i need help in my java programming.anyone who can help please email [email protected]

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    Hi Friends,
    I just want to know what software release management tool do you use.Is there any free tool available on net??
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    Is there any such tool that can accomplish this???

    Hi Friends,
    I just want to know what software release management tool do you use.Is there any free tool available on net??
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  • My first real life java project is going horribly wrong plz help

    my family has a marina and i said i can make a program to help my dad keep track of the boats and rentals etc. but the problem im having trouble im relatively new i have only been doing java for 3 weeks and its hard. My dad gave me an outline for the project. this is what i have so far.
    The File menu contains two items in addition to the Exit item from the JCreator template: Open and Save. The main tab will have other tabs added later.
    Step 2: Design and implement the Boat class:
    The Boat class describes a boat owned by the marina. Each boat has a name, a daily rental price and is moored in a slip at the marina. The marina need to keep track of each boat's status: 0 - available, 1 - reserved and 2 - rented. Slips are numbered from 1 to 6 right now, but the owners are thinking of adding more slips as their business grows. In designing this class, consider how the class will be used within the project. Try to think of all possible instance variables and methods your class might need.
    Review Topics:
    Creating classes: Instance variable, Get and Set Methods
    Tabbed Panes
    Step 3: Design and implement the Marina class
    The marina class is used to hold all the Boat objects. Since there is no imaginable limit to the number of boats the marina might one day own, the Marina class should use an ArrayList object to hold all the Boat objects. Also implement the Open and Save menu items.
    Review Topics:
    The ArrayList class
    Object Files ... writing, reading, the Serializable interface
    Using the FileDialog class.
    Step 4: Design and implement the Customer and CustomerList classes.
    Each Customer is a Person who wants to rent a Boat. For identification purposes, each Customer is assigned a Customer number. This String value is a 6-digit number generated sequentially. That is, the first customer will be 000001, the second 000002, and so on. The Customer class must keep track of the Customer's Boat choices (past and present).
    The CustomerList class is a dynamic list of Customer objects. Customers come and go, so this class must have functionality that allows for the addition of new customers, deletion of customers and the editing of customer information, including changing their Boat rental options. Create methods within the CustomerList class that will read data from and write data to a data file.
    Add a new tab to the GUI allowing the user to enter a customer's first and last names, add these Customer objects to the CustomerList and save the Customer information on data files.
    i would prefer if you keep the code as simple as possible cause im new and i wont understand if you get all fancy. you can find the attachment of the project files there.

    raakesh wrote:
    my family has a marina and i said i can make a program to help my dad keep track of the boats and rentals etc. but the problem im having trouble im relatively new i have only been doing java for 3 weeks and its hard.This is a real bad idea. The reason is that it's an enormous difference between a toy program and a professional product. You could get a version up and running in less than a week but it will be nowhere near what your dad envisioned. To meet even moderate expectations you'll have to put in at least 3-6 months fulltime. This is why bespoke software is so expensive. And even so there's a 90% chance the program will be dropped because your dad feels the manual system worked better. The only thing a project like this is likely to accomplish is to drive a wedge between you and your dad.
    I know you're bullshitting to get schoolwork help but still I want to warn others for this kind of projects. They're doomed.

  • Help Java project.

