Handling Init/Full/Delta-Loading for a generic DS based on function-module

Hi Experts,
we need to build a generic datasource based on a function-module; and we would like to
implement a slightly different logic in the function-module depending on the data-staging-mode that was selected in the InfoPackage.
What we're missing is a possibility to distinguish (in the ds-function-module) if an init/delta/full-load was requested.
Could you please provide some information/hints about that topic?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Anjum,
we found an alternative that seems to be closer to SAPs idea of how it should work:
We check the status of the Init-Table (RSA7) - depending on the result
a) Init exists ---> Delta or Full
b) Init does not exist --> Init or Full
we check if the system itself passes a timestamp together with the data-request.
1) If it does so --> Delta/Init
2) If it doesn't provide a timestamp --> Full.
a1 --> Delta
a2 --> Full
b1 --> Init
b2 --> Full

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  • Init ,full,delta load

    Hi friends,
    can u tell difference between init ,full,delta updates
    and what situation we use these updates ?and any more update methods are there other than these?

    manohar ,
    init - it is used to initialize the data load and will be followed by delta loads thereafter
    delta - incremental data loads and can be done only after an init
    full - you load all the data at once and do not wish to init. You cannot run a delta load after a full load. you will always have to init first and then do the delta loads.
    please refer back to previous postings for more information on the same.

  • Delta loads - for DB Connect  and master data.

    Hi there,
    Would appreciate if any one clarify me on:
    1) Are delta loads are possible as far as Master data is concerned?
    2) What are all types of data loads (Initial/ delta/ Full)are possible as far extracting data from DB connect is concerned?
    Thanks in anticipation.
    Message was edited by: Ash

    Hi Ash,
    As far as I know, with DB connect you have the only option to have delta functionality - to use ODSs. Make full load from the source system to ODSs. Then update data targets from ODSs. During this update you'll have an option for init/full/delta load.
    Best regards,

  • Generic Data Source Based On Function Module (Delta capable)

    My requirement is to develop a Generic Extractor based on Function Module (Delta capable). As I already found many threads explaining this concept, but most of them discussing FM RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE with Extraction Method F2. There is another FM RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA which, one can use to build delta enabled extractor.
    Although I do have some doubts:
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    read table i_t_select into l_s_select with key fieldnm = 'PGMID'. Use of this code ?
    Templet only showing
    case i_updmode.
          when 'F'.
          when others.
            if 1 = 2. message e011(r3). endif.
            log_write 'E'                  "message type
                      'R3'                 "message class
                      '011'                "message number
                      i_updmode            "message variable 1
                      ' '.                 "message variable 2
            raise error_passed_to_mess_handler.
    i.upmode as F, D(delta) is not included, do i need to include this?
    Can someone help to solve this. Appropriate points will be allotted to helpful suggestions.
    Edited by: Debjit_Singha_86 on Jul 23, 2011 8:35 AM

    Try using following piece of code;
    READ TABLE g_t_select INTO l_s_select
                                 WITH KEY fieldnm = 'Date Field for Delta'.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                           FROM ROOSGENDLM
                           WHERE oltpsource EQ 'DataSource Nameu2019
                           AND slogsys      EQ lw_slogsys.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.                                            
                lw_date = roosgendlm-deltaid+0(8).
                lw_time = roosgendlm-deltaid+8(6).
                                                                                    ENDIF.                       " IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
                                   WHERE  CPUDT     GE   lw_date   AND
                                               CPUTIME  GE   lw_time.
    Table R00SGEMDLM stores the date and time data was last extracted from a data source.
    Alternatively, you can also try using the i_updmode.
    When 'F'.
    SELECT * FROM TABLE (without any where clause on last change date)
    When 'D'
                                   WHERE  CPUDT     GE   lw_date   AND
                                               CPUTIME  GE   lw_time.
    These are just suggestions. Try these out, I hope it helps.

