, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Fault CR2: 0xffffef8022f973c8, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x0
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff800d2cb330 : 0xffffff8002622fa9
    0xffffff800d2cb3b0 : 0xffffff80026dbf5e
    0xffffff800d2cb580 : 0xffffff80026f3456
    0xffffff800d2cb5a0 : 0xffffff80026d1197
    0xffffff800d2cb6a0 : 0xffffff80026afd0e
    0xffffff800d2cb6d0 : 0xffffff8002abb751
    0xffffff800d2cb710 : 0xffffff8002abb54f
    0xffffff800d2cb760 : 0xffffff7f8413fd2f
    0xffffff800d2cb7a0 : 0xffffff7f84188b21
    0xffffff800d2cb7e0 : 0xffffff7f841708d2
    0xffffff800d2cb850 : 0xffffff7f84170fc8
    0xffffff800d2cb890 : 0xffffff7f8413dfea
    0xffffff800d2cba10 : 0xffffff7f8416d940
    0xffffff800d2cbad0 : 0xffffff7f8413cad9
    0xffffff800d2cbb20 : 0xffffff8002acea56
    0xffffff800d2cbb40 : 0xffffff8002ad0051
    0xffffff800d2cbba0 : 0xffffff8002acdabf
    0xffffff800d2cbcf0 : 0xffffff80026b66a8
    0xffffff800d2cbe00 : 0xffffff8002626bf1
    0xffffff800d2cbe30 : 0xffffff80026139f5
    0xffffff800d2cbea0 : 0xffffff800261e043
    0xffffff800d2cbf20 : 0xffffff80026c975d
    0xffffff800d2cbfb0 : 0xffffff80026f3a28
    Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[24ED915E-02F3-3A31-8502-6AA41FFCA420]@0xffffff7f84 12b000->0xffffff7f841f5fff
    dependency:[244D4E48-78E6-3369-8D76-285C66EF9BF4]@0xffffff 7f82cbe000
    dependency:[B93BBFC9-9ED5-3DDD-8CED-5EDA081BB997]@0xff ffff7f8324b000
    dependency:[B889D3AB-CCC0-3FCD-A83E-D2E3E4CB537B]@0 xffffff7f83208000
    dependency:[6EB3FF52-A4F6-3496-AE9C-D89B00F DE504]@0xffffff7f8325b000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Skype
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 13.2.0: Thu Apr 17 23:03:13 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2422.100.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: ADD73AE6-88B0-32FB-A8BB-4F7C8BE4092E
    Kernel slide:
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff8002600000
    System model name: MacBookPro5,5 (Mac-F2268AC8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 60200033152435
    last loaded kext at 44797399467641:
    2.0.2 (addr 0xffffff7f84b15000, size 335872)
    last unloaded kext at 15796237223278:
    7.0 (addr 0xffffff7f84b15000, size 20480)
    loaded kexts:
    System Profile:
    Model: MacBookPro5,5, BootROM MBP55.00AC.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.53 GHz, 6 GB, SMC 1.47f2
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x830B, 0x4E54344743363442384842304E532D434720
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333235533642465238432D48392020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.2.4f1 13674, 3 services, 15 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: TOSHIBA MK3255GSXF, 250.06 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-868
    USB Device: Built-in iSight
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    USB Device: Wireless Optical Mouse
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Thunderbolt Bus:
    Model: MacBookPro5,5, BootROM MBP55.00AC.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.53 GHz, 6 GB, SMC 1.47f2
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x830B, 0x4E54344743363442384842304E532D434720
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333235533642465238432D48392020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.2.4f1 13674, 3 services, 15 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: TOSHIBA MK3255GSXF, 250.06 GB
    Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-868
    USB Device: Built-in iSight
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    USB Device: Wireless Optical Mouse
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Thunderbolt Bus:

    your 13-inch Mid 2009 MacBook Pro requires 1066 MHz RAM, but you have 1333 MHz RAM installed. Try replacing the 1333 MHz RAM with 1066 MHz RAM — Macs can be picky about the RAM which they find acceptable.