    know its horrible... I feel horrible about it; i'm still working on it but this Java project is killing me... Just so you know i dont have to know programing after this class, i just had a choice between 3 computer classes and picked the one i guess i'm worst at... I've done four major projects before this one. I average getting about 75% correct. We code in BlueJ...The reason i'm finally breaking down for help is it was due on November 21st. o well enough of my babble if ur going to help ur going to help; if not ur not.
    Heres the assignment
    Open the project cards containing your code for class PlayingCard and create the two new
    classes in this project space:
    Part 4: Implement class CardDeck that has the following declaration:
    public class CardDeck {
    private PlayingCard[] deck;
    public static final int DECK_SIZE = 52;
    //number of cards still in the deck:
    private int numCardsLeft;
    public CardDeck(){ ? }
    private void removeCard(int index){ ? }
    public void shuffle(){ ? }
    public void wholeDeck(){ ? }
    public PlayingCard topCard(){ ? }
    public PlayingCard anyCard() { ? }
    In your implementation, you must follow these guidelines:
    1. Constructor of the class must properly initialize the CardDeck object: create the array object with number of "compartments" equal to DECK_SIZE and assign it to the field deck ; then create all 52 cards in such a way that there are no duplicate cards in the deck. You must use Java loop(s) to create the above PlayingCard objects. In addition, the constructor must assign the value DECK_SIZE to the field numCardsLeft.
    2. Method removeCard(int index) must first check that the index is between 0 and the value of numCardsLeft-1. If it is true, then the method must
    ? shift all the cards in the deck array starting with index+1 and up to
    numCardsLeft-1 position left by one "compartment"
    ? set the last value in the deck to null, like so:
    deck[numCardsLeft-1] = null;
    ? decrement value of numCardsLeft by 1
    3. Method shuffle()randomly re-arranges cards in the deck:
    a) Declare a local variable temp of the type PlayingCard
    B) Generate two random numbers i and j between 0 (inclusive) and DECK_SIZE
    (exclusive) and swap the two cards stored at these index positions in the array:
    temp = deck;
    deck[i] = deck[j];
    deck[j] = temp;
    Repeat step B) at least 50 times, to get a good shuffle!
    4. Method wholeDeck() must display descriptions of all the cards in the deck on screen. In order to do this, use an enhanced for loop to iterate through the deck array, and for each PlayingCard element of it call method describeCard() of class PlayingCard.
    5. Method topCard()calls removeCard with 0 passed as the parameter value, and
    returns a copy of PlayingCard object that was removed (that is, the card that used to be at index 0 in the array, before we removed it).
    6. Method anyCard() removes a PlayingCard object stored at a random index in the
    array: using an object of class java.util.Random, generate a random number between 0 and numCardsLeft-1, and pass this value as the parameter to the method
    removeCard. Method anyCard must return a copy of the of PlayingCard object that
    was removed.
    Part 5: Implement class CardDeckTest that contains only the method
    public static void main (String[] args) which does the following:
    ? create an object of type CardDeck
    ? call the method wholeDeck()
    ? call the method shuffle()
    ? call the method wholeDeck() again
    ? call the method topCard(), store its result in a variable, and then use this variable to call method displayCard()of class PlayingCard
    ? call the method anyCard(), store its result in a variable, and then use this variable to call method displayCard()of class PlayingCard
    demo programs:
    use proper indentations

