Help needed to find the schema/application data size

Would i request you to help me to measure schema size/(APEX)application data size.
I've 3 applications running on same schema and now i want to move one application to new server, new schema,
Now i need to know how much space is required for this application to host on the new server, so i should find the application size and application data size in the current server, your hep is appreciated. thanks in advance.

Would i request you to help me to measure schema size/(APEX)application data size.
I've 3 applications running on same schema and now i want to move one application to new server, new schema,
Now i need to know how much space is required for this application to host on the new server, so i should find the application size and application data size in the current server, your hep is appreciated. thanks in advance.

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at PostOfficeImpl.isinputAvail(PostOfficeImpl.Java:315)
    at PostOfficeImpl_Skel.dispatch(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.oldDispatch(
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    my ser ver program is as follows:
    class PostOfficeServer extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements java.rmi.Remote {
    // Instance of ourselves
    public static String name;
    private static PostOfficeServer rmi;
    // public No-argument constructor
    public PostOfficeServer() throws RemoteException {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    if(System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
         System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
    try {
         new PostOfficeServer();
         PostOffice postOfficeserver = new PostOfficeImpl();
    try {
         getIP ipAdd1 = new getIP();
         String ip1 = ipAdd1.getIP();
         name = "//" + ip1 + "/PostOffice";
    catch (Exception e){
    Naming.rebind(name, postOfficeserver);
    System.out.println("RemoteServer bound");
    System.out.println("initialise Data Structure");
    catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e) {
         System.out.println("Cannot create remote server object");
    catch ( e) {
         System.out.println("Cannot look up server object");
    System.out.println("Server started.");
    System.out.println("Enter <CR> to end.");
    try {
         int serve2end =;
    }catch (IOException ioException) {
    //endoffilePlease advise as this is very urgent