  • Delta extraction for a generic datasource

    Hi BWers,
    I want put in Delta the extraction of a generic datasource.
    Currently this generic datasource is based on the table VBPA (Sales Document: Partner). Any time field exists.
    We need a time field in order to converse to a Delta extraction. This time field exists in the table VBAP (Sales Document: Item data). In fact two time fields exist: one which is filled at the creation of the sales order (ERDAT), another at the change of the sales order (AEDAT).
    The fields VBELN, POSNR and MANDT are keys in the tables VBAP and VBPA.
    The table VBAP changes when partner functions is created or changed in a sales order (VBELN) :
    - When it is a creation of a new sales order (with new partner functions), a new record is created in VBAP and the field ERDAT (Created on) is filled. The field AEDAT (Changed on) is empty.
    - When is a change of an existing sales order, the corresponding record in VBAP changed, and the field AEDAT is filled. ERDAT stays unchanged.
    In order to converse to the Delta extraction, i need a only one time-field (calendar day) in RSO2 / Generic Delta.
    But there is 2 time-fields ERDAT and AEDAT. So i just need to get AEDAT if it is filled, else if AEDAT is empty I will get ERDAT.
    I would base my datasource on a view between VBPA and VBAP with one field which will be filled by AEDAT or ERDAT (with the conditions below). But it seems it is not possible.
    Can you give me other ideas ?
    Thanks a lot.