  • My old MBP (2005) often crashes, freezes or shows grey screen at start up. Also track pad often does not work. I have re fomatted the HD and reinstalled system but to no avail. Genius bar says possible faulty HD, but suspect logic board, any ides any body

    My old 17" MBP (2005) often crashes, freezes or shows grey screen at start up. Also track pad often does not work. I have re fomatted the HD and reinstalled system but to no avail. Genius bar says possible faulty HD, but I suspect logic board. All checks out OK on the Apple Diagnostic bench. Can a Logic board go intermittant?? Any Ideas any body??

    Ive repaired 1000s of laptops over the years (translate: diagnose and replace parts).
    Its not that old, Ive owned 100s of laptops (most were free) ....some I still have are nearly 13 years old and still perfect, ....some extremely expensive ones died in under a year.
    other than becoming obsolete at some point, there isnt really any "will spoil on" data like Milk for solid state computer parts, ....alas.
    You can have a $5000 laptop die in 4 months, and a junker one keep kicking after 10 years.... Ive seen that firsthand countless times.
    Common logic dictates that "very expensive = long life" in computers,..... but all the repair people will tell you just the opposite.
    I know you have a gripe, I get that all too well honestly .

  • 17" Intel iMac Kernel Panic, Freezing at Grey Screen and Beeping!

