[Help] Can't have 5.1 sound :(

Hi from Japan,
I recently bought a Denon AVC-M370-s 5.1 sound system and I use a Sony POC-10AB optical mini-jack --> optical toslink to plug my PowerBook.
The Denon recognizes the digital link, no problem, it does indeed says "digital stereo" when I listen to music. But when I watch movie, the best I can get is a Stereo ProLogic sound, can't get 5.1 DolbyDigital (haven't tried DTS yet).
Do you think problem comes from my PB ? Is there anything I forgot to configue in OS X ?
Thanks for your help

Hey Kok thank you so much for your reply.
I understand your message, but I hope I can make it work, already did a big investment. What about this decorer?:
[url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0057UNPVO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=AD7C755W08DM6" >http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0057UNPVO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=AD7C755W08DM6[/url]
It says that you can input the 3 5.1 signals from the speakers (green, orange and black) and transform it to digital through optical cable. Can it work?
Or maybe this one?
[url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0045UWXB0/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=AEKEXTXL2B213" >http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0045UWXB0/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=AEKEXTXL2B213[/url]
What do you think?
Thanks once again kok !!

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    "i also have some from lime wire"
    Please not that the majority of posters here will not help you if you are illegally downloading copyrighted material.
    With regard to your home movies, you may find something useful here.

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    Thanks, Robes

    Rhobes wrote:
    … Not sure how to begin, or if it can be done. I'm thinking possibly using the "Dual Mono" …
    way too complicated thinking   - just add your tracks to the project, and use the ribbons and/ or R_ange tool first, than adjust:
    obligatory link to Mark&Steve:

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    package  {
        // these are flash built in classes
         import flash.display.MovieClip;
         import flash.events.TimerEvent;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
         import flash.events.Event;
        //Our own custom class
        import MainTimer;
        import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
        public class MainDocument extends MovieClip{
            //initial variable values
             private var currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage:int;
             private var initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate:int = 2;
             private var enemyKills:int;
             private var childToRemove:int;
             private var level:int = 1;
             private var makeNewEnemyTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000,1);
             private var finishOffEnemy:Timer = new Timer (500, 1);
             private var gameTimer:MainTimer
             private var thePlayer:Player;
             private var theEnemy:Enemy;
             private var maxEnemies:int = 3;
             private var e:int = 0;
             private var childrenOnStage:int;
             private var lastX:int;// variable to determine where the last x of the player was.
             private var theStageNeedsToScroll:Boolean=false;// flag for scrolling
             private var numChildrenInGameStage:int;
             private var jump:JumpSound = new JumpSound();
             private var slap:SlapSound = new SlapSound();
             private var token:TokenSound = new TokenSound();
            public function MainDocument() {
                // constructor code
                trace("the main document is alive");
                //new instance of the MainTimer class
                gameTimer = new MainTimer();
                //must add it to the stage
                //adjust its position on the stage
                gameTimer.x = 20;
                gameTimer.y = 20;
                //add the player
                thePlayer = new Player();
                // adjust its position on the stage
                thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                // assign the name property
                thePlayer.name = "player";
                while (e< initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate){
                } //end while
                // init variable for tracking "kills"
                enemyKills = 0;
                killScoreBox.text = String (enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                // Update this variable every time a child is added to the stage
                childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                //Add event listener to control timing of main game loop
                addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,mainGameLoop);
                 // Prepare for the keystroke listeners
                 stage.focus = stage;
                stage.addEventListener  (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                stage.addEventListener  (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
            }  //end public function MainDocument
            private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch ( e.keyCode) {
                    case 37:   // left
                    case 38://up
                    case 39:    //right
                    case 40: //down to attack
                }// end switch
            }// end function keyDownHandler
            private function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch (e.keyCode) {
                    case 37:    // left
                    case 39:    // right
                    case 38: //jump
                    case 40: // down to attack
                } //end switch
            } // end function keyUpHandler
            private function createEnemy():void{
                trace("create enemy");
                theEnemy = new Enemy((Math.random() * 5) + 1 );
                // Place in a random spot on stage
                theEnemy.x = (Math.random() * stage.stageWidth);
                theEnemy.y = 0;
                // assign the "name" property
                theEnemy.name = "enemy";
                //Update this variable everytime a child is added to the stage
                childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
            } //end function createEnemy
            //the main loop for the game!!!!!
            private function mainGameLoop (event:Event):void{
            } //end function mainGameLoop
            private function checkForGameReset():void{
                //define conditions
                if(gameTimer.timerHasStopped == true){
                }else if(thePlayer.y > stage.stageHeight){
                }else if (theGameStage.theFish.hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x,thePlayer.y,true)
                                                        && theStageNeedsToScroll == false){
                }else if (health.width <= 2){
            } //end function CheckForGameReset
            private function resetBoard():void{
                health.width = 300;
                thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                theGameStage.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                thePlayer.y = 0;
                theGameStage.y = 0;