    the following is the code for PostOfficeImpl...its a long code but i include it so that I get your help please...
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.*;
    public class PostOfficeImpl extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements PostOffice {
    //Implementations must have an explicit constructor in order to declare the
    //RemoteException exception
    public PostOfficeImpl() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
    public static LinkedListImpl list = new LinkedListImpl();
    public static oListImpl ovarList  = new oListImpl();
    public static iListImpl ivarList =new iListImpl();
    public static lipsList llfirst;
    public static oList opchannel, ofirst, onext;
    public static iList ipchannel, ichan, ifirst;
    public static  String[] variNumber= new String[100];
    public static String[] inoutChan, inChan, outChan,inVAR, invarLIST,outVAR, outvarLIST ;
    public static String[][] driveMat;
    DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
    private static  Boolean All_Vacant;
    private static  Boolean tAll_Vacant;
    public void sendAll_Vacant(Boolean All_Vacant) throws RemoteException {
         tAll_Vacant = All_Vacant;
    public Boolean getAll_Vacant() throws RemoteException{
          return tAll_Vacant;
    public  void initDatastructure() throws RemoteException{
    ifirst = null;
    int i=0, j=0, k=0, ind1=0, ind2=0;
    try{/// initialise list
         drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String[] variablel = drive.Variablelist();
         String[][] lookupvar = drive.varNameType();
         //tempdrive = drive.driverMat();
         long leng1 = variablel.length;
         int varlistlength = (int) leng1;
         int counter;
         String s1="";
         String s2="";
         String s3 = "";
         String s4 = "";
         String s6 = "";
         int s5=0, c=0;
         while(variablel[k] !=null){
         int i1, j1;
         String  varname, varnumber;
         varnumber = "";
         ind1=0; ind2 = 0;i=0;
    while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of file"))){
         s1 = variablel[i];
         s2 = variablel[i];
         System.out.println("     " + s1+"     "+s2);
    while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of input variable"))){
         s4 = variablel[i];
         if(lookupvar[i1][j1] != null){
              s3 = lookupvar[i1][0];
              break Brkwhile;
    //ifirst.varNum = varnumber;
    s5 = 0;
    s6 = null;
    ifirst= new iList(s3,s4, s5, s6);
    System.out.println(s3+"     "+s4+"     "+s5+"     "+s6);
    i = i + 1;
    System.out.println("input list finished ");
    while(!(variablel[i].equals("end of output variable"))){
         s4 = variablel[i];
         Brkwhile:while(lookupvar[i1][j1] != null){
              s3 = lookupvar[i1][0];
              break Brkwhile;
         s5 = 0;
         s6 = null;
         ofirst= new oList(s3,s4, s5, s6);
         System.out.println(s3+"     "+s4+"     "+s5+"     "+s6);
         llfirst = new lipsList(s1, s2, ivarList, ovarList);
         System.out.println("output list finished ");
         catch (NullPointerException ne){
         catch (Exception d){}
    public int isitOK(reqPacket sndNodetail)
         throws RemoteException{
         String nodnum = sndNodetail.srcNum;
         String varnum = sndNodetail.varNum;
         int status = 0;
         llfirst = list.getFirst();
         try{mainbegin:while (llfirst != null){
              ofirst = ovarList.getFirst();
              while(ofirst != null){
                   status = 1;
                   break mainbegin;
         ofirst =;
         llfirst =;
         catch (NullPointerException nl){}
         return status;
    public int senData(dataPacket sendToRTS)
         throws RemoteException{
    dataPacket datDetail = sendToRTS;
    String nnum, vnum,typename, dval;
    String dtype = "";
    nnum = datDetail.nodeNum;
    vnum = datDetail.varNum;
    typename = datDetail.dataType;
    dval = String.valueOf(datDetail.dataVal);
    String [][] tempdrive, varnametype;
    int status =0;
    System.out.println("data received is from node " nnum " is "+ dval+"var num " +vnum);
    status =0;
    //DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
    String[][] lookupvar = drive.novarType();
    tempdrive = drive.driverMat();
    String varname="";
    int i,j;
    //with the recived var name get the var num
    for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
         if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
                   dtype = lookupvar[i][1];
         }//varname is moved to dtype n used for checking
         for(i=0; i<=tempdrive.length-1; i++){j=0;
         if (tempdrive[i][j] != null){
         if (tempdrive[i][0].equals(vnum)){
              if (tempdrive[i][1].equals(nnum)){
              status = 1;
         }//System.out.println("received data " vnum " "+ nnum +" " + dtype +" "+dval);// after checking status if the status is 1 then set the counter n olist// to no of times the value has to be ditributed
    int Ccount =0;
    //opchannel = llfirst.olist;
         if (status == 1){
              llfirst = list.getFirst();
         mainWhile: while (llfirst != null){
                   ofirst = ovarList.getFirst();
                   while(ofirst != null){
                        ofirst.varVal =dval;
                        //setting the counter for the varname
                        //check driver matrix fr the no of occurances
                   for(i=0; i<=tempdrive.length-1; i++){
                   if (tempdrive[i][j] != null){
                        if (tempdrive[i][0].equals(vnum)){
                        for(j= j+3;j<=tempdrive.length-1;j++){
                        if(tempdrive[i][j] != null){
                        Ccount = Ccount + 1;
    ofirst.counter = Ccount;
    ofirst.varNum = vnum;for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
    for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
         if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
              varname = lookupvar[i][1];
         ofirst.varName = varname;
         break mainWhile;
         ofirst =;
         llfirst =;
