Help, Authentication failed

I am having a very difficult time making a simple login program work
I am using Java SDK 1.4.2_02 on a Windows 2000 host, the DS is on the same host
My Directory Server is Sun One Directory Server 5.2
I am using the JAAS package, with a JndiLoginModule
When I use a bogus uid I get a �user not found� message so I know I am contacting the DS correctly
The Access log looks like this
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=0 msgId=1 - BIND dn="" method=128 version=3
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=0 msgId=1 - RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn=""
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=1 msgId=2 - SRCH base="ou=people,dc=auto-trol,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs=ALL
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=1 msgId=2 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=2 msgId=3 - SRCH base="ou=people,dc=auto-trol,dc=com" scope=1 filter="(uid=jpsb)" attrs=ALL
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=2 msgId=3 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
[09/Dec/2003:13:09:52 -0600] conn=1606 op=3 msgId=4 - ABANDON targetop=NOTFOUND msgid=3
My config file looks like this
Sample required debug=true
The error I get is this:
[JndiLoginModule] user provider: ldap://localhost:4661/ou=People,dc=auto-trol,dc=com
[JndiLoginModule] group provider: ldap//localhost:4661/ou=Group,dc=auto-trol,dc=com
ldap username: jpsb
ldap password: jim
[JndiLoginModule] attemptAuthentication() failed
[JndiLoginModule] regular authentication failed
[JndiLoginModule]: aborted authentication failed
Authentication failed:
Login incorrect
A stack trace looks like this Login incorrect
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at Method)
at LoginJaas.main(
It appears to me that there must be some kind password problem, I can login from the 5.2 console or switch user ids from the console so I know the user and Directory Server are OK.
Can anyone help? I�ve been pounding on this for a few days and it is getting frustrating.
Thanks in advance