    can someone simplify the following code so that it works with my instructions? I had a friend (took this class before) help with the coding but he didnt have to use class deck.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.lang.Character.Subset;
    public class Blackjack extends Applet implements ActionListener {
    String suit[] = {"H","C","D","S"};
    String cardvalue[] = {"A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K" };
    int deck[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,0};
    Font suitfont = new Font("SansSerif",Font.BOLD,24);
    Font cardfont = new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,24);     
    Font bigfont = new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,36);     
    private Button hit = new Button(" Hit Me ");
    private Button stand = new Button(" Stand ");
    private Button deal = new Button(" Deal ");
    int clearscreen = 1;
    int card = 0;
    int housewins = 0;
    int playerwins = 0;
    int housepoints = 0;
    int playerpoints = 0;
    int housecards = 2;
    int playercards = 2;
    int turn = 0;
         public void init() {          
         card = 0;
         public void shuffle() {
         for(int i=0;i<1000;++i)
              int a = (int)(Math.random()*52.0);
              int b = (int)(Math.random()*52.0);
              int temp = deck[a];
              deck[a] = deck;
              deck[b] = temp;
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Image temp1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"s1.gif");
    Image temp2 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"s2.gif");
    Image temp3 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"s3.gif");
    Image temp4 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"s4.gif");
    Image[] thesuit = {temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4};
              /* if(clearscreen==1) {
              clearscreen = 0;
              g.drawString("House", 50, 80 );
              g.drawString("Player", 50, 200 );
              g.drawString("Wins",370, 80);          
              if(((deck[card + 1] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + 1] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + 1] % 13] , 100 , 120 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + 1] / 13] ,130, 100 ,this);
              if(((deck[card + 2] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + 2] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + 2] % 13] , 20 , 240 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + 2] / 13] ,50, 220 ,this);
              if(((deck[card + 3] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + 3] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + 3] % 13] , 100 , 240 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + 3] / 13] ,130, 220 ,this);          
    if (playercards>2) {
    if(((deck[card + 4] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + 4] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + 4] % 13] , 180 , 240 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + 4] / 13] ,210, 220 ,this);               
    if (playercards>3) {
    if(((deck[card + 5] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + 5] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + 5] % 13] , 260 , 240 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + 5] / 13] ,290, 220 ,this);               
    if (playercards>4) {
    if(((deck[card + 6] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + 6] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + 6] % 13] , 340 , 240 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + 6] / 13] ,370, 220 ,this);               
    if (housecards>2) {
    if(((deck[card +  playercards + 2] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + playercards + 2] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + playercards + 2] % 13] , 180 , 120 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + playercards + 2] / 13] ,210, 100 ,this);               
    if (housecards>3) {
    if(((deck[card + playercards + 3] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + playercards + 3] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + playercards + 3] % 13] , 260 , 120 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + playercards + 3] / 13] ,290, 100 ,this);               
    if (housecards>4) {
    if(((deck[card + playercards + 4] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card + playercards + 4] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card + playercards + 4] % 13] , 340 , 120 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card + playercards + 4] / 13] ,370, 100 ,this);               
              g.drawString("Your Points: " , 20, 290 );
              g.drawString("House Points: " , 20, 160 );     
              playerpoints = 0;
              int wasace = 0;
              for(int i=2;i<(playercards+2);++i)
                   int cardvalue = 1 + deck[card +  i] % 13;
                   if(cardvalue < 11)
                        playerpoints = playerpoints + cardvalue;
                   if(cardvalue > 10)
                        playerpoints = playerpoints + 10;
                   if((cardvalue == 1) && (playerpoints < 12))
                   {  wasace=1;
                        playerpoints = playerpoints + 10;
                   playerpoints = playerpoints - 10;
              if(playerpoints>21) {
              g.drawString("Bust" , 320, 290 );
              if((playerpoints==21)&&(playercards==2)) {
              g.drawString("BlackJack" , 240, 290 );
              g.drawString("? ?" , 20 , 120 );
              if(((deck[card] / 13) == 3) || ((deck[card] / 13) == 2))
              g.drawString(cardvalue[deck[card ] % 13] , 20 , 120 );
              g.drawImage(thesuit[deck[card ] / 13] , 50, 100 ,this);
              housepoints = 0;
              for(int i=0;i<2;++i)
                   int cardvalue = 1 + deck[card +  i] % 13;
                   if(cardvalue < 11)
                        housepoints = housepoints + cardvalue;
                   if(cardvalue > 10)
                        housepoints = housepoints + 10;
                   if((cardvalue == 1) && (playerpoints < 12))
                   { wasace=1;
                        housepoints = housepoints + 10;}
              for(int i=2;i<housecards;++i)
                   int cardvalue = 1 + deck[card +  i + playercards] % 13;
                   if(cardvalue < 11)
                        housepoints = housepoints + cardvalue;
                   if(cardvalue > 10)
                        housepoints = housepoints + 10;
                   if((cardvalue == 1) && (housepoints < 12)) {
                        housepoints = housepoints + 10;}
                   housepoints = housepoints - 10;
              if((housepoints<16) && (turn==1) &&(playerpoints<22)&& (!((playerpoints==21)&&(playercards==2))))
              g.drawString(Integer.toString(playerpoints) , 190,290 );     
                   g.drawString(Integer.toString(housepoints) , 190,160 );     
              g.drawString("Bust" , 320, 160 );
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if(e.getSource() == hit) {
              if(e.getSource() == stand) {
                   turn = 1;
              if(e.getSource() == deal) {
                        card = card + playercards + housecards;
                   playercards = 2;
                   housecards = 2;
                   turn = 0;