    In order to create a generic delta from two source fields, ERDAT and AEDAT in this case, you're going to have to create your generic extractor from a Function Module. Otherwise you'll only have the standard functionality available to you for creating the generic delta, which allows you to base it on only one column.
    Here's a sample you can use, that was created for VBFA, and change for your DataSource.
    FUNCTION y_docu_flow.
    *"*"Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
    *"      NO_MORE_DATA
    *& Global Data Declarations
    * Type for VBFA Data
      TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_vbfa            ,
                mandt   TYPE vbfa-mandt   ,
                vbelv   TYPE vbfa-vbelv   ,
                posnv   TYPE vbfa-posnv   ,
                vbeln   TYPE vbfa-vbeln   ,
                posnn   TYPE vbfa-posnn   ,
                vbtyp_n TYPE vbfa-vbtyp_n ,
                rfmng   TYPE vbfa-rfmng   ,
                meins   TYPE vbfa-meins   ,
                rfwrt   TYPE vbfa-rfwrt   ,
                waers   TYPE vbfa-waers   ,
                vbtyp_v TYPE vbfa-vbtyp_v ,
                plmin   TYPE vbfa-plmin   ,
                erdat   TYPE vbfa-erdat   ,
                aedat   TYPE vbfa-aedat   ,
              END   OF ty_vbfa            .
    * Internal Tables and Selection Criteria Structure
      DATA : t_vbfa     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbfa ,
             l_s_select TYPE srsc_s_select             .
    * Field Symbols
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_fields> TYPE rsfieldsel.
    * Constants
      CONSTANTS : c_error_msgty TYPE rslogparms-msgty VALUE 'E'            ,
                  c_error_msgid TYPE rslogparms-msgid VALUE 'YAERO_WTY_VSR',
                  c_error_msgv1 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V1 ' ,
                  c_error_msgv2 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V2 ' ,
                  c_error_msgv3 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V3 ' ,
                  c_error_msgv4 TYPE rslogparms-msgv1 VALUE ' MESSAGE_V4 ' ,
                  c_error_msgno TYPE rslogparms-msgno VALUE 999            ,
                  c_alias(2)    TYPE c                VALUE 'A~'           ,
                  c_vbfa        TYPE dntab-tabname    VALUE 'VBFA'         .
    * Maximum Database Lines, Data Package Counter and Cursor
      STATICS : s_s_if              TYPE srsc_s_if_simple ,
                s_counter_datapakid TYPE sy-tabix         ,
                s_cursor            TYPE cursor           .
    * Select Ranges
      RANGES : r_erdat FOR vbfa-erdat ,
               r_aedat FOR vbfa-aedat ,
               r_vbelv FOR vbfa-vbelv ,
               r_posnv FOR vbfa-posnv ,
               r_vbeln FOR vbfa-vbeln ,
               r_posnn FOR vbfa-posnn .
    *& Processing Logic
    * Refresh Internal Table and Clear work area
      REFRESH: t_vbfa   ,
               e_t_data .
    * Check the Extraction Mode (Delta Initialization Or Delta)
      IF i_initflag EQ sbiwa_c_flag_on.
    *   Determine DataSource Validity
        IF i_dsource NE 'YSDDS_DOCU_FLOW'.
    *     Call Function to Write Log
              i_msgty = c_error_msgty
              i_msgid = c_error_msgid
              i_msgno = c_error_msgno
              i_msgv1 = c_error_msgv1
              i_msgv2 = c_error_msgv2
              i_msgv3 = c_error_msgv3
              i_msgv4 = c_error_msgv4.
    *     Raise Exception
          RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.
        ENDIF.                  " IF i_dsource NE 'YSDDS_DOCU_FLOW'.
    *   Append the Selection Criteria
        APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select.
    *   Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls
        MOVE : i_requnr  TO s_s_if-requnr  ,
               i_dsource TO s_s_if-dsource ,
               i_maxsize TO s_s_if-maxsize .
    *   Append Fields to be Selected
        APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields.
    *   Add the Alias to Fields
        LOOP AT s_s_if-t_fields
          ASSIGNING <fs_fields>.
          CONCATENATE c_alias
                 INTO <fs_fields>-fieldnm.
          CONDENSE <fs_fields>-fieldnm NO-GAPS.
        ENDLOOP.                " LOOP AT s_s_if-t_fields..
      ELSE.                     " IF i_initflag EQ sbiwa_c_flag_on
    *   For First Data Package, Open Cursor
        IF s_counter_datapakid EQ 0.
    *     Clear Ranges
          CLEAR : r_erdat ,
                  r_aedat ,
                  r_vbelv ,
                  r_posnv ,
                  r_vbeln ,
                  r_posnn .
    *     Fill Selection Ranges
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select
            INTO l_s_select.
    *       Determine Selection Range Field Name
            CASE l_s_select-fieldnm.
    *         Created On Date
              WHEN 'ERDAT'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_erdat-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_erdat-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_erdat-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_erdat-high   .
                APPEND r_erdat.
    *           Fill the change date too
                MOVE r_erdat[] TO r_aedat[].
    *         Predecessor Document Number
              WHEN 'VBELV'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_vbelv-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_vbelv-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_vbelv-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_vbelv-high   .
                APPEND r_vbelv.
    *         Predecessor Document Line Item
              WHEN 'POSNV'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_posnv-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_posnv-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_posnv-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_posnv-high   .
                APPEND r_posnv.
    *         Successor Document Number
              WHEN 'VBELN'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_vbeln-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_vbeln-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_vbeln-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_vbeln-high   .
                APPEND r_vbeln.
    *         Successor Document Line Item
              WHEN 'POSNN'.
                MOVE : l_s_select-sign   TO r_posnn-sign   ,
                       l_s_select-option TO r_posnn-option ,
                       l_s_select-low    TO r_posnn-low    ,
                       l_s_select-high   TO r_posnn-high   .
                APPEND r_posnn.
            ENDCASE.            " CASE l_s_select-fieldnm.
          ENDLOOP.              " LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select..
    *     Open Cursor on View to Fetch data
    *     If full load with Selection on Fiscal Year
          IF r_aedat[] IS INITIAL.
    *       Full Extraction
            OPEN CURSOR
            WITH HOLD s_cursor FOR
          SELECT (s_s_if-t_fields)
            FROM vbfa      AS a
            JOIN pnwtyv    AS b
              ON a~vbelv   EQ b~sdvbeln
           WHERE a~vbelv   IN r_vbelv
             AND a~posnv   IN r_posnv
             AND a~vbeln   IN r_vbeln
             AND a~posnn   IN r_posnn
             AND a~rfmng   NE 0
             AND a~erdat   IN r_erdat
             AND b~sdvbeln NE space.
    *       Delta Extraction Using ERDAT and AEDAT
            OPEN   CURSOR
            WITH   HOLD s_cursor FOR
          SELECT   (s_s_if-t_fields)
            FROM   vbfa      AS a
            JOIN   pnwtyv    AS b
              ON   a~vbelv   EQ b~sdvbeln
           WHERE   a~vbelv   IN r_vbelv
             AND   a~posnv   IN r_posnv
             AND   a~vbeln   IN r_vbeln
             AND   a~posnn   IN r_posnn
             AND   a~rfmng   NE 0
             AND ( a~erdat   IN r_erdat
              OR   a~aedat   IN r_aedat )
             AND   b~sdvbeln NE space.
          ENDIF.                " IF r_aedat[] IS INITIAL
        ENDIF.                  " IF s_counter_datapakid..
    *   Fetch Records into Interface Table
        FETCH NEXT CURSOR s_cursor
              OF TABLE t_vbfa
          PACKAGE SIZE s_s_if-maxsize.
    *   No More Data, Raise Exception
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *     Close the Cursor
          CLOSE CURSOR s_cursor.
    *     Raise Exception
          RAISE no_more_data.
    *     Move Extracted Data to Output Structure
          MOVE t_vbfa[] TO e_t_data[].
    *     Release Memory
          FREE t_vbfa.
    *     Sort Output Structure
          SORT e_t_data BY vbelv
    *     Delete Duplicate Records from Output Structure
            FROM e_t_data
       COMPARING vbelv
    *     Increment Data Package Number
          s_counter_datapakid = s_counter_datapakid + 1.
        ENDIF.                  " IF sy-subrc NE 0
      ENDIF.                    " IF i_initflag EQ sbiwa_c_flag_on
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Jul 16, 2009 8:29 AM
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Jul 16, 2009 8:29 AM