    Hi there,
    I have a new 17" Intel iMac (Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz, 250 GB, 1GB Memory with OS X 10.4.8) that keeps getting those "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button." messages.
    It all started on Sunday when I tried to wake the computer (the computer went on Sleep by itself) and got that message so I restarted the computer but it froze on the grey screen (even before I got the Apple) and it beeped 3 times and then the light on front just kept blinking 3 times. I finally was able to erase and re-install OS X and everything was fine until I left the computer for a while, it went to sleep again, and then the message came back. I restarted and it seems to be fine but I'm worried the beeping and freezing will come back.
    The first time this happened, I didn't know enough to "log" the kernel panics but I do know that I deleted a lot of the applications (iWeb, Garage Band, etc.) that I didn't need and fidged with the Share folder in the Users folder. I use a Flash Drive a lot and always left it connected to the keyboard's USB drive. Also leave my iPod Nano connected. After I reinstalled everything, I only deleted the Garage Band demos, installed and deleted the Firefox 2.0 and Opera (wanted to just stick with Firefox 1.0) applications. Only used the Flash Drive a little and haven't connected my iPod on yet. Trying to isolate the problem. I can't remember doing anything else.
    Here's the log from the latest kernel panic:
    Wed Aug 8 00:00:06 2007
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0019075E): pmap-remove: mapping not in pv_list!
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x13f5bc18 : 0x128d08 (0x3c9ac4 0x13f5bc3c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x13f5bc58 : 0x19075e (0x3ccc58 0xa0000000 0x0 0x1a2010)
    0x13f5bcb8 : 0x1937d7 (0xddd000 0xddd050 0x0 0x19a406)
    0x13f5bd08 : 0x16535c (0x252d420 0xa0000000 0x0 0xa000a000)
    0x13f5bdf8 : 0x165b10 (0xffe00000 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x13f5be38 : 0x13a676 (0x13000c8 0x0 0x0 0xffe00000)
    0x13f5be88 : 0x339160 (0x2529a30 0x202 0x13f5bee8 0x2529a30)
    0x13f5bec8 : 0x343614 (0x2b725dc 0xa 0x0 0x0)
    0x13f5bee8 : 0x343d3f (0x2b725dc 0xa 0x0 0x0)
    0x13f5bf58 : 0x343f25 (0xa 0x1 0x13f5bf78 0x2416e038)
    0x13f5bf78 : 0x1273f9 (0x2544a10 0xffffff7f 0x0 0x4)
    0x13f5bfa8 : 0x1a1f8d (0xffffffff 0x1 0x0 0x253b500)
    0x13f5bfc8 : 0x19a896 (0x0 0x0 0x19d0b5 0x253b500) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x13f5bef8
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.5: Mon Dec 11 19:39:17 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.16.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
    I also found this "error_log" in my System Profiler:
    Description: Printer error log
    Size: 8.5 KB
    Last Modified: 8/8/07 12:19 AM
    Location: /var/log/cups/error_log
    Recent Contents: ...
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/certs"
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/ppd"
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/classes.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/printers.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/var/spool/cups"
    W [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Full reload is required.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:07 -0400] Full reload complete.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Setting AdobePDF8 device-uri to "pdf800://distiller/" (was "file:/dev/null".)
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] New printer 'AdobePDF8' added by ''.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Printer 'AdobePDF8' modified by ''.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Setting AdobePDF8 printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1 (was 0.)
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Setting AdobePDF8 printer-state to 3 (was 5.)
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Printer 'AdobePDF8' modified by ''.
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
    I [07/Aug/2007:15:49:21 -0400] Printer 'AdobePDF8' modified by ''.
    I [07/Aug/2007:16:35:22 -0400] Scheduler shutting down normally.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Listening to 7f000001:631
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Listening to 700c3000:0
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Loaded configuration file "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/certs"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/ppd"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/classes.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/etc/cups/printers.conf"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/var/spool/cups"
    W [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Repairing ownership of "/private/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Full reload is required.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:15 -0400] Full reload complete.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:22:16 -0400] Printer sharing is off and there are no jobs pending, will restart on demand. Exiting.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Listening to 7f000001:631
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Listening to 700c3000:0
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Loaded configuration file "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Full reload is required.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Full reload complete.
    I [07/Aug/2007:21:28:43 -0400] Printer sharing is off and there are no jobs pending, will restart on demand. Exiting.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Listening to 7f000001:631
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Listening to 40113000:0
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Loaded configuration file "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Full reload is required.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Full reload complete.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:00:06 -0400] Printer sharing is off and there are no jobs pending, will restart on demand. Exiting.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Listening to 7f000001:631
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Listening to 40113000:0
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Loaded configuration file "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Full reload is required.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Full reload complete.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:12:01 -0400] Printer sharing is off and there are no jobs pending, will restart on demand. Exiting.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Listening to 7f000001:631
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Listening to 40113000:0
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Loaded configuration file "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Full reload is required.
    I [08/Aug/2007:00:19:06 -0400] Full reload complete.
    I don't know what this part is about because I don't have a Printer hooked up to the computer.
    The only other thing I can think of is I also installed WireTap and StuffIt before the initial crashing. I heard StuffIt was causing problems on some Intel Macs. Also changed a lot of the icons and changed the icon for Preview. I "verified" my hard drive and "verified and repaired the disk permissions" (I'm not that knowledgeable about computers let alone Macs). I also checked my hardware by pressing D while the grey CD OS X was running and get this:
    4MEME/4/40000000: 2F244040
    usually during the initial testing but when I restart and try it again, it's fine.
    Well, that's all I can think of. Any thoughts?
    Thanks a lot!

    Thanks for the reply and links!
    After the first problems, I re-seated the RAMs. Does this mean I have to buy new memory? This is a pretty new iMac, bought it in May and have only been using it for maybe two months. Haven't done a whole lot with it but I usually keep a lot of programs open at the same time. I have Adobe CS3 installed too and it says it needs at least 1 GB of memory. I've heard people saying it's best to have as much RAM (this Mac can only take up to 3GB) when using those programs. Maybe it's getting too heavy? Should I only keep one program open at a time? Also, which part of my post indicated that it was memory problems? What the "panic.log" stated or that "4MEME/4/40000000: 2F244040" stuff? Anything else I can do to not let this happen again?
    Thanks again!

