Help? Ichat: share my screen & host multiple person vc.

I just recently bought this macbook pro like two weeks ago,
and on ichat i keep trying to host multiple video chats but it wont allow me or share my own screen, but for some reason other people can invite me to multiple video chats and share their own screen. On my system preferences file sharing/screen sharing is all checked and it also is checked on my ichat preferences so i dont know what to do?

If you are on Leopard (10.5.8) go to the System Preferences > QUicktime > Streaming tab and set the Drop dwon to read 1.5Mbps
Restart iChat if Open so it "Sees" the new setting/speed.
10:35 PM Wednesday; October 7, 2009
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Hi, Handan_Lewis, and welcome to the Community,
    Just to be sure we are starting at the same place, here is the FAQ article which explains the steps for screen sharing:​share-my-screen-in-skype-for-mac-os-x?
    In order for the Skype Community to help you, some more information would be helpful:
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    - What happens when you attempt to share your screen during a group call?
    Thanks in advance.
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    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    To be clear, iOS = iPhone and iPad and some iPod Touches and the Operating System they use.
    Mac OS X = the Operating System Mac computers use.
    Regarding the AOL account, is this actually from AOL and have the Chat/Messaging option enabled ?
    Or is it a Name registered with the AIM part of AIM ?
    You can have AOL as your ISP  and have an email and User ID from them.
    This needs to have the ability to use the name as a Chat name enabled (or at least it used to)
    AIM, which actually stands for AOL Instant Messaging has it's own registration site.
    Nowadays  you register for a AIM email (although activating it for mail is another additional step).
    It used to be that the bit before the bit was the user name you used in Chat applications that could use AIM.
    Previous to the current system you could in fact register just a Screen Name with them.
    Apple (and a few US based ISPs) also have agreements with AIM that their (Apple, etc.)  emails are recognised as Valid AIM Screen Names.
    This means those issued by  Apple ending in, issued from the iCloud registration and
    (You do have to keep your password to 16 characters or less.)
    From what you are saying you seem to be sure that you can see each other as On Line in your respective AIM Buddy lists ?
    In Messages in both Mountain Lion and Mavericks you do not have to display the Buddy lists
    (See the Window Menu plus the General Section of the Preferences to separate them)
    Are you also saying that in the Video menu the option to allow Screen Shares is Enabled ?
    Is it done at both ends ?
    In iChat you could offer to Share your Screen with a Buddy without the option being On  (they could not ask to share yours or offer theirs).  I have not tested this in Messages.
    6:55 pm      Sunday; November 3, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    To be clear, iOS = iPhone and iPad and some iPod Touches and the Operating System they use.
    Mac OS X = the Operating System Mac computers use.
    Regarding the AOL account, is this actually from AOL and have the Chat/Messaging option enabled ?
    Or is it a Name registered with the AIM part of AIM ?
    You can have AOL as your ISP  and have an email and User ID from them.
    This needs to have the ability to use the name as a Chat name enabled (or at least it used to)
    AIM, which actually stands for AOL Instant Messaging has it's own registration site.
    Nowadays  you register for a AIM email (although activating it for mail is another additional step).
    It used to be that the bit before the bit was the user name you used in Chat applications that could use AIM.
    Previous to the current system you could in fact register just a Screen Name with them.
    Apple (and a few US based ISPs) also have agreements with AIM that their (Apple, etc.)  emails are recognised as Valid AIM Screen Names.
    This means those issued by  Apple ending in, issued from the iCloud registration and
    (You do have to keep your password to 16 characters or less.)
    From what you are saying you seem to be sure that you can see each other as On Line in your respective AIM Buddy lists ?
    In Messages in both Mountain Lion and Mavericks you do not have to display the Buddy lists
    (See the Window Menu plus the General Section of the Preferences to separate them)
    Are you also saying that in the Video menu the option to allow Screen Shares is Enabled ?
    Is it done at both ends ?
    In iChat you could offer to Share your Screen with a Buddy without the option being On  (they could not ask to share yours or offer theirs).  I have not tested this in Messages.
    6:55 pm      Sunday; November 3, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Since me and my mother moved from iChat to iMessage bêta, screen sharing works only one way. I can share my screen with her but not the reverse. When actually what I would like to do is share her screen. Video works fine both ways.

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    Thanks for your help.

    On the whole I am finding it very stable.  (it presents the same quirks in the same manner each time)
    It has some things that are more Feature requests than "Bugs" per se about the way it works that I would like to change.
    It can also be difficult to tell exactly what is going on whenyou are hearing about it third hand.
    Sounds like you have a plan.
    8:35 PM      Tuesday; March 20, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • IChat Screen Sharing - I can share my screen, but Dad can't share his

    Hi all,
    Last week I used iChat screen sharing to help my Dad with his iMac, and although it froze and dropped out frequently, it was working.
    This week, for some reason we can only share my screen, but not his. On both sides, the option to share his screen is disabled (greyed out). Also the Video > Screen Sharing Enabled menu item is also disabled on his Mac, but mine is enabled and turned on.
    Both of us have Screen Sharing turned on in System Preferences > Sharing, and both have set to allow access to anyone.
    He restarted his Mac a couple of times, but no luck.
    Has anyone had the same problem, and is there a solution? Any idea why it would work last week but not this week?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

