Help- control midi of a Audio Fx PLUGIN

i am trying to use robotronic which is a sort of vocoder , you can use it as an insert of audio track , but the vocoder only get trigger when a midi note is played , how do that ? how do i assign midi on audio track ?
do i have to plug in the environnement window a midi instrument to the audio track (i've tried this but without success, i am not very familiar with the environemant window)
any suggestions ?
thanks in advance

Hi igy,
bad news
I've made some tests with the only result that I can't control that robocrap with my Kontrol49.
The automation parameters are all there (you can see them selecting the track and pressing the key V) but to send chord or assign MIDI learn... no way!
The only way is to write to Sugar Byte and ask for an explanation.
Power Mac G4/533 PowerBook 12   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    No, weak MIDI conversion to audio isn't normal. Can you give more detail as to how you are going about said conversion?
    You probably don't have anything attached to the CD Digital input, unconnected inputs can pick up noise, and in fooling around with the play control you likely enabled that input (or just turned up the volume of your analog inputs). Muting unconnected inputs is a good thing to do; to some extent so is muting inputs you're not using at the moment.
    [email protected]

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    Yes... but I have come across some setups that came with a native SL (and even one Lion!) installation.. that somehow had a corrupted or older Prokit installed for some unknown reason... and given it's a quick fix to try.. I thought I'd mention it..
    I frankly don't think it is entirely a Prokit issue itself, but it wouldn't do any harm to try and install v7 just in case it is part of the problem...
    +1 on the UAD stuff....
    Also, at the time it crashed... according to the logs...the OP was running Ableton Live at the same time, presumably rewired with Logic... so add all that together with UAD plugins... and that's quite a load on the system...
    Finally in thread 32 there is a weird exception msg relating to the Trash2 plugin.. that I haven't seen before...
    Thread 32:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c29afa mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c2a267 mach_msg + 68
    2   ...tope.audioplugins.AU.Trash2
    0x667bd57a catch_exception_raise + 250
    3   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c57259 _pthread_start + 345
    4   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c570de thread_start + 34
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    Thanks for all the suggestions,

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            4GB of RAM
    Display with 1280-by-768 resolution or higher
    OS X v10.8.4 or later
    Requires 64-bit Audio Units plug-ins
    Minimum 5GB of disk space. 35GB of optional content available via in-app download.

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    I tried inserting a new Shortcut on an existing and new topic but the same thing happens with these as above.
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    Does anyone know what is causing this? Is this a known problem or something with using an evaluation copy? We use shortcuts in a number of places and would need to know how to fix this before purchasing RH9. I can't see having to start all over again with a blank project.
    Files are on the local drive, not network.

    Hi John
    Couple of things I'd be checking here.
    1. I'd begin by first ensuring I have a backup copy of the old X5 project. Once you are sure you are good there, try clicking Tools > Update DHTML Effects in Topics. I'm not certain this will have any effect, but suppose it's worth trying.
    2. When you examine the HTML code behind a Shortcut control, you should find there are two distinct areas. One appears with green text. That code is the "Design Time" code. The darker red code that immediately follows is the actual code used by the compiler. I find that often when copy controls I have to resort to amending things via HTML view. And some values are repeated more than once in the Design Time code.
    I might suggest trying just removing all the green Design Time code leaving behind only the darker red code. RoboHelp should re-add the Design Time code for you if you do this. Maybe it will work differently this way.
    Another possibility would be to click Tools > Options > General category and enable the option labeled Convert RoboHelp-edited topics to HTML. Again, I'm uncertain it will have any effect, but it's worth trying.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

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    Please help
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    downloading setup or redirecting to macromedia site if flash
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    available in browser

    Via Javascripting. Look for Flash detection kits at the
    Adobe/Maromedia web
    site and also at Internet search engines.
    As well this forum focuses on database access issues and you
    might find more
    takers for this type of question in the Flash General forum.
    Lon Hosford
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "jiby" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:e3odp2$pdc$[email protected]..
    Please help
    How can I install flash player plugin (version 8) in browser
    downloading setup or redirecting to macromedia site if flash
    plugin is not
    available in browser

