Handy tip - Missing keyboard tabulation key

With 3.0 use the copy/paste function to insert tab spaces in your notes.
Here's how.
- In iTunes the option Sync note needs to be checked.
- In Mail, open or create a note in Reminders and insert a tab space at the beginning of a line followed by a letter or a word (the word tab is good).
- Sync.
- Open the Notes app and place your cursor in back of the letter where the tab ends.
- Use backspace to delete the tab.
- Shake to undo and click the Undo Typing button.
- Your tab spacing will be selected. (This is the only way to select it)
You can now copy and paste your tab elsewhere repeatedly
Greeting from Canada

Mike.Glish wrote:
If I ruled the world, I would make Macs and Windows use the control key consistently. Windows apps let you use "control-right arrow" to move one word to the right, as an example. I've never found any consistency with the Mac and couldn't find any consistency with the iPad either.
You can configure a Mac to mimic the Windows functions based on physical location of the keys (ignore the labeling). I never did it on my Mac because my wife got too familiar with the Mac convention. Now, with an iPad and a ZAGGmate with KB, I'm glad that I didn't make the change.

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    There are two basic versions of key mapping fmrweb.res files. Forms is released with a fmrweb.res file that has Ctrl+S for commit.
    But there is also a fmrpcweb.res file that can be used in place of the other -- you just rename it as fmrweb.res in the other's place.
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    You can find more about fmrweb.res in the first post (a ways down) in this thread:
    Forms 10g installed and running on Windows Vista

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Press in this key combination: 
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    //Click on Kudos and Accept as Solution if my reply was helpful and answered your question//
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    When you assign a keyboard shortcut to a Service (such as a Service Workflow created in Automator) using the System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts, if that shortcut key combination includes the Command key, pressing that shortcut will always successfully activate the Service. No problem there.
    However, shortcut key combinations that do not include the Command key (for example, the shortcut key combo Ctrl-Shift-D) WILL NOT activate the Service in any newly opened application, until you click on the Services Menu option in that application.
    As soon as you click on the application's Services Menu, this seems to bind the shortcut key combo to the Service, and thereafter, that keyboard shortcut will activate the Service in that particular app. But if you then quit and reopen the app, you'll find the Service will once again lose its binding to the shortcut key combination and will thus fail to work again.
    This means that shortcut key combinations such as Ctrl-D, Ctrl-Shift-D, F15, Alt-F15, etc are not really viable shortcuts for Services, because they will not work in any newly-opened application until you click on the Services Menu in that application.
    This bug thus greatly limits the shortcuts that you can employ for Services, because you can only reliably use shortcut key combos that contain the Command key. This is a fault that Apple really needs to fix. This is a very old glitch: I notice it is present in Snow Leopard 10.6.8, as well as Yosemite 10.10.1.
    This bug does not apply to application shortcuts, however, or to other shortcuts in the Shortcuts Preference Pane, just to Services shortcuts (including the Mac's default Services, or any Services you make yourself using Workflows on the Automator software).
    To give some examples:
    The following keyboard shortcuts for Services WILL NOT work until you click on the Services Menu in the application you are using (and they will cease working again when you quit and reopen the app):
    F1, F2, F3, etc
    So until Apple fixes this bug, the above type of key combinations, that do not contain the Command key, are best avoided as shortcuts for Services. It is particularly unfortunate that function keys F1 to F19 do not work reliably, as these would make great single-key shortcuts to Services.
    However, the following sort of keyboard shortcuts for Services, all containing the Command key, once set up will always work without fail:
    Command-F1, Command-F2, Command-F3, etc
    So all the above can be reliably used as shortcuts to Services.
    Here X denotes keyboard keys such as A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, =, \, [, etc.
    Note that even for keyboard shortcuts containing the Command key, you may very occasionally need to click the Services Menu to get them to work initially in an application (notably in the System Preferences application itself). But if this is necessary, it is just required once when they are first set up, and thereafter the shortcuts containing the Command key will always work without fail.
    The above was tested on Yosemite 10.10.1, but most likely applies to other versions of OS X as well, as I believe this bug is an old one. This bug is definitely present in Snow Leopard 10.6.8, because I have observed this same fault in an old Mac I have that runs Snow Leopard.
    I have reported this bug to Apple, so hopefully they will see my report and act upon it. However, it might be an idea if others also report this problem of Services shortcuts not working property, to ensure that Apple get the message. You can report a bug to Apple via their bug feedback page here.

