HCP tcode PA40 Upload program failing to move to next record.

Dear All
I have written and upload program for HCM tcode PA40 and the program is fine but only inserting one record and is failing to pick the next records in a loop. I dont know whats the problem i know the process have many screens, please help me, i have tried to research not yet found the answer yet.
Thank you for your assistance
Here is my Upload program
include bdcrecx1.
PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE  rlgrap-filename.
           x_endrow TYPE i .
DATA:  xdate(10).
DATA: Fullname type string.
DATA:        x_begrow  TYPE i  VALUE 2,
            x_begcol  TYPE i VALUE 1,
            x_endcol  TYPE i VALUE 17,
             x_endrow TYPE i VALUE 3.
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_datatab  ,
       END OF t_datatab.
DATA: BEGIN OF t_datatabfinal OCCURS 0,
      END OF t_datatabfinal.
DATA: BEGIN OF it_record OCCURS 0,
        END OF it_record.
DATA: itab LIKE alsmex_tabline OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
gd_currentrow TYPE i,
it_datatab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_datatab,
wa_datatab TYPE t_datatab.
     FIELD_NAME          = 'P_FILE '
     FILE_NAME           = p_file.
    FIELD_NAME          = ' '
    STATIC              = ' '
    MASK                = ' '
     FILE_NAME           =
    MASK_TOO_LONG       = 1
    OTHERS              = 2
      filename    = p_file
      i_begin_col = x_begcol
      i_begin_row = x_begrow   "Column header not required
      i_end_col   = x_endcol
      i_end_row   = x_endrow
      intern      = itab.
Sort table by rows and colums
  SORT itab BY row col.
Get first row retrieved
Set first row retrieved to current row
  gd_currentrow = itab-row.
  clear: t_datatabfinal.
  refresh t_datatabfinal.
  LOOP AT itab.
  Reset values for next row
    IF itab-row NE gd_currentrow.
      APPEND wa_datatab TO t_datatabfinal.
      CLEAR wa_datatab.
      gd_currentrow = itab-row.
    concatenate sy-datum6(2)'.' sy-datum4(2)'.' sy-datum+2(4) into xdate .
    CASE itab-col.
      WHEN '0001'.
        wa_datatab-FromDate  = itab-value.
       concatenate wa_datatab-DocumentDate6(2)'.' wa_datatab-DocumentDate4(2)'.' wa_datatab-DocumentDate+2(4) into wa_datatab-DocumentDate.
      WHEN '0002'.
        wa_datatab-Reasonforaction     = itab-value.
      WHEN '0003'.
        wa_datatab-Position = itab-value.
      WHEN '0004'.
        wa_datatab-PersonalArea    = itab-value.
      WHEN '0005'.
        wa_datatab-EmployeeGroup    = itab-value.
      WHEN '0006'.
        wa_datatab-EmployeeSubGroup   = itab-value.
      WHEN '0007'.
        wa_datatab-SubArea         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0008'.
        wa_datatab-PayrolArea         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0009'.
        wa_datatab-Title         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0010'.
        wa_datatab-Lastname         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0011'.
        wa_datatab-Firstname         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0012'.
        wa_datatab-BirtDate         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0013'.
        wa_datatab-Nationality         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0014'.
        wa_datatab-Group         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0015'.
        wa_datatab-Level         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0016'.
        wa_datatab-BankKey         = itab-value.
      WHEN '0017'.
        wa_datatab-BankAccount         = itab-value.
   APPEND    wa_datatab to t_datatabfinal.
  clear: it_record.
  refresh it_record.
  loop at t_datatabfinal into it_record.
    append it_record.
  perform open_group.
  loop at it_record.
    concatenate it_record-Firstname it_record-Lastname into Fullname separated by space.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMP50A' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'RP50G-EINDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate. "" '01012012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'RP50G-SELEC(02)'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000000' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-BEGDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate. "" '01.01.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-MASSN'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-MASSG'
                                  it_record-Reasonforaction. "" '01'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-PLANS'
                                  it_record-Position. "" '99999999'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-WERKS'
                                  it_record-PersonalArea.   " 'm003'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-PERSG'
                                  it_record-EmployeeGroup. "" 'a'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-PERSK'
                                  it_record-EmployeeSubGroup. "" '02'.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000100' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-BEGDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate. ""'01.01.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-BTRTL'
                                  it_record-SubArea.        "" 'mm01'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-ABKRS'
                                   it_record-PayrolArea.    "" 'Z2'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-PLANS'
                                  it_record-Position. ""'99999999'.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000200' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-BEGDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate. ""'01.01.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'Q0002-ANREX'
                                  it_record-Title. "" 'Mr'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-NACHN'
                                  it_record-Lastname. " 'maxwel'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-VORNA'
                                  it_record-Firstname. "" 'razaro'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-GBDAT'
                                  it_record-BirtDate. "" '01011970'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-SPRSL'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-NATIO'
                                   it_record-Nationality. "" 'ZW'.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000700' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-BEGDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate."" '01.01.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-SCHKZ'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ZTERF'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-EMPCT'
                                  '  100,00'.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000700' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-BEGDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-SCHKZ'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ZTERF'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-EMPCT'
                                  '  100,00'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ARBST'
                                  '    8,00'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-WKWDY'
                                  '    5,00'.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000800' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-BEGDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate. "" '01.01.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFAR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-BSGRD'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFGB'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFGR'
                                   it_record-Group. ""'a'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFST'
                                   it_record-Level.         "" '1'.
   perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-DIVGV'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-ANCUR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'Q0008-IBBEG'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-WAERS'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000900' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BEGDA'
                                  it_record-FromDate. ""'01.01.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-ENDDA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BNKSA'
    perform bdc_field       using 'Q0009-EMFTX'
                                  Fullname. "" 'maxwel razaro'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BANKS'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BANKL'
                                   it_record-BankKey.       ""'10351'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BANKN'
                                   it_record-BankAccount. "" '543234667778'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-ZLSCH'
    perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-WAERS'
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMP50A' '2000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_transaction using 'PA40'.
  perform close_group.