Here it is along with some bat files to make and run. I can't understand why it does not work. It is mostly a slightly modified example from Sun. I'm using Sun code, a Sun Directory Server and a Sun's JndiLoginModule so why the damn thing does not work is a mystery. I have looked EVERYWHERE for a sample JAAS/LDAP Authenicate code and can't find a thing. Makes me think there isn't any and JAAS is not the way to go. I and going to try with a different DS maybe open LDP or active Directory and if that doesn't work I'll forget JAAS and use JNDI instead.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
* @(#)
* Copyright 2001-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
* without modification, are permitted provided that the following
* conditions are met:
* -Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* -Redistribution in binary form must reproduct the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
* You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or
* intended for use in the design, construction, operation or
* maintenance of any nuclear facility.
* This LoginJaas application attempts to authenticate a user
* and reports whether or not the authentication was successful.
* If successful, it then sets up subsequent execution of
* code in the run method of the SampleAction class such that
* access control checks for security-sensitive operations will be
* based on the user running the code.
public class LoginJaas
     private static Subject mySubject;
     public static void main(String[] args)
          // Obtain a LoginContext, needed for authentication. Tell it
          // to use the LoginModule implementation specified by the
          // entry named "JaasSample" in the JAAS login configuration
          // file and to also use the specified CallbackHandler.
          LoginContext lc = null;
               lc = new LoginContext("Sample", new TextCallbackHandler());
          catch (LoginException le)
               System.err.println("le:Cannot create LoginContext. "
               + le.getMessage());
          catch (SecurityException se)
               System.err.println("se:Cannot create LoginContext. "
               + se.getMessage());
               // attempt authentication
          catch (LoginException le)
               System.err.println("Authentication failed:");
               System.err.println(" " + le.getMessage());
          System.out.println("Authentication succeeded!");
          // now try to execute the SampleAction as the authenticated Subject
          Subject mySubject = lc.getSubject();
          PrivilegedAction action = new SampleAction();
          Subject.doAsPrivileged(mySubject, action, null);
public class MyCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler
     public void handle(Callback callbacks[]) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException
          for(int i=0;i<callbacks.length;i++)
               if(callbacks[i] instanceof NameCallback)
               NameCallback nc = (NameCallback) callbacks[0];
               String name = (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
               throw(new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks,
                         "Callback handler not support"));
* @(#)     1.19 00/01/11
* Copyright 2000-01 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2000-01 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits reserves.
import java.util.*;
* <p> This Sample application attempts to authenticate a user
* and executes a SampleAction as that user.
* <p> If the user successfully authenticates itself,
* the username and number of Credentials is displayed.
* @version 1.19, 01/11/00
public class Sample {
* Attempt to authenticate the user.
* <p>
* @param args input arguments for this application. These are ignored.
public static void main(String[] args) {
     // use the configured LoginModules for the "Sample" entry
     LoginContext lc = null;
     try {
     lc = new LoginContext("Sample", new MyCallbackHandler());
     } catch (LoginException le) {
     // the user has 3 attempts to authenticate successfully
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
     try {
          // attempt authentication
          // if we return with no exception, authentication succeeded
     } catch (AccountExpiredException aee) {
          System.out.println("Your account has expired. " +
                    "Please notify your administrator.");
     } catch (CredentialExpiredException cee) {
          System.out.println("Your credentials have expired.");
     } catch (FailedLoginException fle) {
          System.out.println("Authentication Failed");
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
          // ignore
     } catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Unexpected Exception - unable to continue");
     // did they fail three times?
     if (i == 3) {
     // let's see what Principals we have
     Iterator principalIterator = lc.getSubject().getPrincipals().iterator();
     System.out.println("Authenticated user has the following Principals:");
     while (principalIterator.hasNext()) {
     Principal p = (Principal);
     System.out.println("\t" + p.toString());
