Groupware connector

Hi Experts!
We are installing the groupware connector 2.1 and when we insert the data to connect in exchange server an error occurs.
Validation of connection to exchange server failed.
server: exchange
malbox: mailbox
CDO library is not avaliable
0X80004005 unspecified error
The Exchange version is 7.
How we could solve this problem?
Caíque Escaler

Hi Experts,
When I try to connect to RFC MAPBOX in trx sm59 and i'm getting an error that the program MAPBOX is not registred.
In the table ispcfg MAPBOX_RFC_DESTINATION = MAPBOX and i'm trying to register the program with the stament RFCEXEC
rfcexec -aMAPBOX -gSRV-XXXXXX -xsapgwXX
Please, how can i register this program or perform a rfc test without errors?
Logon     Connection Error
Error Details     Error when opening an RFC connection
Error Details     ERROR: program MAPBOX not registered
Error Details     LOCATION: SAP-Gateway on host SRV-CXXXXX / sapgwXX
Error Details     DETAIL: TP MAPBOX not registered
Error Details     COMPONENT: SAP-Gateway
Error Details     COUNTER: 886
Error Details     MODULE: gwr3cpic.c
Error Details     LINE: 1779
Error Details     RETURN CODE: 679
Error Details     SUBRC: 0
Error Details     RELEASE: 701
Error Details     TIME: Mon Jun 14 19:36:28 2010
Error Details     VERSION: 2
Caíque Escaler

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    Thanks a lot!
    Albert Maas

    Hi Albert,
    Current version of  Groupware Connector does not supported Distributed lists and we don't have any development plans to support it as of now.

  • Error in Groupware Connector

    Hi experts,
         I am facing problems while replicating activities from crm to groupware. The reason is that on groupware connector admin tool under queue maintenance the queues are locked and the error that i am getting over there is as follows:
        [20/Jun/2006:20:08:30 +0530] ERROR GROUPWARE [email protected] - - - - "[ERR:5003] MAPI default folder not available: TASK."
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    Hi Gregor,
       That issue is resolved but when i execute Gwcdiag.exe on groupware connector as per standard procedure it generates 7 text files in SYSINFO folder.
    Also activities doesnt flow to groupware even now.
       Summary file shows details as:
    GWC Diagnostics Summary Report
    Version: (03/05/2005 08:09:58)
    Mode:          Connector
    Compatibility: 2.1
    Exchange Configuration
        Server:                   TIS-MUM-NT-S15
        Mailbox:                  sapgwconnadm
        Exchange Server Access:   3.08 sec
        Private Store Access:     0.05 sec
        Public Store Access:      0.02 sec
        Address Book Access:      0.00 sec
    Validating user list
        FileName:                 UserList.xml ... loaded OK.
        Number of Entries:        3
        Number of Checked Users:  3
        Number of Mail Users:     2
        Number of Folders:        1
        Number of Valid Entries:  3
    Global Address Book Summary
        Total number of rows:     1731
        Number of rows processed: 29
        Number of mail users:     15
        Number of portions:       29
        Last portion status:      <b>[0x8004010e]</b> E_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES
        Last entry:               [email protected]
        Time spent:               0.07 sec
    IT MEANS AFTER GENERATING 15 MAIL USERS IT BREAKS..Does anyone know on how to resolve it and what does this error '<b>[0x8004010e]</b> E_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES' mean.

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    Roger Adams

    Dear Kiran,
    Check note 1642681  very help full.
    regard ,

  • Exchange groupware connector cannot read public folder

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    . Please verify 'replica.contacts.default-target' option in config.xml." Source: Common\GroupWare.cpp:199
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    I've read the two notes: 908577 and 908571
    Much obliged
    Marcel Rabe

    Once again very sorry for such a delayed reponse ... i don't know how did i missed your response ... anyway
    You can find version of Connector 2.1.053 after you install it on a system and right click on the connectorsvc.exe and go to the version tab, find the version of the GWC.
    What ever versions you have mentioned i.e., 2.1.036 and 2.1.037 are versions of Install package of GWC (which is a common for both exchange gwc and lotus gwc ).
    If you still have some problems with it then revert back to me via e-mail so that i won't miss your response.
    [email protected]

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    "CDO library is not available."
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    Hi Chrisitan,
    Perhpas I wan'st clear in my previous reply. You cannot connect Groupware connector 5.0 to MS Exchange 2010 Server.
    I've just checked, and found that exchange 2007 is now supported, but not 2010.Further information is available from the following link:
    Sorry I can't give a different answer....