It seems like you are uploading data to a screen that contains table control.just check the link below for your reference
Edited by: vamshi reddy . ch on Jan 13, 2012 7:38 AM
Edited by: vamshi reddy . ch on Jan 13, 2012 7:39 AM

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    rsResults.LockType = 1
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    "Julian Roberts" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:euj4if$ici$[email protected]..
    >>> Use Request instead of Request.Form for runtime
    > You haven't done it :)
    > --
    > Jules
    > Charon Cart 3
    > Shopping Cart Extension for Dreamweaver MX/MX 2004

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    To prevent cursor movement out of a field in a When-validate trigger, all you do is    Raise Form_trigger_failure;However, if the field is null and the user does not enter anything while tabbing through, or just clicking in then clicking somewhere else, the When-validate-item trigger does not run. You have to specifically check if the field is null in the When-validate-record trigger.

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    I recently had the same problem, here's my solution:
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    ' Workspace öffnen
    pdtest.play.OpenWorkspace "VBTest"
    ' Script öffnen
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    numRecsCurrDB = CStr(pdtest.play.getDataBankSize)
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    ' jetzt das Script abspielen
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    End Sub
    This works! You can also looping through the database by getting the current value and set the value back increased by e.g. one
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    loop at itab.
    if <condn>.
    continue will process the next loop from begining i.e. after continue it will go to the loop at itab statement for next loop pass.
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    Thanks for any help.