     System.out.println("User has " +
               lc.getSubject().getPublicCredentials().size() +
               " Public Credential(s)");
     // now try to execute the SampleAction as the authenticated Subject
     Subject.doAs(lc.getSubject(), new SampleAction());
* @(#)     1.4 00/01/11
* Copyright 2000-01 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2000-01 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits reserves.
* <p> This is a Sample PrivilegedAction implementation, designed to be
* used with the Sample application.
* @version 1.4, 01/11/00
public class SampleAction implements PrivilegedAction {
* <p> This Sample PrivilegedAction performs the following operations:
* <ul>
* <li> Access the System property, <i>java.home</i>
* <li> Access the System property, <i>user.home</i>
* <li> Access the file, <i>foo.txt</i>
* </ul>
* @return <code>null</code> in all cases.
* @exception SecurityException if the caller does not have permission
*          to perform the operations listed above.
public Object run() {
     System.out.println("\nYour java.home property: "
     System.out.println("\nYour user.home property: "
     File f = new File("foo.txt");
     System.out.print("\nfoo.txt does ");
     if (!f.exists())
     System.out.print("not ");
     System.out.println("exist in the current working directory.");
     return null;
Start princible/
package principal;
* @(#)     1.4 00/01/11
* Copyright 2000-01 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2000-01 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits reserves.
* <p> This class implements the <code>Principal</code> interface
* and represents a Sample user.
* <p> Principals such as this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>
* may be associated with a particular <code>Subject</code>
* to augment that <code>Subject</code> with an additional
* identity. Refer to the <code>Subject</code> class for more information
* on how to achieve this. Authorization decisions can then be based upon
* the Principals associated with a <code>Subject</code>.
* @version 1.4, 01/11/00
* @see
* @see
public class SamplePrincipal implements Principal, {
* @serial
private String name;
* Create a SamplePrincipal with a Sample username.
* <p>
* @param name the Sample username for this user.
* @exception NullPointerException if the <code>name</code>
*               is <code>null</code>.
public SamplePrincipal(String name) {
     if (name == null)
     throw new NullPointerException("illegal null input"); = name;
* Return the Sample username for this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
* <p>
* @return the Sample username for this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>
public String getName() {
     return name;
* Return a string representation of this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
* <p>
* @return a string representation of this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
public String toString() {
     return("SamplePrincipal: " + name);
* Compares the specified Object with this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>
* for equality. Returns true if the given object is also a
* <code>SamplePrincipal</code> and the two SamplePrincipals
* have the same username.
* <p>
* @param o Object to be compared for equality with this
*          <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
* @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this
*          <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
     if (o == null)
     return false;
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof SamplePrincipal))
return false;
SamplePrincipal that = (SamplePrincipal)o;
     if (this.getName().equals(that.getName()))
     return true;
     return false;
* Return a hash code for this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
* <p>
* @return a hash code for this <code>SamplePrincipal</code>.
public int hashCode() {
     return name.hashCode();
End princible/
Start ample_jaas.config
/** Login Configuration for the JAAS Sample Application **/
     //SampleLoginModule required debug=true; required debug=true
End Sample_jaas.config
Start sample.policy
/** Java 2 Access Control Policy for the JAAS Sample Application **/
/** Code-Based Access Control Policy for LoginJaas **/
grant codebase "file:./sample.jar
permission "doAsPrivileged";
permission; //darf alles
/** User-Based Access Control Policy for the LoginAction class
** instantiated by LoginJaas
grant     codebase "file:./SampleAction.jar", Principal principal.SamplePrincipal "jimshi"
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.home", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.home", "read";
permission "foo.txt", "read";
End sample.policy
Start makelogin.bat
javac principal/
jar -cvf LoginJaas.jar LoginJaas.class principal/
jar -cvf SampleAction.jar SampleAction.class
REM javac
REM jar -cvf sample_module.jar SampleLoginModule.class
REM jar -cvf sample.jar MyCallbackHandler.class Sample.class
javac com/sun/security/auth/module/*.java
End makelogin.bat
Start run.bat
REM java -classpath ./;SampleAction.jar;LoginJaas.jar LoginJaas
java -classpath ./;SampleAction.jar;LoginJaas.jar\STUFF\LDAP\loginJim\sample_jaas.config LoginJaas
End run.bat