         catch(NullPointerException s){}
    /*use the vnum in the driver matrix and find out the nodes to which this variable
    *has been sent as input , i mean destination nodes..
    *find the node numbers ..knowing the node numbers parse through data structure
    and set the input values to value and status 1./
    llfirst = list.getFirst();
    while(llfirst != null){
         ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
         while(ifirst != null){
              if (ifirst.varNum.equals(vnum)){
              ifirst.varStat = 1;
              ifirst.varVal = dval;
              //     System.out.println("nodenum "+llfirst.nodeNum+" varval     " + ifirst.varVal +"     stat "+ifirst.varStat+" vnum " + ifirst.varNum);;;
         catch (Exception e){};
         return status;
    public int isinputAvail(reqPacket inputReq)
         throws RemoteException{
         String srcnum = inputReq.srcNum;
         String varnum = inputReq.varNum;
         int availstatus =0;
         llfirst = list.getFirst();
         //System.out.println("llfirst.nodeNum     "+ llfirst.nodeNum);
         whileloop:while (llfirst != null){
              ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
              breakloop: while(ifirst != null){
              //System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status outside" + ifirst.varStat);
              if (ifirst.varStat == 1){
                   availstatus = 1;
                   ifirst.varStat = 0;
                   // System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status" + availstatus);
                   break whileloop;
         ifirst =;
         llfirst =;
         //System.out.println("var num " + varnum + "     " + "status" + availstatus);
         return availstatus;
    public dataPacket senDatatoNode(reqPacket sendFromRTS)
         throws RemoteException {
         String nnum, vnum, dtype, dval;
         //nnum = "";
         //opchannel = llfirst.olist;
         //     ipchannel = llfirst.ilist;
         reqPacket sendfromrts = sendFromRTS;
         nnum = sendfromrts.srcNum;
         vnum = sendfromrts.varNum;
         //     dtype = sendFromRTS.dataType;
         dval = "";
         int ctrchk=0;
         //send data to process node n reduce the counter by 1
         llfirst = list.getFirst();
              mainWhile: while (llfirst != null){
              ofirst = llfirst.olist.getFirst();
         whileofirst: while(ofirst != null){
              dval = ofirst.varVal;
              ofirst.counter = ofirst.counter - 1;
              //     System.out.println(ofirst.counter);
              break whileofirst;
         ofirst =;
    //set the status of respective input channel to 0 as data has been sent
         ifirst = llfirst.ilist.getFirst();
         if(ctrchk == 0){
         whileifirst: while(ifirst != null){
              //ifirst.varVal = dval;
              ifirst.varStat =0;
              break whileifirst;
         llfirst =;
         catch(NullPointerException s){}
    //find type
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         driver.novarType()     ;
         String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
         int i, j;
         String varNum = vnum;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
              if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
              dtype = lookupvar[i][2];
         catch (Exception d){}
         dataPacket retpac = new dataPacket(nnum, vnum, dtype, dval);
         System.out.println("msg sent "+ nnum +"     " + vnum+" "+ dtype+"     "+ dval);
         return retpac;
    public String findnodeName(String nodeNum)
         throws RemoteException{
    String nnum = nodeNum;
    llfirst = list.getFirst();
    while (llfirst != null){
         return llfirst.nodeName;
         llfirst =;
         System.out.println("node Number does not match with the list of node numbers generated..try again");
         return null;
    //find the nodenum given the node name
    public String findnodenum(String nodename)
         throws RemoteException{
         String nodenumber ="";
         String nodname = nodename;
         try{DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         driver.novarType()     ;
         String[][] lookupnode = driver.nodeNumName();
         int i, j;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupnode.length-1; i++){
         for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
              if(lookupnode[i][j] != null){
                   nodenumber = lookupnode[i][2];
         catch (Exception d){}
         return nodenumber;
    public String findvarnum(String variablename)
         throws RemoteException{
         String varnumber = "";
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         driver.novarType()     ;
         String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
         int i, j;
         String varname = variablename;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
         for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
              if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
                   varnumber = lookupvar[i][0];
    catch (Exception d){}
    return varnumber;
    public String findvartype(String varname)
         throws RemoteException{
         String vartype = "";
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String[][] lookupvar = driver.varNameType();
         int i, j;
         String varName = varname;
         for(i=0; i<=lookupvar.length-1; i++){
         for(j=0; j<=2; j++){
              if(lookupvar[i][j] != null){
                   vartype = lookupvar[i][2];
    catch (Exception d){}
    return vartype;
    public String findtypenum(String vartype){
    String varnum = "";int i;
         DriverMatrix_mthds driver = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String varNum[][] =      driver.novarType()     ;
         String varType = vartype;
         for(i=0; i<=9-1; i++){
              if(varNum[i][0] != null){
                   varnum = varNum[i][1];
    catch (Exception d){}
    return vartype;
    //return input variable list
    public String[] inoutchanlist(String nodenum, String nodenam)
         throws RemoteException{
         DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         String[] varLIST = drive.Variablelist();
         int i=0;int j;
         int arrlength = i;
         inoutChan = new String[arrlength];
         i=0; j=0;
         while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
                   while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of input variable"))){
                        inoutChan[j] = varLIST[i];
              while(!(varLIST[i].equals("end of output variable"))){
         inoutChan[j] = varLIST[i];
         break WHILELOOP;
         arrlength =j;
         for(j=0; j<=arrlength-1; j++){
         catch (Exception e){}
         return inoutChan;
    public String[] inchannel(String[] inoutChan) throws RemoteException{
    int count=0;int i=0, j=0;
         System.out.println(count + " " +inoutChan[count]);
         inChan = new String[count];
         inChan[j] =inoutChan[i];
         j=j+1; i=i+1;
    return inChan;
    public String[] outchannel(String[] inoutChan) throws RemoteException{
    int count=0;int i=0, j=0;
         System.out.println(count + " " +inoutChan[count]);
         outChan = new String[count+1];
              outChan[j] =inoutChan[i];
              j=j+1; i=i+1;
         return outChan;
    public String[] invarChan(String nodename, int guardno)throws RemoteException{
    DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
    invarLIST = drive.invarlist();
    int i=0;int j;
         int arrlength = i;
         inVAR = new String[arrlength];
         i=0; j=0;
              WHILELOOP: while(!(invarLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
                   if (invarLIST[i].equals(nodename)){
         System.out.println(invarLIST[i]);inVAR[j]=invarLIST[i]; i=i+1; j=j+1;}
         break WHILELOOP;}
    }catch (Exception d){}
    return inVAR;
    public String[] outvarChan(String nodename, int guardcount)throws RemoteException{
         DriverMatrix_mthds drive = new DriverMatrix_mthds();
         outvarLIST = drive.outvarlist();
         int i=0;int j;
         int arrlength = i;
         outVAR = new String[arrlength];
         i=0; j=0;
         WHILELOOP: while(!(outvarLIST[i].equals("end of file"))){
              if (outvarLIST[i].equals(nodename)){
              while(!(outvarLIST[i].equals("end guard"))){
              System.out.println(outvarLIST[i]);outVAR[j]=outvarLIST[i]; i=i+1; j=j+1;}
              break WHILELOOP;}
    }catch (Exception d){}
    return outVAR;
    private static Boolean start;
    private static Boolean tstart;
    public void sendstart(Boolean start) throws RemoteException {
         tstart = start;
    public Boolean getstart() throws RemoteException{
         return tstart;
    private static Boolean done;
    private static Boolean tdone;
    public void senddone(Boolean done) throws RemoteException {
         tdone = done;
    public Boolean getdone() throws RemoteException{
         return tdone;
    private static Boolean vac_busy1;
    private static Boolean tvac_busy1;
    public void sendvac_busy1(Boolean vac_busy1) throws RemoteException {
         tvac_busy1 = vac_busy1;
    public Boolean getvac_busy1() throws RemoteException{
         return tvac_busy1;
    private static int cus1_rit1;
    private static int tcus1_rit1;
    public void sendcus1_rit1(int cus1_rit1) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_rit1 = cus1_rit1;
    public int getcus1_rit1() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_rit1;
    private static int cus1_rit2;
    private static int tcus1_rit2;
    public void sendcus1_rit2(int cus1_rit2) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_rit2 = cus1_rit2;
    public int getcus1_rit2() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_rit2;
    private static int cus1_rit3;
    private static int tcus1_rit3;
    public void sendcus1_rit3(int cus1_rit3) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_rit3 = cus1_rit3;
    public int getcus1_rit3() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_rit3;
    private static int cus1_it1;
    private static int tcus1_it1;
    public void sendcus1_it1(int cus1_it1) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_it1 = cus1_it1;
    public int getcus1_it1() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_it1;
    private static int cus1_it2;
    private static int tcus1_it2;
    public void sendcus1_it2(int cus1_it2) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_it2 = cus1_it2;
    public int getcus1_it2() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_it2;
    private static int cus1_it3;
    private static int tcus1_it3;
    public void sendcus1_it3(int cus1_it3) throws RemoteException {
         tcus1_it3 = cus1_it3;
    public int getcus1_it3() throws RemoteException{
         return tcus1_it3;
    private static int stkit_11;
    private static int tstkit_11;
    public void sendstkit_11(int stkit_11) throws RemoteException {
         tstkit_11 = stkit_11;
    public int getstkit_11() throws RemoteException{
         return tstkit_11;
    private static int stkit_12;
    private static int tstkit_12;
    public void sendstkit_12(int stkit_12) throws RemoteException {
         tstkit_12 = stkit_12;
    public int getstkit_12() throws RemoteException{
         return tstkit_12;
    private static int stkit_13;
    private static int tstkit_13;
    public void sendstkit_13(int stkit_13) throws RemoteException {
         tstkit_13 = stkit_13;
    public int getstkit_13() throws RemoteException{
         return tstkit_13;
    private static int c1_it1;
    private static int tc1_it1;
    public void sendc1_it1(int c1_it1) throws RemoteException {
         tc1_it1 = c1_it1;
    public int getc1_it1() throws RemoteException{
         return tc1_it1;
    private static int c1_it2;
    private static int tc1_it2;
    public void sendc1_it2(int c1_it2) throws RemoteException {
         tc1_it2 = c1_it2;
    public int getc1_it2() throws RemoteException{
         return tc1_it2;
    private static int c1_it3;
    private static int tc1_it3;
    public void sendc1_it3(int c1_it3) throws RemoteException {
         tc1_it3 = c1_it3;
    public int getc1_it3() throws RemoteException{
         return tc1_it3;