    I am not clear what you said. But I assume you mean to say:
    Right after comming in your if statement you want to update the record first and then you need the validation?? If this is right then you have to move the validation just after the update statement and then print a message just before "END IF".
    Ghulam Mustafa Butt

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    Sir I have master detail block
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    if :ystatus ='P' then
         message('Can not be update becuase this year Completely Closed');
         message('Can not be update becuase this year Completely Closed');
    elsif :ystatus ='T' or :ystatus ='N' then
    end if;
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    if :ystatus ='P' then
         message('Can not be update becuase this year Completely Closed');
         message('Can not be update becuase this year Completely Closed');
    elsif :ystatus ='T' or :ystatus ='N' then
         END IF;
    end if;
    sir when I change in master block then system not give me error then check condition if true then save otherwise move entdate textbox
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    Yes no cancel Button
    Sir my need is system not required this message and easily go to next record only when I press f10 then show message and save my record
    Please give me idea where I put my code or which event I disable

    thank for your reply
    sir i use your code
    message('Can not be update becuase this year Completely Closed');
    but not sovle my problem
    sir my problem is when i change in detial block and go to master block without save detail block in master block i move to next record then system give me save validation windows
    i not need validation window when move mext record and move next record without save detail block
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    i am facing one issue.. plz give me some idea to resolve tis..
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    I tried by recording(SHDB) but its not possible because while terminating a employee it terminate all the infotype maintained for that employee..
    Number of infotype maintain for a employee is vary from employee to employee.
    is there any standard LSMW- direct input method is available? or any BAPI is available ?
    can you throw some light to resolve tis?
    thanks in advance..

    Hi Deva,
    I am facing the same issue.  Did you ever get a solution to this problem??

  • Fail safe logic needed for purchase order upload program

    Hello all,
    i am working on creating PO's by reading data from a text file. I need to implement fail safe logic in it, which is to make sure this program uploads all the records in the text file successfully. For example, i have 1000 records in my text file and while running the upload program if the program times out while creating the 500th PO or if SAP is down at that time, then we have 499 PO's created and 501 yet to be created. But if we run the same program again, we will generate duplicate PO's for 499 again. I want to avoid this kind of problem.
    How do i implement this idea?
    Kindly guide me on this.

    Ok ..
    Then I would suggest you use Application Log to keep the success and error messages of PO processing.
    You can check trsnaction SLG0 and create your own application log object.
    Then you need to use FMs BAL_LOG_* to crate and add messages to it.
    This way you will have a facility to check as which of your records are converted to PO for a run.
    In case SAP gets down in between , still you can find the details using Xn SLG1 and then accordingly remove the records from your file which are already converted to PO.

  • Existing Function modules or Standard upload Programs

    Can any one tell, Are there any Function modules or Standard upload programs exists for following transactions:
    Creating production version(C223)
    Creating Master recipe(C201)
    Creation Apportionment Structure(C202)
    Creation BOM Allocation(CS08)
    (This all tcodes comes under Production planning.)
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Vanitha,
    Check this
    for C223
    For C201
    For C202
    For CS08
    Hope it helps...
    pls. reward appropriate points
    Message was edited by: Lokesh Aggarwal