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    The JavaMail FAQ has some tips on debugging such problems.

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    Jul 20 2006 11:59:31 QUIT: {0x446d07630c6cdd5e0000000f0000000f, hjm} disconnected.
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    ***? (Why The Failure?)

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    Try the following:
    delete the iWeb preference files, and, that resides in your Home() /Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/ folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
    launch iWeb and try again.
    If that doesn't help continue with:
    move the domain file from your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Desktop.
    launch iWeb, create a new test site, save the new domain file and close iWeb.
    go to the your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and delete the new domain file.
    move your original domain file from the Desktop to the iWeb folder.
    launch iWeb and try again.

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              Can someone from bea help me with this? We're using servlet's j_security_check to authenticate the user and from time to time, this message
              "Form based authentication failed. One of the following reasons could cause it:
              HTTP sessions are disabled.
              An old session ID was stored in the browser"
              pops out. How can we prevent this from happening?
              thanks in advanced...

    Please see the recent thread in the Security section dealing with the same
              message. (Search on "Form based authentication failed".) There appears to
              be at least one bug in WL that causes this, although I wouldn't rule out a
              config issue.
              At any rate, the error message printed out to the console (and log) is
              stupid. Chances are your problem has nothing to do with either an old
              session ID or sessions being disabled, both of which WebLogic should be able
              to tell you for sure if they were indeed the problem.
              Cameron Purdy
              Tangosol, Inc.
              WebLogic Consulting Available
              "Jerson Chua" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:3a30499c$[email protected]..
              > Can someone from bea help me with this? We're using servlet's
              j_security_check to authenticate the user and from time to time, this
              > "Form based authentication failed. One of the following reasons could
              cause it:
              > HTTP sessions are disabled.
              > An old session ID was stored in the browser"
              > pops out. How can we prevent this from happening?
              > thanks in advanced...
              > Jerson

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    Heres the show tacacs output from the switch where only one user account fails;
                  Socket opens:        157
                 Socket closes:        156
                 Socket aborts:        303
                 Socket errors:          1
               Socket Timeouts:          2
       Failed Connect Attempts:          0
            Total Packets Sent:       1703
            Total Packets Recv:       1243
              Expected Replies:          0
    What could be the reason ?
    No errors on ACS server; same rights had been given to the user account.
    Thanks to advise.

    Hi there,
    Does the user get authenticated in the ACS logs?
    reports and activity----> failed attempts
    reports and activity----->  passed authentications
    That will help narrow it down.

  • I keep getting a notification that says "Google Talk authentication failed"...does anyone know how to get rid of this?  I tried looking for it in the apps but not really sure what google talk is or how to get rid of this message that keeps popping up.

    How do i get rid of the message that keeps popping up that says "google talk authentication failed"????

    Good afternoon!  I'm glad I can be here to help with this error. In the device this application is identified only as 'Talk', so that be more familiar to you. First I recommend opening the 'Market' app on your phone, then Menu>My Apps to see if this application requires an update. It will display a list on top of all applications that need to be updated. If nothing exists, tap 'Home' and go into 'Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>Talk, then tap 'Clear Cache' and 'Clear Data' to remove the history of that application and stop the notifications.  The app will remain on your phone for future use, if you desire to take advantage of it. Read more about Google Talk here
    Thank you!
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • ERROR: Ldap Authentication failed for dap during installation of iAS 6.0 SP3

