Handsfree with Z10 and new OS 10.1

I am very happy with my new Z10.  But since I updated to the newest OS  I have major problems with my bluetooth handsfree in the car
Some details:
I deleted the Z10 in the car handsfree and the Z10 and started a new connection of both. The connection was veryfied and both devices seams to be connected (status on both sides is green). If  I  dial a number the z10 is quiet and the handsfree also. I cant hear anything (not even the dialtone) on both devices and the contact I called also hears nothing. After that I am also not able to end a call from my handsfree.
It seams that the connection between the two devices is not correct or even a handshake on bluetooth is not working.
Bevor the Upgrade to 10.1 everything was fine with all functions. What are the changes from 10.0 to 10.1  and how can I fix that problem ?
thanks for help and regards

no ideas to fix that problem ?

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    Google Toolbar Options, in the Search tab, make sure that '''Enable the Google new tab page''' is check-marked. If that doesn't fix it for you, see this for support information about the Google Toolbar. <br />
    [http://www.google.com/support/toolbar/?hl=en] <br />
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    Yes, you can do it the same as any other database. The code would be similar.
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  • VideoChat with Z10 and PlayBook

    just posted on the PB forum 
    I dont know how to share if not just posting here
    Hi all
    I dont know where to post I choose here but i would like  to post or to share with the Z10 forum as well
    PLEASE admin . and Mods ..
    .can you share  or post  with everybody.else ..
    thanks... in the mean time I will post on my local forum
    any whoo
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    * then I enter the Z10 Pin :      548XXXCD
    then click .....save
    then right there hit to connect with the Z10  and BANG ...I got the video call on my Z10 Wohhohooo
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    .My wife took the other PB to a trip.. cant try right now,
    THEN I went to the Z10
    open contacts:
    add new one:
    Name - last name  ---     PLay  Book
    PB pin:   --------------------  2434XXX
    opened BBm and invite contact...  sent the invite..
    well it didnt work ....  Im still waiting on the acceptance  wich I never receiven on the PB
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    with BBm close  and BBm opened
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    no need to be on the same  page like Skype or other video chat..
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     PLease try if you have  a PB and Z10
    its a fantastic way to connect with a native app instead a thirds party
    I would like to know how to fix this..
    I need some expert advice thanks..
    should we push Blackberry to do something about it ??
    or a good app for this????

    My son actually calles me on my Z10 via Playbook with video chat and works amazing.  But I can't call him from my Z10 to Playbook, because when I got the playbook, I registered my BB ID same as my Z10.. The only way to make the Z10 call the Playbook is to have a diffrent BBID assoicated with the playbook. This can be done, but a secure wipe has to be done on the playbook and any software you bought would be gone.  The other way it would work is if Blackberry Installs BBM on the playbook then it would solve the issue.

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    John_Levine_IOPHFI_INH wrote:
    It may not have been considered a "Major Release," But when the it's the only OS that the machines you are currently building will run, it's pretty freakin' major!
    (I'm not sure if Apple's latest machines will still run 10.5, or not, but from following this thread, I'm guessing not?)
    It is the standard at Apple... the latest build of the current OS is what goes on the new machines, and the Motherboards, Chipsets, & BIOS (not the right term for it with Mac, I know) are "hard written" to accept that OS as the absolute minimum, and nothing older (or lower as some call it).
    So, since the latest machines are coming preloaded with Snow Leopard (10.6.2) that, and subsequent newer builds of OS 10.6 and up is all they can be loaded with.
    This is nothing new. It's industry wide in both Mac and PC. Just try to put XP on a brand new Dell, HP, or Gateway PC. Without flashing the BIOS and taking a "more likely than not" chance of rendering most of your hardware undetectable, it just ain't gonna happen.
    Conversely, just as Snow Leopard won't run on a PPC powered Mac, Vista and 7 may install, or appear to, on a single core, older PC, but the first time you install and try to open anything other than the OS itself, you're in for a world of problems.
    People have tried to fight this for years. In 2005 Mac users went out of their minds when Apple dropped support for OS 9. A year later, it was Windows 98 users freaking out over their beloved OS being "sunsetted". I was skeptical of the move to Intel processors when I first heard about it, having become a full time Mac user, and being partial to AMD before that. But like Motorola PPC processors, AMDs run hot and heat is the enemy. The new machines run faster, cooler, and do more for less money.
    It's a major pain for people who don't have the budget for a new Mac (or PC) and still have old software that is perfectly functional, but they are finding more and more incompatibility as they interact with other people and newer systems. Sooner or later though, technology wins and everyone has to either upgrade or drop out.  Fighting it is futile.  I will always remember the day last Summer when I stopped at a traffic light and next to me was an older, redneck looking fellow in a new brand spanking new Honda Accord. It may have even been a hybrid, I don't know, but duct taped on his dash was what had to be a thirty-five year-old 8-track player with a bunch of wires coming out of the back, also taped to the dash, and running to a pair of 6 x 9 speakers, which were just laying on the dash (no duct tape). I had to wonder why he bothered to buy the latest in automotive technology and yet he was stuck in a time warp for his stereo. Don't Hondas come with some pretty decent CD stereo units? And where can you find 8 track tapes anymore?