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    Required Software missing:
    - MS SOAP Toolkit
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    I got an answer from SAP Support:
    SAP still recommends to use 32-bit system OS in order to avoid any future confusions.
    So we have to install another 32 Bit Server only for the Groupware Connector.
    Thx for your interest.

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    I know from how the Lotus Notes version of the connector works, it just wouldn't work because of how it uses the Lotus Notes libraries.  For exchange I'm not sure if there is as tight of integration.  The connector is relatively light weight, so have you considered piggy backing it on another box such as a SAP webdispatcher or something else.  You could also look at using a VM as the requirements for the connector aren't that much for a test system.
    Take care,

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    Chuong Hoang

    sorry for my slowly respond.
    according to information shared from I know that:
    "SAP provides two SAP Groupware Connectors, one for MS Exchange Server and the other for Lotus Domino Server."
    "The SAP Groupware connector consists of:
          _ SAP Groupware connector.
          _ SAP Groupware connector proxy."
    in case that I need a connection between SAP CRM and Novell GroupWise, what will I can do???
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         2. Is it possible to do that?
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    Chuong Hoang

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    where can I download this connector plug in, and which version should I install?

    Hi Won Bum Lee,
    You need to go to Service market place and go to Downloads and then select SAP software distribution centre  and then click on search for software and then type in Groupware connector and it will take you to search results and then select groupware connector 4.0 and then you need to take help from your basis consultant to identify which OS is being used and also the pacth level and other details.
    Few things
    1. you need to have valid Service market place ID
    2. to download this application, you need to have Solution manager installed and it is only possible through these.
    Hope this helps and reward points if useful

  • Can the Groupware connector use XI to communicate with CRM2007 ?

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         The current system landscape regarding the exchange server and CRM systems is such that
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        Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Kind Regards,

    Well technically if you make XI talk the same language that CRM talks to the groupware connector then your scenario is possible.  Now the problem would be knowing the "format" of the communication that comes out of CRM to the groupware connector.  If you can figure that out, then you could probably custom build the scenario you are talking about.
    I'm just not sure if you will get any type of positive ROI by doing this method.  Personally it just looks like something that would be costly and probably something that you will not get a lot of support.  It might be easier to keep "one" CRM system that talks to groupware.  Then that CRM distributes the data back from the groupware outbound to XI and then in XI you can send back to CRM.  You could do the reverse where your CRM system feeds it to XI and it sends it to the CRM groupware connector system, which then feeds the groupware.
    It involves a few more hops, but elminates the needs to figure out the SOAP protocol building between XI and the connector.  You can then "hop" on the standard middleware adapter to distribute changes outbound using XIF plus XI and evenutally wind up in the groupware.
    The drawback is one of your CRM systems, needs to have at least a global view of all business partners and activities.  Which might not be desired by your business.
    Take care,

  • What port is used by Groupware connector to communicate with SAP CRM?

    I've been trying to find what port is used by groupware connector when it is communicating with SAP CRM, but all I've found is that is uses SOAP over HTTP.
    Our security team only wants to open the relevant port and I haven't found the port....
    Does anybody know what port is used?

    What gives you an impression that a seperate program is called to write file at OS could be the program running behind the F110.....try checking the same...and look for GUI_DOWNLOAD in the program.

  • Why the groupware connector need Read/Write access for all mailboxes?