  • Help needed in getting the previous Quarter Data

    Hello folks,
    I have this procedure where i have to modify the current procedure in the following manner:
    I need to get rid of the variables p_start and p_end so that i cannot see them in the crystal report and include the Frequency in the procedure to get the Data based on the Dates.
    and Main requirement is" If the Frequency is Quarterly " it should get the previous quarter Data, if "Frequency is monthly" it should return the previous month data.Can anyone please let me know where shud i make changes. Am including the procedure for refernce. Any help is appreciated
    Thanks a millioin,
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE hcsc_recovery_report_h(report_record in out cr_return_types.gen_cursor,
    p_start       string,
    p_end         string)
    v_startdate date;
    v_enddate date;
    v_startdate := to_date(p_start, 'YYYY/MM');
    v_enddate := last_day(to_date(p_end, 'YYYY/MM'));
    open report_record for
    select --distinct r.recovery_id
    sum(nvl(r.amount, 0)) as amt_received,
    when r.amount >= 0 then
    rd.fees * (-1)
    0) as fees,
    ec.close_date, *001* commented
    when ec.close_date <= to_date(to_char(v_enddate, 'MMDDRRRR') || '235959',
    'MMDDRRRR HH24MISS') then
    end) as close_date, --*001*  added
    get_case_value(ec.event_id, ec.event_case_id, v_enddate) as case_value,
    nvl(etl.fee_percent_flag, 'N') workmans_comp,
    max(to_char(r.recovery_date, 'FMMonthYYYY')) Year_Month,
    max(to_char(r.recovery_date, 'YYYYMM')) Y_M,
    max(to_date(to_char(r.recovery_date, 'MMYYYY'), 'MM/YYYY')) date_MY
    from recovery r,
    recovery_detail rd,
    event e,
    client c,
    branch_group b,
    employer_group g,
    event_case ec,
    event_type_lookup etl
    where r.event_id = e.event_id
    and r.event_case_id = ec.event_case_id
    and ec.event_id = e.event_id
    and rd.recovery_id(+) = r.recovery_id
    and r.recovery_date between v_startdate and
    to_date(to_char(v_enddate, 'MMDDRRRR') || '235959',
    and e.client_id = c.client_id
    and g.client_id = c.client_id
    and b.client_id = c.client_id
    and g.employer_group_id(+) = e.employer_group_id
    and b.branch_group_id(+) = g.branch_group_id
    and e.event_type_code = etl.event_type_code -- SST 130852 04/14/09
    group by r.event_id,
    get_case_value(ec.event_id, ec.event_case_id, v_enddate),
    nvl(etl.fee_percent_flag, 'N')
    having sum(nvl(r.amount, 0)) <> 0
    order by c.client_code,
    Edited by: user11961230 on Oct 20, 2009 9:02 AM