                enemyKills = 0;
            } //end function
            private function processCollisions():void{
                //  set up main loop to look through all collidable objects on stage
                for(var c:int;c < childrenOnStage;c++){
                    //trace ("Children on stage c= " + c +
                    // test for a player or enemy child on stage
                    if (getChildAt(c).name == "player" || getChildAt(c).name == "enemy"){
                        // see if ovject is touching the game stage
                        if( theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)){
                            // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                               while ( theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)==true){
                                   // called from CollisionObject Class, so force the connectioin
                                   CollisionObject (getChildAt(c)).incrementUpward();
                                   if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)==false){
                                       CollisionObject(getChildAt(c)).keepOnBoundary(); //make it stick
                                   } // end if
                               } //end while
                        } //end if touching
                    }//end if player or enemy
                    ///////////////////////Collision with Enemies///////////////
                    if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy"){
                        if(getChildAt(c).hitTestPoint (thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y , true) ){
                            if( thePlayer.isAttacking == false) {
                                // we are being attacked (and not defending)
                                health.width = health.width -2;                           
                                // we are attacking that enemy
                                childToRemove = c;
                                finishOffEnemy.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, finishOffEnemyComplete);
                            } //end else
                        }else if (Enemy(getChildAt(c)).enemyIsAttacking ==true) {
                            // if there isn't a collision between player and enemy,BUT the enemy is attacking
                        } //end else
    import flash.events.TimerEvent;
    // end if
                } //end for loop
                /////////////// token collision detection ///////////////
        numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
        for (var d:int = 0; d < numChildrenInGameStage; d++){
            if (theGameStage.getChildAt(d).hasOwnProperty("isToken") &&
                            theGameStage.getChildAt(d).visable == true) {
                if (thePlayer.hitTestObject(theGameStage.getChildAt(d))){
                    trace("hit token");
                    //play sound
                    theGameStage.removeChildAt ( d );
                    numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                }// end if
            }// end if
        } //end for
        }// end function processCollisions
        private function scrollStage():void{
                if (thePlayer.x != lastX){
                    theStageNeedsToScroll = true;
                    theStageNeedsToScroll = false;
                }// end if
                if (theStageNeedsToScroll == true){
                    for (var b:int = 0; b < childrenOnStage; b ++){
                        if (getChildAt (b).name =="enemy"){
                            getChildAt (b).x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                        }// end if
                    } //end for
                    theGameStage.x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                } //end if
                thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                lastX = thePlayer.x;
            }//  end function scrollStage
            // figure out logic
         //  end function scrollStage
        private function removeOrCreateNewEnemies():void{
            for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++){
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy" && getChildAt(c).y > stage.stageHeight){
                } //end if
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy" && getChildAt(c).x < thePlayer.x - stage.stageWidth){
                } //end if
            } // end for loop
        }// end function removeOrCreateNewEnemies
        private function makeNewEnemyHandler(event:TimerEvent):void{
            currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage = 0;
            for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++){
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy");
                }// end if
            }// end for
            if(currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage < maxEnemies){
                trace("not enough enemies onstage, make more");
            } //end if
        } //end function
        public function finishOffEnemyComplete(event:TimerEvent):void {
            enemyKills ++;
            killScoreBox.text = String ( enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
            removeChildAt (childToRemove);
            childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
        }// end functioin
        }// end public class