  • Working on first Java project in Ecplise and need some help

    I am working on a Java project. I am working a programme to show sets of requirements to a software engineer. At the end the programme will show all consistent requirements with no conflicts between them.
    I am working on the first section. This invloves creating a class with a HashSet to insert the requirements in to the class. I am using this code at the moment
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class requirements {
         public void HashSet() {
              Set<String> requirements = new HashSet<String>();
              //Declare some string items
              String item_1 = "r1";
              String item_2 = "r2";
              String item_3 = "r3";
              boolean result;
              //Add the items to the Set
              result = requirements.add(item_1);
              System.out.println(item_1 + ": " + result);
              result = requirements.add(item_2);
              System.out.println(item_2 + ": " + result);
              result = requirements.add(item_3);
              System.out.println(item_3 + ": " + result);
              //Now we try to add item_1 again
              result = requirements.add(item_1);
              System.out.println(item_1 + ": " + result);
              //Adding null
              result = requirements.add(null);
              System.out.println("null: " + result);
              //Adding null again
              result = requirements.add(null);
              System.out.println("null: " + result);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              new requirements().HashSet();
    the class is called requirements and I get these errors
    Return type of the method is missing
    Syntax error on token class, delete this token
    Syntax error on token misplaced construct
    Syntax error insert Enum body to complete EnumheaderName
    Syntax Error insert Enum body to complete enum decleration
    The public type requirements must be defined in its own file.
    The next stage would be to send the Hashset to another class to perform operation on the set. The other class is called specification. Can anyone help me to resolve the errors and pass the set to the other class.

    muj wrote:
    I am working on a Java project. I am working a programme to show sets of requirements to a software engineer. At the end the programme will show all consistent requirements with no conflicts between them.
    I am working on the first section. This invloves creating a class with a HashSet to insert the requirements in to the class. I am using this code at the moment
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class requirements {
         public void HashSet() {
              Set<String> requirements = new HashSet<String>();
              //Declare some string items
              String item_1 = "r1";
              String item_2 = "r2";
              String item_3 = "r3";
              boolean result;
              //Add the items to the Set
              result = requirements.add(item_1);
              System.out.println(item_1 + ": " + result);
              result = requirements.add(item_2);
              System.out.println(item_2 + ": " + result);
              result = requirements.add(item_3);
              System.out.println(item_3 + ": " + result);
              //Now we try to add item_1 again
              result = requirements.add(item_1);
              System.out.println(item_1 + ": " + result);
              //Adding null
              result = requirements.add(null);
              System.out.println("null: " + result);
              //Adding null again
              result = requirements.add(null);
              System.out.println("null: " + result);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              new requirements().HashSet();
    the class is called requirements and I get these errors
    Return type of the method is missing
    Syntax error on token class, delete this token
    Syntax error on token misplaced construct
    Syntax error insert Enum body to complete EnumheaderName
    Syntax Error insert Enum body to complete enum decleration
    The public type requirements must be defined in its own file.
    The next stage would be to send the Hashset to another class to perform operation on the set. The other class is called specification. Can anyone help me to resolve the errors and pass the set to the other class.
    ThanksReading your code, it looks wrong... but it turns out that a lot of it was because you did not use CODE brackets like this:
       System.out.println("hello");It also seems that you code works as it is.
    though I recommend putting classes inside a package.
    Syntax error insert Enum body to complete EnumheaderNameWhere is this even in your code? Did you post the code you had a problem with?

  • Hi Help me in executing My Project

    Hi all,
    I'm a BTECH student. I'm currently doing my project and had some problem during execution...
    My SYStem Configuration:
    OS: Windows 2000 server..
    For Project Purpose I Installed in my System:
    JDK 1.5
    Tomcat 5.0 and
    Oracle 9i..
    I can't run the project.I would like know from u all whether I can run my Project (JAVA PROJECT) on a single system with all jdk, tomacat , and Oracle 9i installed on a single system.....
    Here are the problems I faced during my project execution:
    1: I'm receving severe errors in the tomcat open console saying that the port 8080 is already in use...Then I changed the port no 8081.. After I chnged my port everthing is ok... But while executing the project i recieved the following error...
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    root cause
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Tomcat logs
    2.. Here is my JSP which allows databse connectivity
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
                        Connection Con=null;
                        Statement St=null ;
    String driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@nit15:1521:project";
    String user="trading";
    String pwd="trading";
              System.out.println("Connection is established");
    catch(Exception e)
              out.println("Connection is not Established ... ");
    I think i had problem with the following line...
    String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@nit15:1521:project";
    since i'm running the whole project on a single system
    I replaced nit15 with localhost---- is this right... I thhink i shuld write here my system name how can find my system name or machine name
    I left 1521 as it is...
    then finally i replaced project with ora which is DSN name i created...
    Can any one help me out from this...Please give me ur mail id's so that i can have a chat with with u friends... plzzz help me.. plzz share ur knowledge with me.. plzzz.. my id is [email protected]..