    user11961230 wrote:
    1. I want to get rid of the p_start and p_end. So how do i declare the v_startdate and v_enddate in the following part?
    v_startdate := to_date(p_start, 'YYYY/MM');
    v_enddate := last_day(to_date(p_end, 'YYYY/MM'));I'm not sure what you mean by "declare".
    In PL/SQL, "declare" means state (at the beginning of a block) that there will be a certain variable with a certain name (such as v_startdate) and datatype (such as DATE). You're already declaring the variables v_startdate and v_enddate correctly, right before the BEGIN statement.
    Declaring a variable is not the same as initializing it, that is, giving it a value for the first time. Your next question seems to be about initializing..
    2. where exactly shud i include the logic that u have mentioned. sorry a dumb questionIn place of the two assignment statments that reference p_start and p_end.
    3. This time am gonna use frequency instead of report_type so that i will get rid of the p_start and p_end from the procedure.Do you mean you want to pass an argument (called frequency) that tells if you want a quarterly or a mionthly report, just like the variable report_type in my example?
    If so, replace report_type in my example with frequency.
    I think you want something like this:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE hcsc_recovery_report_h
    (      report_record         in out     cr_return_types.gen_cursor
    ,      frequency         IN           VARCHAR2
         -- Declare local variables:
         v_startdate     date;
         v_enddate      date;
         -- Initialize v_startdate and v_enddate, depending on frequency
         IF  frequency = 'QUARTERLY'
              v_startdate := TRUNC ( ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, -3)
                                           , 'Q'
              v_enddate := TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'Q');
         ELSIF  frequency = 'MONTHLY'
              v_startdate := TRUNC ( ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, -1)
                             , 'MM'
              v_enddate := TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MM');
         END IF;
         --   Subtract one second from v_enddate
              v_enddate := v_enddate - ( 1
                                            / (24 * 60 * 60)
         open report_record for
         select --distinct r.recovery_id
         and     r.recovery_date  BETWEEN  v_startdate     
                         AND       v_enddate
         ...When you post formatted text on this site (and code should always be formatted), type these 6 characters:
    (small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after sections of formatted text, to preserve spacing.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Oct 20, 2009 2:37 PM
    Changed query to use BETWEEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Grus help needed in finding the queries with Cartesian  joins

    I have a reporting tool in which users are allowed to put the joins on the views and add some sub queries that produces a Cartesian product. Is there any tool or way that I can stop the execution of those query before it is being executed for example
    Step 1 ) user creates a query
    step2 ) user submits it
    step 3) by any tool or any check if Cartesian join is found the query execution is stopped and notify the user that the query is not good if no problem executes the query.
    I really need help in step 3. I am on 9i release2.
    Any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

    I Agree with Gasparotto, you should limit the resource consume.
    You must understand that cartesian join, isn´t always a BAD guy, sometimes you need it.
    If your developers are in trouble with handle the join , think about NATURAL JOIN, may be it helps you
    Helio Dias

  • I actually need help but cannot find the answer. Please.......Lately when open a new tab it does not open with a blank page. I don't want to set my homepage as

    I actually need help but cannot find the answer.
    Please.......Lately when open a new tab it does not open with a blank page. I don't want to set my homepage as blank as when I first open Firefox, it automatically loads my hotmail page. But then if I open other pages I don't get a blank page. Help, please?
    Thank you.
    ''[Personal information removed by moderator. Please read [[Forum and chat rules and guidelines]], thanks.]''

    hello, please refer to [[New Tab Page – show, hide and customize top sites]] in order to switch the feature off.