    You can come back and change the marking of the answered or not so that is not a problem.
    What it should help is stop other people joining in (an effectively loading you with email alerts when they do).
    A good specific title like your should also help.
    9:00 PM Tuesday; November 27, 2007

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    While what you are telling him is technically functional, it is not correct
    I beg to differ, Paul. You are the one that is not correct.
    CNAMES have been deprecated as of some years ago
    What? huh? really?
    Please show me any official document that states this (and not someone who just started a rumor because he didn't understand them). Indeed, the DNS RFC makes no such claim.
    I stand very much corrected. CNAMEs are not officially deprecated. Interestingly, your post cites precisely what happens when CNAMES used carelessly. How many transactions are needed to resolve Apple's CNAME chain below? RFC1912 ( has some recommendations that suggests Apple's own network folks have, like me and perhaps even others here, some learning to do. Is that a 'best practice?'
    {quote}> Then make sure you tell Apple since this site depends on the use of CNAMEs:
    dig 492 IN CNAME 4427 IN CNAME 2 IN A 2 IN A
    In fact, it uses TWO CNAMES in a chain. Oh my.{quote}
    From RFC1912 (which I'm sure many have now read here), section 2.4 is as follows:
    {quote}... having chained records such as CNAMEs pointing to CNAMEs may
    make administration issues easier, but is known to tickle bugs in
    some resolvers that fail to check loops correctly. As a result some
    hosts may not be able to resolve such names.{quote}
    {quote}> It is not valid to say "don't use these because they could cause problems'. A records can be just as problematic, as can PTRs. Let's not even talk about MX.{quote}
    How, exactly, does is an A record problematic? No chains, no additional lookups, no wasted cycles...
    We differ here -- and if we are dealing with a newbie, we don't need to enter into unnecessary complexity UNTIL it is a requirement for their solutions.
    {quote}> There are many valid reasons to use CNAMEs in DNS, not least of which is the ease of moving a service if it uses CNAMEs. For example, if you have 10 A records all pointing at the same server and you want to migrate to a different machine you have to locate and update all 10 records. If they used a CNAME to the physical server you could move them all at once using a single change. This is especially important in cross-domain links where you may not control all the origin zone files.
    You're somewhat reaching here, and it is well beyond the scope of the OP's post or needs (well, until they tell us more about their needs, I suppose). There is nothing difficult about 'finding' and updating the necessary records. The final example you gave is a good one and I'll say THAT is an appropriate use of a CNAME, 'though there are other workarounds for it.
    Thanks for keeping me honest.

  • Hosting multiple web sites usinf personal web sharing

    would someone be kind enough to give me a guide to hosting MULTIPLE web sites on a Mac Mini
    i have broadband connected to my router
    my mac connects to my router with an ip address of
    I have registered the domain names and want to forward them to the computer hosting the web sites
    how can I get each domain name to point to each different web site on my computer

    This is a topic you should post to an Apache discussion group being as though Apple's personal web sharing software is Apache.

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    I'm running a 867 MHz PowerPC G4 with OS 10.5.1.
    7:36 PM Saturday; December 8, 2007

  • ICHAT Screen sharing with "Share My Screen"

    I am able to screen share when I "Ask to share" my father's screen, and he is able to "Ask to share" my screen. Both work successfully. However, when either of us select "Share My Screen" with the other, the audio kicks in but the window that says "Starting Screen Sharing with" username just keeps spinning, never switching over to sharing the screen.
    I have a MacBook Pro running 10.5.2. He has a MacBook 1gb 2ghz Intel Core 2 Duo running 10.5.2.

    I am talking about this page/pane on the Airport Admin Utility info
    Where it says "Share AN IP" at the bottom, in the drop down
    This is where it does DHCP to your LAN (And therefore computers)
    If you do mean this pane then we need to know what IP is shown where the 75 is shown.
    Is it one starting (or 10.something or 172.something) ?
    If it does list an IP in one of those Groups and the SHare an IP is ON then you have two DHCP servers.
    As for accessing the DSL modem it is normally a question of using a Web browser
    You need the IP from the place where the 75 is showing as the "Router" IP This would be the one to use in a web browser if it is one of those groups.
    After that use this page
    If you device shows then click on it.
    In the Next page click on iChat.
    The Page that comes up should be used for reference only.
    It should contain the default IP and the User ID and Password if it uses one.
    Once you get here check all the Settings and look to see what is active in UPnP if you have it, Port Forwarding, Port Triggering and DMZ.
    Lets us know what you find.
    Telling us the make and model will provide a bit of a check of other issues.
    11:06 AM Sunday; March 2, 2008

  • Ichat Share Screen - video won't work but i can here sound

    hi .. i have a problem with ichat screen sharing . it happens when Im trying to share my friends screen for controlling is mac. so i ask to share is screen and he accepted. and now the only thing that works is the sound , i can here him talking but i cant see his desktop.
    what am i doing wrong ?