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    I've tried the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. Here are the results.
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:42 2014] Please enter (y) for Yes or (n) for No. ... >>
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] Choose from one of the following options to clean up :
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 1.  All
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 2.  Adobe Flash Player 10.2
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 3.  Creative Cloud & CS6 Products
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 4.  CS6 only
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 5.  CS5-CS5.5-CS6
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 6.  CS5-CS5.5
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 7.  CS3, CS4
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 8.  Adobe Id credentials
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] 9.  Quit
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:44 2014] Choice :>
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] User selected: All
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] DB does not exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\pdb.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] DB does not exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\Media_db.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] DB does not exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\caps.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] List of products installed on this machine
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] Listing products for cleanup:
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] Please enter the option number of the product you wish to remove; enter (q) to quit ... >>
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:48 2014] Are you sure you want to clean all the listed products and associated files?
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:48 2014] Type (y) to confirm and remove or (n) to quit ... >>
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Please wait for Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to finish........
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] :: Cleaning-up left over inventories ::
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Atleast one Non-RIBS Inventory : False, Atleast one AAMRef: False
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ::Start:: Removing AUM contents
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Deleting registry root:HKLM key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run value:AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Exception during deleting key : (5, 'RegOpenKeyEx', 'Access is denied.')
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Deleting registry root:HKLM key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run value:ADOBE_UPDATER_STARTUP_UTILITY
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Exception during deleting key : (5, 'RegOpenKeyEx', 'Access is denied.')
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Deleting scheduled task : AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Stefan-PC-Stefan
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Executing command: schtasks /delete /TN "AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Stefan-PC-Stefan" /F
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Deleting scheduled task : AdobeUpdater Task-Stefan-PC-Stefan
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Executing command: schtasks /delete /TN "AdobeUpdater Task-Stefan-PC-Stefan" /F
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ::Finish:: Removing AUM contents
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ::Start:: Removing OOBE
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Executing command "taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq AAM Updates Notifier.exe""
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria.
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ::Finish:: Removing OOBE
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Removing content of Product : CS5Installer, Version : CS5
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] File does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\pdb.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] File does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\Media_db.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] LOG FILE SAVED TO: C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool.log
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool completed successfully
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014]
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] *-*-*-*-*-*- ::START:: - SUMMARY OF Warnings -*-*-*-*-*-*
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] DB does not exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\pdb.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] DB does not exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\Media_db.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:46 2014] DB does not exist at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\caps.db
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] *-*-*-*-*-*- :: END :: - SUMMARY OF Warnings -*-*-*-*-*-*
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] ---------------------------------------------------------
    [Sat Jun 14 18:50:50 2014] *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* :: End Session :: *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