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    Do you have an external hard drive?  If you do, connect the drive to the PC.  Copy the iTunes Folder and all the media and various library files it contains from the PC to the drive.  Connect the drive to the Mac.  Copy the folder and replace the folder on the Mac in your Home > Music with the one from the PC.  Start iTunes and it will now be pretty much identical to the one that was on the PC.  Caution: If you have put things on the Mac that were not on the PC then you will need to change the process a bit.
    Some information:
    What are the iTunes library files? - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1660
    More on iTunes library files and what they do - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITunes#Media_management

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    Not sure if this helps, but:-
    I just got an IPhone4 - Gave My IPhone3 to husband.
    We ended up hsving to set up two login users on the PC (not sure how to do that) and then two seperate ITunes accounts, one for each of us.

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    Can anyone give me any ideas or help?
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    It seems that in Vista bad things may happen if you ever choose a
    program to open downloaded EXE files.
    This may help with the EXE issue:
    http://www.winhelponline.com/articles/165/1/Restore-the-exe-file-association-in-Windows-Vi sta-after-incorrectly-associating-it-with-another-application.html
    Aandi Inston

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    first line
    second line
    third line
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    Text txt_nota=(Text)elm_nota.getFirstChild();
    String nota=txt_nota.getData();
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    first line
    second line
    third line

  • Big problems with CS4 and new computer!!!

    System information: This Computer
    CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
    Number of CPU: 1
    Cores per CPU: 4
    CPU Type: Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz
    CPU Speed: 2674.4 MHz
    Cache size: 256KB
    O/S: Windows 7 (64-bit)
    Total RAM: 12279.1 MB.
    Available RAM: 10447.6 MB.
    Video settings: 1920x1200x32
    Video driver:
    BIOS: Version 62.0.4c.0.1
    DATE: 9-27-2009
    Drive Letter: C
    Total Disk Space: 279.5 GBytes
    Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes
    File system: NTFS
    I very grateful if some could help me!
    Sami Malmberg
    [email protected]

    Thanks for the file and the screenshots. A couple of remarks.
    Try to update your BIOS. You currently have version 05.04. There may be a newer version available, although the file date is 05/19/2009, so it may be current. Just check it please.
    You have ASUS Six Engine running. I would disable that from starting. I never found a use for it, I prefer to use my own judgement.
    Here are your results in comparison to my score, while running at a clock speed of 3441 MHz, so about 30% faster.
    As you can see, your CPU results are in line with mine, considering the 30% difference in clock speed. The same applies to your memory mark, nothing wrong with that either. You did not test the CD speed, and that can lead to a lower PassMark rating. Rerun the test with a CD or DVD in the drive. That may help.
    Your video card is causing serious problems. The speed of the video card is not really CPU clock speed dependent. Your results are very disappointing. First thing to check is whether you have the latest drivers. Your 2D Graphics results are about 1/3-rd of my results and the 3D results are about half of what I achieved. This is rather surprising, since I would have expected the nVidia card to be much better than shown here.
    Your disk results are disastrous for the final benchmark result, but on the other hand, not unexpected. Your results are done on a single disk in comparison to my 12 disk array, which is around 10 times faster, even with parity calculations.
    To summarize, your video card is the big bottleneck here. Check for new drivers, altough based on the date of the drivers, it seems unlikely there are newer ones. An alternative might be to temporarily reduce your screen resolution and rerun the test while using something like 960 x 600. This will possibly lead to a higher score, although that is faking it a bit.

  • Re-using HD with XP and new mobo ??

    I know this is a dumb question but ...
    I have a 2-yr old ATX mobo running XP and a Athlaon 1500+ cpu.   Instead of incrementally upgrading the system, I think I will buy a new
    mobo and start fresh.  My question is ... can I connect up my previous HD and run WIN XP with it?  Can I get this to work without having to
    wipre clean the HD and starting with a fresh install of XP?  I have a bunch of apps and files on the HD I'd liek to hang onto.

    I don't question that the "safest" option is to do a clean install.  But sometimes the prospect of installing ALL of your applications and patches again can be so daunting that you really can't face it.  (It usually takes me *days* to get this done and I still end up losing apps for which I've lost the key, or can't find the key.)
    But I would say in 90%+ of cases you can do an "upgrade" of XP to your new components.  And why not?  XP is designed to detect new components and to automatically install the drivers for them.  So what stops this from working?  Its nearly always the disk controller and driver.  What often happens is that you power up your new hardware with your old XP config and it can't load the things it needs because the old disk driver won't work the new controller properly.  You end up with a hanging system and have to do a repair or a complete new install.
    To avoid this, simply make sure you change the disk controller (in Device Manager) to Standard Dual Channel Disk Controller (or whatever its called.  You know the one.)  Do this *before* you unplug the old hardware and plug the new stuff in.
    Then boot up as normal and 90% of the time (or more) Windows will "upgrade" itself to the new hardware config.  You will usually have to do a few reboots to get there, but get there you will.
    What you can then do is go into Device Manager again, show hidden devices and look for anything with an ! exclamation mark against it.  Delete all of those entries.  Perhaps on reboot you may be asked for yet more drivers for some of the things you deleted.  But maybe not.  Sometimes they are just old entries for devices you don't have any more.
    And that's all there is to it.  You will most likely end up with a perfectly stable, perfectly performing new system with all your applications and all your patches still in place.
    Just one comment:  Single processor to Dual processor doesn't work too well. I don't know why, but it seems the only way to get the full speed advantages of moving to dual processor is to do a clean install.  Shame.