    Well for one thing you seem to have multiple Tomcat instances running. This may or may not be contributing to your problems and confusion.
    Also I don't see where your code could be throwing a null pointer exception.
    To be honest I think you should first investigate how many Tomcat instances you have running and clean that up first. Because you could well be deploying to the wrong instance for all we know.

  • How to use BO SDK in local java project?

    I am trying to connect BO system using below mentioned code
    public void main(String args[]) throws SDKException {
              /ISessionMgr sessionMgr = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr();/
              IEnterpriseSession boEnterpriseSession = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr().logon( "Administrator","","BOSAP","secEnterprise");
              IInfoStore boInfoStore =(IInfoStore) boEnterpriseSession.getService("InfoStore");
              ChangePWD(boEnterpriseSession, boInfoStore);
         }catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("Exceptions in main");
    This code was taken from below mentioned thread:
    Force all users to change their Enterprise passwords with a batch operation
    I have created standalone java project and running as JAVA application in eclipce. I am getting class def not found error for these BO SDK jar files. I have added
    celib.jar and
    cesession.jar files as external lib to java project
    I am using following imports
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.CrystalEnterprise;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.IEnterpriseSession;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKException;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.*;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.IInfoObjects;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.IInfoStore;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.plugin.desktop.user.IUser;
    Does any one know solution to fix class def not found error?
    Nitesh Shelar

    I did some mistake few dependent jars were missing in project build path. After adding those missing BO jar files. Now its giving server connection error. Which I am trying to resolve.
    Thanks for your help.
    Nitesh Shelar

  • Best Practices for Defining NDS Java Projects...

    We are doing a Proof of Concept on using NDS to develop non-SAP Java applications.  We are attempting to determine if we can replace our current Java development tools with NDS/WAS.
    We are struggling with SAP's terminology and "plumbing" for setting up/defining Java projects.  For example, what is and when do you define Tracks, Software Components, Development Components, etc.  All of these terms are totally foreign to us and do not relate to our current Java environment (at least not that we can see).  We are also struggling with how the DTR and activities tie in to those components.
    If any one has defined best practices for setting up Java projects or has struggled with and overcome these same issues, please provide us with some guidance.  This is a very frustrating and time-consuming issue for us.
    Thank you!!

    Hi Peggy,
    In Component Model we divide software projects into small components.Components can use other components in well defined manner.
    A development object is a part of a component that can be changed or developed in some way; it provides the component with a certain part of its functionality. A development object may be a Java class, a Web Dynpro view, a table definition, a JSP page, and so on. Development objects are always stored as “sources” in a repository.
    A development component can be defined as a frame shared by a number of objects, which are part of the software.
    Software components combine components (DCs) to larger units for delivery and deployment.
    A track comprises configurations and runtime systems required for developing software component versions.It ensures stable states of deliverables used by subsequent tracks.
    The Design Time Repository is for versioning source code management. Distributed development of software in teams. Transport and replication of sources.
    You can also find lot of support in SDN for the above concepts with tutorials.
    Refer this Link for a overview on Java development Infrastructure(JDI) development infrastructure jdi overview.pdf
    To understand further
    Working with Net Weaver Development Infrastructure :
    In the above link you can find all the concepts clearly explained.You can also find the required tutorials for development.

  • How to create the exe file for java project.

    How to create the exe file for java project.
    am done the project in java swing , i like to create the project in exe format, so any one help for me,
    send the procedure for that.
    thanking u.

    How to create the exe file for java project.Have you ever heard of google? I pasted your exact "question" into a google search:
    and got several useful links.
    Better search terms might yield even better results.

  • How to Debug a Java Project in Eclipse using Tomcat6.0

    Can anybody help me with the following questions.
    1.How to create a java project in eclipse(I am using jsp,servlets,jsf,spring,jasper,struts).
    2.How to debug my application in Eclipse Europa by putting break points. should i add Tomcat6.0 to my project in order to debug my application so that i can put break points while running the applications and observe the values.