    Does anybody know the technical side of how the  Groupware connector creates activities,tasks and contacts?
    I know it's not sending them with SMTP, it's work with DCOM, 
    is it creates it directly in the recipient mailbox!?, and thats why it needs write access?
    kind regards,
    Pavel, sheynkman.

    Thanks for the information but i already red this note and the .doc files,
    it still not answering WHY you need this permission? to answer this question you need to know the technical side,an answers to question like how the GW put the contacts or the activities in the user's inbox(using DCOM)?
    Think about that:
    If i have BP's that is not part of my organization, no way somebody will give me administrate permissions on his mailbox.
    So if this is really true SAP Didn't think that through.

  • Groupware connector ERR: 7002

    Hi Gurus,
    We doing Groupware configuration for CRM 2007 to Lotuns Nots.
    In Groupware connector all the email id's are stuck in " Queue(USER) Maintenance / Current Locks" with ErrCode 7002.
    7002 Database not available: mailID = %s.
    Description: Database exists in the Groupware server but is not available to the administrative account. Possible reasons - not enough rights.
    Resolution: Verify folder access rights.
    Did anyone face this problem before, if yes , can you please share the solution.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Stephen,
    Thanks and I appreciate your reply.
    What we found the description of the error and identified that it is pointing to the production database.
    [ERR: 7002]: Database exists in the Groupware server but is not available to the administrative account: NotesException: [ID: 4060]: User CN=CRM Connector/OU=GEN/O=LtcUnion cannot open database Ltco01/srv/Ltcunion!!mail\JBurton.NSF: mail\LBurton.NSF on server
    Ltco01/srv/Ltcunion: [lotus.domino.NotesException]</
    Where as our database for test server is LTOJTC9/SRV/LTCUnion.
    Lotus Notes Client what we have installed shows the test database Server only.
    How and where to change this in GW connector?
    Thanks & Regards

  • Groupware Connector problems

    We got following error messages within the Groupware connector, when trying to communicate with CRM 4.0 system.
    We have considered the connector settings, and follwed the GW connector troubbleshooting guide, but cant find the cause.
    [03/Sep/2007:00:02:11 +0200] ERROR - - - - - "[ERR:3001] SOAP Transport error. Please verify connection to Groupware adapter."
    [03/Sep/2007:00:02:11 +0200] ERROR - - - - - "[ERR:3003] CMW_PIF_Qlogon failed. qName: ISPQFILLED, sitetype: GWA_01, mode: READ_AUTOACCEPT, errcode: 101, SOAP transport error."
    [03/Sep/2007:11:16:05 +0200] ERROR - - - - - "[ERR:3001] SOAP Transport error. Please verify connection to Groupware adapter."
    Source: Common\MiddleWare.cpp:513
    CMW_PIF_QLOGON(), [0x0020baecd] Client: Connector - Forbidden.
    [03/Sep/2007:11:16:05 +0200] ERROR - - - - - "[ERR:3003] CMW_PIF_Qlogon failed. qName: ISPQFILLED, sitetype: GWA_01, mode: READ_AUTOACCEPT, errcode: 101, SOAP transport error."
    Source: Common\MiddleWare.cpp:212

    Hello Gregor,
    We find that this rfc service (client 200) was inactivated/overwritten. Seems like it
    become like that after we did configure it in client 100 and transported it to 200.
    After manually setting correct logon values for rfc service in 200 we got the activities created in CRM reaching Exchange.   So we are all happy now.
    don't work, do you have any suggestion?

  • Groupware Connector 5.0 for Exchange server 2010

    Hello All,
    We are looking for some documentation on CRM groupware integration with Exchange server 2010.
    Groupware Connector 5.0    
    SAP just release note 1595564 to update the groupware connector to work
    with Exchange 2010. Are there updated Groupware Connector Installation
    and Adminisration guides for the new Connector 5.0?
    We would appreciate if someone could add more information on how we can integrate both.
    Thanks in Advance!

    Dear Kiran,
    Check note 1642681  very help full.
    regard ,

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