  • Alignment of external MIDI events and audio

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    My preferences settings:
    buffer=1024 samples
    sw monitoring=off
    indep mon level=off
    I/O safety buffer=off
    PDC=Off (I also measured with PDC=all, to verify that it has no effect)
    low latency mode=off
    I create an external MIDI track of quantized whole notes: C3, playing on the first tick of each bar. BPM is 120.
    I then create another external MIDI track, cable MIDI OUT to MIDI IN on the Fireface, and record the first MIDI track onto the second (i.e., loopback test). The note data is right on the money; within one tick of the original values. I set PDC to all, repeat the test, same result.
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    I then set Preferences/MIDI/Sync/All MIDI Output delay to 21ms. I repeat the audio recording test, and now the recorded events are on the money.
    Here are my questions. First, am I doing something wrong, or does Logic have a fundamental bug concerning the linkage between MIDI timing and audio timing?
    It seems clear to me that this timing error has nothing to do with PDC. There is no "P". Right?
    I thought that the RME has timestamped MIDI. The RME manual speaks of very accurate MIDI timing, and I can verify that the MIDI jitter of the Fireface is indeed low, in the 1ms neighborhood. This is borne out by the MIDI loopback test I did above. But MIDI timestamps don't mean anything if they are not correlated to the time code of the audio, haha! What am I missing here?
    If timestamping the MIDI data can't work for some reason, could this problem not be solved by having Logic automatically delay the transmission of external MIDI data by an amount equal to the audio buffer size? Put differently, my solution to this problem is to set a MIDI output delay in preferences equal to the audio buffer size, i.e., 21.3ms. And this seems to work. Is that a proper solution, and if so, why does Logic not do such a thing automatically?

    OK, so I just retested and here is the best part... I recorded a loop from my drum machine, cut the first note nicely to the 1 on the first bar... using a count in etc.
    I played it back and looped outs 3-4 back into 1-2 on my Ensemble. I also played back the same kick on my drum machine just to check this reverse latency issue. I was not concerned with hit for hit layering accuracy. What I got back astounds me!
    The "loopback" recording was spot on to the original being played out... totally locked. BUT, the one that was midi clocked by Logic and play from my drum machine came in ahead of the 1??? How is this possible when I am hearing it when monitoring this recording and it is slightly behind? RIDICULOUS! What does this mean?
    Logic is NOT recording what I am hearing, but rather recording some timewarped version of it in which it places events ahead of when they happened, but ONLY on midi clocked or midi sent notes!
    I have lurked here a long time and I know that there is not much known here about this issue, so before anyone tells me the typical solution I will say as I did in my last post:
    I have done a ton of tests like this, I also followed the loopback testing as described on
    Yes I tried it with all PDC modes, SW monitoring on AND off.
    I am truly beginning to think that this is a major bug of some sort.
    Anyone else out there with hardware that reports latency to Logic (RME, Metric Halo, and Apogee stuff are ones I know that do this) experiencing this abberation?

  • Midi recording over audio

    Hey Folks'
    Odd thing started happening. Open a new song, record audio on track 1, when I record audio on track 2 I see the metronome click records midi info over the audio on track 1. I can still here track 1. When I attempt to highlight and delete the midi it deletes audio on track 2 as well. checked settings nothing looks out of place. Baffled Bill

    Okay… well, at first sight, this looks impossible. But obviously something must be happening, so I will have to ask some more questions before I can figure it out.
    The first thing is: could you possibly be running a plug-in which is trying to convert Audio into MIDI? There are such things (bizarre as it may sound). They work by analysing the waveform in order to detect the pitch. Rather hit-&-miss, as you might expect. Also rather processor-intensive, so if this really is what's happening, then that might slow things down quite a bit…
    Don't trash anything, just make sure everything is backed-up. A conversion routine is unlikely to delete any Audio, just use it to create a new Track.
    Now back to basics for a moment. If you are not inputting any MIDI, then MIDI should not be recorded. You say that your keyboard isn't outputting MIDI; to be sure, disconnect the MIDI Out lead. The same for anything else that might generate MIDI (obviously, you can reconnect later).
    So now, without any MIDI input, if you try to record Audio, do you get any MIDI Tracks? If so, what is on those Tracks?
    Let's eliminate all these possibilities before we move on. Then you can create a new Song from scratch, & with no MIDI gear connected, record 2 Tracks of Audio (one after the other).
    The other thing is: you need to be +really clear+ about which Track (etc.) you are talking about at any moment. For example, in the above post you say "the MIDI Track" when the only Tracks you've mentioned up to that point were 'Track 1 (Audio)' & 'Track 2 (Audio)'. So I don't know which Track you could mean…
    Anyway, there are some other angles to investigate, but let's check these ones out first.

  • HTML Help control

    I have a .chm file with a number of HTML Help Control
    Shortcuts within it.
    When the .chm is run from the local machine everthing works,
    however from the network/intranet the .chm is opening and working
    fine apart from the Help Control Shortcuts???
    Any ideas?
    Many Thanks

    HTML Help Shortcut commands were permanently disabled in
    non-local CHMs by a Windows security update (numbered
    323180) that
    Microsoft released two years ago. There is no way to re-enable
    them, unfortunately; applying the workarounds to the more recent
    896358 security update doesn't have any effect in this case.
    If you need to implement Shortcut-like functionality in a
    remotely stored help file, one possibility is to use the
    KeyHelp ActiveX
    control. This provides a KeyShortcut command that performs the
    same function as the standard Shortcut command but isn't subject to
    Microsoft's security restrictions. The only drawback is that you
    must install KeyHelp on your users' machines.