    You have several problems with syntax. Here is the class that has syntactical integrity:
              // these are flash built in classes
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              import flash.events.TimerEvent;
              import flash.utils.Timer;
              import flash.events.Event;
              //Our own custom class
              import MainTimer;
              import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
              public class MainDocument extends MovieClip
                        //initial variable values
                        private var currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage:int;
                        private var initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate:int = 2;
                        private var enemyKills:int;
                        private var childToRemove:int;
                        private var level:int = 1;
                        private var makeNewEnemyTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1);
                        private var finishOffEnemy:Timer = new Timer(500, 1);
                        private var gameTimer:MainTimer
                        private var thePlayer:Player;
                        private var theEnemy:Enemy;
                        private var maxEnemies:int = 3;
                        private var e:int = 0;
                        private var childrenOnStage:int;
                        private var lastX:int; // variable to determine where the last x of the player was.
                        private var theStageNeedsToScroll:Boolean = false; // flag for scrolling
                        private var numChildrenInGameStage:int;
                        private var jump:JumpSound = new JumpSound();
                        private var slap:SlapSound = new SlapSound();
                        private var token:TokenSound = new TokenSound();
                        public function MainDocument()
                                  // constructor code
                                  trace("the main document is alive");
                                  makeNewEnemyTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, makeNewEnemyHandler);
                                  //new instance of the MainTimer class
                                  gameTimer = new MainTimer();
                                  //must add it to the stage
                                  //adjust its position on the stage
                                  gameTimer.x = 20;
                                  gameTimer.y = 20;
                                  //add the player
                                  thePlayer = new Player();
                                  // adjust its position on the stage
                                  thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  // assign the name property
                                  thePlayer.name = "player";
                                  while (e < initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate)
                                  } //end while
                                  // init variable for tracking "kills"
                                  enemyKills = 0;
                                  killScoreBox.text = String(enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                                  // Update this variable every time a child is added to the stage
                                  childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                                  //Add event listener to control timing of main game loop
                                  addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainGameLoop);
                                  // Prepare for the keystroke listeners
                                  stage.focus = stage;
                                  stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                                  stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
                        } //end public function MainDocument
                        private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                                  switch (e.keyCode)
                                            case 37: // left
                                            case 38: //up
                                            case 39: //right
                                            case 40: //down to attack
                                  } // end switch
                        } // end function keyDownHandler
                        private function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                                  switch (e.keyCode)
                                            case 37: // left
                                            case 39: // right
                                            case 38: //jump
                                            case 40: // down to attack
                                  } //end switch
                        } // end function keyUpHandler
                        private function createEnemy():void
                                  trace("create enemy");
                                  theEnemy = new Enemy((Math.random() * 5) + 1);
                                  // Place in a random spot on stage
                                  theEnemy.x = (Math.random() * stage.stageWidth);
                                  theEnemy.y = 0;
                                  // assign the "name" property
                                  theEnemy.name = "enemy";
                                  //Update this variable everytime a child is added to the stage
                                  childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                        } //end function createEnemy
                        //the main loop for the game!!!!!
                        private function mainGameLoop(event:Event):void
                        } //end function mainGameLoop
                        private function checkForGameReset():void
                                  //define conditions
                                  if (gameTimer.timerHasStopped == true)
                                  else if (thePlayer.y > stage.stageHeight)
                                  else if (theGameStage.theFish.hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y, true) && theStageNeedsToScroll == false)
                                  else if (health.width <= 2)
                        } //end function CheckForGameReset
                        private function resetBoard():void
                                  health.width = 300;
                                  thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  theGameStage.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  thePlayer.y = 0;
                                  theGameStage.y = 0;
                                  enemyKills = 0;
                        } //end function
                        private function processCollisions():void
                                  //  set up main loop to look through all collidable objects on stage
                                  for (var c:int; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
                                            //trace ("Children on stage c= " + c +
                                            // test for a player or enemy child on stage
                                            if (getChildAt(c).name == "player" || getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                                      // see if ovject is touching the game stage
                                                      if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true))
                                                                // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                                                                // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                                                                while (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true) == true)
                                                                          // called from CollisionObject Class, so force the connectioin
                                                                          if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true) == false)
                                                                                    CollisionObject(getChildAt(c)).keepOnBoundary(); //make it stick
                                                                          } // end if
                                                                } //end while
                                                      } //end if touching
                                            } //end if player or enemy
                                            ///////////////////////Collision with Enemies///////////////
                                            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                                      if (getChildAt(c).hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y, true))
                                                                if (thePlayer.isAttacking == false)
                                                                          // we are being attacked (and not defending)
                                                                          health.width = health.width - 2;
                                                                          // we are attacking that enemy
                                                                          childToRemove = c;
                                                                          finishOffEnemy.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, finishOffEnemyComplete);
                                                                } //end else
                                                      else if (Enemy(getChildAt(c)).enemyIsAttacking == true)
                                                                // if there isn't a collision between player and enemy,BUT the enemy is attacking
                                                      } //end else
                                  } //end for loop
                                  /////////////// token collision detection ///////////////
                                  numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                                  for (var d:int = 0; d < numChildrenInGameStage; d++)
                                            if (theGameStage.getChildAt(d).hasOwnProperty("isToken") && theGameStage.getChildAt(d).visable == true)
                                                      if (thePlayer.hitTestObject(theGameStage.getChildAt(d)))
                                                                trace("hit token");
                                                                //play sound
                                                                numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                                                      } // end if
                                            } // end if
                                  } //end for
                        } // end function processCollisions
                        private function scrollStage():void
                                  if (thePlayer.x != lastX)
                                            theStageNeedsToScroll = true;
                                            theStageNeedsToScroll = false;
                                  } // end if
                                  if (theStageNeedsToScroll == true)
                                            for (var b:int = 0; b < childrenOnStage; b++)
                                                      if (getChildAt(b).name == "enemy")
                                                                getChildAt(b).x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                                                      } // end if
                                            } //end for
                                            theGameStage.x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                                  } //end if
                                  thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  lastX = thePlayer.x;
                        } //  end function scrollStage
                        // figure out logic
                        //  end function scrollStage
                        private function removeOrCreateNewEnemies():void
                                  currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage = 0;
                                  for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
                                            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                            } // end if
                                  } // end for
                                  if (currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage < maxEnemies)
                                            trace("not enough enemies onstage, make more");
                                  } //end if
                        } //end function
                        public function finishOffEnemyComplete(event:TimerEvent):void
                                  killScoreBox.text = String(enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                                  childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                        } // end functioin