    I am attempting to install ias Enterprise Edition (6.0 SP3) on solaris 2.8 using typical in basesetup. I am trying to install new Directory server as I don't have an existing one.
    During the installation I got the following error.
    ERROR: Ldap Authentication failed for url ldap://hostname:389/o=NetScape Root user id admin (151: Unknown Error)
    Fatal Slapd did not add Directory server information to config Server.
    Warning slapd could'nt populate with ldif file Yes error code 151.
    ERROR:Failure installing iPlanet Directory Server.
    Do you want to continue: ( I entered yes )
    Configuring Administration Server Segmentation fault core dumped.
    Error: Failure installing Netscape Administration Server.
    Do you want to continue:( I responded with yes).
    And during the Extraction I got the following
    ERROR:mple_bind: Can't connect to the LDAP server - No route to host
    ERROR: Unable to connect to LDAP Directory Server
    Hostname: hostname
    Port: 389
    User: cn=Directory Manager
    Password: <password-for-cn=Directory Manager
    Please make sure this Directory Server is currently running.
    You might need to run 'stop-slapd' and then
    'start-slapd' in the Directory Server home directory, in order to restart
    LDAP. When finished, press ENTER to continue, or S to skip this step:
    Start registering Bootstrap EJB...
    at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Compiled > Code)
    at javax.naming.NamingException.<init>(
    at javax.naming.NameNotFoundException.<init>( 48)
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.resolveCtx(Unknown Source)
    "ldaperror" 76 lines, 2944 characters
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.resolveCtx(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.bind(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.bind(Unknown Source)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.bind(
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.deployToNaming(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.registerEjbJar(Compiled Code)
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.registerEjbJar(Compiled Code)
    at Code)
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.main(Unknown Source)
    Start registering iAS 60 Fortune Application...
    Start iPlanet Application Server
    Start iPlanet Application Server
    Start Web Server iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP1 B08/20/200100:58
    warning: daemon is running as super-user
    [LS ls1], port 80 ready
    to accept requests
    startup: server started successfully.
    After completion of installation, I tried to start the console. But I got the following error;
    "Cant connect ot the admin server. The url is not correct or the server is not running.
    Finally,when I started the admintool(iASTT),it shows the iAS1
    was registered( marked with a red cross mark) and says "cant login. make sure the user
    name & passwdord are correct" when i click on it.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    Make sure that the directory server is installed first. If it is running
    ok, then you can try adding an admin user, please check the following
    madhavi korupolu wrote:
    I am attempting to install ias Enterprise Edition (6.0 SP3) on
    solaris 2.8 using typical in basesetup. I am trying to install new
    Directory server as I don't have an existing one.
    During the installation I got the following error.
    ERROR: Ldap Authentication failed for url
    ldap://hostname:389/o=NetScape Root user id admin (151: Unknown
    Fatal Slapd did not add Directory server information to config
    Warning slapd could'nt populate with ldif file Yes error code 151.
    ERROR:Failure installing iPlanet Directory Server.
    Do you want to continue: ( I entered yes )
    Configuring Administration Server Segmentation fault core dumped.
    Error: Failure installing Netscape Administration Server.
    Do you want to continue:( I responded with yes).
    And during the Extraction I got the following
    ERROR:mple_bind: Can't connect to the LDAP server - No route to host
    ERROR: Unable to connect to LDAP Directory Server
    Hostname: hostname
    Port: 389
    User: cn=Directory Manager
    Password: <password-for-cn=Directory Manager
    Please make sure this Directory Server is currently running.
    You might need to run 'stop-slapd' and then
    'start-slapd' in the Directory Server home directory, in order to
    LDAP. When finished, press ENTER to continue, or S to skip this
    Start registering Bootstrap EJB...
    at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Compiled > Code)
    at javax.naming.NamingException.<init>(
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.resolveCtx(Unknown Source)
    "ldaperror" 76 lines, 2944 characters
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.resolveCtx(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.bind(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.jndi.RootContext.bind(Unknown Source)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.bind(
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.deployToNaming(Unknown
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.registerEjbJar(Compiled
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.registerEjbJar(Compiled
    at Code)
    at com.netscape.server.deployment.EjbReg.main(Unknown Source)
    Start registering iAS 60 Fortune Application...
    Start iPlanet Application Server
    Start iPlanet Application Server
    Start Web Server iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP1 B08/20/200100:58
    warning: daemon is running as super-user
    [LS ls1], port 80 ready
    to accept requests
    startup: server started successfully.
    After completion of installation, I tried to start the console. But I
    got the following error;
    "Cant connect ot the admin server. The url is not correct or the
    server is not running.
    Finally,when I started the admintool(iASTT),it shows the iAS1
    was registered( marked with a red cross mark) and says "cant login.
    make sure the user
    name & passwdord are correct" when i click on it.
    Thanks in advance for any help
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  • 802.1x port authentication failing after getting a access-accept packet