  • Intracompany sales/stock transfer management processes with WBS and New G/L

    Hi all,
    we have a scenario in which we need to transfer project stock between two projects. Both belong to the same Company Code. The transfer must be conduct as if it was a sale.
    Basically the scenario is the following:
    1) Material A is in stock of Plant P1 under Project WBS1 (linked to Functional Area FA1).
    2) Plant 2 needs to "purchase" that stock and put it under WBS2 (linked to Functional Area FA2).
    We have new G/L with the Functional Area set as a balancing dimension so any transfer between the two Plants should generate a billing document to balance the two Functional Areas. The stock should be moved between the two Plants/Projects.
    How would you manage this scenario in SAP?
    I've read all the documentation related to Intercompany Business Processes in SD Billing and everything related to Transfer Prices with New GL however I've found no information on this particular scenario.
    In particular, the STO cannot be used since it allows only to move the stock between two Plants without having the WBS dimension on the receiving plant (i.e. I can move stock from Plant P1/WBS1 to Plant P2/WBS1 - which is not what I need since I need it on WBS2). Besides, but I'm not sure, the automated billing seems to be possible only in case the transfer is between Plants belonging to different company codes (I still need a FI document for balancing the Functional Areas).
    The transfer price scenario, which is the one recommended by SAP for Intracompany sales, is not applicable as well since we don't have Profit Centers and, as far as I've understood, it doesn't seem to allow stock transfer between different WBS as well.
    The only scenario I thought so far is to use a Purchase Order/Sales Order scenario:
    The PO would allow WBS2 to receive in Plant P2/WBS2 the stock purchased against internal vendor Plant P1.
    The SO would allow WBS1 to sell the stock (i.e. issue it from Plant P1/WBS1 to internal customer Plant P2).
    The billing would be done against the SO and the incoming invoice would be posted against the PO (hence recognizing internal revenues and internal expenses).
    This process, however, requires a lot of reconciliation activities and is error prone as there is no cross-check between SO and PO data.
    Do you have any hints or suggestions to manage this differently?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Hi seesen_rs,
    thank you for your answer.
    We also thought of that but the issue is that the 301Q moves stock immediately while we need to monitor the order and the shipment of the material (the 301Q is posted when the goods arrive at P2/WBS2). Besides, we also need to consume budget upon order so the PO/STO would help us for the first part of the process (i.e. when the goods are requested from P2/WBS2), then we should do the 301Q and then the billing. In order to keep the whole document chain linked we should also make us of custom fields. An alternative would be to use direct Goods Issue and Goods Receipt however they would have no references for budget and material requirement tracking purposes, hence not very helpful.
    Also SAP said there is no easy way for managing this

  • Problems with Old and New Appraisals (switch HAP00 / REPLA)

    Hello Experts,
    I'm working on a HCM Global implementation and my country is joining now, and there are others countries that have already been there since 2002.
    Through of switch HAP00/REPLA (transaction OOHAP_SETTINGS_PA), it is possible enable the use of Appraisal Systems subcomponent (Old Version) or Objective Setting and Appraisals subcomponent (New Version).
    The others countries are using the Old version and we need use the New version.
    When I activated of switch to flag u201CXu201D and after I tried create appraisals to employees through transactions APPCREATE or PHAP_PREPARE_PA, I could see only the new appraisals forms templates that Iu2019ve created through transaction HAP_CATALOG_PA and I could not see the old ones  that I created through transaction OOB1.
    After this problem I have tested activation of switch HAP00/REPLA and the screen in infotype 24, tab Appraisals where appraisee changed after the switch was activated, in other hands all the Appraisals on tab  u201CAppraisals where appraiseeu201D disappeared and the columns are totally  different comparing to old version.
    My question is how can I activate (flag X) the switch HAP00/REPLA and without losing the existing Appraisals on TAB u201CAppraisals where appraiseeu201D in Infotype 0024?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Lima,
    The old appraisal system only supports appraisal templates with object type BA where as the new template uses object type VA. It is therefore you cannot view both of the appraisals in one tab 'Appraisals where Appraisee' or 'Appraisals where Appraiser'.
    I suggest either use new or the old appraisal because by the time you run APPCREATE report for creating appraisals, the SAP systems queries the table OOHAP_SETTINGS_PA to identify which appraisal system is used. Based on the selection made in this table, the system opts for the settings.
    I've went through your issue but cannot find the solution to it. It seems to be impossible.
    Irfan Malik
    SAP HR Consultant
    SIEMENS Engineering Co. Ltd Pakistan

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