    06/12/14 18:38:09:881 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | P7Native |  |  | 19104 | OOBElib returned error: 34
    06/12/14 18:38:10:271 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | DWANative | DWANative |  |  | 19104 | Error in getting Payload 8
    06/12/14 18:38:11:878 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | DWANative | DWANative |  |  | 19104 | Error in dwa_getInstalledPathOfPayload, pdbSession is NULL.
    06/12/14 18:38:13:519 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | DWANative | DWANative |  |  | 19104 | Error in dwa_getInstalledPathOfPayload, pdbSession is NULL.
    06/12/14 18:44:30:229 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 860 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:44:31:074 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 3576 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/12/14 18:46:40:335 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 3576 | Process CreativeCloud(URIHandler).exe could not be killed
    06/12/14 18:46:40:335 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 3576 | Process Creative Cloud Helper.exe could not be killed
    06/12/14 18:46:40:335 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 3576 | Process Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe could not be killed
    06/12/14 18:48:07:424 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 3576 | Setting values for registry Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Creative Cloud
    06/12/14 18:48:13:709 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 7652 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:48:16:239 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 7652 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:48:19:174 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 7652 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:48:21:342 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 7652 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:49:03:907 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 14092 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:49:08:386 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 14136 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:49:11:475 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 14136 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:49:13:361 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 14136 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:50:46:267 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 15932 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:50:49:357 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 15576 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:50:55:101 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 7024 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:52:48:711 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 18100 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:52:52:182 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | OPM |  |  | 18100 | received empty url from dispatchlib
    06/12/14 18:52:55:816 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 18100 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/12/14 18:52:56:518 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | P7Native |  |  | 18100 | OOBElib returned error: 42
    06/12/14 18:53:23:278 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 18100 | Failed in key3List generation
    6/13/2014 21:51:48 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/13/2014 21:51:48 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/13/2014 21:51:48 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/13/2014 21:51:48 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/13/2014 21:51:48 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/13/14 21:58:34:931 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 21844 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/13/14 21:59:49:357 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 21844 | Process CreativeCloud(URIHandler).exe could not be killed
    06/13/14 21:59:49:360 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 21844 | Process Creative Cloud Helper.exe could not be killed
    06/13/14 21:59:49:363 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 21844 | Process Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe could not be killed
    06/13/14 22:01:13:116 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 21844 | Setting values for registry Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Creative Cloud
    06/13/14 22:01:13:121 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 21844 | AAM ref file already exists at  2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMRefs/ACC.aamref/RefCount.txt
    06/13/14 22:01:24:817 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 10872 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:01:29:716 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 10872 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:01:33:893 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 10872 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:01:35:676 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 10872 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:01:39:720 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 6244 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:01:41:220 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 6244 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:01:42:860 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 6244 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:02:56:630 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 20716 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:03:03:420 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 14200 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/13/14 22:04:23:916 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 14200 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    06/14/14 08:50:35:502 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 2856 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:50:46:796 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 2856 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:50:56:343 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 2856 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:51:01:148 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 2856 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:51:05:189 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 4816 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:51:08:012 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 4816 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:51:10:976 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 4816 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:53:05:074 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 5136 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:53:15:688 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3444 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/14/14 08:54:36:596 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 3444 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    6/14/2014 11:21:45 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 11:21:45 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 11:21:45 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 11:21:45 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 11:21:45 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 11:41:50:067 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | IMSLibData |  |  | 1424 | IMSLibData destructor completed
    06/14/14 11:41:56:987 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 12296 | Failed to Move srcPath:C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud destPath:C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\\{7C97F705-ADDE-409B-9ABF-75ADEC23094E}\Adobe Creative Cloud error :5
    06/14/14 11:41:56:987 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM-Uninstall |  |  | 12296 | Failed to move folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud' to 'C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\\{7C97F705-ADDE-409B-9ABF-75ADEC23094E}\Adobe Creative Cloud'
    06/14/14 11:41:56:987 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM-Uninstall |  |  | 12296 | Failed to remove ACCC Files.
    06/14/14 11:41:56:987 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 12296 | ACC uninstallation failed. RetVal: -8
    06/14/14 11:41:57:019 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 12296 | Unable to unload AdobePIM library properly.
    06/14/14 11:41:57:019 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 12296 | Failed to remove folders.