    Hi all,
    Im not 100% sure what the hell is going on here.
    Any idea's or help will be appreciated.
    Heres the topology.
    1 x windows 2012 NPS
    1x 3750X
    1x Windows 7 x64
    data flow
    <laptop> - - [gi 1/0/13]<3750X>[gi 1/0/48]- -[gi 5/39]<6513>[po 1] - - [po 4]<6509><5/1> - - <VMWARE>[NPS Server]
    The switch that is doing the authentication is the 3750X. Here is the IOS version.
    Switch Ports Model              SW Version            SW Image
    *    1 54    WS-C3750X-48       15.2(1)E              C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M
    A wireshark trace on the NPS server shows that the packets are arriving and being sent back
    Wireshark on a mirror of the trunk port connecting the 6513. It also shows packets being sent and arriving. access-accept packets are being recieved.
    As you can see in the debug output, the switch is getting a access-accept, then it is stating a AAA failure.
    here is a debug output as you plug in the laptop.
    Oct 24 10:53:44.653: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Interface state changed to DOWN
    Oct 24 10:53:44.653: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] No DOT1X subblock found for port down
    Oct 24 10:53:45.643: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13, changed state to down
    Oct 24 10:53:46.641: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13, changed state to down
    Oct 24 10:53:47.538: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Interface state changed to UP
    Oct 24 10:53:47.564: dot1x-packet:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] queuing an EAPOL pkt on Auth Q
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-ev:DOT1X Supplicant not enabled on GigabitEthernet1/0/13
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak rx - Ver: 0x1  type: 0x1
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-packet: length: 0x0000
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Dequeued pkt: Int Gi1/0/13 CODE= 0,TYPE= 0,LEN= 0
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Received pkt saddr =6431.500e.9b00 , daddr = 0180.c200.0003, pae-ether-type = 888e.0101.0000
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Couldn't find the supplicant in the list
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] New client detected, sending session start event for 6431.500e.9b00
    Oct 24 10:53:47.572: AAA/BIND(00000047): Bind i/f
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Sending create new context event to EAP for 0x15000045 (6431.500e.9b00)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-EVENT: Received context create from LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) (0x15000045)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: Received AAA ID 0x00000047 from LL
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Assigning AAA ID 0x00000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: CTS not enabled on interface Gi1/0/13
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: Received Session ID "C0A846660000004700DF6030" from LL
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: Setting authentication mode: Passthrough
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580:     eap_authen : initial state eap_auth_initialize has enter
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-EVENT: Allocated new EAP context (handle = 0xE8000047)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Created a client entry (0x15000045)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Dot1x authentication started for 0x15000045 (6431.500e.9b00)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: %AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'dot1x' for client (6431.500e.9b00) on Interface Gi1/0/13 AuditSessionID C0A846660000004700DF6030
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-EVENT: Received EAP event 'EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_START' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_initialize, got event 25(eapStartTmo)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_initialize -> eap_auth_select_action
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_select_action, got event 20(eapDecisionPropose)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_select_action -> eap_auth_propose_method
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580:     eap_authen : idle during state eap_auth_propose_method
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_propose_method -> eap_auth_method_request
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580:     eap_authen : idle during state eap_auth_method_request
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_method_request -> eap_auth_tx_packet
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: Current method = Identity
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: EAP-EVENT: Sending LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_CUSTOMIZE_ID_REQUEST' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580:     eap_authen : idle during state eap_auth_tx_packet
    Oct 24 10:53:47.580: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_tx_packet -> eap_auth_idle
    Oct 24 10:53:47.589: EAP-AUTH-TX-PAK: Code:REQUEST  ID:0x1   Length:0x0005  Type:IDENTITY
    Oct 24 10:53:47.589: EAP-EVENT: Started 'Authenticator ReqId Retransmit' timer (30s) for EAP sesion handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.589: EAP-EVENT: Started EAP tick timer
    Oct 24 10:53:47.589: EAP-EVENT: Sending LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_TX_PACKET' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Sending EAPOL packet to group PAE address
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Sending out EAPOL packet
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak Tx - Ver: 0x3  type: 0x0
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-packet: length: 0x0005
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-packet:EAP code: 0x1  id: 0x1  length: 0x0005
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-packet: type: 0x1
    Oct 24 10:53:47.597: dot1x-packet:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] EAPOL packet sent to client 0x15000045
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-packet:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Queuing an EAPOL pkt on Authenticator Q
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak rx - Ver: 0x1  type: 0x0
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-packet: length: 0x001F
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Dequeued pkt: Int Gi1/0/13 CODE= 2,TYPE= 1,LEN= 31
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Received pkt saddr =6431.500e.9b00 , daddr = 0180.c200.0003, pae-ether-type = 888e.0100.001f
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak rx - Ver: 0x1  type: 0x0
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-packet: length: 0x001F
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Response sent to the server from 0x15000045
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-EVENT: Received LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_RX_PACKET' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-AUTH-RX-PAK: Code:RESPONSE  ID:0x1   Length:0x001F  Type:IDENTITY
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606:     Payload:  47454E4552414C5C72616E64792E636F ...
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_idle, got event 1(eapRxPacket)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_idle -> eap_auth_received
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: EAP Response received by context 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: EAP Response type = Identity
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-EVENT: Stopping 'Authenticator ReqId Retransmit' timer for EAP sesion handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_received, got event 10(eapMethodData)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_received -> eap_auth_method_response
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: Received peer identity: GENERAL\randy.coburn.admin
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: EAP-EVENT: Sending LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_IDENTITY' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_method_response, got event 13(eapMethodEnd)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_method_response -> eap_auth_select_action
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_select_action, got event 19(eapDecisionPass)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_select_action -> eap_auth_passthru_init
    Oct 24 10:53:47.606:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_passthru_init, got event 22(eapPthruIdentity)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_passthru_init -> eap_auth_aaa_req
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-EVENT: Sending LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_GET_PEER_MAC_ADDRESS' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Adding Audit-Session-ID "C0A846660000004700DF6030" to RADIUS Req