  • Delta Loads for 2lis_02_scl and 2lis_02_itm

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing an issue, After initializing the setup tables and doing the init load for 2lis_02_scl and 2lis_02_itm whenever I do the delta loading for these two, all the dataload finish with green status and extracting 0 from 0 records.
    I can see the queues for both these datasources in RSA7 in R/3, yet no record is extracted.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    have a look into transaction smq1. there you should be able to see your extraction queues with the entry MCEX02 (or likewise)
    Please schedule the program RMBWV302 and when this one is finished, start the deltapackage.

  • Delta load for 2LIS_06_INV is failing after EHP5 upgrade of ECC system

    Hi Experts,
    Our ECC Production system was upgraded to EHP5 last weekend.
    Since then Delta load for datasource 2LIS_06_INV is failing. This is the only datasource got impacted. Full Load and Initialization Loads are running fine. Only Delta load is failing because of following error:
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" had to be terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    The following syntax error occurred in program "/BI0/SAPLQI2LIS_06_INV " in
    include "/BI0/LQI2LIS_06_INVU04 " in
    line 1:
    "Function "/BI0/QI2LIS_06_INV0002" not found in Function Library."
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sandeep Sharma

    SAP suggested Note to fix this issue.

  • Delta load for 0customer

    Hi Friends,
    I have a issue in delta load for 0customer. The load was initialized with data transfer for the first time load ,The data was loaded succesfully , now we have enhaced the 0customer_attr with customer group .In RSA3 if we check we are getting values for customer group. we created one delta infopackage with update status as delta and scheduled the load .we are getting data load success status but with 0 records. Please can anybody share the process for delta load for master data objects. Iam facing similar problem while uploading delta load for 0MATERIAL.

    in source system, check whether your enhanced field is with hide check box ticked.
    As soon as you add filed in append structure by default it is having that field is hidden. You have to uncheck it.
    Then replicate the datasource in BW.
    Now if delta is the issue that you are not getting ant record, that may be because there is no change in master data, delta will only bring records when there will be nay change in master data update.
    So my suggestion is to crate a full repair infopackage, extract everything in to PSA and then load the data with FULL DTP.
    I hope this will work.

  • Table with Full / Delta Load information?

    Is there a table I can go to where I can see if a cube is a full load vs delta?
    Thanks, I will assign points!

    ckeck the table ROOSPRMSC in R/3.It gives you the complete details of your Init and Delta Loads.
    hope this helps.
    Assign points if useful.