    6/14/2014 12:17:04 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:17:04 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:17:04 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:19:44 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:19:44 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:19:44 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:19:44 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:19:44 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 12:19:46 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:19:46 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:19:46 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:19:46 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:19:46 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 12:20:00 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:20:00 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:20:00 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:20:00 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:20:00 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 12:23:51 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:23:51 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:23:51 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:23:51 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:23:51 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 12:26:52 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:26:52 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:26:52 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:26:52 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:26:52 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 12:31:21 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:31:21 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:31:21 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:31:52 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:31:52 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:31:52 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:31:52 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:31:52 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 12:41:21 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 12:41:21 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 12:41:21 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 12:41:21 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 12:41:21 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 13:02:56:146 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4828 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/14/14 13:04:14:196 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4828 | Process CreativeCloud(URIHandler).exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 13:04:14:196 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4828 | Process Creative Cloud Helper.exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 13:04:14:196 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4828 | Process Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 13:05:40:969 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4828 | Setting values for registry Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Creative Cloud
    06/14/14 13:05:40:969 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4828 | AAM ref file already exists at  2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMRefs/ACC.aamref/RefCount.txt
    06/14/14 13:08:09:854 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 1928 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    6/14/2014 13:10:27 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:10:27 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:10:27 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:10:27 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:10:27 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 13:17:20 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:17:20 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:17:20 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:17:20 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:17:20 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 13:17:24 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:17:24 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:17:24 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:17:24 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:17:24 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 13:10:32 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:10:32 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:10:32 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:10:32 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:10:32 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 13:26:53 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:26:53 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:26:53 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:26:53 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:26:53 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 13:42:35 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:42:35 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:42:35 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:42:35 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:42:35 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 13:52:02 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 13:52:02 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 13:52:02 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 13:52:02 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 13:52:02 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 13:52:41:307 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 1780 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    06/14/14 13:57:13:245 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5692 | Failed to Move srcPath:C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud destPath:C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\\{CC352008-55F6-48A1-85CB-73E13CD26821}\Adobe Creative Cloud error :5
    06/14/14 13:57:13:245 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM-Uninstall |  |  | 5692 | Failed to move folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud' to 'C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\\{CC352008-55F6-48A1-85CB-73E13CD26821}\Adobe Creative Cloud'
    06/14/14 13:57:13:245 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM-Uninstall |  |  | 5692 | Failed to remove ACCC Files.
    06/14/14 13:57:13:245 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 5692 | ACC uninstallation failed. RetVal: -8
    06/14/14 13:57:13:261 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 5692 | Unable to unload AdobePIM library properly.
    06/14/14 13:57:13:261 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 5692 | Failed to remove folders.
    06/14/14 13:59:49:116 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 1780 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    06/14/14 13:59:52:128 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5084 | Process returned error:201
    06/14/14 13:59:52:128 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5084 | Error occurred executing uninstall modifier at path: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\CoreSync\customhook\CoreSyncCustomHook.exe'. Error code: 201
    06/14/14 13:59:56:168 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 5084 | Unable to unload AdobePIM library properly.
    06/14/14 13:59:56:262 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | Utilities |  |  | 2780 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/14/14 14:00:01:535 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 2780 | Unable to free PIM object
    6/14/2014 16:02:47 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 16:02:47 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 16:02:47 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 16:02:47 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 16:02:47 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 16:10:15:499 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | AAMCustomHook | AAMCustomHook |  |  | 4628 | Inventory not present at Location: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\UWA\updaterinventory.dll'
    06/14/14 16:14:03:629 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 8580 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/14/14 16:15:52:208 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 8580 | Process CreativeCloud(URIHandler).exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 16:15:52:208 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 8580 | Process Creative Cloud Helper.exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 16:15:52:208 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 8580 | Process Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 16:16:58:883 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 8580 | Setting values for registry Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Creative Cloud
    06/14/14 16:31:27:792 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 5228 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    6/14/2014 16:43:06 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 16:43:06 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 16:43:06 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 16:43:06 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 16:43:06 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 16:46:24:800 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | OPM |  |  | 5776 | received empty url from dispatchlib
    06/14/14 16:46:29:449 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | P7Native |  |  | 5776 | OOBElib returned error: 42
    06/14/14 16:49:04:438 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | OPM |  |  | 4344 | received empty url from dispatchlib
    06/14/14 16:49:10:113 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | LWANative | P7Native |  |  | 4344 | OOBElib returned error: 42
    6/14/2014 17:06:21 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 17:06:21 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 17:06:21 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 17:06:21 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 17:06:21 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 17:13:05:437 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | AAMCustomHook | AAMCustomHook |  |  | 4372 | Inventory not present at Location: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\UWA\updaterinventory.dll'
    06/14/14 17:16:38:593 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4472 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/14/14 17:18:24:378 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4472 | Process CreativeCloud(URIHandler).exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 17:18:24:378 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4472 | Process Creative Cloud Helper.exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 17:18:24:393 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4472 | Process Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe could not be killed
    06/14/14 17:19:33:131 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4472 | Setting values for registry Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Creative Cloud