    You may find this tutorial useful regarding to JSF, Eclipse and Tomcat:
    To put breakpoints, just doubleclick on the left gray rule of the code, you'll get blue bullets at the left rule, indicating a break point. Run Tomcat in debug modus (rightclick Tomcat � debug). Use the Eclipse debug perspective to step in the code (window � open perspective � debug).

  • Using a java project in a web which is part of a ear

    i have an ear (jspkeepEAR) that includes a web project (jspkeep). The web project uses a java project (common).
    I don't want the EAR to know about the common, so i've added the common as a j2ee module to the web project.
    when publishing, i can see under
    the .beabuild.txt file:
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeepEAR/EarContent/APP-INF/classes = APP-INF/classes
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeep/WebContent = jspkeep.war
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeep/build/classes = jspkeep.war/WEB-INF/classes
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/jspkeep/build/jws/.src = jspkeep.war/WEB-INF/classes
    C\:/bea92/user_projects/w4WP_workspaces/Untitled/common = jspkeep.war/WEB-INF/lib/common.jar
    the problem is, when i'm surfing to a servlet in the web, i get NoClassDefFoundError for classes in the common.
    I've also noticed that if i publish the web project by itself (and not as part of the ear), it works fine.
    any idea?
    Edited by reformy at 12/12/2006 2:24 AM

    Hi Yair
    It appears that WLS only supports mapping a directory to a jar in APP-INF/lib/
    C\:/runtime-New_configuration/Common/bin = APP-INF/lib/Common.jar
    but NOT to a jar in WEB-INF/lib.
    Engineering will look into it sometime to fix it.
    Workaround Suggested:
    As a workaround, you can include the Java/Utility project as part of the EAR and set as dependent J2EE module to the Web project.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to Up load a Java project in the Web Server

    Hello friends,
    Can u please help me to sort out this problem i want to upload my java project ie a web application with some database operations like add,delete,update.
    I took webspace in the webserver and from the client system i have to upload my Application please help me.
    Ramesh Nagu

    Hello friends,
    Can u please help me to sort out this problem i want to upload my java project ie a web application with some database operations like add,delete,update.
    I took webspace in the webserver and from the client system i have to upload my Application please help me.
    Ramesh Nagu

  • How to run a Java project in NWDS...

    Hi All,
    First of all , i dont know if i am writing in the right forum for this question.
    I am new in NWDS.
    My question is, how can i run my java project in NWDS without  having any portal available (we had some problems running projects in EP 2004 and so we will install a new version EP 2004s )?
    Thank you!

    Hi Lohi,
    Thank you for your help.
    Yes i am creating Ear file by using the Java programs with NWDS .
    You mean to deploy mannualy with SDM inside my server?
    How can i than, utilize that into IE?
    Can i run ear without using EP.
    Sometimes i want to run my project in my house where i dont have acess in any SDM or everything else.
    Can you give me please more step by step instruction because i am new with these technologies.
    Thank you ,

  • How to check my level of standard of Java project

    I have finished a simple project in Java(Mostly swing),
    MS-Access,JFreeReport.Then manual testing is also finished.
    Now I want to test the coding,GUI desing and all that is simply I want to test the standard of the project.My plan for this is to use some test automation tools.
    So Will you plkease which software I have to test my Java Project?
    Thank you so much .

    Hi Kumar12463,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. I have read your thread on your HP Deskjet 3510 and needing to check ink levels. HP Print and Scan Doctor.
    In this document choose this option to check the printer's ink levels and to view the cartridge details such as install dates, warranty dates, and serial numbers under review additional hardware functions.
    Hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Unable to resolve "Missing Required java Project :"

    HI ,
      Iam praveen , working on web dynpro's , I imported a project template and repaired it and all the .jar files are included in the project . But still am getting some errors like the below...
    Error               Missing required Java project:          Build path
    Error               Missing required Java project:          Build path
    Error               Missing required Java project:          Build path
    Error               Missing required Java project: org.eclipse.core.resources.          Build path
    Error               Missing required Java project: org.eclipse.ui.          Build path
    Error               The project was not built due to classpath errors (incomplete or involved in cycle).          
    can anyone help me in resolving these problems, i have been trying to resolve this problem , but failed. send me solution if any one can solve it

    Hi praveen,
    your project refers to a dictionary that you haven't in the project. Besides, right click on the WD project and check all the external references to others projects. You must open the external projects pointed by your WD.
    Hope this help you,

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