  • HI,How can i set delta option for costumised Generic data source

    Hi Sir/Madam,
          How can i set delta option for costumised Generic data source.
    Please search the forum before posting a thread
    Edited by: Pravender on Aug 15, 2011 1:26 PM

    Go to RSO2 transaction and click on change then on the tool bar click on Generic Delta button. In the next popup you can set your delta.

  • How to do Delta upload using Generic Extractor built on Function Module?

    Hello Guys,
    I have never created a Generic Extractor using a Function Module. I wanted to know how can we support Delta mechanism if we create Generic extractor using Function Module.

    Hi Abishek,
    Please check the standard Function Module RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA for your delta mechnism.
    Hope it will help you.

  • Creation of Generic Data source using function module based on the program which was used to created ABAP report

    We have a requirement to create a BI report based on plant maintenance report. The plant maintenance report is based on a ABAP program with complex logic. My question is i want create a Generic Datasource using Function module and can I include the logic(Abap Program) that is used for plant maintenance report in the function module? Please share your thoughts.

    Step1-Create a table structure which you need to create same as the fields you require in you data source.
    Step 2-create a custom abap program and inside that call the Client abap program with the selections as required and save the result data in some table
    Step 3-create infoset query.In the infoset query give your table structure name and  program name which you developed.
    Step4-create data source on top of that query

  • Generic Data Source with Function Module data mismatch in BI

    Hi All,
    I'm using Generic Data Source with Function Module, When I execute the Function Module (Which I have Created), I'm getting 16000 records and when run extractor(in RSA3) im getting different no.of records(infact they are more no.).
    when I run the InfoPackage in BI im Getting more no. of records than what i got executing the function module..
    and single record is divided into 2 records in BI side(not all the records), how can it be possible???
    is there anything Im missing to explain you my issue???
    if understood please help me out.
    Thanks n Regards,

    the datasource frame work starts the function module several times.
    1. the initialization
    2. the serval times, until you "raise no_more_data".
    check you coding: have you refreshed necessary internal tables.

  • Generic Data Source with Function Module data mismatch

    Hi All,
    I'm using Generic Data Source with Function Module, When I execute the Function Module (Which I have Created), I'm getting 16000 records and when run extractor(in RSA3) im getting different no.of records(infact they are more no.).
    when I run the InfoPackage  in BI im Getting more no. of records than what i got executing the function module..
    and single record is divided into 2 records in BI side(not all the records), how can it be possible???
    is there anything Im missing to explain you my issue???
    if understood please help me out.
    Thanks n Regards,

    HI rkiranbi,
    1. FIrst you excute function module according to your paramers, you will get some records. then goto tcode RSA3 --> excute
    Provide your Data source name and under setting we have options like Data records/calls, Display extractor calls and selections --> fields .
    in that options you have to increase the values. and then you have to pass paramers in RSA3 according to your function module
    selections in SE37. Now you will get equal values in both functin module selection and RSA3 Selection. if it fail means  you need to
    check coding logic in function module. 
    2. if your  are getting wrong values in BI System then check with
                  1. compare with PSA data and data target data (here you need to check with characterstic as well as keyfigures)
                  if you find any mistake you need change the coding in function module according to client requirement.
                  2. compare data with RSA3 and bi report data or data target data.
                                 check it properly above steps, you will get solution.
    thanks and regards,

  • Full load to Delta load for 0ASSET_AFAB_Text load

    Hi Experts,
    Standard extractor is not enabled to change the mode to Delta.
    Is it possible to change the Standard Extrator from Full to Delta. if so how we can do it?? Full load it taking long time so want to change the process to delta.
    Please suggest me any other options too......
    Thanks in advance,
    No Luck
    Edited by: rCm on Jan 29, 2010 2:10 PM

    0ASSET_AFAB_TEXT Datasource will fetch the Data based on the Function Module ARBW_BIW_GET_MASTER_DATA
    SAP has not provided the Delta Functionality for this Datasource,
    check the Roosource and Rodeltam tables for more clarity
    Reddy A

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