  • Mac freezes, shows grey screen then starts back up

    For the past two weeks I have had the issue of my iMac suddenly freezing for a few seconds and then it turns to a grey screen for a few more seconds before it starts back up on my user area.
    All programs get shut down (which is annoying as I do graphic design so I'm usually on PS or AI and lose work I've done since last save). Programs which are set to start up automatically upon login do not start up. Thankfully firefox will start back up when I click it and continue from all the tabs I had open.
    I cannot seem to find a source for this to be happening... The programs which are always running when this has happened previously are: Mac Mail, finder, Messages, Spotify, Wacom Desktop Center. This morning it happened when none of my adobe programs were running.
    Has anyone had the same issue or knows what's up?
    I tried to go to apple support but it said I need to pay £35 for someone to answer my question.
    27" iMac
    Late 2012
    1TB storage with 431gb free
    running OSX10.8.5

    Try ; Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    and : About NVRAM and PRAM
    to ensure the proper operation of the SMC.
    and if still issues persist,  try: OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

  • I load and it loads ok then a grey screen covers the page and freezes everything - doesn't happen on other browsers

    I load - I assume other sites but haven't test - and it loads ok - then a grey screen covers everything and freezes the content- Other tabs work fine for other pages just not - what's wrong. This happens on all my copies of ffox. So not just a single computer.

    If you use extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) that can block content (e.g. Adblock Plus, NoScript, Flash Block, Ghostery) then make sure that such extensions aren't blocking content.

  • Mac OS X Leopard suddenly freezes with grey screen and must restart

    This is the second time in 3 days that a grey screen comes up and the computer freezes. Can anyone figure out what the problem is? Is it an upgrade issue?
    Here is my error log:
    Thu Jan 3 19:44:25 2008
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x001A7BED): Kernel trap at 0x00000000, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x00000000, CR3: 0x0108a000, CR4: 0x00000660
    EAX: 0x04633780, EBX: 0x5306c000, ECX: 0x5306c000, EDX: 0x04574ec0
    CR2: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x2e95ebd8, ESI: 0x00cc4000, EDI: 0x06600700
    EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x00000000, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x047e0010
    Error code: 0x00000010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x2e95e9a8 : 0x12b0e1 (0x455670 0x2e95e9dc 0x133238 0x0)
    0x2e95e9f8 : 0x1a7bed (0x45ea20 0x0 0xe 0x45e1d4)
    0x2e95ead8 : 0x19e517 (0x2e95eaf0 0x46b1400 0x2e95ebd8 0x0)
    0x2e95eae8 : 0x0 (0xe 0x47e0048 0x2e950010 0x740010)
    0x2e95ebd8 : 0x4379b0 (0x5306c000 0x2e95ed9c 0x2e95ec20 0x0)
    0x2e95ecf8 : 0x18d037 (0x5306c000 0x11 0x603f198 0x0)
    0x2e95fdb8 : 0x12d165 (0x603f170 0x64495a0 0x0 0x0)
    0x2e95fdf8 : 0x126247 (0x603f100 0x0 0x54 0x2e95fee4)
    0x2e95ff08 : 0x196afc (0x2e95ff44 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x2e95ffc8 : 0x19eb34 (0x468e240 0x1 0x10 0x468d940)
    No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xbfff7bd8
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 9.1.0: Wed Oct 31 17:46:22 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228.0.2~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: iMac7,1 (Mac-F42386C8)

    I too have had this problem. It is not a Kernel panic, as far as I can tell. I have two Apple Cinema Displays connected. Both are dark, yet this time my mouse arrow is present. Most other times the screens are just dark. This is the first time I can ssh into my box and look at processes running. Other times the box was dead to the world. This most often happens after: a) lock screen, or b) Screen sharing into the box remotely. When I arrive back at work, the system is on, the screen is black, ssh into it may or may not work. This time I tried to kill all my processes one by one. Nothing released the machine display. Screen sharing into it also yields a black screen. I wish I knew how to restart a process like "WindowServ." Reboot computer via ssh command and display are up and running again.
    I ran MemTest extensively from single user mode. No errors. I switched boxes, for I bought two identical systems (one for server, one for workstation.) I switched hard drives and ram. Issues still exists on both machines.