  • Need driver for canon mg 5250 as scanner is not working with version 10.7. Can you please help me to find the driver so scanner works with WIFI?

    need driver for canon mg 5250 as scanner is not working with version 10.7. Lion. Can you please help me to find the driver so scanner works with WIFI?

    Try with the latest Apple driver package for Canon (released 15th Feb):
    This solved my problem with the printing.

  • HT3775 I get the following message when trying to open an .avi downloaded from my video cam, need help, can not find the codec, thank you.The document "IMAG0026.AVI" could not be opened. A required codec isn't available.

    I get the following message when trying to open an .avi downloaded from my video cam, need help, can not find the codec, thank you. This is for Quicktime Player.
    "The document “IMAG0026.AVI” could not be opened. A required codec isn't available."

    Try Perian.

  • Help find the Last run date from previous month

    Hi all
    I am stuck trying to find the Last Run Date from the previous month.
    select distinct(date_ran) from TABLE X where date_ran like '%/11-%' order by date_ran desc gives
    Here the result I am trying to acheive is 02/15/11-07:42 ;Note the column date_ran is a VARCHAR2(255) and not a TIMESTAMP
    I tried
    select ADD_MONTHS(to_date(max(date_ran), 'MM/DD/YYYY-HH24:MI'),-1)
    from daily_tests_a
    where date_ran like '%/11-%'
    order by date_ran desc
    which returns 2/28/0011 6:19:00 AM and that is not the result I am looking for

    Welcome to the forum!
    user2931503 wrote:
    Hi all
    I am stuck trying to find the Last Run Date from the previous month.
    select distinct(date_ran) from TABLE X where date_ran like '%/11-%' order by date_ran desc gives
    Here the result I am trying to acheive is 02/15/11-07:42 ;Note the column date_ran is a VARCHAR2(255) and not a TIMESTAMPThat's a very bad idea. Points in time should always be stored in DATE (or maybe TIMESTAMP) columns. If not, you're going to waste resources converting them to DATEs whenever you need them to behave like DATEs, and risk run-time errors because of bad data.
    Normally, the "previous" month means the month before the current month. In April, the previous month is March.
    By "previous" month, do you mean the 2nd latest month in the table? That is, this data contains data from February and March, 2011; March 2011 is the latest of those months, February 2011 is the next-to-last, and so is that why you want a date from February?
    I tried
    select ADD_MONTHS(to_date(max(date_ran), 'MM/DD/YYYY-HH24:MI'),-1)
    from daily_tests_a
    where date_ran like '%/11-%'
    order by date_ran desc
    which returns 2/28/0011 6:19:00 AM and that is not the result I am looking for
    SMKTry this:
    WITH   got_real_date   AS
         SELECT     TO_DATE ( SUBSTR (date_ran, 1, 14)
                   , 'MM/DD/RR-HH24:MI'
                   )     AS real_date
         FROM     table_x
    --     WHERE     ...     -- If you need any filtering, put it here
    SELECT     TO_CHAR ( MAX (real_date)
              , 'MM/DD/RR-HH24:MI'
              )     AS last_date
    FROM    got_month_num
    WHERE     real_date     < (
                               SELECT  TRUNC (MAX (real_date), 'MONTH')
                         FROM    got_real_date
    ;Edited by: Frank Kulash on Apr 5, 2011 3:59 PM

  • Help needed in finding max of a given dates

    I have stored a list of dates in an arraylist.
    I need to find the maximum or the latest date from the list.

    This "feature" was not documented (at least I haven't seen one for the last few months) and has been abused by some retard(s?) for CSS injection, so Sun chose to fix it by removing it ...

  • Is there any link between oe_order_headers_all and hz_cust_accounts tables. I need to find the cust_account_id for some order_number. Please help me with this

    Is there any link between oe_order_headers_all and hz_cust_accounts tables. I need to find the cust_account_id for some order_number. Please help me with this

    you can link
    OOH.invoice_to_org_id=CUST.cust_account_id   -- invoice customer
    OOH.sold_to_org_id=CUST.cust_account_id   -- sold to customer
    OOH.ship_to_org_id=CUST.cust_account_id   -- ship to customer

  • Please help me to find the sample code and schema for fil

    Please help me to find the and files.