    Welcome to the    Discussions
    iChat Screen Sharing Connects similarly to an Video or Audio Only chat.
    As you have found out it includes a Audio Only chat along side the Screen "transfer"
    iChat uses one port to send the Visible Invite on port 5678 using the UDP Protocol
    Video or Audio Only chats then move to one port from 16393-16402 (Usually the last one) to Make the connection.
    Screen Sharing uses a Random Port for a VNC connection Along side.
    This can mean if either end is using Port Forwarding to open Ports the Screen Sharing picture bit cannot get through.
    This would normally mean the chat fails as both parts make up the connection.
    Move to using UPnP if your routing devices (both ends) has it.
    iChat 4 and 5 are the only versions that can Screen Share.
    The Screen Share is "Created" by a Software "camera" within iChat.
    Does the Buddy have the option in iChat's Video Menu > "Camera Enabled" ticked (On) ?
    Selecting this toggles the tick On or Off and therefore the Camera On or Off.
    There is also the possibility that the Software camera is not "Active" or something is wrong with it in his iChat.
    There are ways of starting iChat using Terminal that can look at that.
    You are getting the message in big white letters that Screen Sharing is starting ?
    But you are saying it does not resolve in to his Screen.
    Do you have his screen as a small window bottom Left ?
    Normally you can change between the two once the Connection is active, however iChat also remembers where windows were the last time you used them and there is a vague possibility that you previously had a screen share going On when you closed/Quit iChat with your Screen as the "front" one.
    8:04 PM Tuesday; April 5, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)

  • Using Lion and sharing my screen to multiple computers (8) produces a LOT of lag.. HELP!

    I am using Lion and Remote desktop.. I want to share my screen with 8-12 other computers.. I am a teacher and have a brand new iMac lab but the screen share is too laggy or pretty much freezes at times.  HELP!!!!

    I thought that wirless N is 300 mb a second?  and G is 54.
    A wired option is not possible due to the setup needed.. also, I usually only share my screen with 8 computers not the full 12.
    Any help would be useful! .. I think there is a bug in Remote desktop because i sometimes try to share my screen with 3 computers and have the same problem.

  • Adobe Connect will not allow presenter to share their screen

    I need your help. 
    I had to cancel a virtual Photoshop users group meeting last week because Adobe Connect had some problems with allowing our presenter to share his screen.  By the way he was using a Mac OS.
    We could hear him but Connect crashed every time he tried to share his screen.  We tried on every browser to include Safari. Opera, Firefox and Chrome.  His bandwidth was impeccable for a home user at 63 megs/sec .
    Any suggestions and help on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for taking the time to assist on this.
    Stephen Burns

    Hi Nikhil Sharma,
    We had another Connect meeting today and I need some insight from you on Adobe Connect.  For the last 3 meetings that I conducted using Adobe Connect my presenters audio just drops away in the middle of the guest’s  presentation.  This issue has been consistent for all of my Thursday evening meetings.  By the way, my presenter’s bandwidth surpasses the expected speed that Adobe Connect requires.
    I have used Adobe Connect quite a bit and love it but my last 3 User group meetings were frustrating due to the presenters audio just dying .  Once again, all had more than acceptable bandwidth. Most were 30 gbits on up.  One person was 60 and higher and the same thing happened to them.
    During the meetings I have myself and one other person as hosts  and our audio is never affected.  It’s only the presenter who is affected.
    Are the User group managers being limited to a certain bandwidth?  I have had this consistent issue for the past 3 months. 
    What do you think is most likely going on?
    I hope that you an assist with this.  My cell is 901 494-0553.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Can you host multiple domain names on mobile me with iWeb '09?

    Can anyone help, before I upgrade to iLife '09, I have a personal web domain name which I host on my mobileme account. My girlfriend now wants a website and I have bought her a domain name and want to use iWeb to design it but I can't seem to host multiple domains on iWeb '08, can you with iLife '09? Or will she have to buy her own mobile me account? Any help will be great!!!

    MobileMe -MME -is Apple's hosting service.
    Domain Name System - DNS translates an understandable address like into the IP address which is a number like 40:75:92:301.
    Cname is a name of record in a database that records what domain name goes to what IP address.
    IP address is just a unique number that identifies any device connected to the internet.
    An FTP client is an application the uploads your files to a server using File Transfer Protocol.
    I mainly use Web Site Maestro because it doesn't just upload the files but optimizes them first to remove all the unnecessary code that iWeb creates to allow your website to download at least 30% faster.
    I also use Yummy FTP for sorting out and keeping track of my files on the server and uploading folders of images and music files along with their assets for flash presentations.
    I have used Host Excellence for years because of the way they allow you to name your own root folder on the server and also their great tech support.
    FTP and servers can be a bit confusing but, if you have a good hosting company, you can get by on very little knowledge and understanding. I do!
    I couldn't agree more with you about the acronyms and jargon. The more people use them usually means the less they know. One of the most misused words is "domain". I tried to sort that one out here...
    Now I'm going FUH and ATNP.

Maybe you are looking for