Hello Universe 2D 3D Translation

of course since i hate using command prompt, and i dont understand how the hell it works, i cant get JAR to work, so i cant compile this(which means i have no protection from anyone claiming it as their own.. i dont really care now that ive seen what Java 3D has to offer), but i made this program based on a few formulas ive found(this is before i knew about Java 3D), after i found out about java3D, ive looked all over for a Java 3D tutorial because thats basicly how i learn everything in java, unfourtionally i couldnt find one. Anyways i was hoping if anyone would be so kind to translate this code into the Java 3D form(its like the Hello Universe Demo at Java.net)
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Shape;
* This is like the FontDemo applet in volume 1, except that it
* uses the Java 2D APIs to define and render the graphics and text.
public class ThreeDTool extends JApplet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener,ActionListener,KeyListener{
    final static Color bg = Color.black;
    final static Color fg = Color.white;
     double x =0;//xcenter
    double y = 0;//ycenter
    double z = 100;///set size of shape
    double zf = 2;
    double xaw = 100;//xaway ///set size of shape
    double yaw = 100;//yaway ///set size of shape
    double scale = 1000;
//  double tri= .5*100*Math.sqrt(3);
//     double[] points = {0,tri,-tri,-100,-tri,-tri,100,-tri,-tri,0,tri,-tri,0,0,tri,-100,-tri,-tri,100,-tri,-tri,0,0,tri};
     double[] points = {x-xaw,y-yaw,z,x+xaw,y-yaw,z,x+xaw,y+yaw,z,x-xaw,y+yaw,z,x-xaw,y-yaw,z,x-xaw,y-yaw,z-(zf*z),x-xaw,y+yaw,z-(zf*z),x+xaw,y+yaw,z-(zf*z),x+xaw,y-yaw,z-(zf*z),x-xaw,y-yaw,z-(zf*z),x-xaw,y+yaw,z-(zf*z),x-xaw,y+yaw,z,x+xaw,y+yaw,z,x+xaw,y+yaw,z-(zf*z),x+xaw,y-yaw,z-(zf*z),x+xaw,y-yaw,z};
    double[] points2 = new double[points.length];
    int sides = 3; //sides of shape -1
    double angle = 0;
    double cos = Math.cos(angle);
    double sin = Math.sin(angle);
    int lines;
    int lcount;
    int count;
    double X=0;
    double Y=0;
    double Z=0;
    double X2=0;
    double Y2=0;
    double Z2=0;
     boolean rotateZ=false;
     boolean rotateY=false;
     boolean rotateX=false;
     boolean showName = false;
     double xangle=0;
     double yangle=0;
     double zangle=0;
     int Xcoord;
     int Ycoord;
     boolean zoom=true;
//     int zoomA = 0;
// int colorcount=0;
                 public ThreeDTool(javax.swing.JFrame f)
//        JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
//        JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
//        fileMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F);
//        fileMenu.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription("File");
//        menuBar.add(fileMenu);
//        JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Close", KeyEvent.VK_C);
//          menuItem.addActionListener(this);
//          fileMenu.add(menuItem);
//          JMenu rotateMenu = new JMenu("Rotate");
//          rotateMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_R);
//          menuBar.add(rotateMenu);
//          menuItem = new JMenuItem("Rotate Left",KeyEvent.VK_L);
//          menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(
//      KeyEvent.VK_L, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));
//       menuItem.addActionListener(this);
//          rotateMenu.add(menuItem);
//          menuItem = new JMenuItem("Rotate Right",KeyEvent.VK_R);
//          menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(
//      KeyEvent.VK_R, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));
//        menuItem.addActionListener(this);
//          rotateMenu.add(menuItem);
//          menuItem = new JMenuItem("Rotate Up",KeyEvent.VK_U);
//          menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(
//      KeyEvent.VK_U, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));
//          menuItem.addActionListener(this);
//          rotateMenu.add(menuItem);
//          menuItem = new JMenuItem("Rotate Down",KeyEvent.VK_D);
//          menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(
//      KeyEvent.VK_D, ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));
//          menuItem.addActionListener(this);
//          rotateMenu.add(menuItem);
//          f.setJMenuBar(menuBar);
    public void init() {
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          double rotation = .1;
          String action = e.getActionCommand();
          if(action.equals("Turn Right"))
               rotateX = true;
          if(action.equals("Turn Left"))
               rotateX = true;
          if(action.equals("Turn Up"))
               rotateY = true;
          if(action.equals("Turn Down"))
               rotateY = true;
     public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
     public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
     public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
     public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
          double speed =.05;
          int action = e.getKeyCode();
               rotateX = true;
               rotateX = true;
               rotateZ = true;
               rotateZ = true;
               rotateY = true;
               rotateY = true;
               zoom = true;
               zoom = true;
          showName = true;
     public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
          System.out.println("Click: "+Xcoord + " " + Ycoord);
     public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