    Does this Help?
    Did you install Oracle9iAS ?

  • Update the schema for data foundation, business element and business view

    Hi All
    I am using oracle 11g as backend to develop using crystal reports and I am using Business View Manager as the connection in crystal reports.
    Now my issue here is I have created the DC, DF, BE and BV using abc schema but as the request has changed I need to update the schema to xyz as table structure is same in both the schemas.
    I was able to successfully update the schema in DC but that is not reflecting in DF, BE and BV as a result of that when I use the updated BV in report report is not run as there was abc.tablename for all tables.
    I have searched google but unfortunately unable to find any useful solution for the problem.
    Experts please help me to update the new schema connection to DF, BE and BV
    I am using Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 and Business Objects 3.1
    Thanks for your time.

    Thanks for your continous assistance Mantu Sahu.....
    Unfortunately I can't paste the screenshot aswell... but will try to explain in detail what I am doing...
    to the left most part there will be datafoundation name... below that there are tables so what I have done is right click on the table in those options there is no change qualifier or ownere but there is option Set table location. Is this option you are discussing about?
    To add more information I am working on Business Objects 2.1 SP0... will this have any impact on the options that are displaying.

  • Need to update the actual start date & time of a operation in workorder

    Hi Experts,
                   I need to update the Actual Start date and Actual start time of a Operation of  a WorkOrder through a Function Module.
    I was looking into the BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN FM, but i couldn't find any field relating to the actual start date and start time of a operation.
    Kindly Suggest me which Function module i can use to complete my task.
    Thanks in Advance

    It is system's standard behavior and no other MRP type will help you in moving the start date outside the planning time fence. With MRP type P3 new requirements are covered at the end of the fixing period, the end date is set and planed order is scheduled backword. Hence the start date will lie within the planning time fence.

  • Need to find the Difference between two table

    Hello ,
    I have stucked in program as below scenario:-
    I have two tables of huge data of same structure in a same schema.I need to find the difference exact values in tables.
    By using MINUS we can find the difference between two table ,i need to find the what exact difference in the there values with colunm and value at that column.
    Example TableA
    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5.... col50
    10 ABC 2001 EE 444 TT
    40 XYZ 3002 RR 445 TT3
    80 DEF 6005 YY 446 YY8
    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5.... col50
    10 ABC 2001 EE 444 TT
    40 XYZ 3002 RR 445 TT3
    81 DEF 6005 Yu 447 YY8
    I need to the out put like this :-
    The Diffence between two table is
    TableA.COL1=80 TableB.Col1=81, Different
    TableA.Col4=YY TableB.col4=Yu,Different
    Please suggest me to write the pl/sql program for the same
    thanx in advance

    Thanx friends for all your efforts
    I have a sample code for the same,this will compare the two tables for single row in each table .
    what r the modification needed for the multiple rows of values in the two tables??
    Please suggest!!
    TYPE t_col
    l_col t_col;
    j NUMBER := 0;
    l_sql VARCHAR2 (2000);
    col1 VARCHAR2 (30);
    col2 VARCHAR2 (30);
    val1 NUMBER;
    val2 NUMBER;
    status VARCHAR2 (30);
    CURSOR c1
    SELECT column_id, column_name
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'TEST1';
    FOR i IN c1
    j := j + 1;
    l_col (j) := i.column_name;
    FOR k IN 1 .. j
    l_sql :=
    'SELECT '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST1.'
    || l_col (k )
    || ', '
    || 'DECODE(TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ' -TEST1.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', 0, ''NO CHANGE'', ''CHANGED'') FROM TEST2, TEST1';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO col1, val1,col2, val2, status;
    IF status = 'CHANGED'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'TEST2.'
    || col1
    || '='
    || val1
    || ', TEST1.'
    || col2
    || '='
    || val2
    || ', '
    || status);
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error:- ' || SQLERRM);

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