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. This Apple doc may be of interest:
    Channel Member Code of Conduct
    Kings74 wrote:
    They told my friend that the phone was not available in Black, that was the 5, and that the 5s was only available in silver and gold..
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    my configuration audio "output" is only numerique and I would like listen to audio by integrated loudspeaker. I can't use the keys "sound on my computer. If I click on I have a icon "forbiden".  Can you help me

    Si vous tappez sûr le cle <<option>> et cliquez vôtre souris de l'icon de haut-parleur
    de le haut partie de sa Desktop, vous pouvez voir les choix pour le son: les haut-parleurs internales, Line out et Digital Out. C'est tout ! Ou cliquez de la Pomme a gauche, choissisez Préferences, et Son, et voila..... le meme chose.....
    Merci d'avoir choisi Apple
    John B

  • When I call I can't hear the ringing sound or the other person talking to me unless I have the headset plugged in or when I have it on speaker. Help please !

    When I call I can't hear the ringing sound or the other person talking to me unless I have the headset plugged in or when I have it on speaker. Help please !

    Mine does this intermittently. Occasionally after dialing the number, I can’t hear anything. I routinely have re-dial and sometimes this does not work either. Sometimes if I close all applications, including the dialer, then restart the dialer, it will work again. Sometimes I have to close all programs and restart the phone. It’s definitely frustrating.

  • Mba sound: just bought my first mba and I have been using it in my house no problem...took it to my empty office today and I can hear a small vibration/sound coming from the upper left part of the keyboard...constant and rhythmical...ideas?

    mba sound: just bought my first mba and I have been using it in my house no problem...took it to my empty office today and I can hear a small vibration/sound coming from the upper left part of the keyboard...constant and rhythmical...ideas?

    It's likely your fan,  It always runs on a MBA.  Mine is very quiet, others report some noise - here is one link.  There are lots of others.
    Hope this helps

  • My problem is that after upgrade to IOS 6.1.3 my iphone not sounds! dont have sounds notifications for whatssap, FB, mails and can't listen music and talk with skype without headphones or speakers! only have vibrator and sound for one coming call!! what c

    My problem is that after upgrade to IOS 6.1.3 my iphone not sounds! dont have sounds notifications for whatssap, FB, mails and can't listen music and talk with skype without headphones or speakers! only have vibrator and sound for one coming call!! what can i do!???? Thanks a lot for help me!!!!

    I have a nearly identical problem with my Ipad 3. Mine is the left channel. I've yet to find help, but have found a number of other posts on this and other forums discussing the issue. People have tried restore, reset etc. Also, cleaning the ports with compressed air or cotton swabs. It appears to be a software issue, but no one is sure.
    Along with the original poster, I'd appreciate any help.
    As far as the 'level 6' poster, if you're going to be rude, please don't bother. Hope it was just a bad day.

  • Please can someone help me? Have iphone 4 and just returned home from abroad where the phone worked fine. Now it wont receive wifi. It picks up signal and shows on phone but cant connect to internet. Computers and ipod all working ok

    Hi, please can someone help me?
    Have just returned home from abroad where my iphone 4 worked perfectly.
    Now at home it wont receive wifi. It picks up the signal which shows in phones display but cant connect to the internet. Computers and ipod all working fine so I assume it must be a problem with the phone.
    Have checked that wifi is turned on and tried resetting phone to no avail

    Hello melissa82686,
    From your description, it sounds like you may have been using the SMS feature of Continuity in iOS 8. If this is the case and it has somehow become misconfigured after a recent change, you may find the information and steps outlined in the following articles helpful:
    With Continuity, all the SMS and MMS text messages you send and receive on your iPhone also appear on your Mac, iPad, and iPod touch. Even if the person you’re communicating with doesn’t have an iPhone. And regardless of what phone they have, you can reply from whichever device is closest to you, including your iPad or Mac. You can also initiate a  conversation by clicking a phone number in Safari, Contacts, or Calendar.
    To use Continuity for SMS and MMS with your iPhone and your Mac, iPad or iPod touch
    Your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch need to use iOS 8.1, and your Mac needs to use OS X Yosemite.
    Sign in to iMessage on your iPhone, your other iOS devices, and your Mac using the same Apple ID.
    On your iPhone:
    Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive > You Can Be Reached By, and add a check to both your phone number and email address.
    Go to Messages > Text Message Forwarding, and enable the device(s) you would like to forward messages to.
    Your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch will display a code. Enter this code on your iPhone to verify the SMS feature.
    Connect your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac using Continuity - Apple Support
    Get help using Continuity with iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite - Apple Support
    - Brenden

  • Hello can someone help me I have an iphone 4 and my daughter has an ipod touch we are on the same email address but somehow with in the last 25hrs all of my contacts are gone and only hers on on my phone is there a way for me to get all my contacts back?