          double speed =.03;
          if(Ycoord < e.getY())
              System.out.println("DragLeft: "+Xcoord + " " + Ycoord);
               rotateX = true;
          if(Xcoord < e.getX())
               System.out.println("DragUp: "+Xcoord + " " + Ycoord);
               rotateY = true;
          if(Ycoord > e.getY())
               System.out.println("DragRight: "+Xcoord + " " + Ycoord);
               rotateX = true;
          if(Xcoord > e.getX())
               System.out.println("DragDown: "+Xcoord + " " + Ycoord);
               rotateY = true;
          Xcoord = e.getX();
          Ycoord = e.getY();
     public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
          if(rotateX || rotateY || rotateZ)
               g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(-500,-350,1000,700));
         lines = points.length/3;
         cos = Math.cos(yangle);
         sin = Math.sin(yangle);
         lcount = lines;
         count =0;
         Y = points[1];
         X = (points[0]*cos)-(points[2]*sin);
         Z = (points[0]*sin)+(points[2]*cos);
         GeneralPath filledPolygon = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD,points.length);
//              X = points[count];
              Y = points[count+1];
//              Z = points[count+2];
              X = (points[count]*cos)-(points[count+2]*sin);
              Z = (points[count]*sin)+(points[count+2]*cos);
//              points2[count]=(X*cos)-(Z*sin);
//              points2[count+1]=Y;
//              points2[count+2]=(X*sin)+(Z*cos);
              if(lines == lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x));
              if(lines != lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*X2)/(Z2+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y2)/(Z2+scale)+x));
           else if(lines>points.length/3-sides)
               g2.setPaint(new Color(0,100,150));
         for(int j = 0; j<points.length;j++)
         lines = points.length/3;
         cos = Math.cos(xangle);
         sin = Math.sin(xangle);
         lcount = lines;
         count =0;
         X = points[count];
         Y = (points[count+2]*sin)+(points[count+1]*cos);
         Z = (points[count+2]*cos)-(points[count+1]*sin);
         GeneralPath filledPolygon = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD,points.length);
              X = points[count];
//              Y = points[count+1];
//              Z = points[count+2];
              Y = (points[count+2]*sin)+(points[count+1]*cos);
              Z = (points[count+2]*cos)-(points[count+1]*sin);
//              points2[count]=(Z*cos)-(Y*sin);
//              points2[count+1]=Y;
//              points2[count+2]=(Z*sin)+(Y*cos);
              if(lines == lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x));
              if(lines != lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*X2)/(Z2+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y2)/(Z2+scale)+x));
           else if(lines>points.length/3-sides)
               g2.setPaint(new Color(0,100,150));
         for(int j = 0; j<points.length;j++)
//       colorcount = 0;
         lines = points.length/3;
         cos = Math.cos((int)zangle);
         sin = Math.sin((int)zangle);
         lcount = lines;
         count =0;
//              X = points[count];
//              Y = points[count+1];
              Z = points[count+2];
              X = (points[count]*cos)-(points[count+1]*sin);
              Y = (points[count]*sin)+(points[count+1]*cos);
//              points2[count]=(X*cos)-(Y*sin);
//              points2[count+1]=(X*sin)+(Y*cos);
//              points2[count+2]=Z;
              if(lines == lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x));
              if(lines != lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)+x,(int)(scale*X2)/(Z2+scale)+x,(int)(scale*Y2)/(Z2+scale)+x));
         for(int j = 0; j<points.length;j++)
/*        if(zoom)
         lines = points.length/3;
         lcount = lines;
         count =0;
               Z = points[count+2];
              // if(Z<=0)
         //      Z+=zoomA;
         // if(Z>0)
              X = points[count];
          //      if(X<=0)
        //       X+=zoomA;
        //       if(Z>0)
              Y = points[count+1];
    //           if(Y<=0)
  //             Y+=zoomA;
//               if(Y>0)
               if(lines == lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale),(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale),(int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale),(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale)));
              if(lines != lcount)
              g2.draw(new Line2D.Double((int)(scale*X)/(Z+scale),(int)(scale*Y)/(Z+scale),(int)(scale*X2)/(Z2+scale),(int)(scale*Y2)/(Z2+scale)));
         for(int j = 0; j<points.length;j++)
              g2.drawString("Made by Chris Hules", 350,300);
          rotateY = false;
          rotateX = false;
          rotateZ = false;
          showName = false;
          zoom = false;
    public static void main(String s[])
        JFrame f = new JFrame("3DTool");
        f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
        JApplet applet = new ThreeDTool(f);
        f.getContentPane().add("Center", applet);
        f.setSize(new Dimension(1000,700));
}basicly... if you havent read through the code... arrow keys and mouse drag rotate the shape and - and = move the shape, there are a few bugs which i have to work out, there is another shape(located in the commented array) but if you use it you have to change variable sides to 2 instead of 3