    06/14/14 17:21:08:140 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 1572 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    6/14/2014 17:36:25 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 17:36:25 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 17:36:25 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 17:36:25 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 17:36:25 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 17:40:42 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 17:40:42 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 17:40:42 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 17:40:42 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 17:40:42 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/14/14 18:16:12:120 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 7080 | Unable to unload AdobePIM library properly.
    06/14/14 18:16:12:135 | [ERROR] |  | ACC-Uninstaller |  | Uninstaller |  |  | 7080 | Failed to delete C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\com.adobe.accc.home
    06/14/14 18:16:12:526 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | Utilities |  |  | 5292 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/14/14 18:16:19:065 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5292 | Unable to free PIM object
    6/14/2014 18:43:51 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 18:43:51 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 18:43:51 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 18:43:51 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 18:43:51 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 18:48:04 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 18:48:04 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 18:48:04 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 18:48:04 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 18:48:04 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 18:57:10 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 18:57:10 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 18:57:10 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 18:57:10 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 18:57:10 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 19:35:02 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 19:35:02 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 19:35:02 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 19:35:02 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 19:35:02 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 19:35:08 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 19:35:08 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 19:35:08 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 19:35:08 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 19:35:08 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 20:33:29 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 20:33:29 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 20:33:29 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 20:33:29 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 20:33:29 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/14/2014 21:47:33 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/14/2014 21:47:33 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/14/2014 21:47:33 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/14/2014 21:47:33 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/14/2014 21:47:33 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/15/14 16:52:16:579 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | AAMCustomHook | AAMCustomHook |  |  | 1492 | Inventory not present at Location: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\UWA\updaterinventory.dll'
    6/15/2014 16:56:36 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 16:56:36 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/15/2014 16:56:36 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/15/2014 16:56:36 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/15/2014 16:56:36 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/15/2014 17:01:19 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 17:01:19 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/15/2014 17:01:19 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/15/2014 17:01:19 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/15/2014 17:01:19 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/15/14 17:03:45:215 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | AAMCustomHook | AAMCustomHook |  |  | 5128 | Inventory not present at Location: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\\UWA\updaterinventory.dll'
    6/15/2014 17:04:56 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 17:04:56 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/15/2014 17:04:56 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/15/2014 17:04:56 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/15/2014 17:04:56 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    06/15/14 17:07:20:253 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5336 | CreateProcess failed (267).
    06/15/14 17:09:07:737 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5336 | Process CreativeCloud(URIHandler).exe could not be killed
    06/15/14 17:09:07:752 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5336 | Process Creative Cloud Helper.exe could not be killed
    06/15/14 17:09:07:752 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5336 | Process Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe could not be killed
    06/15/14 17:10:08:686 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 5336 | Setting values for registry Key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Creative Cloud
    06/15/14 17:11:37:076 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | P7Native |  |  | 2140 | ACCC : Cannot find LEIDs/LEID tags in the request data
    06/15/14 18:26:02:586 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3564 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:26:06:033 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3564 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:26:09:591 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3564 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:26:17:812 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3564 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:26:24:193 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3900 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:26:26:735 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3900 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:26:29:606 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3900 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:28:20:953 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3396 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:28:22:808 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3396 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:28:44:834 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 5056 | Failed in key3List generation
    06/15/14 18:34:14:628 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp |  |  | 5668 | Another deployment workflow already running.
    06/15/14 18:34:14:628 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp |  |  | 5668 | Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    06/15/14 18:34:32:187 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp |  |  | 2544 | Another deployment workflow already running.
    06/15/14 18:34:32:187 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp |  |  | 2544 | Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    06/15/14 18:35:02:236 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp |  |  | 4636 | Another deployment workflow already running.
    06/15/14 18:35:02:236 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp |  |  | 4636 | Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 18:37:24 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 18:37:24 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/15/2014 18:37:24 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/15/2014 18:37:24 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/15/2014 18:37:24 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/15/2014 19:08:56 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 19:08:56 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/15/2014 19:08:56 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/15/2014 19:08:56 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/15/2014 19:08:56 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/15/2014 19:10:48 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/15/2014 19:10:48 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/15/2014 19:10:48 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/15/2014 19:10:48 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/15/2014 19:10:48 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/17/2014 12:14:16 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/17/2014 12:14:16 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/17/2014 12:14:16 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/17/2014 12:14:16 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/17/2014 12:14:16 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/17/2014 12:35:38 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/17/2014 12:35:38 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/17/2014 12:35:38 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/17/2014 12:35:38 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/17/2014 12:35:38 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.
    6/17/2014 20:54:13 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding locale language dictionary file. Defaulting to english.
    6/17/2014 20:54:13 [ERROR] Setup - Error finding english dictionary file.
    6/17/2014 20:54:13 [ERROR] Setup - Unable to initialize ZString library
    6/17/2014 20:54:13 [FATAL] Setup - Setup.xml does not exist.
    6/17/2014 20:54:13 [FATAL] Setup - Unable to initialize. File missing.

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