  • Macbook pro freezes & after a hard restart i get a grey screen &  horiz bar

    i have a intel 2.3ghz macbook pro that is freezing up... and the only way to unfreeze it is to do a hard restart.... then when it is starting i get a grey screen with a while apple logo and a horizontal progress bar near the bottom of the screen? the computer seems to run fine after it starts until it freezes again... usually it freezes a couple of times a day... i have run disk utility and repaired the permissions and also done a disc check.. the disc check said that the hard drive was ok.... i have backed it up via time machine and superduper back up... my laptop is running osx 10.6.7 and it says that the software is up to date... the hard drive is a 500 gig hitachi and was replaced a couple of months ago... i have 105 gigs of free space... any ideas on what is going on? and what i can do to fix it... i am heading out of the country for a couple of weeks on monday...

    I reloaded OS X 10.6 with the install disk (CD) and then upgraded back to 10.6.6 using the downloadable 10.6.6 Update Combo file from the Apple site. Below was the exact sequence:
    1. Download 10.6.6 Update Combo file connected via a direct ethernet connection. I wasn't able to accomplish the download via wireless because my computer crashed before I could get the entire file. I saved this on an external hard drive, also, just in case. I also backed up vital files.
    2. Reinstall 10.6 via install disk. Put disk in drive and restart holding down "C", per the instruction blurb on the CD. This took about 45 min. Note that the "progress" time didn't seem to match what was going on.
    3. After the 10.6 install was complete, I opened and ran the 10.6.6 Update Combo
    After (3), everything has been fine. Total time was about 1 hr. All of my files/programs seem to have made it through untouched.
    I've been tempted to try the 10.6.7 Update, but am still gunshy from the experience. I have a feeling that if one were to use the 10.6.7 Update Combo in (3), things would work out fine. I'd love to know if this is the case, but for right now, I'm pretty happy that my computer is back to normal. Hope this helps.
    BTW I think you can probably restore via Time Machine, but the above is what I did.
    Message was edited by: Jonlove

  • Screen freezing grey - intermittent

    Hi all,
    My MacBook Pro has started to behave strangely with the screen freezing and turning a grey color for a period and time and then coming back to life. It used to be occasional but its happening more frequently now. It seems to come and go, and might last a few minutes or longer. A few times it lasted so long, that I had no choice but to switch off power and restart. Everything just freezes and it turns grey and sometimes get more and more saturated grey after 30-60 seconds. I can tell the CPU is still processing but I hear the normal sounds with applications running. I tried putting it to sleep and then wake it up, but the grey is still there.
    Any ideas?

    Sounds like a hardware problem with the screen or graphics card then, best give Apple a call.

  • HT4177 My mackbook pro suddenly freezed and when I swiched off and on again, a grey screen appeared with an apple logo then a loading circle underneath, and after a few hours, a blue screen appeared. What shall I do with this?

    My mackbook pro suddenly freezed and when I swiched off and on again, a grey screen appeared with an apple logo then a loading circle underneath, and after a few hours, a blue screen appeared. What shall I do with this?

    What operating system version, and do you have any backups of your data off the machine? TimeMachine? Option Key bootable clones? Storage? DVD's?
    A reinstall of the operating system may be in order as a last resort, so if any of these steps on these links get you into the machine, make sure to backup your personal data (Music, Pictures, Documents, Movies) off the machine to a non-encrypted  powered external drive regular storage drive (not TimeMachine as it might be corrupted too) and disconnect as soon as possible.
    Good Luck and report back all what you tried.
    Also report what change occured before this tragedy happened, was there a  Software Update? A EFI firmware update? Etc.
    To boot off the 10.6 install disk, hold c or option key while the disk is in the machine.
    To boot into 10.7 Recvoery mode, hold the command and r keys down while booting.
    To use Safe mode, hold down the Shift Key while booting.
    Other assistance

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