Help On Cleaning My 24inch Apple iMac Computer?

I Need Advice, I Need to Clean My iMac Monitor Computer So I Went to Staples & I Bought Staples Monitor Wipes, I Bought 1 Set, but in That Set there was 2 & I Wanted to know if It's Ok if I Can Use That? They Said at Staples i could Use it but i wanted to make sure From you Apple Experts if it's Ok, & Could Anybody Tell Me What Can I Buy Then To Clean My 24inch Monitor iMac Computer if I Got The Wrong Thing? & What Kind of Set Liquid & Cloth & Water I Should Use to Clean My Apple iMac Monitor? I Read Online on It Showed Me Instructions on How To Clean a iMac Monitor but Just to Be Sure, i wanted to know if there is a Certain Product that I Need to Buy & What's The Best Thing that would be Good For Me to Use to Clean My iMac Monitor? Maybe Someone Can Show Me a Picture? to Give Me The Best Thing to Get? i just was just making Sure I Wanted to do the Right Thing maybe Someone Can Help Me Out? & If I Posted This To Get Anyone Mad? I'm Sorry, i only wanted Help
From Byron

Barry Hemphill wrote:
Use Windex, a screen cleaner, or the stuff that people use to clean eyeglasses.
I wouldn't even use Windex, at least on an older iMac that didn't have a real glass screen cover. Windex & similar products aren't designed for this use & might leech stabilizers out of clear plastics over time.
Apple provides a microfiber cleaning cloth & instructions for using it, so that is going to be the safest method. The essentials are to use as little liquid as possible, apply it to the cloth & not the screen, & to keep the cleaning cloth clean & free of particles that might scratch the screen.
I use the Apple-supplied cloth, wash it frequently in mild soapy water, & either dampen it slightly with purified water for general screen dusting or moisten it with eyeglass cleaner to remove more stubborn deposits. For those deposits I dab & wipe gently, turning the cloth frequently so that whatever crud it picks up doesn't scratch the surface.

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    Barbera your a Cool person your a sweet person, your awesome & your really a great Help, i appriciate you helping me 2 Thumbs up for you stay cool from Byron.

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    Hi, what requirements doesn't yours meet exactly?
    So we know more about it...
    At the Apple Icon at top left>About this Mac, then click on More Info, then click on Hardware> and report this upto but not including the Serial#...
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac7,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 4 MB
    Memory: 6 GB
    Bus Speed: 800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM71.007A.B03
    SMC Version (system): 1.21f4

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    It will connect to a TV or monitor with either HDMI or component inputs.
    It is mainly designed to be used with HDTV's.
    It won't work with an iMac's monitor.
    Some monitors have HDMI inputs.
    Message was edited by: Alley_Cat

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    From Byron

    an iMac can last 10 Years? My iMac Computer has Been fine since the bottom of July 2009 when i 1st bought it Last Night when I Tryied Using Onyx it was Going a Little Freaky on Me so i Uninstalled it, I Think My 24inch iMac Computer is Fine without it, I Really Don't Have any Problems @ All with My 24inch iMac Computer I Come on The Message Boards to just ask Questions when i need Help With Something & if there is Something that i don't know & Understand, just to try & get Help, I Been a New Costumer to Mac since July 27th of 2009 @ 1:18pm I Bought a 24inch iMac Computer @ The Apple Store in NYC in Manhatten 767 Fifth Ave.
    New York City, NY 10153 That Day i Spent $1,852.45 Cents Total That Day & I Paid in Cash, I Paid in Full then i Took a Cab Home I Been a Apple Fan since That Day, before I Had a PC Tower Green Clear See Through Computer & it Sucked it was going Down Hill It was a Green Tower Computer with The Clear Window, you can See all The Wires inside & it has a Green Incredible Hulk Face Sticker on The Window & it Used to Light Up Green For a Few Years then after I Started to have Trouble The Green Lights were Burning Out a Lot & then I Had No Lights @ All & it has Windows XP Pro on it & it is a AMD 3200+ Processor & it has a Radeon 9800 Video Card @ 1 Point it was Really Good & Very Fast & Very Green & Colorful & Pretty Green Lights & I Custom Made It & I Got it in 2003 I Liked it a Lot but things Started to Change as the Years Went by it Started Going Slow & Started To Get Errors & The Wires Were Always Disconnecting @ The End Point & it Started to Have Problems Loading it Kept Getting a Blue Error Screen Every time I Was on The Internet & Everyone was Telling Me I Should go With Mac so I Did but I Love That Green Tower Machine Computer Just cause of The Fact that it has a Clear see Through Window with The Green Face Incredible Hulk Sticker on it & @ The Very End The Wires Disconnected & I Left it that way I Disconnected The PC Tower Green Clear Case Computer & I Put it in My Closet after That I Went Down to The Apple Store in Fifth Avenue in NYC & I Bought a 24inch iMac Computer There & a Canon Pixma MP480 The All in One Printer & I Bought The iLife 09 & iWorks 09 & I Bought The Apple Headphones & I Bought The 1 to 1 Care & I Bought The Apple Remote With it & I Love My 24inch iMac Computer I'm Proud of it, it Works better then that Other PC Computer that I Had Now i'm Always Visiting The Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in NYC I Love It Down There even Before I Had an iMac Computer I Used to Visit Down there but just not as Often as I Do Now.
    From Byron

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