    Hello can someone help me I have an iphone 4 and my daughter has an ipod touch we are on the same email address but somehow with in the last 25hrs all of my contacts are gone and only hers on on my phone is there a way for me to get all my contacts back?

    If you need assistance with finding any of your restores or attempting to restore from any that happened prior to his incident follow this article
    IF you do find a backup that has your contacts; I'd /highly/ recommand turning off your wifi network after the restore is finished because if the issue is with your iCloud your contacts may merge back with her's.
    With iCloud you DO NOT want to share the account; bad things happen Evil evil thigns...
    But in all seriousness; if two devices have the same iCloud; iCloud is told to merge and sync infomation between hte two and can't tell that it doesn't belong to the same person

  • I have a macbook pro 5,3 white I am trying to hook up to a samsung hdtv.  I have used a mini dv to hdmi adapter but I get no sound on my tv.  What can I do to get sound?

    I have a macbook pro 5,3 white I am trying to hook up to a samsung hdtv.  I have used a mini dv to hdmi adapter but I get no sound on my tv.  What can I do to get sound?

    The Mini DisplayPort-to-HDMI adaptor will only pass video in most cases. You will need to run a separate audio cable along with it. Likely a 3.5mm (male-to-male) cable. Or a 3.5mm (male) to red/white RCA (male) cable. Just depends on what audio input ports your TV has dedicated to the HDMI input.

  • HT4085 So does this mean that I cannot have rotation lock off and the mute function off at the same time? In other words, can I have my screen rotate automatically as I hold my iPad in either portrait or landscape AND hear sounds from my apps at the same

    So does this mean that I cannot have rotation lock off and the mute function off at the same time? In other words, can I have my screen rotate automatically as I hold my iPad in either portrait or landscape AND hear sounds from my apps at the same time?

    In other words, can I have my screen rotate automatically as I hold my iPad in either portrait or landscape AND hear sounds from my apps at the same time?
    Yes, you can. You can configure the Side Switch (above the volume button) either as Mute switch or Rotation lock.
    Settings > General > Use Side Switch to: choose what you like the Side Switch to function as.

  • I can't use indesign since upgrade, it keeps asking me to upgrade java which I have done and still wont open please help me i have a deadline

    i can't use indesign since upgrade, it keeps asking me to upgrade java which I have done and still wont open please help me i have a deadline

    DL the SE 6 JRE from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572.
    27" i7 iMac (Mid 2011) refurb, OS X Yo (10.10.1), Mavs, ML & SL, G4 450 MP w/10.5 & 9.2.2

  • Help I can only have max. 3 osx apps. open at the same time ?

    Help I can only have max. 3 apps. open at the same time ?
    If I have 3 apps. open, and try to open a 4th. this message comes up :
    The application "Mail" cannot be launched. -10810
    Of cause if I'm trying to open up something else than mail, lets say iPhoto, it will say "iPhoto".
    This is very weird to me, and I'm normally pretty good at solving issues myself, but I'm stuck with this one.
    Please help out

    I've had this quite a lot too. Do you find that under these conditions you can't load a disk image either?
    At first I put this down to Rosetta taking up a lot of resources. I was running OmniWeb with a lot of pages open in the workspaces so I've switched back to Safari until OmniWeb is UB. This morning I read that having Windows file sharing switched on helps to cause this problem. I switched this off, rebooted and ran disk utility to repair disk permissions and I've been running OK since then. I've currently got 13 apps open plus Finder and Widgets. They include 2 bigguns, Eclipse/MyEclipse and Visual Paradigm for UML. It'll probably stop working now I've written that.
    I run a MBP 17 with 2GB memory. My guess is that Windows file sharing does cause problems. I just hope Apple has resolved this in 10.4.7... whenever that is.

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