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Added Audit-Session-ID
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Adding IDB "0x070B90F8" to RADIUS Req
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Added IDB
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-EVENT: Sending LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_CUSTOMIZE_AAA_REQUEST' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: eap_auth_aaa_authen_request_shim aaa_service 19, eap aaa_list handle 0, mlist handle 0
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: AAA/AUTHEN/8021X (00000000): Pick method list 'default'
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Request sent successfully
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_aaa_req, got event 24(eapAAAReqOk)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_aaa_req -> eap_auth_aaa_idle
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000):Orig. component type = Invalid
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): Unsupported AAA attribute hwidb
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): Unsupported AAA attribute aaa-authen-type
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): Unsupported AAA attribute aaa-authen-service
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): Unsupported AAA attribute clid-mac-addr
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): Unsupported AAA attribute target-scope
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): Unsupported AAA attribute aaa-unique-id
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS(00000000): Config NAS IP:
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS(00000000): sending
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS(00000000): Send Access-Request to id 1645/21, len 288
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  authenticator F1 BA E5 31 71 54 BF 1A - A2 B1 5E 1A 63 72 1E 72
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  User-Name           [1]   28  "GENERAL\randy.coburn.admin"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  Service-Type        [6]   6   Framed                    [2]
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  Vendor, Cisco       [26]  27
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:   Cisco AVpair       [1]   21  "service-type=Framed"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  Framed-MTU          [12]  6   1500
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  Called-Station-Id   [30]  19  "AC-F2-C5-75-7D-0D"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  Calling-Station-Id  [31]  19  "64-31-50-0E-9B-00"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:  EAP-Message         [79]  33
    Oct 24 10:53:47.614: RADIUS:   02 01 00 1F 01 47 45 4E 45 52 41 4C 5C 72 61 6E 64 79 2E 63 6F  [GENERAL\]
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:   62 75 72 6E 2E 61 64 6D 69 6E        [ burn.admin]
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  Message-Authenticato[80]  18
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:   EE 52 4D ED B9 06 F3 CE 63 AC 9D 73 24 1B A7 ED             [ RMcs$]
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  EAP-Key-Name        [102] 2   *
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  Vendor, Cisco       [26]  49
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:   Cisco AVpair       [1]   43  "audit-session-id=C0A846660000004700DF6030"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  Vendor, Cisco       [26]  20
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:   Cisco AVpair       [1]   14  "method=dot1x"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  NAS-IP-Address      [4]   6
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  NAS-Port            [5]   6   60000
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  NAS-Port-Id         [87]  23  "GigabitEthernet1/0/13"
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  NAS-Port-Type       [61]  6   Ethernet                  [15]
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS(00000000): Sending a IPv4 Radius Packet
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS(00000000): Started 10 sec timeout
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS: Received from id 1645/21, Access-Accept, len 66
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  authenticator 92 F6 07 AF C1 AB 0B 4C - 1D 9E A0 D1 01 36 27 26
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:  Class               [25]  46
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS:   76 E3 06 66 00 00 01 37 00 01 02 00 C0 A8 13 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 CE CF F8 1F 7B 75 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50          [ vf7y{uAP]
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: RADIUS(00000000): Received from id 1645/21
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: EAP-EVENT: eap_aaa_reply
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: EAP-AUTH-AAA-EVENT: Reply received session_label 72000033
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: EAP-EVENT: Received AAA event 'EAP_AAA_FAIL' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622:     eap_authen : during state eap_auth_aaa_idle, got event 8(eapAAAFail)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.622: @@@ eap_authen : eap_auth_aaa_idle -> eap_auth_failure
    Oct 24 10:53:47.631: EAP-EVENT: Received get canned status from lower layer (0xE8000047)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.631: EAP-AUTH-TX-PAK: Code:FAILURE  ID:0x1   Length:0x0004
    Oct 24 10:53:47.631: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: FAIL for EAP method ID: 1, name: , on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.631: EAP-EVENT: Sending LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_FAIL' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.631: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Received an EAP Fail
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: %DOT1X-5-FAIL: Authentication failed for client (6431.500e.9b00) on Interface Gi1/0/13 AuditSessionID C0A846660000004700DF6030
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-packet:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Added username in dot1x
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-packet:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Dot1x did not receive any key data
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Processing client delete for hdl 0x15000045 sent by Auth Mgr
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] 6431.500e.9b00: sending canned failure due to method termination
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: EAP-EVENT: Received get canned status from lower layer (0xE8000047)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Sending EAPOL packet to group PAE address
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Sending out EAPOL packet
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak Tx - Ver: 0x3  type: 0x0
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-packet: length: 0x0004
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-packet:EAP code: 0x4  id: 0x1  length: 0x0004
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-packet:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] EAPOL canned status packet sent to client 0x15000045
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Deleting client 0x15000045 (6431.500e.9b00)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: %AUTHMGR-7-STOPPING: Stopping 'dot1x' for client 6431.500e.9b00 on Interface Gi1/0/13 AuditSessionID C0A846660000004700DF6030
    Oct 24 10:53:47.639: %AUTHMGR-5-FAIL: Authorization failed or unapplied for client (6431.500e.9b00) on Interface Gi1/0/13 AuditSessionID C0A846660000004700DF6030
    Oct 24 10:53:47.648: dot1x-ev:[6431.500e.9b00, Gi1/0/13] Delete auth client (0x15000045) message
    Oct 24 10:53:47.648: EAP-EVENT: Received free context (0xE8000047) from LL (Dot1x-Authenticator)
    Oct 24 10:53:47.648: dot1x-ev:Auth client ctx destroyed
    Oct 24 10:53:47.648: EAP-EVENT: Received LL (Dot1x-Authenticator) event 'EAP_DELETE' on handle 0xE8000047
    Oct 24 10:53:47.648: EAP-AUTH-EVENT: Freed EAP auth context
    Oct 24 10:53:47.648: EAP-EVENT: Freed EAP context
    Oct 24 10:53:48.621: EAP-EVENT: Stopped EAP tick timer
    Oct 24 10:53:49.485: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13, changed state to up
    Oct 24 10:53:50.491: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13, changed state to up
    Oct 24 10:53:53.528: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] Interface state changed to DOWN
    Oct 24 10:53:53.528: dot1x-ev:[Gi1/0/13] No DOT1X subblock found for port down
    Oct 24 10:53:54.518: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13, changed state to down
    Oct 24 10:53:55.524: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13, changed state to down