    Exactly where do you want to use a GO BACK "shortcut" in Bridge?  Maybe I don't even understand what you mean by Go Back.  Bridge is only a file browser, nothing more. It doesn't open, edit, manipulate or save files at all.
    Are you simply referring to going back to view a folder that you viewed before?
    Please don't take this a criticism.  As someone who will gladly pay money not to have to learn any shortcuts at all, I'm just puzzled and curious, that's all.

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    cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor
    Sony Corporation
    cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name
    xev: no output.
    showkey -k
    keycode 360 press
    keycode 360 release
    showkey -s: no output
    /lib/udev/keymap -i input/event6
    scan code: 0x49 key code: vendor
    xbindkeys -mk: no output.
    is there something useful?
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    with this text:
    0x49 vendor # VAIO
    and i've inserted it in "/lib/udev/rules.d/95-keymap.rules" without results.
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    keycode 360 = Super_R Super_R Super_R
    and then i used the command
    xmodmap file
    without results.
    what i've to do??
    Last edited by syco (2011-08-05 13:06:16)

    What happens if you press the key in question then perform a dmesg | tail
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    Hi All,
              I'm a System Engineer. My application code in Java and using JDK 1.3.1.
              My Application deploy in IBM iSeries V5R2 and not error. But after I upgrade to iSeries V5R3, my application encounter missing message error such as "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key common.business.BankAddress".
              I already downgrade for iSeries V5R3 to JDk 1.3.1.
              Did Weblogic 6.1 support IBM iSeries V5R3?
              Do you have any ideas?
              Thank you.

    hi siewmun ,
              weblogic 6.1 does't support IBM iSeries V5R3 .
              IBM iSeries V5R3 is supported by IBM products mostly.
              go through the link, you can find the documention on IBM iSeries v5r3
              Anilkumar kari

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    PP 2014.0.1 release.
    My keyboard shortcut keys (standard: 0,1,2) were working, but they stopped working mid-edit. Restarting the application did not fix this. Mouse works - but what a crappy way to select a camera.
    Any suggestions?

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    I find it confusing.
    Do other users consider this a bug or good design?

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    hp dv6700 keyboard some keys locked, like up and down aero, Enter button, some numric buttons, some alfabate keys, remember these also not working in bios setup,plz tell me the trick how can i solve this problem?

    Hello Momma4952
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I understand that some keys on your computer keyboard have stopped working. I will do my best to help you out! First, please provide the following information:
    1. The computer's model number. If you require assistance locating this information, please reference this website: Guide to finding your product number
    2. The computer's operating system. If you require assistance locating this information, please reference this website to determine your Windows operating system.
    3. Have you installed any new hardware on this computer, before the issue appeared?
    4. Have you installed any new software or drivers on this computer, before the issue appeared?
    I would also like you to attempt the following test: Connect an external keyboard to the computer and see if the keys on that keyboard work. If the keys do not work, then we are absolutely certain there is a software/driver conflict. Otherwise, there is the potential of a hardware failure.
    Thanks for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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    A friend of mine told me that it was a Motherboard problem and the laptop would have to be replaced, But now I Don't know what To do now....
    My question is:
    Is there a way to fix this without replacing the whole Laptop? And if so, How?

    I'm unable to find any information on Seacreate.  Are you sure it's spelled correctly? 
    Try running a Windows update to see if that finds a driver for it.  http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Update​-a-driver-for-hardware-that-isnt-working-properly
    If that updates properly and it's still not working, then it's more than likely a hardware issue.  Can you check the keyboard cable connections and make sure it is all secure and not crimped, broken, etc?
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  • Keyboard/ten key number lock

    I just purchased a TrackPoint keyboard (55Y9053) and Ten Key (41A5090). When I plug the two into my computer the ten key number lock, locks the number pad on the TrackPoint keyboard. So when I go to type on my keyboard, letter keys I,o,p,j,k,l,n,m,, come out as numbers. Is there a way to get these to products to work together without the number lock from one affecting the number lock on the other?  Thanks.

    Hi, Rachel, and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    A Num Lock light that stays lit is sometimes a symptom of a deeper problem. Try resetting your Powerbook's Power Management Unit. Does that help? If not, run the Apple Hardware Test from your Powerbook's original Install & Restore DVD, and let us know what AHT reports.

  • Keyboard eject key delay, my feelings

    Here are my feelings about the fairly new feature of "keyboard eject key delay":
    I don't like it [ Edited by Host ]

    Apple changed it because many of us were absolutely sick of the tray opening when we did nothing but graze that key by accident. Now there are no more accidental tray openings...it's great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! woohooo!!!!!

Maybe you are looking for