Hi some-guy94 :-)
Both checkboxes concerning 3d acceleration are active, with vmplayer and also with virtualbox. For the last one, I've also spent 128 MB of graphical memory, but no way to make that f****g xmoto working in an arch guest with a reasonable speed.
Ubuuuuuuuuuuntuuuu, one night before halloween, what's wrong here :-)
Lots of love to all
Last edited by etienne (2009-10-30 21:47:27)

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    Hello Timo,
    Don't know using SE63 transaction.
    Nevertheless, being in OOATTRCUST transaction, double click onto 'Attributes' folder in order to be able to select attributes you want to translate. Then, in the menu bar, select Goto > Translation.
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    If you are talking about the ORA error messages, you can’t translate those.
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    Another solution is to define both French and English (or whatever) item in the LOV. For each item in it, you specify a "Conditional Display: current language = Expression" --> fr-ca for exemple. So in your LOV, you will have something like this.
    YES --> Y
    NO --> N
    Oui --> Y
    Non --> N
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    Content-management (CMS) systems are "really-nifty programs that have already been written for you."
    ColdFusion is an application-server system that uses an XML-based declarative syntax.  It is implemented on the back-end using a "just in time" compiler that cranks out the (Java and JavaScript) code for you.  Although many of the "tags" implement conventional procedural-programming constructs such as "switch" and "if" and "loop" and "call," you'll notice that many more do not.
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    A database transaction should be started.
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    Best regards

    Dear Vamsi,
    Please check the below lonk may be it heps.
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    I have translated the Script into Russian language using SE76.
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    How to Transport this to Quality environment.
    Please advice.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Colleague,
    You can follow below steps to add your translation SAPscript into transport request:
    1. Go to se71, input your form name and the language is 'RU' (Russian).
    2. Click change button
    3.Go to Form->Active in screen header.
    Then a dialog pops up to ask you save in a TR. Then you can add it in your TR.
    Hope it helps.

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    Kind regards,

    Hello Adrian,
    thanks for your reply. It's not so important for me to have a backup because it affected only a few PCO and was just for testing. But in future I won't delete the worklist any more.
    I just have one short question... You wrote:
    <i>or remove the translations.... replace with blanks etc.</i>
    Did you mean remove the translation by replacing them with blanks or is there an other way to remove it?
    kind regards,

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    Can Someone help me on this?
    with my Best Regards
    Beserithan Malabakan

    solved by myself. Thanks!

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  • Translation-pattern delay to outbound call

    I config one translation-pattern: 1234 tanslation to one mobile number (call ouside to PSTN via E1 link)
    and also config T302 time value = 5000 (default 15000)
    When I dial 1234, I will get a dial-tone, then waiting 5 second -> the call active.
    Is it normally?
    Or what could I do to resolve it?

    What you are experiencing is expected, this is what is called Inter-digit time out. What is happening is that within your dial plan there is another pattern (could be another Translation Pattern, DN or Route Pattern) starting with "0".
    The following Cisco document explains this behavior:
    Now going back to your concern and moving forward with the explanation, the Unified Communications Manager Platform is designed to route calls based on the closest match. When you dial "0" since there is another pattern starting also with 0 in your dial plan then, CUCM will wait for more digits. It is not until the T302 timer (that the document above mentions)  expires that CUCM routes the call based on the order of the partitions set or configure on the routing device (in your scenario it is going to be the CSS of the Translation Pattern)
    You will be able to check there is an over-lapping pattern within your system by going (in the Administration page for Call Manager) to Call Routing > Route Plan Report and:
    1) Type 0 on the search bar and hit search and all the results starting with 0 should display.
    2) Exporting your dial plan to a .csv file, open it with excel and apply filters to find the overlapping problem.
    You can also reduce the T302 timer from the Call Manager service parameters from the default value (15 seconds) to a minimum of 3 seconds.
    Hope this information helps

  • Functionality to Translate the Table Texts??

    Hello Gurus.
    Iam translating Payment advice form from EN to FR language USING se63.
    But in the source text i found one Table Text. Here i have to translate Payment advice into French.
    But this Payment advice text they are getting it from Table .Can any one explain how to translate the Table texts.

    If it is a dictionary field and then dictionary will take care of the translations.

Maybe you are looking for