  • Audio unit plugins problem

    my logic studio has stopped loading up normaly as it keeps getting stuck when it is surching for the audio unit plugins iv tried taking them out n relaunching logic but dat dont seem to work how can i get into logic to check audio manager

    Remove the following file from your User Library (not Main HD Library):
    Then boot Logic, it should scan all functional Plug Ins

  • Help! Trouble with M-Audio Firewire 410 MIDI Compatability

    I am currently working on an iMac running OSX 10.4.11. I have been unsuccessful in trying to use a Yamaha P-70 keyboard, running through my M-Audio Firewire 410 using the MIDI input to record MIDI sounds in Garageband. I have had great success with this in the past before this version of iLife with the Garageband updates. My computer recognizes I have a MIDI device, and I have changed the proper settings both on the control panel and within Garageband to reading the M-Audio Firewire 410, yet I am not getting any signal from the keyboard as a MIDI instrument and therefore cannot record any sounds. Does anyone have any suggestions, or is this something perhaps someone else has dealt with already? I appreciate your help!

    Very interesting. Couple of questions for you:
    1. Did it only affect MIDI instruments or real instruments as well?
    2. If it stopped working with GB, what did you to fix the problem? Would it possibly work with Logic? I have contemplated purchasing that software.
    3. Do you know of any fixes for the 410?

  • What has happened to audio/midi support in the Quicktime plugin?

    I have a six-month old iMac running Mavericks (10.9.3) with Safari 7.0.4. I use midi a lot when I'm trying to learn a new piece of music, which is often. I don't want to have to download a midi file into another app just to audition the file.
    Why has the support for audio/midi been removed? (again)
    What can I do about it without spending money? (again)
    I seem to be in a cycle where over a period of years, additional software is needed for some time and then the feature reappears with an update to either the system or Safari, only to again be deleted. Is it just me?
    The outrageous thing is the cost of the Quicktime Pro which in Australia costs AU$37.99 which is more than the cost of the entire Mavericks or Mountain Lion operating systems. I'm sure I've bought this before, but junked it because the feature reappeared, and now it's gone again. I don't want to have to buy it again, particularly not at this price.

    Apple has ended support for MIDI in browser playback but they can still be played with QuickTime Player 7 once you download the file to your machine.
    QuickTime Player 7 for Mac OS X v10.6.3 or later
    The free version is all you need and MIDI files are tiny and quick to download.

  • Decoding Mid-Side Stereo Audio in FCP

    Does anyone have any experience working with footage that has stereo audio recored using the Mid-Side technique? Once the footage is imported into FCP, I'd like to decode the mid and side tracks into a standard stereo left/right sound field. Ideally, I'd like control over the width of the stereo image.

    This has come up before, and my experience is to send the audio to Soundtrack and in
    Process-Effects-Imaging-Direction Mixer, there is a preset to decode M/S
    I have not found a filter/plugin that will work in FCP, needs a trip into Soundtrack.
    Hope this gives you some help.

  • PLEASE HELP... Flash Audio Scratchy w/ latest player 9.0 r115

    I'm using Firefox on XP. The red flash audio button on my web
    page plays the audio, but it is very scratchy (see sample at:
    This appears to have happened since I upgraded to the latest
    flash player 9.0.115. The audio plays fine on my other computer
    with an earlier release of the 9.0 flash player.
    How can this be corrected please? The audio quality is
    terrible all of a sudden. It has been working fine for years before
    this new flash player came out.
    Thanks for any help you can give,

    I suspect this is a Yahoo problem. They'll need to update
    their Flash Plaeyr detection. I wrote about it yesterday in several
    threads on this forum, and in my blog at
    You should contact them immediately and let them know.
    I ran a quick test and I had no problem using chat in FireFox
    with the FP10 plugin. It only failed when I tried it in IE6 with
    the FP10 ActiveX control (see below). Make a note of this when you
    contact yahoo.
    In the meantime, I'll see if we have any connections at yahoo
    that we can ping on our side..
    <<PS: Please note that I also have 'Adobe Flash Player
    9 ActiveX' installed as I use Firefox 3.0.3 on a Windows XP SP3
    system and sometimes some website components don't function without
    this ActiveX software.>>
    This is incorrect. The Flash Player ActiveX control is only
    used with IE Windows. All other browsers and platforms use the
    Flash Player plugin.
    Bentley Wolfe
    Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player/Digital Editions

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