    Hi Jatin,
    See below the data that you have requested.
    show run bits.
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
    aaa session-id common
    clock timezone BST 0 0
    clock summer-time UTC recurring last Sun Mar 1:00 last Sun Oct 2:00
    dot1x system-auth-control
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13
    switchport access vlan 80
    switchport mode access
    authentication port-control auto
    dot1x pae authenticator
    spanning-tree portfast
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48
    switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
    switchport trunk native vlan 70
    switchport mode trunk
    radius server NPS1
    address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
    timeout 10
    key thesecret
    ip default-gateway
    SW1-randy#show auth sessions interface gig 1/0/13
    Interface    MAC Address    Method       Domain          Status    Fg Session ID
    Gi1/0/13     803f.5d09.189e N/A          UNKNOWN      Unauth         C0A846660000002F00251DBC
    SW1-randy#Show mac address-table Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13
              Mac Address Table
    Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports
      80    803f.5d09.189e    DYNAMIC     Drop
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
    Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/8 ms
    Here is a wireshark of the accept packet.
    Message was edited by: randy coburn
    Added wireshark trace

  • Policy Agent Authentication Failed!!!

    Hi All,
    I configured the Policy Agent based on Apache 2.055, and browsed server, it display 500 error code : Internal Server Error. The followings is the debug log,
    Error 900:7f2028 AuthService: AuthService::processLoginStatus() Exception message=[Authentication Failed!!] errorCode='107' templateName=login_failed_template.jsp.
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Error 900:7f2028 PolicyEngine: am_policy_evaluate: InternalException in AuthService::processLoginStatus() with error message:Exception message=[Authentication Failed!!] errorCode='107' templateName=login_failed_template.jsp and code:3
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Warning 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: am_web_is_access_allowed()(, GET) denying access: status = Identity Server authentication service failure
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Debug 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: am_web_is_access_allowed(): Successfully logged to remote server for GET action by user unknown user to resource
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Info 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: am_web_is_access_allowed()(, GET) returning status: Identity Server authentication service failure.
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Info 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: process_request(): Access check for URL returned Identity Server authentication service failure.
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Debug 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: process_request(): returning web result AM_WEB_RESULT_ERROR, data []
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Debug 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: am_web_process_request(): Rendering web result AM_WEB_RESULT_ERROR
    2005-11-15 14:04:38.093 Debug 900:7f2028 PolicyAgent: am_web_process_request(): render result function returned AM_SUCCESS.
    Please help to sovle it.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Looks like the agent can't authenticate. Check the AM URL and the amldapuser password. Check the amserver amAuthApplication and amComm debug files to see if there are any agent authentication related exceptions. If you have ethereal installed you can do a network trace to see the XML passed between the agent and the server

  • Authentication failed

    my aol email has frozen on my phone.  I tried refreshing and that did not work.  I deleted my email account and now when I try to restart the email account it says authentication failed (after checking incoming server settings).  my friend has the same phone, her email froze last week, she refreshed it and now it works.  I don't understand why mine is not working.  any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    We want you to be able to enjoy using your email account on your Samsung Galaxy S4! Have you checked to make sure your email account does not have 2-step verification set up on it? Are you manually entering it the server information for the email account?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Authentication failed on device 3 times. Failed to detect SSH version running on the device. PRIMARY-STARTUP config Fetch Operation failed for TFTP

    I have devices loaded but new devices keep getting this error "Authentication failed on device 3 times. Failed to detect SSH version running on the device. PRIMARY-STARTUP config Fetch Operation failed for TFTP" - which trying to get configurations. I am using LMS 3.0.1
    I tried to TELNET on devices via Putty port 22 no good. Please help?
    Name Version License Status Size CiscoWorks  Common Services 3.1.1 Licensed Not applicable  Campus  Manager 5.0.3 Purchased 1500  CiscoView 6.1.7 Licensed Not applicable  CiscoWorks  Assistant 1.0.1 Licensed Not applicable  Device  Fault Manager 3.0.3 Purchased 1500  Internetwork  Performance Monitor 4.0.1 Purchased 1500  Integration  Utility 1.7.1 Licensed Not applicable  LMS  Portal 1.0.1 Licensed Not applicable  Resource  Manager Essentials 4.1.1 Purchased 1500

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    Device Name
    Device Status
    Inventory Status
    Inventory Last Updated Time
    Config Status
    Config Last Updated Time
    Cisco 2811 Integrated Services Router
    Jan 13 2011 10:43:49 EST
    Jan 13 2011 10:37:24 EST
      Rows per page:
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  • "Authentication Failed" and "Your session has timed out" messages

    Hi All,
    In our implementation, we are using Sun Access Manager 7.0 Patch 6. We noticed that sometimes when we enter invalid credentials, we receive "Authentication Failed" message which we understand is a correct behavior. But sometimes instead of "Authentication Failed", we get "Your session has timed out" message even though we did not go over the module timeout of 2 minutes(i.e. default timeout value in SUN Access Manager).
    Is this a known anomaly? Did anybody else have seen this kind of behavior?

    I'm having issues too! Help!

  • 'Authentication Failed' for Adobe Content Viewer on iPad

    I could not sign in to Adobe Content Viewer on iPad using my Adobe ID? Message received was 'Authentication failed'. I tried signed in to Adobe website using the name ID and password, there was no problem. Could someone PLEASE HELP me!

    I Know nothing about this, but a Google search revealed this from the Adobe Support site.
    SInce it is an Adobe app, you would probably be better off seeking help on their forums anyway.

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